111 research outputs found

    Representations of Driver Behaviors on the Interpersonal Circumplex Model

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, sürücü davranışlarının kişiler arası döngüsel model (KDM) üzerindeki konumlarını kişiler arası problemler temelinde saptamaktır. Sürücü davranışlarının pek çok farklı faktörle ilişkisini araştıran birçok çalışma olmasına rağmen, bu davranışlar doğrudan kişiler arası problemlerle ilişkilendirilerek incelenmemiştir. Çalışmaya toplam 355 sürücü (109 kadın, 246 erkek) katılmıştır ve katılımcılardan Sürücü Davranışları Ölçeği, Pozitif Sürücü Davranışları Ölçeği ve Kişiler Arası Problemler Envanterini doldurmaları istenmiştir. Çalışma değişkenleri arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek amacıyla sürücü davranışlarının KDM üzerindeki konumları incelenmiştir. KDM’de sürücü davranışlarının konumlarını saptamak için ipsatize veri yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlar, sürücü davranışları ve kişiler arası problemler arasındaki ilişkilerin KDM üzerindeki konumlandırılmasının bu iki değişkenin alt ölçeklerinin özelliklerine uygun bir şekilde gözlemlendiğini göstermektedir. Kişiler arası problemlerin ve sapkın/pozitif sürücü davranışları arasındaki ilişkinin açıklanması, trafik bağlamında kişilik ve kişiler arası ilişkileri araştıran literatüre katkı sağlamaktadır.The aim of the current study was to investigate the relationship between driver behaviors and interpersonal behaviors and detecting the positions of driver behaviors on interpersonal circumplex (IPC). Although there were many studies that explore the associations of driver behaviors with many different individual factors, driver behaviors are not studied directly with interpersonal problems. A total of 355 drivers (109 females, 246 males) participated in this study and they were given The Driver Behavior Questionnaire with the Positive Driver Behaviors Scale and Inventory of Interpersonal Problems for measuring the variables of the study. Ipsatized data method was used for detecting the positions of drivers in the IPC. Results showed that, the characteristics of the relationship between driver behaviors and interpersonal problems are in accordance with the representations of the driver behaviors on the IPC. Evidencing the interpersonal problems and aberrant / positive driver behaviors relationship was a theoretical contribution to the literature investigating personality and interpersonal relationships at traffic context

    Designing Collaborative Learning Environment in Translator Training: An Empirical Research

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    The present study aims to investigate the efficacy of the collaborative learning method on the translation skills of students at the undergraduate level through a new model developed by the researchers. To this end, a pre-/post-test control group research design was followed to obtain empirical results in the translation of medical texts. The study group consisted of 60 undergraduate translation students in Turkey. Thirty students in the control group were instructed by using conventional training methods and each student worked individually. The completed translation was then evaluated by the instructor, as commonly applied in undergraduate translation programmes. The other 30 subjects in the experimental group were instructed through the collaborative learning method. The students participated in teamwork and undertook various roles such as terminologists, translators, proof-readers, and peer editors to check the final work. At the end of the three-week training, the difference between the translation performance scores of the two groups was found statistically significant in favour of the experimental group. The findings demonstrate the significant contribution of the collaborative learning method to the undergraduate students as this method provides them with an environment to improve the necessary translation skills for their future careers in terms of adopting different roles other than translators

    Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis of the hTERC region in acute myeloid leukemia patients

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    Objective: The telomerase RNA component (hTERC) gene is located at 3q26. Increased hTERC gene expression has been frequently observed and amplification was shown using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in different cancers. The aim of this study was to determine whether hTERC gene amplification is detectable by FISH in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells. Material and Methods: FISH and karyotype results at the time of diagnosis of 23 adult AML patients were retrospectively evaluated. Additionally, fixed cells were hybridized with an hTERC region-specific FISH probe to determine gene amplification. Results: Ten of the 23 patients had a normal karyotype and 6 had an abnormal karyotype. hTERC region amplification was not observed in any of the patients. Conclusion: Although it was reported that hTERC gene amplification may partially contribute to increased telomerase expression and activity in leukemic cells, it is not possible to make such a conclusion based on the results of the this study, as hTERC amplification was not observed in the study group. This suggests that increased telomerase activity via gene amplification in the development of AML may not be as important a factor as it is in solid tumors

    Recurrent hydatidiform moles: detection of a new mutation in the NLRP7 gene in the family

