2,735 research outputs found

    On real Enriques surfaces

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    Ankara : Department of Mathematics and Institute of Engineering and Sciences, Bilkent Univ., 1997.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1997.Includes bibliographical references leaves 27-28.Küçük, ÖzgülM.S

    Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of ethylenediamine-containing molybdenum oxides

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    Thesis (Master)--İzmir Institute of Technology, Chemistry, İzmir, 2006Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 86-92)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxii, 92 leavesRecently, hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of organic-inorganic hybrid materials has attracted great attention.A novel organic-inorganic hybrid material, [Cu(en)MoO4], was hydrothermally synthesized as blue crystals. A mixture of Na2MoO4 CuCl2 NaCl, ethylenediamine and water was loaded into a 23 mL autoclave and heated at 170°C for 72 h. The compound crystallizes in the space group P2(1)/c of the monoclinic system with four formula units in a cell of dimensions a . 7.6743(15) b . 9.4364(19)c . 9.9538(2) . 72.266(3) V . 686.6(2) The structure is composed of {MoO4}tetrahedra and {CuN2O4} octahedra. Each pair of copper octahedra forms a binuclear edge-sharing unit through a {Cu2O2} interaction. The binuclear octahedral units are interconnected through the bridging {MoO4} yielding a layer structure.Purple crystals of a known hybrid material, [Cu(en)2]2[Mo8O26], was hydrothermally obtained under different reaction conditions. A mixture of Na2MoO4 ethylenediamine and water was loaded into the autoclave and heated at 170°C for 72 crystallizes in the space group Pbca of the orthorhombic system with eight formula units in a cell of dimensions a . 13.516 b . 15.548(3) c . 16.725(3) V . 3514.7(12) The structure consists of linked through groups. Each unit forms covalent interactions with two units.Green and black crystals were obtained from the reaction of with different ratios. Via the reaction of NaCl, ethylenediamine and yellow crystals were obtained

    Creative Drama in the Teaching of Education for Sustainable Development: Sample Activity about Sustainability and Sustainable Production

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    Creative drama can be adapted to the education for sustainable development and it can be used as an effective instructional strategy. The use of creative drama can be an effective teaching method for students to acquire new information and raise their awareness of the education for sustainable development. Though the number and severity of the local, national and global problems are rapidly increasing, the number of materials to be used to help students to achieve sustainable living gains in the class is limited. Thus, the present study aims to develop sample creative drama activity that can be used by teachers while teaching sustainability issues. The creative drama activity developed within the framework of the present study are believed to be sample for the practitioners who want to teach basic concepts related to sustainable living and sustainable production. Keywords: Creative drama, education for sustainable development, sustainability, sustainable productio

    60-72 Aylık Çocukların Yaratıcılık Becerileri Üzerinde Zihin Haritalama Çalışmalarının Etkisi

