290 research outputs found

    Understanding the Emergence of Policies - Revising Building Regulations in Light of the Three Pillars of Sustainability

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    The building regulations for the Norwegian construction industry (TEK10) undergo a major revision in 2015. The regulations have been subject for major critique, both in public media and by building specialists, often because of the increased building cost. Three-pillar sustainability is an explicit criterion for all development in Norway, and the study examines how this is reflected in the making of building policies. The scope in this study is narrowed, so that the case is limited only to the energy requirements in TEK10. The case study firstly examines to what degree social and economical consequences are taken in consideration when deciding environmental requirements in buildings. Secondly, it looks at the analysis and assessments that lay the basis for the decision of new requirements. The main research object of this paper is the reports and assessments that form the basis of the formal regulation of construction/housing in Norway. In addition to this documentation study, semi structured, open-ended, in-depth interviews with key actors in the building industry were conducted. An extensive literature review forms the analytic background of the work. The economical and social consequences of new building requirements are significant. The social and economical consequences are, however, found to be to a smaller degree taken in consideration than the environmental perspective. Higher requirements to energy use in buildings are expected to make houses more expensive, and therefore drive the housing market up. The interviews show a disagreement with some of the measures central to todays TEK10. The study reveals deficient alternative analysis and impact assessments, and concludes that policies rarely are discussed at a high principle level, and the official reports therefore regard the more practical measures. This might also be the case in other Norwegian policies

    Public Transport Use on Trip Chains: Exploring Various Mode Choice Determinants

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    Lunke, Erik Bjørnson, and Øystein Engebretsen. 2023. “Public Transport Use on Trip Chains: Exploring Various Mode Choice Determinants.” Findings, April. https://doi.org/10.32866/001c.74112. Authors must agree that the following will be binding upon article acceptance when submitting a manuscript to a Findings sections for consideration: I hereby grant to the journal the nonexclusive, royalty-free right to distribute, display, and archive this work in a digital and/or print format during the full term of copyright. I warrant that I have the copyright to make this grant to the journal unencumbered and complete. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyrighted material from other sources. Following publication, the author’s rights will be protected under Creative Commons License Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license CC BY-SA 4.0.The purpose of the study is to explore the relative influence of different measures of accessibility, public transport quality and local density on trip chain mode choice. This study uses data from the National Travel Survey in Norway and develops a logistic regression model on the choice between public transport and car on daily trip chains. Results show that the most important factors in explaining the use of public transport are 1) the travel time competitiveness of public transport versus the car, 2) parking restrictions, 3) centrality of trip chain destinations, and 4) waiting time between departures.publishedVersio

    The geography of public transport competitiveness in thirteen medium sized cities

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    Thank you for publishing your article with SAGE Publishing and Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. Your article “The geography of public transport competitiveness in thirteen medium sized cities” is now published.Securing sufficient accessibility with public transport is essential for reducing private car commuting. While most studies of transport accessibility are based on travel times, other quality factors such as the perceived disadvantage of congestion and service frequency are also of importance for transport mode choice. In this study, we use generalized journey times to calculate accessibility and public transport competitiveness, allowing us to account for other characteristics of commute trips than just travel time. We use detailed trip data to calculate generalized journey times to typical employment areas in thirteen urban regions in Norway. The results show that public transport services compete better with the car in the largest cities. Specifically, public transport is competitive for access to central employment areas but less so for less central employment areas. In the smaller cities, the private car is the most competitive mode on most commute trips. With detailed travel data, the method developed in this study can be replicated in other contexts to provide a more holistic measure of accessibility than traditional methods.The geography of public transport competitiveness in thirteen medium sized citiesacceptedVersio

    «At last, even I am learning something at school»

