2,415 research outputs found

    Determinants of Bank Profitability in Turkey: An Empirical Analysis on Types of Banking from 2002 to 2012

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    In this study, we investigate the determinants of banking profitability related to their financial statements. One of the major aim of financial systems is to make stability over the financial companies. Well known financial companies are Banks. If Banks make more profitable works, it can provide better effect to sector as an efficiency. The profitability of banks are more important for financial systems. Because of a lot of factors may affect to the banks as a widely way. Some researchers may emphasize banks earnings how it can improve which internal and external forces. Main studies are focused on banks financial statements. Therefore it is important how can we analyse their financial statements for evaluating profitability. With this current emphasis on financial statements are very important to both managing future and making new decision to guide. In Turkey, during from 2002 to 2012 period, bank’s profitability approaches has been changed to new phenomenon. Because of regulative decisions and competitive market has to change profitability of banking sectors. Therefore banking sector profitability are substantial for Turkey which to understand the determinants of all types of banks. On the other hand, financial atmosphere give priority to above changes for evaluating their performances. Therefore many studies were analysed profitability with various methods like ratio analyses, predicting regression model, simulation methods and etc. Some learning from expert’s experiences are rely on use of panel comparison with others about same historical infrastructure. In this study we examines types of banks as follows: 3 banks in state-owned banks, 12 banks in Private banks, 6 banks in foreign banks which has a branches in Turkey. In total 21 banks and 3 types analyses with cross-sectional panel data method during the from 2002 to 2012 period. In this study, we obtained data from Income Statements and Balance Sheets. As a result of panel data regression are statistically significant which Interest Income / Total Income and Consumer Loan/Total Loan are highly important to estimate ROE than estimating ROA

    LightChain: A DHT-based Blockchain for Resource Constrained Environments

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    As an append-only distributed database, blockchain is utilized in a vast variety of applications including the cryptocurrency and Internet-of-Things (IoT). The existing blockchain solutions have downsides in communication and storage efficiency, convergence to centralization, and consistency problems. In this paper, we propose LightChain, which is the first blockchain architecture that operates over a Distributed Hash Table (DHT) of participating peers. LightChain is a permissionless blockchain that provides addressable blocks and transactions within the network, which makes them efficiently accessible by all the peers. Each block and transaction is replicated within the DHT of peers and is retrieved in an on-demand manner. Hence, peers in LightChain are not required to retrieve or keep the entire blockchain. LightChain is fair as all of the participating peers have a uniform chance of being involved in the consensus regardless of their influence such as hashing power or stake. LightChain provides a deterministic fork-resolving strategy as well as a blacklisting mechanism, and it is secure against colluding adversarial peers attacking the availability and integrity of the system. We provide mathematical analysis and experimental results on scenarios involving 10K nodes to demonstrate the security and fairness of LightChain. As we experimentally show in this paper, compared to the mainstream blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum, LightChain requires around 66 times less per node storage, and is around 380 times faster on bootstrapping a new node to the system, while each LightChain node is rewarded equally likely for participating in the protocol

