352 research outputs found

    Counselor Education Doctoral Students’ Research Self-Efficacy: A Concept Mapping Approach

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    Research self-efficacy (RSE) is a key concept not only for counselor educators as successful researchers but also for the advancement of counselor education field. In the literature, researchers have studied multiple factors (e.g., research interest, productivity) to understand the complex nature of RSE phenomenon. Despite being informative, these studies only focused on partial aspects of the multilayered RSE, showing methodological and conceptual limitations. Particularly, we do not have a holistic understanding of RSE and the interrelated relationship among the factors informing RSE. In the current study, the researcher used a mixedmethods design, Concept Mapping (Kane & Trochim, 2007) to explore the factors influencing counselor education doctoral students’ RSE in CACREP-accredited doctoral programs. Current study findings yielded 17 clusters represented in six regions describing the intrapersonal, interpersonal, and systemic levels of Ecological Model (McLeroy et al., 1988). The researcher discussed the findings in the view of the current literature along with implications for researcher training and future research practices as well as with the limitations of current study

    Parametric study of a single PDC cutter with a numerical model

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    Single cutter models constitute a cornerstone to understand the cutting process while drilling. There are various experimental and numerical studies on simulating cutting behavior of a single cutter in order to optimize drilling performance. In this study, the numerical model developed to analyze single PDC cutter performance was verified with the experimental data. Numerous runs with different model properties and rock post failure properties were conducted for the purpose of creating a model that works accurately in different conditions. The data used in this study for model verification was obtained from an experimental study reported in the literature. The study focuses on a single cutter-rock model to understand how axial and rotational loads change under different cutting conditions. The model is composed of a single cutter interacting with the rock specimen and was developed using FLAC 3D, an explicit finite difference program. Back analysis was performed with the reported laboratory experiments and various formation parameters in the model were varied to match the experimental results

    Investigation and characterization of size effects in microforming processes

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    The products of miniaturization, such as mobile phones, personal digital assistants, computers and other electronic devices have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. Nowadays, more and more industrial products including some medical and electromechanical products contain micro scale metal parts such as connector pins, resistor caps, screws, contact springs and chip lead frames. Miniaturization brings the challenge of realizing the production of these microscale metals parts. Microforming, due to its well known advantages of high production rates, excellent material utilization, and low costs, is a promising manufacturing method compared to the alternative processes in this field. However, well-established conventional, macroscale metal forming processes can not simply be miniaturized without considering possible size effects. The goal of this research was to determine if deformation size effects occur with miniaturization. Both deformation size effects with respect to specimen size and grain size were considered through the investigation of two processes, microextrusion and microbending. In both of these forming processes, deformation gradients are generated through the cross-sections of the specimens. To analyze these deformation size effects, the distribution of the deformation was characterized by micohardness evaluations. In addition for microextrusion, X-Ray pole figure analyses and microstructure analyses were also performed. For both processes, the deformation distribution through the cross sections of the fine grained specimens is not affected significantly by the specimen size (i.e. deformation distribution is independent from the specimen size) since the hardness profiles for the all specimen sizes are similar. However, as the specimen size is miniaturized, the deformation distribution of the coarse grained specimens deviates from the fine grained ones, and from the larger size specimens. In addition, as the specimen size decreases the coarse grained specimens have higher hardness increase values at the central region compared to fine grained specimens. This occurs due to the penetration of deformation from highly strained outer regions to the less strained inner regions (or expansion of the highly deformed regions)

    Counselor Education Doctoral Students’ Research Self-Efficacy: A Systemic Perspective

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    Abstract: Research self-efficacy (RSE) has been mainly considered as an intrapersonal aspect of researcher identity development. Utilizing a systemic lens, we examined factors informing counselor education doctoral students’ RSE in CACREP-accredited doctoral programs. Concept mapping, a mixed-method design, yielded 17 clusters representing six regions describing the factors informing counselor education doctoral students’ RSE. We discussed the results with training and research implications, and limitations. What is the public significance of this article? The present study suggests that there are environmental and relational factors affecting doctoral student’s research self-efficacy (RSE) as well as the previously considered individual factors. Acknowledgement and intentional incorporation of all of these factors may be critical in the counselor education research training process