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    Hydatidiform moles are the most common type of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. Hyperproliferative vesicular trophoblasts and imperfect fetal development are abnormal pregnancies, and recurrent hydatidiform moles are rare. Mutations in NLRP7 are responsible for recurrent hydatidiform mole. Genetic heterogeneity has been demonstrated in patients with the NLRP7 mutation. This study presents our case with gravida 11, parity 0, histopathologically diagnosed with six hydatidiform moles and five missed abortion histories at age 35. Karyotype analyses of the unrelated couple were normal. A genetic examination revealed a novel mutation of the NLRP7 gene in the patient, his brother, and his parents. Detecting a new NLRP7 mutation in recurrent hydatidiform moles cases provides further evidence for the predetermined role of NLRP7 mutations in the pathophysiology of recurrent moles hydatidiform. Based on our findings, we hope to contribute to the literature by expanding the spectrum of recurrent pregnancy loss associated with NLRP7 mutations in patients

    Relation of Apathy to Motor and Non-motor Findings in Parkinson’s Disease

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    Aim:It has been shown that motor symptoms, as well as non-motor symptoms, significantly affect the quality of life of patients with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. In our study, the association of apathy, one of the NMS, with motor and non-motor symptoms was investigated.Methods:Patients with stage 1-3 IPH according to the Hoehn-Yahr Scale (H&Y) were included in the study. Patients who received dementia diagnosis according to the DSM IV criteria were excluded from the study. The patients were evaluated using the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS), non-motor symptoms Questionnaire (NMSQ), Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), and the revised diagnostic criteria for apathy.Results:Apathy was found in 26 of 68 patients who were included in the study. Patients with and without apathy were compared in terms of age, clinical and demographic characteristics, L-dopa equivalent doses, depression, and NMSQ scores. The group of patients with apathy consisted of nine females and 17 males and the mean age was 64.3±7.7 years. The non-apathy group included 25 females and 17 males and the mean age was 66.8±9.1 years. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of age, education, age at onset, duration of illness and L-dopa equivalent doses. The male-to-female ratio was significantly higher in the apathy group. The mean GDS and NMSQ scores in the apathy group were significantly higher than in the non-apathy group. There was a statistically significant difference between the groups in H&Y stage and total UPDRS and subscales scores. It was noteworthy that the rate of stage 3 patients was higher in the group of patients with apathy. The number of patients having bradykinesia in the apathy group and the number of patients having tremor in the group without apathy was higher.Conclusion:Our study showed that apathy, one of the non-motor symptoms, was more prominent in male gender, associated with UPDRS scores, clinical stage and bradykinesia, and accompanied by depression

    First-Line Molecular Genetic Evaluation of Autosomal Recessive Non-Syndromic Hearing Loss

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    Objective:The aim of this study is to investigate the efficiency of a first-line molecular genetic evaluation approach, in children with deafness.Methods:Patients who were found to have sensorineural hearing loss by age-appropriate audiological tests were selected for the molecular genetic evaluation. The molecular genetic evaluation was carried out with GJB2 gene sequence analysis and mtDNA m.1555A>G mutation Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. Additionally, in a small group of patients, hearing loss Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) analysis was done out to identify the possible role of copy number changes.Results:In this Turkish cohort, which included 104 index patients and 78 relatives, 33 (31.7%) had Pathogenic/Likely Pathogenic variants. One or more GJB2 sequence variants were identified in 46 (44.1%) of the 104 index patients. The homozygous c.35delG mutation by itself explained the etiology in 24% of our ARSNHL group. In one (5%) of the 20 patients of MLPA group, a hemizygous deletion in POU3F4 gene was detected.Conclusion:In our Turkish cohort, we applied a first-line molecular genetic evaluation approach using GJB2 gene sequence analysis and mtDNA m.1555A>G RFLP analysis. This approach revealed the genetic etiology of 44.1% of our index patients. Additionaly, the results of hearing loss MLPA analysis revealed the limited role of copy number changes in this patient group. Furthermore, with a detailed genotype-phenotype association workup, 2 rare cases of Deafness with Palmoplantar Hyperkeratosis and Keratitis-Ichthyosis-Deafness syndrome were reported

    Kısmi türevli denklemlerde bazı standart olmayan problemler için enerji sınırları

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    This thesis is a survey of the studies of Ames,Payne and Schaefer about the partial differential equations with nonstandard auxiliary conditions; this is where the values of the solution are prescribed as a combination of initial time t=0 and at a later time t=T. The first chaper is introductory and contains some historical background of the problem,basic definitions and theorems.In Chapter 2 energy bounds and pointwise bounds for the solutions of the nonstandard hyperbolic problems have been investigated and by means of energy bound the uniqueness of solutions is examined. Similar discussions for the nonstandard parabolic problems have been presented in Chapter 3. Lastly in Chapter 4 a new continuous dependence result has been derived for the nonstandard problem.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Sürücü davranışlarının incelenmesi: kişilerarası problemler ile ilişkileri ve kişilerarası döngüsel model üzerindeki temsilleri.

