134 research outputs found

    Non-operative treatment in children and adolescents with atlantoaxial rotatory subluxation

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    Amaç: Atlantoaksiyel rotator subluksasyon (AARS) çocuk ve adolesanlarda baş-boyun hareketlerinde kısıtlılık ve tortikollisle kendini gösteren, genellikle tanıda güçlük yaşanan ve beraberinde potansiyel riskler barındıran bir durumdur. Bu çalışmada cerrahi dışı yöntemlerle tedavi edilen 12 AARS olgusunun retrospektif analizi sunulmaktadır. Hastalar ve yöntem: AARS nedeni ile cerrahi dışı yöntemlerle tedavi edilen, ortalama yaşı 11,5 olan 12 hasta travma ve üst solunum yolu enfeksiyonu öyküsü, ek yaralanmalar, radyolojik bulgular, semptomların süresi, mentooksipital traksiyonun miktarı ve süresi ile tedavinin klinik sonuçları açısından değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Olguların 8’inde travmatik AARS saptanırken, 4 olguda subluksasyonların ardında travmatik bir neden bulunamadı. Olguların 10’unda Fielding ve Hawkins’e göre tip I, 2’sinde ise tip II subluksasyonlar saptandı. Tüm olgular yatak başı mentooksipital traksiyonla tedavi edildi. Traksiyonda kullanılan ortalama ağırlık 1,8 kg iken, ortalama traksiyon süresi 3,75 kg olarak hesaplandı. Olgular traksiyonla elde edilen klinik düzelmenin ardından 3 hafta Philadelphia boyunlukla takip edildi. Altıncı ay kontrollerde hiçbir olguda baş-boyun hareketlerinde kısıtlılık ve ağrı saptanmadı. Sonuçlar: Atlantoaksiyel eklem, baş rotasyonunun çoğundan sorumlu olan karmaşık bir yapıdır. Çocuk ve adolesanlarda boyun ağrısı ve torticollis ayırıcı tanısında atlantoaksiyel eklem patolojileri ve AARS mutlaka düşünülmeli ve ekarte edilmelidir. Tanıda gecikme yaşanan olguların tedavisinde cerrahi dışı yöntemlerle başarı şansı düşüktür.Objective: Atlantoaxial rotatory subluxation (AARS) is an uncommon lesion seen mainly in children and adolescents. A retrospective analysis of 12 patients with AARS treated non-operatively is presented in this study. Material and Methods: Twelve patients with AARS who were treated non-operatively were evaluated retrospectively in terms of recent trauma and respiratory tract infection history, accompanying injuries, radiological findings, duration of symptoms, amount and duration of traction and clinical results of the treatment. Results: Traumatic AARS was present in 8 patients. No evidence of trauma was found in 4 patients. Type I subluxations in 10 and type II subluxations in 2 patients were found according to the Fielding and Hawkins classification. All patients were treated using bed-side mentooccipital tractions. The mean duration of bed-side mentooccipital traction was 3,75 days and the mean amount of load was 1.8 kg. All patients were kept in Philadelphia collars for additional 3 weeks after the clinical recovery. No limitations and pain in head movements were present in any patient at the sixth month follow-up examinations. Conclusion: Paediatric patients with neck pain and torticollis should be investigated concerning trauma and recent respiratory tract infection history in order to avoid any delay in diagnosis of a possible AARS

    Level of Information About Radiation Among Medical Staff Working in Operating Rooms With Fluoroscopy

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    DergiPark: 379005tmsjAims: The aim of this study is to determine the level of information regarding radiation safety and the side effects related to the use of fluoroscopy among a group of teaching assistants, research assistants, medical students, nurses, technicians and caretakers working at Trakya University Health Center for Medical Research and Practice.Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional survey study was conducted from December 2014 to April 2015 at Trakya University Health Center for Medical Research and Practice. The questionnaire consisted of 24 questions and was applied to 53 people. Responses regarding radiation safety and the side effects of fluoroscopy were analyzed in Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 20.0 using descriptive statistics including frequencies and percentages.Results: 98.08% of the participants responded “yes” to the question ”Do you think fluoroscopy is hazardous to health?”. On the other hand, the results showed that only 32.69% of the participants wore lead apron and 32.77% used thyroid shields in every operation. 88.46% of the participants reported that they would like to attend a training regarding fluoroscopy and radiation safety.Conclusion: The results indicated that the operating room staff of Trakya University Health Center for Medical Research and Practice does not possess adequate knowledge regarding radiation safet

    Izolacija iz periferne krvi i analiza funkcija heterofila kokoši protočnom citometrijom – metodološko istraživanje

