3,048 research outputs found

    Incarcerated Mothers\u27 Communication While Separated

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    The separation and re-unification of the mother and child requires the attention of scholars. Re-establishing a relationship with his or her mother alleviates the threat of the consequences that a child experiences when his or her mother is incarcerated. Fifty three incarcerated mothers were interviewed on their communication with their children while separated. A content analysis was used to gain insight on the types of conflict, conflict strategies, conflict styles, and cause of conflict. Using an interpersonal skill deficiency model this study found that there was a difference between conflicts described as ending negatively and conflicts described as ending positively. During conflicts that ended negatively, incarcerated mothers used less strategies and conflict styles indicating a lack of constructive skills during times of frustration and anger. Relationships were also found between incarcerated mothers\u27 attitudes toward parenting and verbal aggressive messages, parenting style and incarcerated mothers\u27 attitudes toward parenting, and verbal aggressive messages and incarcerated mothers\u27 socio-communicative style. By giving incarcerated mothers competent and constructive skills to deal with conflict management, especially the conflict topic of incarceration, the mother-child relationship may be strengthene

    Optimal Pricing of Water: Optimal Departures from the Inverse Elasticity Rule

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    I consider the problem of water usage, developing a model to analyze the optimal pricing of water within a second-best economy. Consumers are assumed to have two main needs for water|drinking and non-drinking. Water is also used to produce food: The agricultural sector has a derived demand for water. As a water supplier, the local government may price discriminate across consumers and farmers. I introduce the second-best pricing scheme, derive conditions for the marginal-cost pricing and inverse-elasticity rules to apply, and analyze when it is optimal for the government to optimally deviate from these two pricing schemes

    The attitudes of some Turkish students toward responses to their EFL writing

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    Ankara : Faculty of Humanities and letters and the institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent University, 1993.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1993.Includes bibliographical references leaves 30-38This study attempted to investigate what Turkish students' attitudes are toward response to their EFL writing. Answers of three main questions were inquired and unstructured interviews were made with some of the students following after the circulation of questionnaire. A total of a hundred-fifty EFL learners participated in the study. Students responded the questionnaire prepared by National Writing Project, Freedman (1982), and a few more questions were added to the questionnaire by the researcher. The first major question was how often students write for school. Students write more for English 102 or 104 when compared to other classes they have. The second question was for understanding what concept of response students have. Students responded that they have mostly written comments on their completed works. The last question was to learn what responses are accomplished in and out of class. Teachers almost always respond to the completed drafts, but they less frequently respond to papers in process. Students are not very much in favor of peer correction technique. As teachers select the topics for students to write about, they also want their students to be self-selective.Sağlam, GülderenM.S

    International Competitiveness and the Unit-Labor-Cost-Based Competitiveness Index

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    The paper attempts to estimate a unit labor cost based competitiveness index for Turkey. The trade weighted real effective exchange rate isthe generally used measure of external competitiveness,which at timesmay fail to explain why a country's export performance improves despite its overvalued currency. When unit labor costs of Turkey and its trading partners are compared, it is seen that especially over the 1999-2003 period, Turkey's unit labor costs remained far below those of its trading partners and hence the unit labor cost based competitiveness index turned in favor of Turkey. Hence, during this period the overvaluation of the TL was more than compensated by the reduction inunit labor costs. Turkey, during the last few years experienced relatively higher growth rates which was export led and the outcome of increased productivity. This is why despite the growing output, employment was notaffected

    Structural Econometric Methods in Auctions: A Guide to the Literature

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    Auction models have proved to be attractive to structural econometricians who, since the late 1980s, have made substantial progress in identifying and estimating these rich game-theoretic models of bidder behavior. We provide a guide to the literature in which we contrast the various informational structures (paradigms) commonly assumed by researchers and uncover the evolution of the eld. We highlight major contributions within each paradigm and benchmark modi cations and extensions to these core models. Lastly, we discuss special topics that have received substantial attention among auction researchers in recent years, including auctions formultiple objects, auctions with risk averse bidders, testing between common and private value paradigms, unobserved auction-speci c heterogeneity, and accounting for an unobserved number of bidders as well as endogenous entry

    Change of Conservation and Planning Approach in Türkiye Forests%253A Bilezikçi Farm Forest (1926-2020)

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    The first precaution for the protection of forest areas in Anatolia-Türkiye began during the Ottoman Empire. With the first forest management plan made in Hendek, a new phase has started in terms of planning in our forestry. Other important processes in the protection and utilization of forests are respectively%253B The nationalization of the country%252339%253Bs forests during the Republic of Türkiye, shift to sector based planning in 1963, and the transition from the wood-producing axis to the quot%253BEcosystem-Based Functional Planningquot%253B (ETFOP) approach, in which other benefits and functions are taken into account. Bilezikçi Farm Forest is one of the oldest planned forest units, where these processes are fully experienced and which reveals the change in the understanding of the protection and utilization of the Türkiye%252339%253Bs forests. It has a feature that sheds light on our forestry from past to present with its changing forest laws, transition from private property to public and changing utilization understanding since 1926 when it was first planned. In the study, seven management plans made for Bilezikçi Farm Forest between 1926 and 2020 were examined, and the change in the understanding of country forestry in terms of planning was revealed

