12 research outputs found

    Identifying the care behavior perception of nursing students and the time they allocated to the direct care practices

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    Amaç: Araştırma, hemşirelik öğrencilerinin klinik uygulamalar sırasında doğrudan bakım uygulamalarına ayırdıkları zamanı ve öğrencilerin bakım davranışları algısını belirlemek amacıyla planlanmıştır. Yöntem: Araştırma tanımlayıcı tipte olup araştırmanın örneklemini bir vakıf üniversitesinin hemşirelik bölümünde öğrenim gören birinci sınıflar hariç toplam 80 öğrenci oluşturmuştur. Çalışmanın verileri “Klinik Uygulamada Hemşirelik Öğrencilerinin Aktivitelerini İzlem Formu” ve “Bakım Davranışları Ölçeği” ile toplanmıştır. Veriler gözlem yoluyla elde edilmiştir. Bulgular: Öğrencilerin klinikte bir uygulama gününde doğrudan bakım uygulamalarına harcadıkları süre; ikinci sınıflarda 138,8±57,0 dakika, üçüncü sınıflarda 105,6,7±40,3 dakika, dördüncü sınıflarda 99,8±60,1 dakika olarak belirlenmiştir, Bakım uygulamaları dışındaki faaliyetlere ikinci sınıfların 50,2±40,3, üçüncü sınıfların 6,1±15,6, dördüncü sınıfların 38,4±43,3 dakika harcadıkları belirlenmiştir. Sınıflara göre öğrencilerin doğrudan bakım ve diğer faaliyetlere harcadıkları süreler arasında istatistiksel olarak fark bulunmuştur (p<0,05). Öğrencilerinin Bakım Davranışları Ölçeği-24’ten aldıkları toplam puan ortalaması 5,14±0,59 puan olarak belirlenmiş, mesleği isteyerek seçen öğrencilerin puanları diğerlerine göre yüksek bulunmuştur. (p<0,05). Öğrencilerin bakım davranışları algıları olumlu olmasına rağmen, doğrudan bakım uygulamalarına ayırdıkları sürenin az olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sonuç: Öğrencilerin bakım kalitesi algılarının yüksek olmasına rağmen, doğrudan bakım uygulamalarına ayırdıkları sürenin az olduğu belirlenmiştir.Aim: The research was planned for the purpose of identifying the time allocated by nursing students to direct care practices during clinical practices and the students’ care behavior perceptions. Method: The research was conducted as a descriptive type and the sample of the research consisted of 80 students in total, excluding first-year students studying in the nursing department of a foundation university. The data of study were collected with “Inspection Form for Nursing Students’ Activities in Clinical Practices” and “Care Behaviors Scale”. Data were collected by observation. Results: The time allocated by the students to direct care practices during a practice day in clinic was identified as; 138,8±57,0 minutes on average in second graders, 105,6,7±40,3 minutes on average in third graders, and 99,8±60,1 minutes on average in fourth graders, It was identified that the second graders spend 50,2±40,3 minutes, the third graders spend 6,1±15,6 minutes, and the fourth graders spend 38,4±43,3 minutes for the practices other than care practices. It was statistically found a difference between the times allocated by the students to direct care and other practices with regard to grades (p<0,05). The total average score of the students in Care Behaviors Scale-24 was identified as 5,14±0,59, and the scores of the students who chose the profession voluntarily were found as higher than the other students. (p<0,05). Although the students' perceptions of care behaviors were positive, it was determined that the time they allocated to direct care practices was less. Conclusion: It was identified that although the care quality perception of the students are high, the time they allocated to direct care practices is low

    Experiencia de trabajo de enfermeras inmigrantes y de minorías étnicas en los servicios de salud europeos: Un estudio cualitativo

