173 research outputs found

    3D numerical model in nonlinear analysis of the interaction between subsoil and SFCR slab

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    For decades attention has been paid to interaction of foundation structures and subsoil and, in turn, to development of interaction models. Complexity of a static solution is given mainly by selection of a computational model, effects of physical-nonlinear behaviour of such structure and co-effects of the upper structure and the foundation structure.). Input data for numerical analysis were observed experimental loading test of steel-fibre reinforced concrete slab. The loading was performed using unique experimental equipment which was constructed in the area Faculty of Civil Engineering, VSB-TU Ostrava. Homogeneous half-space this takes no account and calculated settlement is strongly dependent on the size of the subsoil model, as parametric study demonstrated. The modulus of deformability changes continuously, depending on the depth, in the inhomogeneous half-space. Values calculated by 3D numerical model were compared with values measured during the loading test of steel-fibre concrete slab.Web of Science133512712

    Examining the results of the experimental solution with a focus to elastic effect area

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    Problematic of soil - structure - interaction is subject of research for many years, however satisfactory accuracy of numerical models has not been achieved yet. Therefore, it is necessary to examine this phenomenon. For this purpose, special testing equipment was built at Faculty of Civil Engineering in Ostrava and series of experimental tests were performed. One of the tested slabs was chosen and its numerical model was created in computational program Ansys 18.0. Numerical model consists of two parts - slab and soil, connected with a contact element. From the test and the model data, maximal deformations and deformations trough the cross section of the slab were compared. This paper examines whether the Hooke’s law is valid and can be used to express the test behavior and locate elastic effect area allowing linear modelling which can be useful for lowering computational time

    Parametric study for influence of input parameters for analysis of fibre reinforced concrete slab-soil interaction

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    For geotechnical engineering and design of foundation elements of structures is important to properly determine the stress-deformation state of the subsoil. The calculation is most often done using the finite element method and the computational models. This article includes the parametric study for the selected type of concrete foundation structures. The article focuses attention to the calculation of the deformation of the slab with respect to the influences of individual input parameters (e.g. stiffness of concrete and subsoil, boundary condition, size of elements). Calculations are performed for two concrete types and three soil variants

    Individual Professional Practice in the Company

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce, je popsat mé působení ve společnosti International Data Corporation (IDC). Při nástupu do této společnosti jsem byl přidělen do týmu Internal Tools Group (ITG), který vyvíjí interní programy. A to za účelem usnadnění práce našim analytikům, administrace uživatelů, nebo shromažďování dat. Na začátku mé pracovní činnosti jsem pracoval na automatických testech jedenoho z našich projektů (Edison). Dále jsem pracoval na pozici aplikační developer pro ostatní projekty. V této práci popíšu úlohy, které jsem při své činnosti prováděl, problémy, které se při tom vyskytly a jak jsem tyto problémy řešil.The aim of this bachelor thesis is to describe my work at the International Data Corporation (IDC). At the begging of my work in the company, I was assigned to the Internal Tools Group Team (ITG), which develops internal programs. For the purpose of easier work process for our analytics, administration of users or gathering of data. At the beginning of my career I worked on automation tests for one of our project (Edison). Then I worked as an application developer for other projects. In this thesis I am going to describe tasks which I did, problems I encountered in the process and how I solved this issues.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Numerical analysis of subsoil-reinforced concrete slab interaction

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    This article presents the numerical modeling of interaction between a reinforced concrete slab and subsoil using ABAQUS. Subsoil was simulated as both homogeneous half-space and inhomogeneous half-space. Reinforcement bars in the concrete slab were accurately modelled allowing capturing a precise deformation profile of the slab in interaction with subsoil. Input data for numerical analysis were adopted from a published work. Results of the study were verified on the basis of comparison with those of the previous study

    Analytical derivation of friction parameters for FEM calculation of the state of stress in foundation structures on undermined territories

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    When calculating the state of stress in a structure caused by relative strain of landscape which is a result of undermining, the structure is often deformed in order to create the specific situation. Each part of the structure resists the strain in a difference way. This depends on places where the structure is in contact with soil environment. When calculating the 3D foundation structures by means of the Finite Element Method (FEM), it is necessary to determine the soil environment resistance. For that purpose, most FEM software applications enable now to enter the friction parameters C1x and C1y. Unlike C1z which resists the structure in the direction perpendicular to the element’s plane, these parameters are applied in the central line plane of a slab and rod element.Web of Science18426125

    Measurement of damper characteristics

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    V úvodu práce je uveden stručný přehled jednotlivých typů vozidlových tlumičů. Hlavním předmětem je však popis zkušebních metod a zkušebních zařízení, sloužících k měření charakteristik vozidlových tlumičů. Součástí je také porovnání a zhodnocení výhod a nevýhod jednotlivých typů zkušebních stavů.A brief survey on individual types of vehicle dampers is stated in the introductory part of the thesis. However, the main subject matter deals with the description of testing methods and testing devices which serve for providing measurements of the vehicle dampers characteristics. Comparison and assessment of advantages and disadvantages of individual types of testing conditions are also included as a part of this work.

    Comparing the rigidity of the prestressed and non-prestressed foundation

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    If compared with reinforced concrete, the prestressed concrete is able to resist higher loads before cracks develop. As cracks reduce considerably rigidity of the element, the prestressed element can be regarded as rather rigid. The article compares the rigidity of the prestressed and non-prestressed foundations in two axes. Prestressed and non-prestressed variant is made for foundation structure of the rolling device in the Block Mill. A parametric study was created for investigation of impacts of the prestress on the foundation height. The savings of the concrete due to prestressing was also observed.Web of Science785-211611

    Analysis of subsoil-structure interaction with application of inhomogeneous half-space based of FEM

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    S využitím metody konečných prvků byla provedena analýza vzájemné interakce betonové desky a podloží. Zemina je látka nestejnorodá. Pro analýzu byl využit nehomogenní poloprostor, ve kterém je koncentrace svislého napětí jiná než v poloprostoru homogenním, což umožňuje lepší vystižení napěťově-deformačních vztahů zatěžované zeminy. V parametrické studii jsou vzájemně porovnávány výsledné deformace získané analýzou homogenního a nehomogenního poloprostoru.Interaction of concrete slab and subsoil was performed by application of Finite element method. Subsoil is inhomogeneous. Inhomogeneous half-space was used for analysis. In inhomogeneous half-space the vertical stress concentration is different than in a homogeneous half-space. That allows better capturing of stress-strain relationships of the loaded subsoil. Parametric study provides comparison of deformations obtained by analysis of the homogeneous and inhomogeneous half-space