Sürücü davranışlarının incelenmesi: kişilerarası problemler ile ilişkileri ve kişilerarası döngüsel model üzerindeki temsilleri.


The aim of the current study was to investigate the relationships between driver behaviors and interpersonal behaviors and detecting the positions of driver behaviors on interpersonal circumplex (IPC). Although there were many studies that explore the associations of driver behaviors with many different individual factors, driver behaviors are not studied directly with interpersonal problems. A total of 357 drivers (109 females, 246 males) participated in this study and they were given The Driver Behavior Questionnaire with the Positive Driver Behaviors Scale and Inventory of Interpersonal Problems for measuring the variables of the study. Bivariate Correlations and Hierarchical Regression Analyses were conducted to examine the relationship between study variables. Also, ipsatize data method was used for detecting the positions of drivers in the IPC. Results showed that, the characteristics of the relationships between driver behaviors and interpersonal problems are in accordance with the representations of the driver behaviors on the IPC. Evidencing the interpersonal problems and aberrant / positive driver behaviors relationship was a theoretical contribution to the literature investigating personality and interpersonal relationships at traffic context. The results, the limitations and the critical remarks of the study were evaluated and discussed in detail.M.S. - Master of Scienc

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