5 research outputs found
Plant-seed predator interactions – ecological and evolutionary aspects
Plant-animal interactions are affected by both abundance and distribution of interacting species and the community context in which they occur. However, the relative importance of these factors is poorly known. I examined the effects of predator host range, environmental factors, host plant populations, plant traits and fruit abortion on the intensity of pre-dispersal seed predation in 46 host populations of the perennial herb Lathyrus vernus. I recorded damage by beetle pre-dispersal seed predators, mainly Apion opeticum and Bruchus atomarius with different host ranges on L. vernus as well as on two additional host plants. Local seed predator population size was mainly influenced by plant population size, current seed production and beetle population size in the previous year, but was not strongly affected by connectivity. The monophagous seed predator was less abundant and had lower densities than the oligophagous. Both predator species had a strong ability to track fluctuations in seed production; intensity of predation increased with relative increases in seed production. Oligophagous predation on L. vernus increased with the abundance of alternative hosts, but presence of L. vernus did not affect predation on alternative hosts. Abundances and trait preferences differed among three co-occurring seed predators, but were also associated with the abundance of the other species. Overall, seed predation influenced selection on flower number. I found clear indications of seed predator offence but no obvious plant defence. The pattern of fruit abortion was associated with reduced plant fitness since the seed predator had an advanced ability to locate fruits with high probability of retention. Taken together, different factors influencing abundance of the seed predator species, different preferences, and context dependent trait selection are likely to result in complex spatio-temporal variation in overall seed losses and trait selection in the common host plant
Skog & mark 2020 : Tema ekosystemtjänster
Skog & mark presenterar resultat från miljöövervakningen av de svenska landmiljöerna. Årets rapport har temat ekosystemtjänster. Här beskrivs exempel på några av dessa tjänster och vilken miljöövervakning med koppling till dessa som bedrivs idag. Hur kan miljöövervakningen av pollinatörer utvecklas? Vilka andra samhällsviktiga funktioner bidrar exempelvis vilt, skog och våtmarker med? Resultaten från den svenska miljöövervakningen behövs för att kunna beskriva tillståndet, upptäcka förändringar och bedöma hotbilder i miljön. De bidrar till miljömålsuppföljning och internationell rapportering. Resultaten från de systematiska undersökningarna ligger också till grund för beslut om förvaltning och åtgärder. Naturvårdsverket driver tillsammans med Havs- och vattenmyndigheten det nationella miljöövervakningsprogrammet. Länsstyrelserna driver de regionala programmen
Appendix A. Description of variables and transformations used to examine fruit abortion in Lathyrus vernus and egg laying patterns of the pre-dispersal seed predator Bruchus atomarius.
Description of variables and transformations used to examine fruit abortion in Lathyrus vernus and egg laying patterns of the pre-dispersal seed predator Bruchus atomarius
Mapping and assessing ecosystem services in the EU - Lessons learned from the ESMERALDA approach of integration
The European Union (EU) Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support Action ESMERALDA aimed at developing guidance and a flexible methodology for Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services (MAES) to support the EU member states in the implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy’s Target 2 Action 5. ESMERALDA’s key tasks included network creation, stakeholder engagement, enhancing ecosystem services mapping and assessment methods across various spatial scales and value domains, work in case studies and support of EU member states in MAES implementation. Thus ESMERALDA aimed at integrating various project outcomes around four major strands: i) Networking, ii) Policy, iii) Research and iv) Application. The objective was to provide guidance for integrated ecosystem service mapping and assessment that can be used for sustainable decision-making in policy, business, society, practice and science at EU, national and regional levels. This article presents the overall ESMERALDA approach of integrating the above-mentioned project components and outcomes and provides an overview of how the enhanced methods were applied and how they can be used to support MAES implementation in the EU member states. Experiences with implementing such a large pan-European Coordination and Support Action in the context of EU policy are discussed and recommendations for future actions are given.ISSN:2367-819