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    The aim of this study was to modify the flow cytometric method, which is used for analyzing neutrophils, to analyse the functions of avian heterophils. The blood samples used in the experiments were obtained from hens in slaughterhouses. Blood samples were collected from 10 hens for each trial. Within the scope of the present study, trials were carried out regarding the amount of blood, cell suspension, dihydrorodamine-123 (DHR-123), phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA), and N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP), as well as the storage duration of blood samples and incubation time. The results showed that 0.5-3 ml of blood could be used to detect heterophil functions, and it would be ideal to conduct analyses using fresh blood samples. In addition, the results showed that blood stored at +4 °C for up to 8 hours may be also used if necessary. In order to isolate the cells, centrifugation for 30 minutes is sufficient, and it is appropriate to use a 30μL cell suspension. 2μL of DHR-123 should be used as a chemical probe to measure heterophil functions. Excessive use of DHR-123 affected the heterophil functions negatively. In addition, it was observed that using 2μL of fMLP, which is used as an oxidative burst stimulant, and 2μL of PMA as a stimulant of chemotaxic activity, were sufficient. It was concluded that incubation at 41 °C for 5 minutes after stimulating the heterophils is also sufficient. We conclude that the methods established in this study could be used to isolate heterophils and to analyze them by flow cytometry. Therefore, this study would contribute to further research and clinical studies in poultry.Cilj je istraživanja bio prilagoditi metodu protočne citometrije, koja se inače primjenjuje u analizi neutrofila, za analizu funkcija ptičjih heterofila. Uzorci krvi 10 kokoši dobiveni su iz klaonica. Uzevši u obzir količinu krvi, kao i trajanje pohrane krvnih uzoraka odnosno vrijeme inkubacije, analizirana su stanična suspenzija, dihidrorodamin-123 (DHR-123), forbol-12-miristat-13-acetat (PMA) i N-formil-metionil-leucil-fenilalanin (fMLP). Rezultati su pokazali da se 0,5 – 3 mL krvi može upotrijebiti za otkrivanje funkcija heterofila te da bi idealno bilo analizirati svježe uzorke krvi. Osim toga rezultati su pokazali da se i krv pohranjena na temperaturi od +4 °C, u vremenu do 8 sati, može upotrijebiti ako je to potrebno. Kako bi se stanice izolirale, dovoljno je centrifugirati 30 minuta uz primjenu stanične suspenzije od 30 μL. Kao kemijsku probu za mjerenje funkcija heterofila trebalo bi upotrijebiti 2 μL DHR-123. Prekomjerna upotreba DHR-123 negativno je utjecala na funkcije heterofila. Također, uočeno je da je bila dovoljna primjena 2 μL fMLP-a, koji služi kao stimulans oksidacijskog izgaranja, kao i primjena 2 μL PMA-a kao stimulansa kemotaktičke aktivnosti. Zaključeno je da je inkubacija na temperaturi od 41 °C, tijekom 5 minuta poslije stimulacije heterofila također dovoljna. Rezultati su pokazali da se metode ustanovljene u ovom radu mogu primijeniti za izolaciju heterofila i njihovu analizu protočnom citometrijom, čime se doprinosi daljnjim istraživanjima i kliničkim studijama u peradi

    Assessment of Inpatients in Trakya University Hospital in Terms of Informed Consent Indicated by Ministry of Health’S Patient Rights Regulations

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    DergiPark: 379044tmsjAims: The informed consent constitutes the legal validity of any medical intervention and treatment, and it provides the patient with information about the procedure. In this study, we aimed to assess the extent informed consent is being applied in Trakya University Hospital in accordance to Ministry of Health’s regulations.Methods: A data collecting form has been prepared with respect to Ministry of Health’s relevant regulations and it was applied to 78 inpatients. The form consists of 18 two-point statements and 4 questions towards the patient’s demographic profile. As for descriptive statistics, numbers and percentages have been used for the statements, thus arithmetic mean ± standard deviation (minimum-maximum) has been used for the questions, respectively.Results: Out of all included patients, 47 (60.3 %) participants did not have any knowledge about the Informed Consent Form, 24 (30.8%) did not sign the Form, 48 (61.5%) participants did not read the Form and 49 (62.8%) did not understand the Form.Conclusion: From the results of this study, it can be inferred that the extent patients are being informed is still not on intended levels and is not satisfactory. Informed Consent is still a topic to emphasize, improve and put into practice more effectivel

    Experimental High Energy Physics Summer School For High Schools

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    Experimental High Energy Physics Summer School for High Schools, (Liseler \.{I}\c{c}in Deneysel Y\"{u}ksek Enerji Fizi\u{g}i Yaz Okulu - lidyef2018) was held between 9-16 September 2018 at Bo\u{g}azi\c{c}i University, Turkey, with financial support from T\"{U}B\.{I}TAK under the 4004 grant 118B491. Out of nearly 700 (11th and 12th grade) applicants, 30 had been selected from all around Turkey. Students were introduced to the fundamentals of high energy physics and performed experiments that demonstrated the techniques of this field, such as a salad-bowl electrostatic accelerator, and a cloud chamber. Here we report on the planning, implementation and the outcomes of the school that can serve as a template for similar activities in the future.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, TFD 34 conference proceedin

