31 research outputs found

    A protocol to develop shared socio-economic pathways for European agriculture

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    Moving towards a more sustainable future requires concerted actions, particularly in the context of global climate change. Integrated assessments of agricultural systems (IAAS) are considered valuable tools to provide sound information for policy and decision-making. IAAS use storylines to define socio-economic and environmental framework assumptions. While a set of qualitative global storylines, known as the Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSPs), is available to inform integrated assessments at large scales, their spatial resolution and scope is insufficient for regional studies in agriculture. We present a protocol to operationalize the development of Shared Socio-economic Pathways for European agriculture – Eur-Agri-SSPs – to support IAAS. The proposed design of the storyline development process is based on six quality criteria: plausibility, vertical and horizontal consistency, salience, legitimacy, richness and creativity. Trade-offs between these criteria may occur. The process is science-driven and iterative to enhance plausibility and horizontal consistency. A nested approach is suggested to link storylines across scales while maintaining vertical consistency. Plausibility, legitimacy, salience, richness and creativity shall be stimulated in a participatory and interdisciplinary storyline development process. The quality criteria and process design requirements are combined in the protocol to increase conceptual and methodological transparency. The protocol specifies nine working steps. For each step, suitable methods are proposed and the intended level and format of stakeholder engagement are discussed. A key methodological challenge is to link global SSPs with regional perspectives provided by the stakeholders, while maintaining vertical consistency and stakeholder buy-in. We conclude that the protocol facilitates systematic development and evaluation of storylines, which can be transferred to other regions, sectors and scales and supports inter-comparisons of IAAS

    Jord- og vannovervÄking i landbruket (JOVA). Feltrapporter fra programmet i 2006.

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    Program for Jord- og vannovervÄking i landbruket (JOVA) ledes av Bioforsk Jord og miljÞ, og utfÞres i samarbeid med en rekke andre institusjoner. Programmet rapporterer Ärlig overvÄkingsresultater fra jordbruksdominerte nedbÞrfelt over hele landet. Feltene representerer ulike driftsformer, jordbunnsforhold, og hydrologiske og klimatiske forhold. De Ärlige feltrapportene beskriver jordbruksdrift, og avrenning og tap av nÊringsstoffer og partikler i de ulike feltene. Tap av partikler og nÊringsstoffer rapporteres for agrohydrologisk Är, 1. mai - 30. april, mens tap av pesticider rapporteres for kalenderÄr.publishedVersio

    Shared Socio-economic Pathways for European agriculture and food systems: the Eur-Agri-SSPs

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    Scenarios describe plausible and internally consistent views of the future. They can be used by scientists, policymakers and entrepreneurs to explore the challenges of global environmental change given an appropriate level of spatial and sectoral detail and systematic development. We followed a nine-step protocol to extend and enrich a set of global scenarios – the Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSPs) – providing regional and sectoral detail for European agriculture and food systems using a one-to-one nesting participatory approach. The resulting five Eur-Agri-SSPs are titled (1) Agriculture on sustainable paths, (2) Agriculture on established paths, (3) Agriculture on separated paths, (4) Agriculture on unequal paths, and (5) Agriculture on high-tech paths. They describe alternative plausible qualitative evolutions of multiple drivers of particular importance and high uncertainty for European agriculture and food systems. The added value of the protocol-based storyline development process lies in the conceptual and methodological transparency and rigor; the stakeholder driven selection of the storyline elements; and consistency checks within and between the storylines. Compared to the global SSPs, the five Eur-Agri-SSPs provide rich thematic and regional details and are thus a solid basis for integrated assessments of agriculture and food systems and their response to future socio-economic and environmental change

    Forenklet tiltaksanalyse for Haldenvassdraget. Hovedrapport

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    Haldenvassdraget bestÄr av en lang rekke innsjÞer med korte elevetrekninger i mellom. Vassdraget forurenses i hovedsak av nÊringssalter fra landbruk og befolkning. Vannkvaliteten er dÄrlig Þverst i vassdraget, men bedrer seg nedover. Vurderte forurensningskilder er erosjonsfosfor fra landbruksarealer, avlÞp fra spredt bebyggelse samt lekkasje og overlÞp fra kommunaltekninske anlegg. Vannkvalitet og miljÞmÄl for utvalgte innsjÞer er angitt. Det er stor avstand mellom miljÞmÄlene og totale fosfortilfÞrsler. Tiltakene mot BjÞrkelangen og SkulerudsjÞen er viktigst. Virkningen av tiltakene avtar nedover i vassdraget. De vurderte tiltakene synes ikke tilstrekkelige til Ä nÄ miljÞmÄlene. Tallmaterialet er imidlertid usikkert. Andre kilder er nevnt, men ikke kvantifisert. Kostnader ved tiltakene er sjablongmessig vurdert

    Tiltaksanalyse Nitelva

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    Årsliste 2007Feil Lnr. inni rapporten (Lnr.5334-2007)Vannbruksplangruppa for Nitelv

    Estimation of tidal ventilation in preterm and term newborn infants using electromagnetic inductance plethysmography

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    Tidal volume (VT) measurements in newborn infants remain largely a research tool. Tidal ventilation and breathing pattern were measured using a new device, FloRight, which uses electromagnetic inductive plethysmography, and compared simultaneously with pneumotachography in 43 infants either receiving no respiratory support or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). Twenty-three infants were receiving CPAP (gestational age 28 ± 2 weeks, mean ± SD) and 20 were breathing spontaneously (gestational age 34 ± 4 weeks). The two methods were in reasonable agreement, with VT (r2 = 0.69) ranging from 5 to 23 ml (4–11 ml kg−1) with a mean difference of 0.4 ml and limit of agreement of −4.7 to + 5.5 ml. For respiratory rate, minute ventilation, peak flow and breathing pattern indices, the mean difference between the two methods ranged between 0.7% and 5.8%. The facemask increased the respiratory rate (P < 0.001) in both groups with the change in VT being more pronounced in the infants receiving no respiratory support. Thus, FloRight provides an easy to use technique to measure term and preterm infants in the clinical environment without altering the infant's breathing pattern

    Jord- og vannovervÄking i landbruket (JOVA). Lierelva 2006

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    OvervÄkingen av Lierelva inngÄr som en del av programmet Jord- og vannovervÄking i landbruket (JOVA) og har pÄgÄtt siden 1997. Feltet overvÄkes med hensyn pÄ pesticider.publishedVersio

    Jord- og vannovervÄking i landbruket (JOVA). Lierelva 2006

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    OvervÄkingen av Lierelva inngÄr som en del av programmet Jord- og vannovervÄking i landbruket (JOVA) og har pÄgÄtt siden 1997. Feltet overvÄkes med hensyn pÄ pesticider.publishedVersio