11 research outputs found

    Noncontact lateral-force gradient measurement on Si(111)-7×7 surface with small-amplitude off-resonance atomic force microscopy

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    In this work, the authors report on a quantitative investigation of lateral-force gradient and lateral force between a tungsten tip and Si(111)-(7×7) surface using combined noncontact lateral-force microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy. Simultaneous lateral-force gradient and scanning tunneling microscopy images of single and multiatomic step are obtained. In our measurement, tunnel current is used as feedback. The lateral-stiffness contrast has been observed to be 2.5 N/m at a single atomic step, in contrast to 13 N/m at a multiatomic step on Si (111) surface. They also carried out a series of lateral stiffness-distance spectroscopy, which show a sharp increase in tip-surface interaction stiffness as the sample is approached toward the surface

    Yüzey modifikasyonu yardımıyla CdS toz bazlı hibrit güneş pillerinde performans artışı

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    The effects of surface modification of CdS through organic Eosin-Y, indoline D205, and Ru-based complex N719 and N3 dyes on CdS-based hybrid solar cells were studied. Chemical bath deposition (CBD) and doctor blade methods were in turn employed to fabricate the CdS specimens on Indium-Tin Oxide (ITO) covered glass substrates. P3HT material with and without dye coatings was covered through a spin-coater on the surface of CdS specimens. Ag paste was then deposited on the surface of P3HT to obtain hybrid solar cells. Structural analysis indicated that CdS powders showed a cubic growth with the preferred orientation of (111). Morphological analysis demonstrated that CdS powders exhibited hierarchical morphology and the morphology turned to granular structure with some porosity upon deposition of both N3 dye and P3HT layers. Absorption plots indicated that Eosin-Y dye loading led to a rise in the absorbance values of CdS specimens. After dye loading, photoluminescence data of CdS-based heterostructure illustrated a decrement in the luminescence intensity, implying that effective exciton dissociation was obtained. Current density-voltage (J-V) characteristics of the hybrid solar cells depicted that the best overall efficiency was observed for Eosin-Y-modified cell as 0.135%. This proved that surface modification by Eosin-Y dye led to a better interfacial contact between CdS and P3HT bilayer due to the enhancement in the charge separation.CdS-tabanlı hibrit güneş pillerinde, CdS'nin yüzey modifikasyon etkileri organik Eosin-Y, indolin D205 ve Ru bazlı N719 ve N3 boyaları vasıtasıyla incelendi. CdS örneklerini İndiyum-Kalay Oksit (ITO) kaplı cam altlıklar üzerinde büyütmek için, sırasıyla kimyasal banyo çökeltme (CBD) ve doktor bıçak yöntemleri kullanıldı. Boya kaplamaları olan ve olmayan CdS örneklerinin yüzeyine P3HT materyali, spin kaplama (spin-coater) cihazı yardımıyla kaplandı. Devamında Ag pasta, hibrit güneş pillerini tamamlamak için P3HT yüzeyine çökeltildi. Yapısal analiz, CdS tozlarının kübik yapıda ve (111) tercihli yönelime sahip olduğunu gösterdi. Morfolojik analiz, CdS tozlarının hiyerarşik morfolojide olduğunu ve morfolojinin hem N3 boyası hem de P3HT tabakasının çökeltilmesiyle birlikte taneli ve gözenekli yapıya döndüğünü gösterdi. Soğurma (absorbsiyon) grafikleri, Eosin-Y boya kaplamasının CdS örneklerinin soğurma değerinde bir artışa yol açtığını gösterdi. Boya kaplamasının, CdS tabanlı heteroyapının fotolüminesans şiddetinde azalma oluşturması, etkin bir eksiton ayrışması elde edildiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Hibrit güneş pillerinin akım yoğunluğu-voltaj (J-V) karakteristiklerinden, Eosin-Y modifikasyonlu güneş pilinin veriminin % 0,135 olarak en yüksek değerde olduğu tespit edildi. Bu durum, Eosin-Y boyası ile yapılan yüzey modifikasyonunun, yük ayrışmasında oluşturduğu iyileşmeden dolayı, CdS ve P3HT ikili yapısının arasında daha iyi bir ara yüzey teması sağladığını ispatlamaktadır

    Effectiveness of CT computed tomography perfusion in diagnostics of acute ischemic stroke