    Tinjauan Yuridis Pelaku Usaha Telepon Seluler Yang Tidak Memberikan Informasi Secara Jelas Kepada Konsumen Terkait Apa Yang Ada Pada Barang Dan Kemasan

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    Kewajiban pelaku usaha yang harus diberikan kepada konsumen telah diatur pada Pasal 7 Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen. Dalam kegiatan jual beli produk telepon seluler dengan merek Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro di Indonesia, pelaku usaha tidak menjalankan kewajibannya dengan baik sebagaimana yang telah diatur dalam Undang-Undang dan mengakibatkan konsumen mengalami kerugian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis siapa yang harus bertanggung jawab dan bentuk pertanggungjawaban yang harus diberikan kepada konsumen selaku pihak yang dirugikan terkait hilangnya jaringan 4G yang berubah menjadi 3G setelah dilakukan pembaharuan sistem android. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian hukum normatif. Bahan hukum yang digunakan terdiri dari bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder serta menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan kasus. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis preskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaku usaha telepon seluler dalam menjalankan bisnisnya tidak menghiraukan apa yang seharusnya menjadi kewajiban dari pelaku usaha kepada konsumen, sehingga konsumen mengalami kerugian dimana jaringan pada telepon seluler yang semula 4G berubah menjadi 3G setelah dilakukan pembaharuan pada sistem android. Dalam proses pertanggungjawaban dari kerugian yang dialami konsumen, bukan penyedia jasa pembaharuan sistem android yang harus bertanggung jawab, melainkan distributor selaku pelaku usaha yang mendistribusikan atau memasarkan produk telepon seluler di Indonesia yang harus bertanggung jawab sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan, hal ini dapat diketahui karena produk dari telepon seluler Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro yang dipasarkan oleh distributor tidak memenuhi standar komponen yang diberlakukan sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Perindustrian Nomor 29/M-IND/PER/7/2017 Tentang Ketentuan Dan Tata Cara Penghitungan Nilai Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri Produk Telepon Seluler, Komputer Genggam, Dan Komputer Tablet.   Kata Kunci: Perlindungan Konsumen, Tanggung Jawab, Telepon Seluler

    Romantik İlişkilerde İzlenim Ayarlamacılığı: Stres ve Psikolojik Belirtiler

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    The purpose of this study was to examine whether stress and psychological symptoms predict self monitoring scores in romantic relationships at university students. Participants were 280 university students, each involved in a heterosexual romantic relationship. Demographic Information Form, Brief Symptom Inventory, Stress Symptoms Checklist and Revised Self Monitoring Scale were used for data collection. Multiple regression analysis showed that the level of relationship distress was an important predictor of self monitoring scores. For females, depression and level ofrelationship distress were significant predictors for self monitoring scores. Anger was significant predictor of self monitoring scores for males. In addition, participants who had high levels of perceived relationship distress had higher self monitoring scores than those who had low levels of perceived relationship distress.Bu araştırmanın amacı, stres ve psikolojik belirtilerin, romantik ilişkisi olan üniversite öğrencilerinde izlenim ayarlamacılığı puanlarını yordayıp yordamadığını incelemektir. Araştırmaya karşıt cinsel romantik ilişkisi olan 280 üniversite öğrencisi katılmıştır. Veri toplama amacıyla Demografik Bilgi Formu, Kısa Semptom Envanteri, Stres Semptomları Kontrol Listesi ve Gözden Geçirilmiş Kendini Ayarlama Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Çoklu regresyon analizi, ilişkisel sorun düzeyinin, izlenim ayarlamacılığı puanlarının önemli yordayıcısı olduğunu göstermiştir. Kadınlarda, depresyon ve ilişkisel sorun düzeyi, izlenim ayarlamacılığının anlamlı yordayıcılarıdır. Erkeklerde ise öfke, izlenim ayarlamacılığının anlamlı yordayıcısıdır. Ayrıca, yüksek düzeyde ilişkilerini sorunlu algılayan katılımcıların izlenim ayarlamacılığı puanları, ilişkilerini düşük düzeyde sorunlu algılayan katılımcılardan daha yüksektir

    Social Studies Curricula: Interpreting and Using African Primary Source Documents