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    Along with the needs of the 21st century, flexible thinking and creativity skills in the education of young children began to gain importance. One of the techniques for supporting the skills of children to think flexibly and generate new ideas and the ability to integrate their knowledge, is motivation through mind mapping. This research which used a pre-test - post-test control group experimental model aimed to examine the effect of the mind mapping program, developed for 60-72-month-old children, on their creativity skills. The research was conducted in two classrooms in preschool education, located in the Kadıköy district of İstanbul. The study group consisted of 47 randomly assigned children of which 26 were experimental group and 21 to the control group. of w The Creative Thinking Skills of the Hybrid Creativity was used as pre-test and post-test measurement of the creativity skills of the children in the research project. Following the pre-tests, members of experimental group were first subjected to five mind mapping studies for the purpose of learning. These studies were carried out once a week and completed within five weeks. Later, for a total of 10 weeks, the children prepared individual mind maps about various subjects. During the week, the children prepared their mind maps at playtime. Post-tests were conducted at the end of the practices, and data was collected. Upon collection of the data, the t-test was implemented on the independent group in order to discover whether there is an important difference in the findings for the experimental and control group through the use of the pre-test of the Creative Thinking Skills of the Hybrid Creativity. After analysis, the difference between the arithmetic means of the groups was found to be significant (t=2.29; p<.05). In order to assess the possible effect of the difference on the post-test a single factor covariance analysis (ANCOVA) was carried out. Means were compared with paired sample t-test and independent samples t-test. The former test was used to determine whether or not there is a significant difference between the mean of the pre-test and post-test scores of the Creative Thinking Skills of the Hybrid Creativity applied for the experimental and control groups. Independent samples were subjected to the t-test to determine whether or not there was a significant difference between the mean of the post-test scores. Lastly, one-factor analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was performed to find out that the difference between the post-test means arising from the independent variable application or the difference between the pre-tests revealed in comparison. It was understood as a result of the analyses that creativity skills of both experimental and control groups increased. However, the covariance analysis conducted to test the significance of the increase in arithmetic means of the experimental and control groups by keeping the pre-test results constant showed that the children who created mind mapping progressed further than the children who did not create mind mapping. It was concluded in the research that mind mapping is an effective strategy for development of preschool children’s creative skills.Yirmi birinci yüzyıl gereksinimleriyle birlikte küçük çocukların eğitiminde esnek düşünebilme ve yaratıcılık becerileri önem kazanmaya başlamıştır. Çocukların düşüncelerini harekete geçirerek esnek düşünebilme, yeni fikirler üretebilme ve bilgiyi bütünleştirebilme becerilerini destekleyen tekniklerden biri de zihin haritalamadır. Ön-test son-test kontrol gruplu deneysel modelin kullanıldığı araştırmada, 60-72 ay grubu çocuklar için geliştirilen zihin haritalama programının çocukların yaratıcılık becerilerine etkisinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma, İstanbul ilinin Kadıköy ilçesinde bulunan bir okul öncesi eğitim kurumunun bünyesindeki iki sınıfta yürütülmüştür. Çalışma grubunu rastgele atanan 26’sı ve 21’i kontrol grubu olmak üzere toplam 47 çocuk oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada öntest ve sontest olarak çocukların yaratıcılık becerilerinin ölçülebilmesi amacıyla Hibrit Yaratıcılık Testi kullanılmıştır. Öntestlerin ardından deney grubunu oluşturan çocuklarla ilk olarak öğrenme amaçlı beş adet zihin haritalama çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmalar haftada bir gün olmak üzere beş hafta içerisinde tamamlanmıştır. Daha sonra toplam 10 hafta süreyle çocukların çeşitli konulara yönelik olarak bireysel zihin haritaları hazırlamaları sağlanmıştır. Çocuklar zihin haritalarını hafta boyunca oyun zamanlarında hazırlayarak tamamlamışlardır. Uygulamaların tamamlanmasının ardından sontestler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Verilerin toplanmasının ardından deney ve kontrol grubunun Hibrit Yaratıcılık Testi öntest toplam puanları ortalamaları arasında anlamlı bir farklılık bulunup bulunmadığını belirlemek amacıyla bağımsız gruplar t testi kullanılmıştır. Analiz sonucunda grupların aritmetik ortalamaları arasındaki farklılık anlamlı bulunmuştur (t=2.29; p<.05). Bu farklılığın sontestler üzerindeki olası etkisinin denetlenmesi amacıyla sontest karşılaştırılmasında tek faktörlü kovaryans analizi (ANCOVA) yapılmıştır. Deney ve kontrol gruplarının Hibrit Yaratıcılık Testi öntest-sontest toplam puanları ortalamaları arasında anlamlı bir farklılık bulunup bulunmadığını belirlemek amacıyla eşleştirişmiş gruplar t testiyle, sontest toplam puanı ortalamaları arasında anlamlı bir farklılık bulunup bulunmadığını belirlemek amacıyla ise bağımsız gruplar t testiyle ortalamalar karşılaştırılmıştır. Son olarak sontest ortalamaları arasında ortaya çıkan farklılığın bağımsız değişken uygulamasından ya da öntestler arası karşılaştırmada saptanan farklılıktan kaynaklandığını belirlemek amacıyla tek faktörlü kovaryans analizi (ANCOVA) uygulanmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda hem deney hem de kontrol grubunun yaratıcılık becerilerinde artış olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Ancak, ön test sonuçlarını sabit tutarak deney ve kontrol grubu yaratıcı düşünme becerileri aritmetik ortalamalarındaki artışın anlamlılığını sınamak üzere yapılan kovaryans analizi; zihin haritalama yapan çocukların yapmayan çocuklara göre daha fazla ilerleme gösterdiklerini açığa çıkarmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda zihin haritalama çalışmalarının okul öncesi dönem çocuklarının yaratıcılık becerilerinin gelişmesinde etkili bir strateji olduğu ortaya konmuştur

    Determinants of Simplicity Behaviors: Effects on Sustainable Consumption and Life Satisfaction