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    Mastergradsoppgave i tilpasset opplæring, Avdeling for lærerutdanning og naturvitenskap, Høgskolen i Innlandet, 2017.Norsk: Mitt ønske, og formålet med denne studien var å høre elever med lese- og skrivevansker og lærere på ungdomstrinnet sin stemme, i forhold til hvordan de opplevde bruk av kreative og varierte undervisningsmetoder i skolehverdagen. Med grunnlag i formålet er studiens overordnede problemstilling formulert slik: Hva betyr bevisst bruk av kreativitet i undervisningen på ungdomsskolen for elever med lese- og skrivevansker? Problemstillingen belyses gjennom følgende delspørsmål: Hvilken betydning har varierte undervisningsmetoder og arbeidsmåter for elever med lese- og skrivevansker sin læringsprosess? På hvilken måte vil bruk av kreativitet i læringsprosessen bidra til økt motivasjon og læring hos elevene? Elevenes og lærernes opplevelser, tanker og refleksjoner ble belyst gjennom syv kvalitative intervjuer. De kvalitative intervjuene ble deretter fortettet ned til en sammenhengende og rikholdig fremstilling, narrativt presentert som to elevinformanter, og en lærerinformant. Mange viktige stemmer kom frem gjennom de kvalitative intervjuene av elevinformantene med lese- og skrivevansker, og lærerinformantene, alle på ungdomstrinnet. Teorien som er valgt ut i denne studien bygger på et sosiokulturelt perspektiv, fra Lev Semonovitsj Vygotskij, om interaksjonen mellom personen og det sosiale miljøets betydning, og om innlæringen av vitenskapelige og spontane begreper. Videre presenterer jeg teori fra tre ulike essay skrevet av John Dewey, om hans syn på forholdet mellom teori og praksis, utdanningens filosofi, og forholdet mellom utdanning og erfaring. I tillegg blir en rekke nasjonale og internasjonale studier presentert, som blant annet tar for seg tilpasset opplæring, taus kunnskap, motivasjon hos elever med lese- og skrivevansker, elevrollen og lærerens rolle. Jeg presenterer også flere forskningsprosjekt, som eksempel på hvordan man kan utvikle ungdomstrinnet, i forhold til blant annet kreative og varierte undervisningsmetoder, og tilpasset opplæring. Jeg har valgt denne teorien fordi den er relevant i forhold til min problemstilling og mine forskningstema, om hvilken betydning varierte undervisningsmetoder har for elever med lese- og skrivevansker, og på hvilken måte bruk av kreativitet og lek i læringsprosessen bidrar til økt motivasjon og læring hos elevene. I drøftingen ble de tre begrepene fra problemstilling og delspørsmål, kreativitet, variasjon og motivasjon, drøftet opp mot den presenterte teorien og utdrag fra de kvalitative intervjuene med elever med lese- og skrivevansker og lærere på ungdomstrinnet. Undersøkelsen viser at bruk av varierte og kreativitet har stor betydning for elever med lese- og skrivevansker. De gode opplevelsene av de varierte og kreative metodene er veldig tydelige hos informantene, men hører med til unntakene i elevenes skolehverdag. Vekslingen mellom teoretiske og praktiske arbeidsmåter beskrives av både elever og lærere som en suksess i forhold til å få et godt læringsutbytte. Så hvorfor er ikke denne bevisste vekslingen mellom teoretiske og praktiske metoder mer utbredt? I forhold til motivasjon hos elevene med lese- og skrivevansker, er de helt tydelige på at lærerens engasjement og involvering, egeninvolvering og ansvarliggjøring hos elevene, samt valgmuligheter i forhold til oppgaver og skolearbeid, skaper god motivasjon hos dem i skolehverdagen. Det er naturlig å tenke seg at kreative og varierte undervisningsmetoder virker motiverende for elever med lese- og skrivevansker og at det kan gi et bedre læringsutbytte for denne elevgruppen som min studie har bekreftet. Dette er ikke overraskende. Men man kan spørre seg om dette i dagens eller fremtidens skole er gjennomførbart. Benjamin Franklin sa: «Fortell meg og jeg glemmer, vis meg og jeg husker, involver meg og jeg lærer». Her er jeg med min studie og mine funn helt på linje med Benjamin Franklin. Når elevene engasjeres og involveres blir det et godt læringsresultat. Studier som dette kan være etterspurt blant lærere, skoleledelse, skoleeiere og politikere i forhold til utforming og planlegging av fremtidens skole.English: The main purpose