    A Case Study for Networks of Bidirectional Transformations

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    Die Entwicklung moderner Softwaresysteme basiert oft auf mehreren Artefakten. Diese Artefakte teilen sich oft redundante oder abhängige Informationen, welche während der Entwicklung des Softwaresystems konsistent gehalten werden müssen. Die manuelle Durchführung dieses Prozesses ist arbeitsaufwendig und fehleranfällig. Konsistenzerhaltungsmechanismen ermöglichen diese Artefakte automatisch konsistent zu halten. Konsistenzerhaltung basiert oftmals auf bidirektionalen Transformationen, welche ein Zielmodell aktualisieren, wenn ein Quellmodell modifiziert wird. Während das Gebiet der bidirektionale Transformationen stark erforscht ist, hat Konsistenzerhaltung von mehr als zwei Modellen bisher weniger Aufmerksamkeit erhalten. Allerdings umfasst die Entwicklung von Softwaresystemen jedoch oft mehr als zwei Modelle. Folglich benötigt man Konsistenzerhaltung zwischen mehr als zwei Modellen, welche durch Netzwerke bidirektionaler Transformationen erreicht werden kann. Solche Transformationsnetzwerke kombinieren mehrere Transformationen, wobei jede einzelne für die Konsistenzerhaltung zweier Modelle verantwortlich ist. Da die Entwicklung jeder Transformation individuelles Domänenwissen erfordert, werden sie in der Regel von mehreren Domänenexperten unabhängig voneinander entwickelt. Zusätzlich können einzelne Transformationen in anderen Netzwerken wiederverwendet werden. Dies wird jedoch in bisherigen Arbeiten nicht berücksichtigt, macht aber die Konsistenzerhaltung durch Netzwerke bidirektionaler Transformationen anfällig für Probleme. In einem Netzwerk von Transformationen kann es beispielsweise zwei oder mehr Verkettungen von Transformationen geben, die dieselben Metamodelle mit verschiedenen anderen Metamodellen in Beziehung setzen. Jedoch können sie die Elemente unterschiedlich miteinander in Beziehung setzen. Dies kann zum Beispiel zu einer doppelten Erstellung derselben Elemente über die verschiedenen Transformationsketten führen. Es gibt jedoch kein systematisches Wissen über die Problemarten, die in solchen Netzwerken auftreten können oder ob und wie derartige Probleme systematisch verhindert werden können. Diese Thesis führt eine Fallstudie durch, die ermitteln soll, welche Arten von Problemen bei der Konsistenzerhaltung durch Netzwerke bidirektionaler Transformationen auftreten können. Für diese Probleme leiten wir eine Klassifizierung hinsichtlich des erforderlichen Wissens für ihre Vermeidung ab. Für Probleme, die Transformationsentwickler verhindern können, schlagen wir Strategien zur systematischen Vermeidung während ihrer Konstruktion vor. In unserer Fallstudie sind 90\% der gefundenen Probleme verhinderbar. Die übrigen Probleme lassen sich während der Entwicklung einer einzelnen Transformation nicht ohne das Wissen über weitere Transformationen im Netzwerk vermeiden. Folglich hilft diese Thesis Transformationsentwicklern Fehler bei der Erstellung von Transformationen systematisch zu vermeiden und ermöglicht es Netzwerkentwicklern Fehler zu erkennen, die bei der Konstruktion der Transformation nicht verhindert werden können


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    İşleme işlemleri sırasında kesme kuvvetlerinin doğru tahmini, takım durumunun kontrolü, güç tüketimi ve işleme parametrelerinin optimizasyonu için son derece önemlidir. Kesme kuvvetlerini etkileyen çeşitli işleme parametreleri vardır, fakat bu etkileri etkin bir şekilde sayısallaştırmaya ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. İşleme parametrelerini ve takım geometrisini optimize etmek için kesme kuvvetleri ile ilgili bazı tahmin modelleri teşkil edilmelidir. Bu sebeple, bu çalışmada bulanık kurallara dayalı bir uzman sistem açıklandı. Ayrıca belirli parametreleri ele geçirmek için regresyon modelleri geliştirildi. Fuzzy (bulanık) bir uzman sistem geliştirmek için veri elde etmede bir dizi tornalama deneyleri gerçekleştirildi. Buna ilaveten, deneysel veriler hangi giriş parametrelerinin önemli olduğunu ve giriş parametreleri için kesme kuvvetleri ve fuzzy setleri tasarımında ne kadar etkili olduğunu belirlemek için varyans analizine (ANOVA) tabi tutulmuştur. Fuzzy modeli ölçülen veri kümeleri ile eğitildi. Ayrıca regresyon modelleri ile fuzzy modelinin bir mukayesesi yapıldı. Kesme kuvveti değerleri için tahmini fuzzy modeli daha iyi tahmin yapabilir bulunmuştur. Deneysel veriler kullanılarak iki model test edildi ve sonuçlar kesme kuvvetlerinin ortalama tahmininin regresyon analizi ile %92.78, fuzzy model ile %96.2 tamlıkta tahmin edildiğini göstermiştir