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the perception of culture and experience of working in European health services of a purposive sample of qualified migrant and ethnic minority nurses currently living in Belgium, Portugal, Spain and Turkey. METHOD: A qualitative phenomenological method was chosen. Individual interviews took place with 8 qualified migrant and ethnic minority nurses currently living in four European countries. Thematic analysis was conducted using Braun and Clark's stages after qualitative data had been verbatim transcribed, translated into English, and analyzed. RESULTS: Four themes and 4 subthemes emerged from thematic analysis of the transcripts. CONCLUSION: Migrant and ethnic minority nurses working in the European Union experience and witness discrimination and prejudice from patients and colleagues due to cultural differences. European health services should closely monitor and address discrimination and prejudice towards migrant and ethnic minority staff and patients, and take initiatives to reduce and, eventually, eradicate them.Objetivo: Analisar a percepção da cultura e experiência de trabalho em serviços de saúde europeus de uma amostra intencional de enfermeiros qualificados migrantes e de minorias étnicas que moram atualmente na Bélgica, Portugal, Espanha e Turquia. Método: Optou-se pelo método fenomenológico qualitativo. Realizaram-se entrevistas individuais com 8 enfermeiros qualificados migrantes e de minorias étnicas que moram atualmente em quatro países europeus. A análise temática foi realizada por meio das etapas de Braun e Clark após os dados qualitativos terem sido transcritos na íntegra, traduzidos para o inglês e analisados. Resultados: Quatro temas e 4 subtemas emergiram da análise temática das transcrições. Conclusão: Enfermeiros migrantes e de minorias étnicas que trabalham na União Europeia vivenciam e testemunham discriminação e preconceito de pacientes e colegas devido a diferenças culturais. Os serviços de saúde europeus devem acompanhar de perto e combater a discriminação e o preconceito contra os trabalhadores e pacientes migrantes e de minorias étnicas, e tomar iniciativas para os reduzir e, em seguida, erradicá-los

    Perspective of sarcoidosis in terms of rheumatology: a single-center rheumatology clinic experience

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    Sarcoidosis may present with many rheumatological symptoms as well as mimic and/or may occur concomitantly with many other rheumatic diseases. We examined the demographic, clinical and laboratory characteristics of patients diagnosed with sarcoidosis in the rheumatology department. This study planned as retrospective cross-sectional study. Medical records of patients who applied to our rheumatology outpatient clinic due to complain of musculoskeletal problems and then diagnosed sarcoidosis were retrospectively investigated. Joint findings, extrapulmonary involvements, and coexisting rheumatic disease were evaluated. Fifty-six patients (41.21 +/- 7.83 years, 75% female) were included. The duration of the disease was 49.61 +/- 29.11 months, and the follow-up period was 26.66 +/- 13.26 months. All patients had pulmonary system involvement. Arthralgia was present in 91.10% of 56 patients and arthritis in 89.29% of patients. Examining the subtypes of the arthritis findings, mono-arthritis was found in 31/50 (62%) patients, oligo-arthritis in 15/50 (30%) patients, and polyarthritis in 4/50 (8%) patients. A total of 11 (19.60%) patients were diagnosed with uveitis. Excision of the mediastinal LAP was performed in a total of 37 patients (66.1%) and became the most commonly employed method. Considering the treatment distribution of the patients under followed-up, it is seen that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory treatments were used in 15 (26.8%) patients, corticosteroids in a total of 40 (71.4%) patients, methotrexate in a total of 15 patients (26.8%), azathioprine in six (10.7%) patients, hydroxychloroquine in 14 (25%) patients, and infliximab in one (1.8%) patient. As sarcoidosis is a mimicking disease, a good differential diagnosis should be made to avoid misdiagnosis and in order not to be late in diagnosis and treatment. Physicians, especially rheumatologists, should remember sarcoidosis more frequently as the disease may overlap with other rheumatological diseases and may occur with many rheumatological manifestations

    Clinical and functional impact of central sensitization on patients with familial Mediterranean fever: a cross-sectional study

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    This study aimed to investigate the frequency of CS and its clinical and functional effects on familial Mediterranean fever (FMF). A hundred FMF patients were included in this study. The presence of CS was investigated by the central sensitization inventory (CSI). In addition to the detailed clinical features of patients and genetic mutations, quality of life, disability, sleep disorders, depression, anxiety, and fibromyalgia frequency were examined to evaluate the negative effects of CS on the individual. Patients were divided into groups according to the presence and severity of CS, and their results were compared. Correlation and multivariate regression analysis were performed to investigate the association of CS with selected demographic and clinical parameters. The mean CSI was 37.72 (SD: 19.35), and thirty-eight (38%) patients had CS. Sacroiliitis occurred in 11 patients (11%), amyloidosis in 3 (3%), and erysipelas-like erythema in 11 (11%). The most prevalent genetic mutation was M694/any compound heterogeneous (35.7%), followed by M69V homogeneous (30%). Regarding comparing the patients with and without CS, the number of attacks, disease activity, daily colchicine dose, and all investigated comorbidities were significantly higher in the patients with CS (p < 0.05). In regression analysis, gender, colchicine dose and sleep disturbance were detected as related parameters with CS (OR (95% CI): 6.05 (1.39; 26.32), p: 0.017, OR (95% CI): 6.69 (1.65; 27.18), p: 0.008, OR (95% CI): 1.35 (1.35; 1.59), p: 0.001, respectively). Concomitant pain sensitization appears to be related to FMF patients\" clinical and functional characteristics. These results suggest taking into consideration CS in the management of FMF patients