of this master’s thesis is to present the voice of the pupils themselves with regard to their difficulties in reading and writing as well as that of their teachers in adopting a variety of creative methods of teaching. The level of education in this study is equivalent to secondary school or junior high/middle school. The overall aim of this study may be formulated accordingly: What will a strategic use of creativity accomplish in the teaching process of students at secondary school level with reading- and writing difficulties? The research inquiry outlined is further exemplified by the following questions: What is the importance of varied methods of teaching applied to students with reading and writing difficulties in their process of learning? In what way will the use of creativity in the teaching process stimulate increased motivation and learning? The experience, thoughts and reflections of the students and the teachers were obtained through seven qualitative interviews. In accordance with the theory of narrative analysis the interviews were subsequently compressed to three interviews, narratively presented as two student informants and one teacher informant. Many important voices revealed themselves through the interviews of the student informants as well as of their teachers. The theoretical background for this study is a sociocultural perspective, according to Semonovitsj Vygotskij, focusing on the interaction between the person and the social environment and on an internalization of scientific and spontaneous notions. Furthermore I present theories from three different essays by John Dewey, describing his views on the relationship between theory and practice, the philosophy of education and the relationship between education and experience. In addition, I present several national and international studies dealing with adapted learning, silent learning, the motivation of pupils with reading and writing difficulties, the pupil role and the role of the teacher. I present several research projects as examples of how it is possible to teach youths using creative and varied methods of teaching and adapted learning. The theoretical background was chosen as it was relevant to my research inquiry and to the questions on the importance of varied methods of teaching pupils with reading and writing difficulties, and in which ways the use of creativity and play can contribute to increased motivation and learning. In discussing the three concepts of my research questions – creativity, variation and motivation – in relation to the theory presented, I have correlated them with the results of the qualitative interviews of pupils with reading and writing difficulties and of teachers on the youth level. This study shows that the use of varied and creative methods is of great importance to pupils with reading and writing difficulties. The success of these methods is greatly significant, but unfortunately largely absent in everyday school life. The alternation between theoretical and practical methods of work is well received and described as a success in relation to learning. So one might ask, why isn`t this method more widely used in the schools of today? The pupils with reading and writing difficulties clearly express the significance of the motivation and engagement of the teachers, as well as involvement and responsibility of themselves. Freedom of choice in relation to tasks and routine school work creates motivation in their everyday life at school. Naturally, one would expect that creative and varied methods of teaching would be motivating to pupils with reading and writing difficulties, giving a greater benefit of learning to this group. The fact that my study has confirmed this expectation is hardly surprising. However, one might well ask if this method is feasible in the school of today or even in the school of tomorrow. Benjamin Franklin once said, “Tell me and I forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” The present study with its results agree with Benjamin Franklin. When the pupils are engaged and involved, greater learning occurs. Studies like the present one may be in great demand among teachers, leaders, owners and politicians engaged in shaping and planning the school of the future

