304 research outputs found

    Psychological approaches to the study of saving / 7

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    Bibliography: p. 95-114

    Monitoring of Low Molecular Weight Heparin Thromboprophylaxis with Alternative Methods to Anti-Factor Xa

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    Introduction: Initiating low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) thromboprophylaxis too early in patients with traumatic braininjury increases the risk of intracranial bleeding. Therefore, it is important to monitor LMWH and asses when it is safe to initiate.The aim of this research was to study alternative monitoring methods for LMWH than the standard method anti-factor Xa (antiFXa), and to investigate the peak anti-FXa level. We hoped to answer “How do rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM) andSonoclot change at different LMWH concentrations added in vitro to blood from intensive care patients? How do point of careparameters change after subcutaneous LMWH administration on healthy volunteers with consecutive measurements to catch thepeak effect?”.Methods: Different concentrations of enoxaparin were added in vitro to citrated whole blood from fifteen intensive care patients.The first ten patients’ coagulation was analysed with ROTEM using the INTEM and NATEM assays, and the last five withSonoclot with a kaolin activator and ROTEM INTEM. Previously collected data was used from nine healthy volunteers that hadreceived subcutaneous enoxaparin. Citrated blood samples were collected before and after LMWH initiation and analysed withSonoclot kaolin and a chromogenic anti-FXa-assay. Friedman test, Dunn’s multiple comparison test and Spearman’s correlationtest were performed.Results: ROTEM INTEM CT, CFT, A10 and MCF were significantly affected with increasing in vitro enoxaparin from 0.4anti-FXa concentration. ROTEM NATEM CT was also prolonged at this LMWH concentration. Sonoclot’s parameters didn’tsignificantly change with increasing in vitro enoxaparin. The peak of in vivo LMWH was reached after 2 to 4 hours with avariation of peak anti-FXa between 0.3-0.5 IU/mL.Conclusions: ROTEM INTEM CT performed best and was prolonged at anti-FXa from 0.4-0.6 IU/mL. ROTEM INTEM shouldbe tested in neurointensive care to increase the safety of LMWH thromboprophylaxis and possibly to individualize the dosage

    Kan vi sÀga att det kommer bli bÀttre? Om utrymmet för ytterligare brottsofferreformer

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    Efter att först ha definierat begreppet ’’rĂ€ttsligt system’’ undersöktes, mot bakgrund av de synpunkter som lĂ€ggs fram av restorative justice, gĂ€llande svensk rĂ€tt angĂ„ende brottsoffers situation. NĂ€r det rĂ„dande systemet hade karaktĂ€riserats drogs slutsatser om vilka av de presenterade reformer som hade gĂ„tt att införliva utan stora svĂ„righeter. Vissa förĂ€ndringar, bestĂ„ende bĂ„de av att brottsoffers upplevelse beaktas och tillskrivs ett högre vĂ€rde i rĂ€ttegĂ„ngsförfarandet, ansĂ„gs gĂ„ att införa om brottsoffers vĂ€lmĂ„ende ses som ett fristĂ„ende vĂ€rde oavhĂ€ngigt samhĂ€llsintressen som att Ă„stadkomma prevention och rĂ€ttssĂ€kerhet. Att i reformer tillerkĂ€nna brottsoffrens vĂ€lmĂ„ende större betydelse och dĂ€rigenom ge dem ökat inflytande över rĂ€ttegĂ„ngsförfarandet hade kunnat förbĂ€ttra brottsoffrens situation utan att dessa Ă€ndringar hamnar i konflikt med systemets befintliga hĂ€nsynstaganden, dĂ€remot finns hinder mot att i det rĂ„dande systemet införa mer genomgripande förĂ€ndringar sĂ„ lĂ€nge dessa förutsĂ€tter att enskilda brottsoffers intressen tillvaratas pĂ„ bekostnad av allmĂ€nna intressen.After first having defined the concept of ’’legal system’’ swedish law conserning the situation of victims of crimes was reviewed, seen in the light of initiatives beeing brought up by restorative justice. Once the ruling system was characterized conclusions were made about which of the reformes put forward would have been possible to implement without too great difficulties. Some changes, making the experiences of victims carrie more weight in the judicial procedure, could be introduced if a distinction is made between the needs of victims and public intrerests (of which crime prevention and predictability are the two foremost). To attribute a greater significance to the wellbeing of victims of crimes and thus grant the victims more influence during the trial could improve their position without coming in conflict with pre-existing considerations made by the legal system. However, introduction of more comprehensive reforms would not be feasible as long as they are done at the expense of public interests

