1,061 research outputs found

    Malignant diseases in childhood

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    Uloga ranog otkrivanja zloćudne bolesti kod djece od velikog je značaja jer rano otkrivanje znači ranu terapiju, poboljÅ”anje ishoda, liječenje, prevenciju sekundarnih infekcija, bolesti i komplikacija. Veliki je naglasak i na psiholoÅ”koj potpori djece i njihovih obitelji. Maligne bolesti odnosno tumore dijelimo u tri grupe: tumore krvotvornih organa, tumore krvnih stanica i solidne tumore. Napretkom medicine smrtnost je uvelike smanjena provedbom pravovremenih i odgovarajućih terapija koje se mogu provesti kirurÅ”kim zahvatom, kemoterapijom, radiozračenjem ili kombinacijom. Iako ove terapije vrlo često jesu učinkovite i dođe do oporavka, postoje i nuspojave i posljedice terapije.The role of early detection of malignant disease (tumours) in children is of a great importance as early detection often means early therapy. This in turn leads to the improvement of outcomes with treatment; and the prevention of secondary infections, diseases and complications. Malignant diseases (or tumours) can be divided into three groups: tumours of blood vessels, blood cells and solid tumours. Treating these tumours include the surgical intervention to remove the tumour, chemotherapy. radiotherapy or a combination of the treatments. Although these therapies are often effective and lead to recovery, there is always the possibility of side effects from the of the therapy. However, by advancing medicine, improved early detection and identifying the appropriate therapy, the mortality rate has been greatly reduced

    Naglasne paradigme ajevskih samostalnikov moÅ”kega spola v novoÅ”tokavskem ikavskem govoru naselja Bitelić na HrvaÅ”kem

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    This article describes a part of the accentual system in Bitelić, which is located in the vicinity to Sinj, near the border between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the territory of the Neoā€‘Å tokavian ikavian dialect. Only masculine nouns are examined, and only those inflecting following the synchronic aā€‘type declension (diachronically, these are mostly o-stem masculine nouns).Prispevek opisuje del naglasnega sistema govora naselja Bitelić, ki se nahaja blizu Sinja (ob meji med HrvaÅ”ko ter Bosno in Hercegovino na ozemlju novoÅ”tokavskega ikavskega narečja). Raziskava se posveča le samostalnikom moÅ”kega spola sinhrone ajevske sklanjatve (diahrono so to izvorno večinoma samostalniki moÅ”kega spola ojevske sklanjatve)

    Balanced Conflict in the Love Duets of Handel\u27s Operas and Cantatas

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    Palatali u latiničnoj grafi ji pisaca zadarsko-Å”ibenskoga kruga XIV.ā€“XVII. stoljeća

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    Bilježenje palatalnih konsonanata najviÅ”e je problema izazivalo u slavenskih naroda koji su nastojali prilagoditi osnovnu latinicu fonemima svojih jezika. U ovom se radu promatraju bilježenja palatala u pisaca zadarsko-Å”ibenskoga kruga, i to u vremenu od 14. do 17. stoljeća. U toj su regiji nastali prvi hrvatski tekstovi pisani latinicom. Cilj rada jest ustvrditi kako su pojedini autori latinicom zapisali sporne foneme hrvatskoga (čakavskoga) jezika, koje su razlike i istosti njihovih grafijskih rjeÅ”enja i koje se tendencije ogledaju u viÅ”estoljetnoj uporabi latinice na ovom području.The paper shows graphemic solutions for palatal consonants in latinic works from Å ibenik and Zadar in the period from the 14th to the 17th century. The corpus consists of thirteen books divided into three groups. Each consonant is described in its own paragraph. Results of the analysis are presented in tables, with remarks about exceptional and common solutions in each group. In the end, similarities and differences between the graphemes found are described, and some orthographical tendencies are mentioned

    Epigenetika i darvinizam

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    Darwin je smatrao da je potrebno mnogo generacija za evoluciju genoma. Znanstvenici su otkrili kako je potrebno dodati samo jednu metilnu grupu da se promijeni epigenom. No važno je zapamtiti da epigenetske promjene nisu evolucija. One ne mijenjaju DNA već predstavljaju bioloÅ”ki odgovor na okoliÅ”ne stresore. Taj se odgovor može putem epigenetskih oznaka prenositi na brojne generacije, no ako se ukloni okoliÅ”ni pritisak, epigenetske oznake će u konačnici nestati te će DNA kod s vremenom revertirati na svoje izvorno programiranje. Epigenetika je vrlo vjerojatno najvažnije otkriće nakon gena.Darwin taught that it takes many generations for a genome to evolve. Reserachers are finding that it takes only the addition of a methyl group to change an epigenome. It is important to remember that epigenetic changes are not evolution. They do not change DNA but represent a biological response to an environmental stressor. That response may be inherited through many generations via epigenetic marks, but if the environmental pressure is removed, the epigenetic marks will eventually fade, and the DNA code will - over time - begin to revert to its original programming. Epigenetics is perhaps the most important discovery since the gene
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