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    While many US residents like listening to African stories, hearing African stories is difficult because designing effective curricula and teaching about African contexts appear to be a major challenge in US social studies education.  Drawing on postcolonial theory, we analyzed the discourses of two contemporaneous historical documents to demonstrate the complexities in meaning making processes inherent in the indigenous Yorubas’ social practices, in the southwestern part of Nigeria.  Differential complex perspectives on Yoruba social practices are evident in both colonialist and native authored historical documents from the same time period when colonialist authority had been established but indigenous cultural practices were evident and continuing.  The Colonialist authored historical document indicate misunderstanding of the meaning of some Yoruba social practices.  The native authored historical document provides underlying meanings for social practices and ties portrayal of social practices to indigenous ways of being.  The discussion calls attention to how colonial legacies influence meaning making, meaning made from, and knowledge made available by, historical documents, as well as ways forward in addressing contemporary discourse on Africa in US social studies curriculum

    Geleneğin beden bulması: Anonim tasarım

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    Günümüz Türkiye'sinde günlük hayatta yoğun olarak kullanılan, fakat tasarımcısı belirsiz ürünlere örneklerin verildiği bu çalışmada, anonim tasarım kavramı ele alınmaktadır. Öncelikle, sanayi devrimi öncesi nesnelerin ortaya cışış süreci, daha sonra endüstri ürünleri tasarımı mesleğinin yerleşmesi ile nasıl kontrollü bir sürece geçildiği açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Anonim tasarım kavramının üzerinde durulduktan sonra, yerel kültüre dayalı olarak, günlük ihtiyaçların nasıl günlük kullanım ürünlerine dönüştüğü açıklanmaktadır. Endüstri ürünleri tasarımı mesleğinde, kontrollü ve planlı şekilde ilerleyen tasarlama sürecinin, yüzyıllar öncesinden günümüze gelen bazı nesnelerde nasıl gerçekleştiği ele alınmıştır. Cezve, çay bardağı, rakı bardağı gibi, çok kullanılan ve kullanım alanlarına göre doğru çözümler sunan bu nesnelerin, bu form ve fonksiyon özelliklerine neden ve nasıl sahip oldukları irdelenmiş, üretim yöntemleri ve malzemeleri açıklanmıştır. Bu nesnelerin, geleneksel zanaat yöntemleriyle ve günümüz üretim yöntemleriyle üretilmesi karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, anonim tasarım örnekleri üzerinden, ihtiyaç-işlev-kullanım ilişkisi irdelenmiş, ve anonim tasarımın bir toplumun anlaşılması açısından önemi üzerinde durulmaya çalışılmıştır. The objective of this paper is to review the concept of 'anonymous design', with the help of anonymous design amples from contemprorary Turkish daily life. Firstly, the traditional design methods for pre-industrial producti-and then the appearence of design process paralel to industrial design is tried to explained. It's intended to exp-n, how daily needs become daily products, paralel to local culture, after a general explanation of anonymous sign. The design process that is planned and controlled in industrial design discipline is tried to be observed rough objects which are made pre-industrial design methods Objects, which are widely used and offer propriate lutions for the served needs, like cezve, turkish tea glass and turkish rakı glass are tried to be analized in order to serve why and how they had their form and function properties and their materials and production methods are ed to be explained. The production of these objects with traditional and modern methods is compared. As a result, 2 relationship between needs-fuction-use is analized over examples of anonymous design products, and the iportance of anonymous design in order to understand a culture is tried to be emphasized

    Centrifugal Pump Fault Detection with Convolutional Neural Network Transfer Learning

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    The centrifugal pump is the workhorse of many industrial and domestic applications, such as water supply, wastewater treatment and heating. While modern pumps are reliable, their unexpected failures may jeopardise safety or lead to significant financial losses. Consequently, there is a strong demand for early fault diagnosis, detection and predictive monitoring systems. Most prior work on machine-learning based centrifugal pump fault detection is based on either synthetic data, simulation or data from test rigs in controlled laboratory conditions. In this research paper, we attempt to detect centrifugal pump faults using data collected from real operational pumps deployed in various places in collaboration with a specialist pump engineering company. The detection is done by binary classifying visual features of DQ/Concordia patterns with residual networks. Besides using a real dataset, the paper employs transfer learning from image detection domain to systematically solve a real-life problem in engineering domain. By feeding DQ image data to popular and high-performance residual network (e.g ResNet-34), the proposed approach achieved up to 85.51% of classification accuracy.<br/