    Kasvojen aiheuttamat silmÀnliikkeet ja varhaiset aivovasteet

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    Faces are a crucial part of social interaction and they affect our visual perception. In this thesis, I studied how the presence of a face in natural visual stimuli affects the eye movements, and which visual features in the images best explain the scanpaths and brain responses. A novel approach based on representational similarity was applied to relate the brain responses to the eye tracking results. In the experiment, the subjects were shown grayscale photographs of social occasions. A part of these images were shown both upright and upside-down. The subjects' eye movements and magnetoencephalographic (MEG) brain responses were measured during the experiment. MEG responses were analyzed at sensor level. Representational similarity analysis (RSA) was applied in determining whether the low-level features or the faces in the images can explain the brain responses before the first saccade after the stimulus onset and if they can explain the eye movements during the viewing of the images. The presence of a face had a clear effect on the eye movements, especially when the images were shown upright: the latency of the first saccade was 60 ms smaller, and the scanpaths were more similar between different subjects. The map depicting the locations of the face in the images explained the scanpaths better than did the traditional saliency maps. The MEG responses at around 55-130 ms after stimulus onset were best explained by the saliency maps, reflecting the low-level visual features of the stimuli. However, at latencies 90-125 ms the MEG responses correlated also with the face maps and, importantly, at latencies 105-140 ms the responses correlated with the forthcoming scanpath.Kasvot ovat tÀrkeÀ osa sosiaalista kanssakÀymistÀ, joten ne vaikuttavat visuaaliseen havainnointiin. TÀssÀ diplomityössÀ tutkittiin luonnollisissa kuvaÀrsykkeissÀ esiintyvien kasvojen vaikutusta silmÀnliikkeisiin sekÀ sitÀ, mitkÀ kuvan piirteet selittÀvÀt parhaiten silmÀnliikkeitÀ ja aivovasteita. Uutta samankaltaisuuden arviointiin perustuvaa analyysimenetelmÀÀ kÀytettiin etsittÀessÀ yhteyttÀ aivovasteiden ja silmÀnliikemittausten tulosten vÀlillÀ. Koeasetelmassa koehenkilöt katselivat harmaasÀvyisiÀ valokuvia sosiaalisista tilanteista; osa kuvista nÀytettiin sekÀ oikein- ettÀ vÀÀrinpÀin. Koehenkilöiden silmÀnliikkeet sekÀ aivovasteet mitattiin kokeen aikana. Aivovasteiden mittaamisessa kÀytettiin koko pÀÀn kattavaa magnetoenkefalografiaa (MEG). Vasteita tutkittiin kanavatasolla. SamankaltaisuusanalyysiÀ sovellettiin selvittÀmÀÀn, selittÀvÀtkö kuvien matalan tason piirteet tai kasvojen paikat aivovasteita ennen ensimmÀistÀ sakkadia tai silmÀnliikkeitÀ katselun aikana. Kasvojen silmÀnliikkeisiin aiheuttamat vaikutukset olivat selkeÀt etenkin kuvissa, jotka nÀytettiin oikeinpÀin. NÀissÀ kuvissa ensimmÀisen sakkadin latenssi oli 60 ms lyhyempi ja lisÀksi silmÀnliikkeet muistuttivat enemmÀn toisiaan eri koehenkilöiden vÀlillÀ. Kasvojen sijaintia kuvaava kartat selittivÀt silmÀnliikkeet paremmin kuin perinteiset salienssikartat. MEG-vasteet 55-130 ms kuvan nÀyttÀmisajankohdan jÀlkeen korreloivat eniten kuvien matalan tason piirteitÀ kuvaavien salienssikarttojen kanssa. Latensseilla 90-125 ms MEG-vasteet korreloivat kuitenkin myös kasvokarttojen kanssa ja aikavÀlillÀ 105-140 ms myös tulevien silmÀnliikkeiden kanssa

    Solutoimintaa : kristillisten kotisolujen toiminta ja osallistujien kokemukset neljÀssÀ helsinkilÀisessÀ seurakunnassa

