374 research outputs found


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    In this study, the effects of E.F. in 10 and 40 minutes periods every day, in midday and normal room conditions to the plant Cactus suculent was investigated. The E.F. was applied by two plates that are charged by negative and positive charges. After the E.F. application, the plants are carried into chilling colds (-17 ⁰C, 15/21 light/dark), other plants carried to normal conditions . Both plant groups are marked with numbers. All plant groups were exposed to cold 40 minutes after E.F. application. All trials( ten times) are repeated and their results are analysed statistically. This experiment is carried in June-July-August-September months for 105 days in 2009. 10 minutes of E.F. has no differences with the control group in normal conditions but it was observed that they have more lifetime. However, it was observed that 40 minutes of E.F. has inhibitory effects

    Roof gardening in cities : suggestions for Ankara

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    Ankara : The Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design and Institute of Fine Arts, Bilkent Univ., 1997.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1997.Includes bibliographical references leaves 104-106.This study examines a way of creating green spaces in cities, that is roof gardening. Contributions of roof gardens to urban settlements and technical aspects of roof gardens are emphasized, and some examples are illustrated. People’s tendency towards roof gardening are examined by conducting survey research with citizens of Ankara. Thus, suggestions for roof gardening in Ankara are made by considering the results of the research.Köylü, PınarM.S

    Abstract knowledge of emphatic reduplication in Turkish

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    This study investigated whether native speakers of Turkish have abstract knowledge regarding the principles guiding the selection of appropriate reduplicative forms in emphatic reduplication in Turkish. 14 native speakers of Turkish completed the study. The participants were asked to reduplicate 48 non-words in 4 experimental conditions where the number of segments and the phonological features of the word forms were manipulated. The 4 experimental conditions had VCV (e.g. /ukɑ/), CVC (e.g. /lɔt/), CVCV (e.g. /gεʒi/), and VCCV (e.g. /ɔhfɑ/) sequences. Each condition included 12 items. In each of the CVC, CVCV, and VCCV conditions, the base forms for 6 items did not include consonants used productively as interpolated consonants {p, m, s}. The next 6 conditions included {p, m, s} either as the first, or the second consonant in the base form of the non-word. The results indicated that the interpolated consonant in Turkish was taken from the set of {p, m, s}. Moreover, the interpolated consonant was sometimes identical to the second consonant of the base, but never to the first consonant. The most frequently produced interpolated consonant was {p}. In the VCV, and VCCV conditions, {m} was preferred over {s}. In the CVC, and CVCV conditions, {s} was preferred over {m}. The results demonstrate that Turkish native speakers were able to extend the reduplication strategies they employed in real words to non-words

    Scheduling with tool changes to minimize total completion time under controllable machining conditions

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    Ankara : The Department of Industrial Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Sciences of Bilkent University, 2001.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2001.Includes bibliographical references leaves 79-84In the literature, scheduling models ignore the unavailability of the cutting tools. Tool management literature considers tool loading problem when tools change due to part mix. In practice, tools are changed more often due to tool wear. The studies on tool management issues consider machining conditions as constant values. In fact, it is possible to change the processing time and tool usage rate of a job by changing the machining conditions. However, the machining conditions, such as cutting speed and feed rate e ect the processing time and usage rate of the tool in opposite directions. Increasing the usage rates of jobs will lead to an increase in number of tool switches. Processing times and number of tool switches are two components of our ob jective function. This two-side e ect creates a tradeo between processing time and tool usage rate. Therefore machining conditions should be selected appropriately in order to minimize the total completion time. We proposed a set of single-pass dispatching rules and a local search algorithm to determine the machine conditions for each job and to schedule them on a single CNC machine simultaneously to minimize the total completion time.Köylü, RabiaM.S

    Efforts to create an erroneous perception in historiography: The case of Stefan Ihrig

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    Although history is a science based on concrete documents and information in the study of the past, it has started to be used as a tool of political powers, power centers, and groups who want to gain benefits by creating perceptions. As a result of the falsification of concrete facts, popularized history has started to replace real history and manipulate social perceptions. Dozens of popular historiographies create erroneous perceptions about the Turkish nation. These include the Blue Book, which portrays the 1915 events as the Armenian genocide, George Horton's "The Scourge of Asia", which claims that the Great Smyrna Fire was started by the Turks, and Margaret Housepian Dobkin's "Smyrna 1922: The Destruction of a City". One of these is Stefan Ihrig's "Atatürk in the Nazi Imagination". Immediately after the publication of the book by Harvard University Press, newspapers close to the Nazi Party and speeches of politicians within the party began to emphasize the admiration of the Nazis and Hitler for Atatürk, and it was discussed that Hitler took Atatürk as a role model. In particular, the book, which attempted to draw similarities between the Armenian deportation and the Holocaust, was also adopted and supported by some publications supporting the Armenian claims in order to strengthen the "so-called Armenian Genocide" allegations. This study aims to demonstrate the use of popular historiography as a method to create erroneous perceptions of societies by taking the book "Atatürk in the Nazi Imagination" by Stefan Ihrig as an example