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    Sustainable consumption gains popularity in recent years that mainly purposes monitoring production activities in terms of environmental and natural resources and prevention or minimizing overconsumption patterns based on materialistic culture. In the study, sustainable consumption and voluntary simplicity behavior of American consumers were analyzed and proposed a structural equation model which describes antecedents of the sustainable behaviors and its effects on life satisfaction.The results of the study fill an important gap in the literature when considering the scope and originality of the proposed model, and elaborate the direct and indirect relationships among the related variables. In the analyzes, voluntary simplicity behaviors were evaluated in three dimensions as common simplicity behavior, conscious buying behavior and conscious product usage, and the effects of these variables on life satisfaction and affecting sustainable consumer behavior were revealed. In addition, negative motivations for earning money, level of materialism, perceived consumer effectiveness and environmentalist behaviors are important determinants of sustainable behavior and life satisfaction

    Review of large-scale assessments for comparative studies (1) – European and global datasets

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    Proceedings of the Conference on Human and Economic Resources

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    The equilibrium concept is the most important subject for economic theory. The importance of this concept arises in determination of functional structures of the economic variables. Jenkinson (1986) has estimated the long term labour demand function and rationalisation mechanism by using co-integration technique. By focusing on different aspects of rationalisation mechanism in the long run and time series econometrics in formulating and testing this relationship, ACMS (Arrow, Chenery, Minhas, Solow), CES (Constant Elasticity of Substitution) Production Function and co-integration technique are to be employed in this research in particular. The purpose of this research is to investigate whether the long-run equilibrium implied by profit maximization is valid for the Turkish manufacturing industry for the period of 1950-2001 or not. During this period, Turkish economy has undergone important structural changes, for example the implementation of liberalization policies after 1980s. Thus, the possible effects of economic policy implementation over the profit maximization in the Turkish Manufacturing sector will also be studied by using new time series techniques such as Zivot and Andrews(1992) unit root test and Gregory-Hansen (1996) co-integration tests. Because most of the previous studies about this issue are concentrated in developed countries and there has been little research on Turkish manufacturing sector, this study’s contribution is important.manufacturing industry, Turkey, CES

    The effectiveness of improved global warming project for 5-6 year-old children attending pre-school

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    AbstractIn this study educational aims appropriate for executing Global Warming project and various activity samples to realize such aims are applied to pre-school children. The study is experimental and is based on data obtained from test and control groups. 5-6 year-old children attending pre-school are randomly assigned to test and control groups of 15 children. The test group is specifically presented with the program prepared for the Global Warming Project while the same subject is presented to the control group with a conventional approach. The data of the children in both test and control groups are measured with a survey, preliminary and post testing. At the preliminary and post testing evaluation the children are also face-to-face presented with a question list. The data were evaluated with appropriate statistical analysis methods and the results were discussed at a debate on what needs to be done to develop the program further

    Assessment of different growing media on cut flower performance of two gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus) cultivars

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    One of the most important problems encountered in the cultivation of cut flower gladiolus is soil-borne diseases and pests. This problem substantially reduces flower yield and quality. Soilless culture is very limited for gladiolus and it has not been studied extensively. The characteristics of the growing media used in soilless culture either directly or indirectly affect yield and quality. Therefore, it is quite essential to determine the appropriate growing media in cut flower cultivation. At the same time good flower production usually depends upon various factors including the type of growing media used. The present study was conducted to determine the effects of two different gladiolus varieties (Gladiolus grandiflorus L. cv. “Purple Flora” and “Ibadan”) and six different growing media (peat+pumice: 1:1, v/v; peat+perlite: 1:1, v/v; rice hull+pumice: 1:2, v/v; coarse sand+peat: 2:1, v/v; soil; and cocopeat) on the some quality parameters of gladiolus in in Batı Akdeniz Agricultural Research Institute (BATEM), Antalya, Türkiye. Quality parameters (stem length, flower stem diameter, stem weight, flowering time, number of florest) were significantly (p < 0.01) affected by the different growing media and cultivars. Among the growing media, the earliest flowering time (77.8 days) and the longest stem length (128.0 cm) were determined in peat+perlite, whereas the largest number of florets (15.0 florets spike-1 ) were recorded in peat+pumice. Regarding the varieties, Purple Flora (84.7 days) flowered earlier than Ibadan (102.7 days), while Ibadan displayed more superior characteristics in terms of the other parameters