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    TÀmÀ tutkimus tarkasteli kristillisten kotisolujen toimintaa ja osallistujien tyytyvÀisyyttÀ solussa tapahtuvaan toimintaan neljÀssÀ seurakunnassa. Seurkakunnat olivat: Kotisolujen verkosto, Cityseurakunta, Suur-Helsingin Seurakunta ja Helsingin Saalem. IkÀjakauuma aineistossa heijasti kansamme aikuisvÀestöÀ. Tutkimus tehtiin verkkopohjaiseen kyselytutkimuksen avulla johon vastasi 61 solulaista yllÀ mainituista seurakunnista. TÀtÀ aineistoa analysoin SPSS-ohjelman analyyseillÀ: PCA, Wilcoxon, korrelointi, ristitaulukointi ja keskiarvovertailu. TieteellisestÀ nÀkökulmasta solut ovat kiinnostavia, sillÀ vaikka soluja onkin tutkittu aikaisemmin, niitÀ ei aikaisemmin ole tutkittu osallistujien henkilökohtaisista kokemuksista kÀsin. TÀstÀ tutkimuksesta voi olla hyötyÀ kaikille niille, jotka osallistuvat solutoimintaan tai tutkivat solutoimintaa. Teoreettisesti kyselyni pohjautuu eniten James Rutzin solututkimukseen. TÀmÀn lisÀksi kÀytin lÀhteenÀ kahta ihmisten perus- tarveteoriaa eli Manfred Max-Neefin teoriaa ja Tony Wardin yms. Good Lives Model (GLM:n) -teoriaa. LisÀksi hyödynsin neljÀ henkisen tarpeen teoriaa: Kenneth Pargamentin, Nancy Lanin, George Gallupin ja Howard Clinebellin. Keskeiset tulokset Tutkimukseni tuloksena selvisi, ettÀ on vain kaksi sellaista toimintaa, joita kaikki solut tekevÀt joka kerta, kun he tapaavat: he rukoilevat ja jakavat henkilökohtaisia todistuksiaan. YhteisiÀ tekijöitÀ olivat myös, ettÀ solut harjoittavat hyvin vÀhÀn demonien karkottamista, ehtoollisen viettoa ja rahan kÀyttöÀ, eivÀtkÀ ne panosta lÀhes lainkaan solutoiminnan laajenemiseen. Solutoiminta palvelee monia tarpeita, ja enemmistö niihin osallistuneista kokee solun palvelevan omia tarpeitaan. Yleisesti opin, ettÀ mitÀ useammin ihminen tekee solussa jotain, sitÀ paremmin he kokivat, ettÀ se sujuu

    Spatio-temporal dynamics of face perception

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    The temporal and spatial neural processing of faces has been investigated rigorously, but few studies have unified these dimensions to reveal the spatio-temporal dynamics postulated by the models of face processing. We used support vector machine decoding and representational similarity analysis to combine information from different locations (fMRI), time windows (EEG), and theoretical models. By correlating representational dissimilarity matrices (RDMs) derived from multiple pairwise classifications of neural responses to different facial expressions (neutral, happy, fearful, angry), we found early EEG time windows (starting around 130 ​ms) to match fMRI data from primary visual cortex (V1), and later time windows (starting around 190 ​ms) to match data from lateral occipital, fusiform face complex, and temporal-parietal-occipital junction (TPOJ). According to model comparisons, the EEG classification results were based more on low-level visual features than expression intensities or categories. In fMRI, the model comparisons revealed change along the processing hierarchy, from low-level visual feature coding in V1 to coding of intensity of expressions in the right TPOJ. The results highlight the importance of a multimodal approach for understanding the functional roles of different brain regions in face processing.Peer reviewe

    Rokotteita influenssapandemian varalle

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    One More Awareness Gap? The Behaviour–Impact Gap Problem

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    Preceding research has made hardly any attempt to measure the ecological impacts of pro-environmental behaviour in an objective way. Those impacts were rather supposed or calculated. The research described herein scrutinized the ecological impact reductions achieved through pro-environmental behaviour and raised the question how much of a reduction in carbon footprint can be achieved through voluntary action without actually affecting the socio-economic determinants of life. A survey was carried out in order to measure the difference between the ecological footprint of “green” and “brown” consumers. No significant difference was found between the ecological footprints of the two groups—suggesting that individual pro-environmental attitudes and behaviour do not always reduce the environmental impacts of consumption. This finding resulted in the formulation of a new proposition called the BIG (behaviour–impact gap) problem, which is an interesting addition to research in the field of environmental awareness gaps