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    The aim of the current study was to investigate the relationships between driver behaviors and interpersonal behaviors and detecting the positions of driver behaviors on interpersonal circumplex (IPC). Although there were many studies that explore the associations of driver behaviors with many different individual factors, driver behaviors are not studied directly with interpersonal problems. A total of 357 drivers (109 females, 246 males) participated in this study and they were given The Driver Behavior Questionnaire with the Positive Driver Behaviors Scale and Inventory of Interpersonal Problems for measuring the variables of the study. Bivariate Correlations and Hierarchical Regression Analyses were conducted to examine the relationship between study variables. Also, ipsatize data method was used for detecting the positions of drivers in the IPC. Results showed that, the characteristics of the relationships between driver behaviors and interpersonal problems are in accordance with the representations of the driver behaviors on the IPC. Evidencing the interpersonal problems and aberrant / positive driver behaviors relationship was a theoretical contribution to the literature investigating personality and interpersonal relationships at traffic context. The results, the limitations and the critical remarks of the study were evaluated and discussed in detail.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Identification of Markers in Plasma for Early Diagnosis of Brain Metastasis by Metabolomic Methods in Patients with Breast Cancer

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    The aim of this study was to identify markers for the early diagnosis of brain metastasis by metabolomic methods in breast cancer patients. A total of 88 breast cancer patients with distant metastases were included in the study during their follow-up at Hacettepe University Oncology Hospital between 2017 and 2018. The patients were divided into two groups according to their metastasis status as patients with brain metastases and patients with distant metastases without any brain metastases. The distant organ metastases were examined in four basic categories: brain, bone, visceral organs, and soft tissue. Demographic characteristics of the patients (age, height, weight, menopausal status, and presence of other cancer types), the treatments they received (chemotherapy regimens, any adjuvant treatments, radiotherapy regimens, and the type of breast surgery the patients underwent), and the pathological examination findings (histological subtype, ER / PR status, HER2 status, PNI / LVI / ECE status, and the tumor grade) were retrospectively retrieved from the medical records. For metabolomic analyses, LC-qTOF-MS and GC-MS analysis methods were used. In all analyzes, the statistical significance limit for the difference between the groups was accepted as p <0.05. A total of 79 metabolites were identified by the GC-MS analysis. Of these, 11 of them (alanine, sphingosine, fructose, fumaric acid, glycine, lactic acid, phenylalanine, pyroglutamic acid, serine, threonine, and valine) were found at statistically significantly higher levels in the patient group with brain metastases (p<0.05). LC-qTOF-MS analysis identified 47 metabolites with statistically significant results between the two groups. Compared to the earlier studies, some of these metabolites have just been demonstrated in our study although some of them have been identified and reported previously. Although these results need to be confirmed with further large-scale studies, they are promising in the sense that an early diagnosis of the brain metastasis by detection of a marker in the serum will allow for initiating the treatment earlier.Meme Kanserli Hastalarda Plazmadan Metabolomik Yöntemlerle Beyin Metastazı Erken Tespiti İçin Belirteç Saptama– Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İç Hastalıkları Uzmanlık Tezi, Ankara 2018. Bu çalışmada beyin metastazı olan meme kanseri hastalarında metabolomik yöntemiyle metastazın erken tespiti için belirteç bulunması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmaya 2017-2018 yılları arasında Hacettepe Üniversitesi Onkoloji Hastanesi’nde meme kanseri tanısı ile takipli ve uzak organ metastazı olan 88 hasta dahil edilmiştir. Hastalar metastaz durumlarına göre beyin metastazı olanlar ve beyin metastazı olmayıp diğer uzak organ metastazları olan hastalar şeklinde iki grup olarak ele alınmıştır. Uzak organ metastazları beyin, kemik, visseral ve yumuşak doku olmak üzere dört temel kategoride değerlendirilmiştir. Hastaların demografik özellikleri (yaş, boy, kilo, menapozal durum, başka kanseri olma durumu), uygulanan tedaviler (kemoterapi rejimi, adjuvan tedavi alma durumu, radyoterapi alma durumu, uygulanan meme cerrahisi türü), patalojik verileri (histolojik alt tipi, ER/PR durumu, HER2 durumu, PNİ/LVİ/ECE durumu, tümör derecesi) ile ilgili veriler retrospektif olarak tıbbi kayıtlardan derlenmiştir. Metabolomik analizleri için LC-qTOF-MS ve GC-MS analiz yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Tüm analizlerde gruplar arası fark için istatistiksel anlamlılık sınırı p<0,05 olarak kabul edilmiştir. GC-MS analiz yöntemiyle toplam 79 tane metabolit tanımlanmıştır. Bunlardan 11 tanesinin (alanin, sfingozin, früktoz, fumarik asit, glisin, laktik asit, fenilalanin, piroglutamik asit, serin, treonin, valin) beyin metastazı olan grupta istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu görülmüştür (p< 0,05). LC-qTOF-MS analiz yöntemi ile de iki grup arasında istatistiksel anlamlılık gösteren 47 tane metabolit gösterilmiştir. Daha önce yapılan araştırmalarla da karşılaştırıldığında bu metabolitlerden bir kısmının ortak olduğu görülmüş, bir kısmı ise bizim çalışmamızda yeni ortaya koyulmuştur. Bu sonuçlar beyin metastazının serumdan bakılabilecek bir metabolitle erken tanısının, tedaviye erken başlamanın ileride genişletilecek çalışmalarla mümkün hale getirilmesi konusunda umut vadetmektedir