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    ACKGROUND: Stroke is the third most common death reason after the cardiovascular disorders and cancer. Cerebral ischemia is a pathology that stems from a decrease in cerebral perfusion. Computed Tomography Perfusion (CTP) is an additional method to the conventional Computed Tomography (CT) that could be performed by using developed softwares, in a short period of time and with a low risk of complications. CTP not only allows early detection of cerebral ischemia but also gives valuable information on the ischemic penumbra which are very important in early diagnosis and treatment. Acute Ischemic Stroke (AIS) can be cured by trombolytic treapy within 3-6 hours after symptom onset. Since rapid screening and accurate diagnosis increase the success of the treatment, the role of neuroradiology in acute ischemia diagnostics and treatment has become more important. Our aim was to define CT skills in early diagnosis of AIS, to define its contribution to patient's diagnosis and treatment and to define its importance regarding patient's prognosis. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We included 42 patients that presented to the emergency service and neurology outpatient clinic with the symptoms of acute cerebral incidence. RESULTS: In our study, we found that Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) is 90.91% sensitive and 100% specific in examining ischemia. CONCLUSIONS: Tissue hemodynamic data, especially sensitivity and specificity rates, which cannot be acquired by conventional CT and MRI methods, can be acquired by the CTP method

    A atudy on hydrothermal grown CdS nanospheres: effects of Cd/S molar ratio

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    The study reports the influences of altering of Cd/S molar ratio on some physical properties of hydrothermal grown CdS nanospheres. Cd/S molar ratios were chosen as 1:0.5, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 and 1:4 in the stock solution. X-ray diffraction (XRD) data showed the occurrence of nano-amorphous CdS structure. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) conclusions illustrated that increasing Cd/S molar ratio up to 1:3 caused a growth in the sphere size whereas further rising of Cd/S molar ratio led to smaller sphere size. The presence of Cd and S atoms in CdS structure was approved by Energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) analysis. Optimum transparency was found by Cd/S molar ratio of 1:3. Band gap scores of CdS nanospheres were determined to be above 2.60 eV that was bigger than bulk CdS (2.42 eV) because of quantum confinement effect. Photoluminescence (PL) results showed that a gradual decrease in each peak was attained upon increasing Cd/S molar ratio, which could be due to the formation non-radiative recombination phenomenon. Electrical data demonstrated that CdS nanosphere having Cd/S molar ratio of 1:1 exhibited the best carrier density (1.48X1015cm-3) and resistivity (1.27X103 ?.cm) values. Thus, it can be deduced that Cd/S molar ratio of 1:3 was obtained to be optimum one since it possesses both bigger sphere size and better transparency, facilitating the effective use of CdS nanospheres in the solar cells

    Fabrication of CdS nanospheres-based hybrid solar cells having increased efficiency

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    The impact of surface modification through diverse dyes (Eosin-Y, D205, N719 and N3) on structural, morphological, optical, and electrical properties of CdS/P3HT hybrid solar cells is studied. X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern shows that CdS nanospheres have a hexagonal structure with a preferential orientation of (002) with respect to indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass slide. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) results indicate that compact and dense spherical morphologies of CdS occurred, and the P3HT layer also consisted of small spherical grains. The bandgap of CdS is found to be 2.52 eV according to Tauc's plot analysis. Absorption spectra demonstrate that interfacial modification via each dye leads to an increase in the absorption in the wavelength range of 300-1000 nm. Photoluminescence (PL) data prove that surface modification of CdS nanospheres with diverse dyes causes a decrease in the spectral intensity of PL curve, implying that efficient exciton separation is taking place upon dye loadings. Fabricated devices with and without modification show photovoltaic effects that can be seen from current density-voltage (J-V) curves obviously, and the highest power conversion efficiency (PCE) is obtained as 0.881% for N719-modified (ITO/CdS/N719/P3HT/Ag) device (almost 70-fold of pristine one) with a short-circuit current density (J(sc)) of 2.878mA/cm(2) and open-circuit voltage (V-oc) of 0.92V, respectively. This enhancement can be attributed to a better surface area between CdS and P3HT after dye modification

    Sub-Angstrom oscillation amplitude non-contact atomic force microscopy for lateral force gradient measurement

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    We report the first results from novel sub-Angstrom oscillation amplitude non-contact atomic force microscopy developed for lateral force gradient measurements. Quantitative lateral force gradients between a tungsten tip and Si(1 1 1)-(7 x 7) surface can be measured using this microscope. Simultaneous lateral force gradient and scanning tunnelling microscope images of single and multi atomic steps are obtained. In our measurement, tunnel current is used as feedback. The lateral stiffness contrast has been observed to be 2.5 N/mat single atomic step, in contrast to 13 N/m at multi atomic step on Si(1 1 1) surface. We also carried out a series of lateral stiffness-distance spectroscopy. We observed lateral stiffness-distance curves exhibit sharp increase in the stiffness as the sample is approached towards the surface. We usually observed positive stiffness and sometimes going into slightly negative region