    Sensorimotorisk gruppepsykoterapi : en kvalitativ studie av 6 traumepasienters erfaringer

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    Hensikt: Formålet med denne studien var å utvikle fordypet kunnskap om traumepasienters erfaringer med den kroppsorienterte behandlingsmetoden Sensorimotorisk gruppepsykoterapi. Dette for bedre å forstå klientenes situasjon og opplevelser med behandlingen. En slik forståelse kan sette behandlere i større stand til å identifisere og adressere sentrale forhold for klientene, og på denne måten kvalitetssikre og forbedre effektiviteten av behandlingen. Teoretisk forankring: Et salutogenetisk perspektiv ble brukt i tolkningen av resultatene. Funnene ble også drøftet i lys av teorien om fellesfaktorer. Metode: 6 traumepasienter ble intervjuet ved hjelp av et semistrukturert intervju, og bedt om å beskrive hvordan de opplevde Sensorimotorisk gruppepsykoterapi. Intervjuene ble transkribert og analysert fenomenologisk, ved hjelp av analysemetoden Systematisk tekstkondensering. Resultater: 5 hovedkategorier ble identifisert: Samstemming, Utfordring, under trygge forhold, Kunnskaping, Utrusting og Nyskaping. Konklusjon: Den kroppslige vinklingen i Sensorimotorisk gruppepsykoterapi ga deltakerne en følelse av overensstemmelse. Dette kan påvirke den terapeutiske alliansen positivt, og dermed behandlingsresultatet. Deltakerne erfarte videre SGP som utfordrende. De fremhevet nødvendigheten av trygge rammer og terapeuter med gode relasjonelle ferdigheter. SGP ga informantene økt forståelse for sin lidelse, noe som førte til opplevelser av universalisering, endringsgrunnlag og håp. Deltakerne opplevde videre å bli utstyrt med konkrete verktøy, som fremmet deres autonomi og håp. Behovet for øvelse i bruk av verktøyene og tid til integrering av ny læring, ble fremhevet. At pasientene opplever at terapeutene gir dem ny forståelse og redskaper kan styrke alliansen og det terapeutiske resultatet. Informantene erfarte SGP som nyskapende. De opplevde å ha fått nytt håp, en mildere innstilling til seg og andre, nye mestringsopplevelser, økt selvivaretakende atferd, samt reduksjon i symptomer på angst, stress og dissosiasjon. Deltakerne opplevde også å ha fått mer energi.Purpose: The purpose of this study was to gain in-depth knowledge of trauma patients' experiences of the body-oriented treatment method Sensorimotor group psychotherapy. So as to better understand the client's situation and experiences with the treatment method. The hope was, through this knowledge, to help clinicians identify and address key factors for the clients, and further ensure the quality and effectiveness of the treatment. Theory: A salutogenetic perspective was used in the interpretation of the results, as well as the theory of common factors of psychotherapy. Method: 6 trauma patients were interviewed using a semi-structured interview, about how they experienced Sensorimotor group psychotherapy. Interviews were transcribed and analyzed phenomenologically, using Systematic text condensation as method of analysis. Results: 5 main categories were identified: Coherence, Challenge, In a safe environment, The development of knowledge, Empowerment and Innovation. Conclusion: The physical aspect of Sensorimotor group psychotherapy (SGP) seemed to give the participants a sense of coherence. This may have affected the therapeutic alliance positively and as a result also the treatment outcome. On the other hand, participants experienced SGP as challenging. The necessity of a safe environment and therapists with good relational skills were emphasized. SGP gave the informants increased understanding of their disorder, which led to experiences of universalization, development of a basis for change and hope. Participants further experienced gain specific tools, which promoted their autonomy and hope. The need for practice in the use of the tools and time to integrate new learning, were highlighted. When patients feel that their therapists give them new understanding and tools, the strength of the alliance increases, and thus also the therapeutic result. The informants experienced SGP as innovative. They gained new hope, a more lenient attitude toward themselves and others, new experiences of coping, increased self-care, and a reduction in symptoms of anxiety, stress and dissociation. In addition participants also reported that they felt more energetic.Master i psykisk helsearbei

    Verified and potential pathogens of predatory mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae)

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    Several species of phytoseiid mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae), including species of the genera Amblyseius, Galendromus, Metaseiulus, Neoseiulus, Phytoseiulus and Typhlodromus, are currently reared for biological control of various crop pests and/or as model organisms for the study of predator¿prey interactions. Pathogen-free phytoseiid mites are important to obtain high efficacy in biological pest control and to get reliable data in mite research, as pathogens may affect the performance of their host or alter their reproduction and behaviour. Potential and verified pathogens have been reported for phytoseiid mites during the past 25 years. The present review provides an overview, including potential pathogens with unknown host effects (17 reports), endosymbiotic Wolbachia (seven reports), other bacteria (including Cardinium and Spiroplasma) (four reports), cases of unidentified diseases (three reports) and cases of verified pathogens (six reports). From the latter group four reports refer to Microsporidia, one to a fungus and one to a bacterium. Only five entities have been studied in detail, including Wolbachia infecting seven predatory mite species, other endosymbiotic bacteria infecting Metaseiulus (Galendromus, Typhlodromus) occidentalis (Nesbitt), the bacterium Acaricomes phytoseiuli infecting Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot, the microsporidium Microsporidium phytoseiuli infecting P. persimilis and the microsporidium Oligosproridium occidentalis infecting M. occidentalis. In four cases (Wolbachia, A. phytoseiuli, M. phytoseiuli and O. occidentalis) an infection may be connected with fitness costs of the host. Moreover, infection is not always readily visible as no obvious gross symptoms are present. Monitoring of these entities on a routine and continuous basis should therefore get more attention, especially in commercial mass-production. Special attention should be paid to field-collected mites before introduction into the laboratory or mass rearing, and to mites that are exchanged among rearing facilities. However, at present general pathogen monitoring is not yet practical as effects of many entities are unknown. More research effort is needed concerning verified and potential pathogens of commercially reared arthropods and those used as model organisms in research