    Avrupa’da Müslüman-Türk algısı

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    Sekiz yüz yılı aşkın zaman önce Anadolu’ya gelen Türkler, Akdeniz’in güney ve doğu kıyılarının egemen gücü olmuşlardır. Özellikle 1071 Malazgirt savaşından sonra akın akın Anadolu’ya gelip yerleşmeye başlayan Türkmen boylarıyla birlikte Anadolu kısa sürede bir Türk yurdu haline gelmiştir. Bununla birlikte Anadolu’yu aynı zamanda bir sıçrama tahtası olarak kullanan Türkler, Balkanlara geçerek buralarda egemenlik kurmuşlardır. Bu egemenlik Batı’da, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda yaşayan tüm halkların Türklükle özdeşleştirilmesine de sebep olmuştur. Aynı zamanda, Avrupalılar için Türk sözcüğü Müslüman sözcüğü ile eş anlamlı olarak da kullanılmıştır. Bununla birlikte, Osmanlıların Akdeniz’in içlerine kadar ilerlemeleri, Avrupa’nın karada kuzeybatı yönünde ilerleyerek kendini yeniden tanımlamasına neden olmuştur. İşte bu bağlamda Avrupa açısından tarih boyunca ötekini temsil eden unsurlardan biri de “Müslüman Türk kimliği” olmuştur. Türk kimliği, Avrupa’nın kendi kimliğini tanımlayabilmesi, birlik ve bütünlüğüne zemin oluşturabilmesi için tehdit olarak gördüğü bir “öteki” olarak algılanmıştır. Müslüman sözcüğü ile eş anlamlı olarak kullanılan Türk kelimesi, Türk kimliğinin esas bileşeninin İslam olarak algılanmasına da yol açmıştır. Böylece Türkler ve İslam, Avrupa kimliğinin negatif tanımlayıcıları durumuna gelmişlerdir

    Polymer / glass hollow-core photonic band gap fibers for infrared laser beam delivery

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    Ankara : The Department of Materials Science and Nanotechnology and the Institute of Engineering and Sciences of Bilkent University, 2011.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2011.Includes bibliographical references leaves 87-93.Photonic band gap fibers are proposed for the medical applications of laser light transmission into body. Conventional optical fibers guide light via total internal reflection. Due to light guiding mechanisms and materials they have limited frequency range, fiber flexibility and laser power. On the other hand, it is possible to scale operating wavelengths of PBG fibers just by changing a few parameters during fabrication process. Besides, hollow core of PBG fibers eliminates material absorptions and non-linearities during light guiding. PBG fiber production starts from material characterization; and selection; and continues with fiber design, thin film coating, preform preparation and fiber drawing. Studies on theoretical calculations and material properties have shown that best candidate materials for CO2 laser delivery are As2Se3 and poly-ethersulfone (PES). For this purpose, As2Se3 coated PES films are rolled to form a preform and consolidated before thermal drawing. Characterization of drawn fibers indicated that CO2 laser can be transmitted with loss levels of > 1 dB/m and 32 W output power is observed from a 1.2 m long fiber. After fabrication and characterization of PBG fibers, a prototype infrared laser system is built and tested on various applications. In our group laser tissue interactions are examined to see effectiveness of CO2 laser on tumor tissue. Experiments showed that tumor tissue is affected in a very distinctive way compared to healthy tissue. Absorption of cancerous lung tissue at CO2 laser wavelength (10.6 µm) is higher than absorption of healthy tissue at the same wavelength. This study proposes a wide use of PBG fiber for not just CO2 lasers, but also other laser systems used in different medical operations, such as Ho:YAG lasers. PBG fibers for high power laser delivery are novel structures for fast, painless and bloodless surgeries.Köylü, ÖzlemM.S

    A compositional approach to conjunct agreement in Turkish

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    This article presents novel empirical evidence on verbal agreement patterns observed in conjunction phrases (CPs) in Turkish. To account for the discrepancies observed in native speaker preferences in agreement paradigms in CPs, two experimental tasks were carried out: namely an acceptability judgment task and a forced choice task. Based on the results, it is proposed that there is compositional conjunct agreement in Turkish that takes place in two stages. The agreement relationship is first established between the Agreement head and the coordinated phrase in the syntax. Then, the PF spells out the features of either the coordinated phrase, or the features of the linearly closest conjunct inside the coordinated phrase. I argue that Full Agreement (FA) results from the Spec-head agreement with the CP, whereby the features of both conjuncts are resolved and inherited to the CP (Johannessen 1996). In Closest Conjunct Agreement (CCA), on the other hand, the agreeing head has asymmetric access to one of the prominent conjuncts or its features (Bošković 2009; Johannessen 1998; Munn 1993, 1999; Benmamoun 1992). Thus, in CCA in Turkish, the agreement is with the linearly closest conjunct and the features of that conjunct appear on the verb

    Reference to kinds in L2 English

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    This study investigated the acquisition of kind referring noun phrase interpretation in L2 English by learners with Turkish, Arabic and Chinese L1 backgrounds. 37 advanced learners of English with Turkish (10), Arabic (10) and Chinese (10) L1 backgrounds, and 7 native English speakers were recruited. The tasks were a 48-item Fill in the gaps task and a 64-item Acceptability judgment task. The results indicated that: (a) native speakers, and L2 learners mostly produced bare plurals for count nouns and bare singulars for mass nouns for kind reference; (b) L2 learners of English transferred the morphosyntactic manifestation of kind reference from their L1s, substantiating the Full Transfer Full Access Hypothesis (Schwartz & Sprouse, 1996); and (c) the similarity between the participants’ L1s and L2 did not always lead them to produce correct noun forms and articles for kind reference, neither did such a similarity consistently help the learners in their acceptability judgments for kind reference