    Qualified nurses' perceptions of cultural competence and experiences of caring for culturally diverse patients: A qualitative study in four European countries

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    Background: European nurses are expected to provide appropriate care for patients from diverse cultural backgrounds. However, there is limited knowledge and understanding of this process. The aim of this study was to analyse the perceptions of culture and experiences of caring for patients from diverse cultural backgrounds of a purposive sample of qualified nurses from four European countries, namely Belgium, Portugal, Spain and Turkey. Methods: A qualitative phenomenological approach was selected in order to understand complex phenomena through the participants' lived experiences, meanings and perspectives. Individual interviews and focus groups took place with 28 staff nurses and 11 nurse managers from four European countries. The sociodemographic and cultural characteristics of the sample were described and analysed using descriptive statistics. Qualitative data were transcribed verbatim, translated into English and analysed following Braun and Clark's phases for thematic analysis. Results: Five themes and twelve subthemes emerged from thematic analysis of the transcripts. The themes included: (1) relevance of culture for nursing; (2) culture in the healthcare service; (3) qualities of the healthcare professionals; (4) challenges to culturally competent care; (5) becoming a culturally competent nurse. Conclusions: There are challenges to the delivery of culturally congruent care, namely language and communication difficulties, prejudices and stereotyping in the health service, a tendency for ethnocentrism, a lack of education and training in cultural competence and a lack of support from the health service to facilitate new ways of acting.Erasmus+ program under Key Action 203 Strategic Partnerships for Higher Educatio

    Experiência de enfermeiros migrantes e de minorias étnicas em trabalho em serviços de saúde europeus: estudo qualitativo

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    Objetivo: Analisar a percepção da cultura e experiência de trabalho em serviços de saúde europeus de uma amostra intencional de enfermeiros qualificados migrantes e de minorias étnicas que moram atualmente na Bélgica, Portugal, Espanha e Turquia. Método: Optou-se pelo método fenomenológico qualitativo. Realizaram-se entrevistas individuais com 8 enfermeiros qualificados migrantes e de minorias étnicas que moram atualmente em quatro países europeus. A análise temática foi realizada por meio das etapas de Braun e Clark após os dados qualitativos terem sido transcritos na íntegra, traduzidos para o inglês e analisados. Resultados: Quatro temas e 4 subtemas emergiram da análise temática das transcrições. Conclusão: Enfermeiros migrantes e de minorias étnicas que trabalham na União Europeia vivenciam e testemunham discriminação e preconceito de pacientes e colegas devido a diferenças culturais. Os serviços de saúde europeus devem acompanhar de perto e combater a discriminação e o preconceito contra os trabalhadores e pacientes migrantes e de minorias étnicas, e tomar iniciativas para os reduzir e, em seguida, erradicá-los.Objetivo: Analizar la percepción de la cultura y la experiencia de trabajar en los servicios de salud europeos de una muestra intencional de enfermeros calificados de minorías étnicas y migrantes que actualmente viven en Bélgica, Portugal, España y Turquía. Método: Se decidió utilizar un método cualitativo fenomenológico. Se realizaron entrevistas individuales con 8 enfermeros calificados inmigrantes y de minorías étnicas que actualmente viven en cuatro países europeos. El análisis temático se realizó utilizando las etapas de Braun y Clark después de que los datos cualitativos fueran transcritos palabra por palabra, traducidos al inglés y analizados. Resultados: Del análisis temático de las transcripciones surgieron 4 temas y 4 subtemas. Conclusión: Los enfermeros de minorías étnicas y migrantes que trabajan en la Unión Europea experimentan y son testigos de la discriminación y de los prejuicios de los pacientes y colegas sobre la base de la diferencia cultural. Los servicios de salud europeos deben monitorear de cerca y abordar la discriminación y los prejuicios hacia el personal y los pacientes de minorías étnicas y migrantes, y tomar iniciativas para reducirlos y, eventualmente, erradicarlos.Objective: To analyze the perception of culture and experience of working in European health services of a purposive sample of qualified migrant and ethnic minority nurses currently living in Belgium, Portugal, Spain and Turkey. Method: A qualitative phenomenological method was chosen. Individual interviews took place with 8 qualified migrant and ethnic minority nurses currently living in four European countries. Thematic analysis was conducted using Braun and Clark’s stages after qualitative data had been verbatim transcribed, translated into English, and analyzed Results: Four themes and 4 subthemes emerged from thematic analysis of the transcripts. Conclusion: Migrant and ethnic minority nurses working in the European Union experience and witness discrimination and prejudice from patients and colleagues due to cultural differences. European health services should closely monitor and address discrimination and prejudice towards migrant and ethnic minority staff and patients, and take initiatives to reduce and, eventually, eradicate them