    How did the updated 2019 european society of cardiology/european atherosclerosis society risk categorization for patients with diabetes affect the risk perception and lipid goals, a simulated analysis of real-life data from EPHESUS study

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    Background: The recent 2019 European Society of Cardiology/European Atherosclerosis Society practice guidelines introduced a new risk categorization for patients with diabetes. We aimed to compare the implications of the 2016 and 2019 European Society of Cardiology/European Atherosclerosis Society guidelines with regard to the lipid-lowering treatment use, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol goal attainment rates, and the estimated proportion of patients who would be at goal in an ideal setting. Methods: Patients with diabetes were classified into 4 risk categories according to 2019 European Society of Cardiology/European Atherosclerosis Society dyslipidemia guidelines from the database of EPHESUS (cross-sectional, observational, countrywide registry of cardiology outpatient clinics) study. The use of lipid-lowering treatment and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol goal attainment rates were then compared according to previous and new guidelines. Results: This analysis included a total of 873 diabetic adults. Half of the study population (53.8%) were on lipid-lowering treatment and almost one-fifth (19.1%) were on high-intensity statins. While low-density lipoprotein cholesterol goal was achieved in 19.5% and 7.5% of patients, 87.4% and 69.6% would be on target if their lipid-lowering treatment was intensified according to 2016 and 2019 European Society of Cardiology/European Atherosclerosis Society lipid guidelines, respectively. The new target <55 mg/dL could only be achieved in 2.2% and 8.1% of very high-risk primary prevention and secondary prevention patients, respectively. Conclusion: The control of dyslipidemia was extremely poor among patients with diabetes. The use of lipid-lowering treatment was not at the desired level, and high-intensity lipid-lowering treatment use was even lower. Our simulation model showed that the high-dose statin plus ezetimibe therapy would improve goal attainment; however, it would not be possible to get goals with this treatment in more than one-third of the patients

    Design and Fabrication of Soft 3D Printed Sensors and Performance Analysis of the Soft Sensors in a C-leg as Sensing Element

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    In soft robotics, a recent challenge is to decrease the number of rigid components used tocreate entirely soft robots. A common rigid component used in soft robots is the rigid encoder, which should be replaced with a soft counterpart if possible. In this work, we de-sign and manufacture a soft sensor, which is embedded into a C-shaped leg of a soft, legged, miniature robot. Our main goal is to show that we can embed a soft sensor into and receive contact feedback from a soft C-shaped leg of our soft miniature quadruped. We test various sensor parameters using custom test setups to analyze the soft sensor performance. Our soft sensor design is iterated by experimentally investigating several sensor shape options. For the C-leg of the soft miniature quadruped, optimal sensor geometry and position for the sensor implementation are found from a discrete design space as the outcome of this work. We received feedback from the soft sensor and compared commercial encoder data to the soft sensor embedded C-leg data. We managed to detect the rotation speed of the C-leg with the accuracy of 87.5% on a treadmill and with the accuracy of %86.7 under free rotation of the C-leg. However, if connection loss occurs in the miniature slipring mechanism, the error percentage in estimating the rotational speed increases significantly

    Çevik olgunluk modeli ve çeviklik değerlendirme aracı

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    TÜBİTAK EEEAG Proje01.04.2016The main purpose of the research project was to develop an agility maturity model and a toolbox in order to carry out agile software development processes compatible with manifesto for agile software development in software organizations in an effective and integrated way. “Agility maturity model” is defined as “agility assessment reference model” in such a way that the properties its name provides remain the same. In the scope of the project, the studies conducted are as follows: a) Development of AgilityMod agility assessment reference model: For the development of the model, the meta-structure of ISO 15504 process assessment reference models is taken as basis. Instead of process structure and practices of ISO 15504, new aspects and special practices are defined. Therefore, the model is suitable for agile process architecture and includes all components which are necessary for any assessment model. b) Development of assessment software: In order to facilitate and popularize the AgilityMod, a software is developed. c) Validation of the model in software organizations: AgilityMod is applied with the case studies in 9 different organizations and positive feedbacks are gathered. d) Introduction of the model in national and international conferences: The studies conducted during the project were published as 3 international conferences papers and presented in an educational workshop of a national conference. Additionally, 1 of the studies is accepted to be published in an international journal in 2016 and 2 of the studies are accepted to be presented in two international conferences

    Children in 2077: Designing Children’s Technologies in the Age of Transhumanism

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    What for and how will we design children’s technologies in the transhumanism age, and what stance will we take as designers? This paper aims to answer this question with 13 fictional abstracts from sixteen authors of different countries, institutions and disciplines. Transhumanist thinking envisions enhancing human body and mind by blending human biology with technological augmentations. Fundamentally, it seeks to improve the human species, yet the impacts of such movement are unknown and the implications on children’s lives and technologies were not explored deeply. In an age, where technologies can clearly be defined as transhumanist, such as under-skin chips or brain-machine interfaces, our aim is to reveal probable pitfalls and benefits of those technologies on children’s’ lives by using the power of design fiction