    Gezi assemblages: emergence as embodiment in the Gezi movement

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    La present tesi és un treball interdisciplinari en què es troben la filosofia política, els estudis de moviments socials, la sociologia i els estudis científics i tecnològics, que aspira a plantejar la qüestió de l'emergència de les noves comunitats dissidents a espai(s) Occupy recuperat(s), a través de dades procedents del Moviment Gezi, mitjançant les observacions participatives realitzades durant la mobilització, les entrevistes amb activistes i l'anàlisi de les actes de les assemblees. Aquesta tesi té com a objectiu proporcionar un relat empíric de l'experiència viscuda de la mobilització, per tal d'ocupar-se de l'emergència d'aquests col·lectius, seguint les pràctiques, la instauració i les actuacions de vida/protesta durant el desenvolupament del moviment. Parar atenció a l'experiència viscuda d'un moviment controvertit, específicament d'un moviment Occupy en què la creació d'un espai per a viure dins dels espais públics recuperats esdevé política, requereix que els aspectes corporals i afectius de fer-se comunitat siguin tinguts en compte correctament.La presente tesis es un trabajo interdisciplinario en el que se encuentran la filosofía política, los estudios de movimientos sociales, la sociología y los estudios científicos y tecnológicos, que aspira a plantear la cuestión de la emergencia de nuevas comunidades disidentes en espacio(s) Occupy recuperado(s), a través de datos procedentes del Movimiento Gezi, mediante las observaciones participativas durante la movilización, y a través de las entrevistas con activistas y el análisis de las actas de las asambleas. Esta tesis aspira a dar un relato empírico de la experiencia vivida de la movilización, para atender a la emergencia de estos colectivos, siguiendo las prácticas, la instauración y las actuaciones de vida/protesta a lo largo del movimiento. Atender a la experiencia vivida de un movimiento controvertido, específicamente de un movimiento Occupy donde la creación de un espacio para vivir dentro de los espacios públicos recuperados se convierte en política, requiere que los aspectos corporales y afectivos de hacerse comunidad se tomen debidamente en consideración. Proporciona, pues, los medios para reflexionar sobre la emergencia de nuevas comunidades de Gezi como encarnación que suma para convertirse, es decir, un proceso dinámico que señala encuentros en espacios públicos recuperados donde las capacidades afectivas de los cuerpos, es decir, la fuerza, se incrementan en forma de nuevas alianzas.This thesis is an interdisciplinary work that combines political philosophy, social movement studies, sociology and science and technology studies. It aims to problematize the issue of the new dissident communities emerging in the reclaimed Occupy space(s) based on data from the Gezi Movement, compiled through participatory observations during the mobilization, interviews with activists and an analysis of assembly minutes. Through this study, the thesis aspires to give an empirical account of what the mobilization was like for participants so as to better understand how these collectives emerge. To do so, we tracked the the life/protest-making practices, enactments and performances throughout the course of the movement. In order to correctly analyse people's experience of a controversial movement, especially one like Occupy, where making a living space in reclaimed public space(s) becomes political, the bodily and affective aspects of community-making must be taken into consideration

    Production, purification and characterization of extracellular α-amylase from Aspergillus fumigatus HBF125

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    Çalışmamızda, 91 fungusun sıcaklık sınırları ve endüstriyel enzimlerinin taraması yapıldı. Termotolerant ve termofilik funguslardan en iyi amilaz aktivitesi gösteren Aspergillus fumigatus HBF 125 suşu seçildi. Bu fungusun kültür koşullarının optimizasyonu yapıldı. A. fumigatus HBF125 suşunun en yüksek enzim üretimi için 7 günlük sporulasyon ortamı, %5 inokulum oranı, sıcaklık 35 °C, başlangıç pH 5.0 ve karbon kaynağı %1.5 kepek olarak bulundu. Optimum büyüme ortamında A. fumigatus HBF125 tarafından üretilen ekstaselüler amilaz, nişasta affinite kromatografisi ile %4.7 verimle 54.4 kat saflaştırıldı. Enzimin molekül ağırlığı SDS-PAGE ile 160 kDa olduğu hesaplandı. Enzimin iki alt ünitesi olduğu molekül ağırlıklarının 86.2 ve 73.8 kDa olduğu hesaplandı. Optimum sıcaklığı 60 °C, optimum pH'sı 5.5 olarak bulundu. Enzimin geniş pH (pH 4.0-8.0) ve sıcaklık (25-60 °C) aralığında stabil olduğu saptandı. Amilazın Km değeri 1.43 mg/mL, Vmax değeri ise 909 U/mL bulundu. Ayrıca amilaz geniş bir substrat spesifitesine sahip olduğu saptandı. Enzim aktivitesinin NBS varlığında kuvvetli bir şekilde inhibe olduğu, bu nedenle katalitik işlemde triptofan kalıntılarının önemli rol oynadığı ileri sürüldü. Tween 20 gibi deterjanlardan enzim aktivitesinin etkilenmediği, ancak 1.4-dioksan ve n-propanol tarafından enzimin inhibe olduğu saptandı. Enzim Mn2+, Co2+, Ca2+ ve Ba2+ tarafından aktive edilirken, Hg2+ tarafından kuvvetli bir şekilde inhibe edildi. Enzimin tuz toleransının çok iyi olduğu belirlendi. Amilazın metalloenzim olduğu saptandı.In our study, screening of industrial enzymes and temperature limits of the 91 fungi was done. Aspergillus fumigatus HBF 125 strain was chosen as the best one showing amylase activity from thermotolerant and thermophilic fungi. Culture condition was optimized for this fungus.. The best enzyme production from A. fumigatus HBF125 strain were determined in medium including 7 days sporulation medium, 5% inoculum ratio, temperature 35 °C, starting pH 5.0 and 1.5% bran as carbon source. Extracellular amylase produce by A. fumigatus HBF125 in optimal growth medium purified 54.4 fold with a recovery of 4.7% using starch affinity chromatography. Molecular weight of enzyme was found to be about 160 kDa by SDS-PAGE method. Those two subunits of molecule weight of the enzyme was found to be 86.2 and 73.8 kDa. The temperature and pH for maximum activity of the enzyme were 60 oC and 5.5, respectively. In a wide range of pH and temperature of the enzyme was found to be stable. It was found that the Km and Vmax of amylase were 1.43 mg/mL and Vmax 909 U/mL. In addition, the amylase exhibited broad substrate specificity. The enzyme activity was markedly inhibited in the presence of NBS suggesting that tryptophan residues play an important role in the catalytic process. The enzyme activity was not affected from detergents as Tween 20, but it was found inhibited by 1.4-dioxan and n-propanol. The enzyme by Hg2+ was strongly inhibited while Mn2+, Co2+, Ca2+ and Ba2+ were activated. The salt tolerance of the enzyme was found to be very good. The amylase was found to be metalloenzyme