    The Effect of Salpingectomy Operations on Ovarian Reserve

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    Salpenjektomi, son yıllarda tüm dünya genelinde giderek artan bir hızla yapılan bir operasyondur. Gerek over kanseri etyopatogenezindeki değişikler sonucu önerilen profilaktik salpenjektomi gerek İVF tedavisi planlanan hidrosalpenks tanılı hastanın tedavi öncesi başarı şansının artırılması için uygulanan salpenjektomi bu durumun ana nedenleri arasındadır. Over, tuba ve uterusun yoğun damarsal anastomozları ortadadır. Yaptığımız bu işlem ile damarsal ağa verilen potansiyel hasar sonucunda ovaryen fonksiyonu nasıl bir etkide bulunduğumuz son yıllarda araştırmalara konu olmuştur. Biz de çalışmamızda salpenjektominin over rezervine etkisini araştırmayı amaçladık. Çalışmamıza çeşitli endikasyonlarla salpenjektomi operasyonu geçiren 28 ile 54 yaş arasında (42,4±5,5) toplam 119 hasta prospektif olarak dahil edildi. Preoperatif ve postoperatif 6. haftada ölçülen FSH, LH, E2 ve AMH değerleri karşılaştırıldı. Sürekli sayısal değişkenlerin normal dağılıma uygunluğu Kolmogorov-Smirnov testi ile, normal dağılım göstermeyen operasyon öncesi ve sonrası değerlerin karşılaştırılması Wilcoxon İşaret testi ile incelendi. Analiz sonuçlarına bakıldığında; over rezervinin en önemli belirteçlerinden olan AMH değerlerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir azalma, FSH ve LH değerlerinde yükselme saptandı (p<0,001). Endikasyonlara göre AMH düşüş oranına bakıldığında; yaş ortalaması 44,3±3,7 olan histerektomi sırasında profilaktik salpenjektomi grubunda (n=95) AMH düşüş oranı %50 iken, yaş ortalaması 34,4±4,2 ile daha düşük saptanan hidrosalpenks, tuba-ovaryen apse, ektopik gebelik nedeniyle sadece salpenjektomi yapılan diğer grupta (n=24) %11.1 olarak görüldü. Diğer grup alınan tüp sayısına göre değerlendirildiğinde; bilateral salpenjektomide %11.8, unilateral salpenjektomide %7,1’ lik AMH değerinde düşüş saptandı. Sonuç olarak; salpenjektomi potansiyel vasküler hasar oluşturarak over rezervini olumsuz etkileyebilir. Salpenjektomi sanıldığı kadar masum bir uygulama olmayabilir.Salpingectomy has been an ever increasing operation worldwide in recent years. It performed both prophylactically due to recommendations resulting from changes in ovarian cancer etiopathogenesis and, aiming to enhance the success rate of planned IVF in patients diagnosed with hydrosalpinx are among the main reasons of this situation. The great deal of vascular anastomoses among the ovary, tuba and uterus are well known. The effect of potential damage in vascular network on ovarian function resulting from this operation has been the subject of research in recent years. In our study, we aimed to investigate the effect of salpingectomy on ovarian reserve. A total of 119 patients aged 28 to 54 (42,4 ± 5,5) years undergoing salpingectomy with various indications were included prospectively in our study. FSH, LH, E2 and AMH levels measured preoperatively and at postoperative 6th week were compared. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to check normal distribution of continuous variables and, Wilcoxon Sign Test was used to compare the pre- and post-operative levels with the non-normal distribution. The results of the analysis showed a statistically significant decrease in the AMH levels, which is one of the most important markers of ovarian reserve; and statistically significant increase in FSH and LH levels (p <0.001). The decrease in AMH levels were found 50 % in prophylactic salpingectomy group (n=95) with the mean age 44.3±3.7 years while the other group (n=24) with the mean age 34.4 ± 4.2 years undergoing salpingectomy due to hydrosalpinx, tubo-ovarian abscess or ectopic pregnancy showed a lower decrease of 11.1 % in terms of salpingectomy indications. AMH levels decreased 11.8 % in bilateral salpingectomy group and 7.1 % in unilateral salpingectomy group when the other group was evaluated according to the number of tubes removed. As a result; salpingectomy may adversely affect ovarian reserve by potentially creating vascular damage. Salpingectomy may not be an innocent operation as it seems