    Surgical Trends in Breast Cancer in Turkey: An Increase in Breast-Conserving Surgery

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    PURPOSEBreast cancer is the most frequent cancer in women, and there is a great variability in surgical practice for treating that cancer in different countries. The aims of this study were to analyze the effect of guidelines from the Turkish Federation of Breast Diseases Societies on academic institutions that have breast centers and to evaluate surgical practice in Turkey in 2018.PATIENTS AND METHODSBetween January and March 2019, a survey was sent to breast surgeons who were working in breast centers in academic institutions. The sampling frame included 24 academic institutions with breast centers in 18 cities in Turkey to evaluate interdisciplinary differences among breast centers and seven regions in Turkey regarding patients' choices, surgical approaches, and academic institutions.RESULTSAll surgeons responded to the survey, and all 4,381 patients were included. Most of the surgeons (73.9%) were working in a breast center. Multidisciplinary tumor boards were performed in 87% of the breast centers. The average time between clinical evaluation and initiation of treatment was 29 days; the longest time was in Southeast Anatolia (66 days). Only 6% of patients had ductal carcinoma in situ. Sentinel lymph node biopsy was available in every region across the country and was performed in 64.5% of the patients. In 2018, the overall breast-conserving surgery rate was 57.3% in Turkey, and it varied from 72.2% in the Black Sea region to 33.5% in Central Anatolia (P < .001). Oncoplastic breast surgery options were available at all breast centers. However, 25% of the breast centers from the Black Sea region and half the breast centers from Eastern Anatolia and the Mediterranean region did not perform this type of surgery.CONCLUSIONIncreasing rates of nonpalpable breast cancer and decreasing rates of locoregional recurrences favored breast-conserving surgery, especially in developed countries. Guidelines from the Turkish Federation of Breast Diseases Societies resulted in more comprehensive breast centers and improved breast health in Turkey

    Evaluation of hepatitis serology and frequency of viral reactivation in patients with inflammatory arthritis receiving biologic agents: a multicenter observational study

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    To evaluate of hepatitis serology and reactivation frequency in patients with rheumatic disease receiving biologic agents. Our study included patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases from 23 centers, who were followed up with biological therapy. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients, duration of drug use and hepatitis serology and the state of viral reactivation were analyzed. A total of 4060 patients, 2095 being males, were included in our study. Of the patients, 2463 had Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS), 1154 had Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), 325 had Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA), and 118 had other inflammatory rheumatic diseases. When the viral serology of the patients was evaluated, 79 patients (2%) who were identified as HBs Ag positive, 486 (12%) patients who were HBs Ag negative and anti-HBc IgG positive and 20 patients (0.5%) who were anti-HCV positive. When evaluated on a disease-by-disease basis, the rate of HBsAg was found to be 2.5% in RA, 2% in AS and 0.9% in PsA. Viral reactivation was detected in 13 patients while receiving biologic agents. HBs Ag was positive in nine patients with reactivation and negative in four patients. Anti-HBc IgG, however, was positive. Six of these patients had AS, four had RA, and three had PsA. The development of hepatitis reactivation in 11.4% of HBs Ag positive patients and 0.82% of anti-HBc IgG positive patients due to the use of biologic agents is an important problem for this group of patients. Antiviral prophylaxis is recommended to be started especially in patients who are HBs Ag positive and who are using biologic agents due to viral reactivation. Therefore, it is important to carry out hepatitis screenings before biologic agent treatment and to carefully evaluate the vaccination and prophylaxis requirements