    Research on male flower structure of chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) genotypes identified by selection

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    Bu çalışma, Aydın ili Nazilli ilçesinde yapılan seleksiyon çalışması sonucu belirlenmiş olan kestane (Castanea sativa Mill.) genotiplerinde erkek çiçek yapılarının incelenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. 2012 yılı çiçeklenme döneminde alınan erkek çiçek püsküllerinde;püskül boyu,erkek çiçek küme sayısı, erkek ordganların tepale göre boyları, püskül üzerinde bulunan kümelerde çiçek sayıları, çiçek içerisinde erkek organ sayıları, anterlerin boyutları gibi özelliklere ilişkin ölçümler ve mikroskop altında incelemeler yapılmıştır. Araştırmalar sonucunda, N-2-5, N-3-4, N-23-1 genotiplerinin anter oluşturmadıkları için stamensiz tip olarak nitelendirildiği ve bu nedenle kısır oldukları için tozlayıcılık yeteneği bulunmadığı saptanmıştır. Denemede yer alan N-7-3 genotipinin orta stamenli ve N-20-2 genotipinin uzun stamenli olduğu yapılan mikroskobik inceleme sonucu ortaya konmuştur.The study aims to analyzethe structure of male flowers of chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.)genotypes selected as a result of selection study in district of Aydın Province Nazilli. The catkin lenght, the number of male flower cluster according to tepal male organs, height, number of flower cluster on the catkin, the male organ in the number of flowers, anters on features such as size measurements of male flowers selected among the stamen during the blooming period in 2012 were measured and the related study was carried out under a microscope. This study shows that genotypes N-2-5, N-3-4 and N-23-1 are defined as no-stamen genotypeas they do not form any anthers and owing to this fact they do not have the ability of duster since they are sterile The Microscopic study showed that the genotype N-7-3 has a mesostaminate and the genotype N-20-2 has a longstaminate

    Gezi Assemblages: Embodied Encounters in the Making of an Alternative Space

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    The article aspires to make a claim for the potential of the Deleuze-Guattarian concept of assemblage (agencement) to account for the Occupy Movements in general and 2013 Turkey Gezi Movement in particular. Throughout the article, it is claimed that the concept of agencement provides us with useful tools to elucidate the constitution of a new dissident community in Gezi Park and the subsequent park assemblies. Special emphasis will be put on the capacity of the concept to account for the embodied and embedded nature of the Gezi Movement, an argument further supported by data coming from participatory observations throughout different phases of the mobilization, 23 in depth interviews with activists from different political backgrounds and minutes of the park assemblies. Although the concept of assemblage has started to be used in the analysis of social movements (Bennett, 2005; Chesters & Welsh, 2006; Lockie 2004; McFarlane, 2009; Rodriguez-Giralt, 2011, 2015; Rodriguez-Giralt & Marrero-Guillamón,2018), not much emphasis is given to the concepts of embodiment and body in assemblages. This article aspires to contribute to the literature by first underlining the importance of embodiment in the Gezi movement and second elucidating it with respect to the concept of body in the original use of the term of assemblage by Deleuze and Guattari (1980)

    On the m-fold product of fractional operators

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    In this work, using the m-fold product of fractional integral and maximal operators, we prove that the boundedness of these fractional operators and their corresponding multilinear fractional operators under some conditions on weighted variable exponent Lorentz spaces.Publisher's Versio