125 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamic changes imposed by tidal energy converters on extracting energy on a real case scenario

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    The development on tidal turbine technology is ongoing with focus on several aspects, including hydrodynamics, operation and environment. Before considering an area for exploitation, tidal energy resource assessments in pre-feasibility energy extraction areas must include the relevant characteristics of the device to be used. The present paper uses the momentum source approach to represent a floatable tidal energy converter (TECs) in a coastal hydro-morphodynamic model and to perform model simulations utilising different TEC array schernes by quantifying the aggregated drag coefficient of the device array. Simulations for one-month periods with nested models were performed to evaluate the hydrodynamic impacts of energy extraction using as output parameters the reduction in velocity and water-level variation differences against a no-extraction scenario. The case study focuses on representing the deployment of floatable E35 Evopod TECs in Sanda Sound (South Kintyre, Argyll, Scotland). The range in power output values from the simulations clearly reflects the importance of choosing the location of the array, as slight changes in the location (of <1 km) can approximately double the potential power output. However, the doubling of the installed capacity of TECs doubles the mean velocity deficit and water level differences in the area surrounding the extraction point. These differences are amplified by a maximum factor of 4 during peak flood/ebb during spring tides. In the simulations, the drag coefficient is set to be constant, which represents a fixed operational state of the turbine, and is a limitation of coastal models of this type that cannot presently be solved. Nevertheless, the nesting of models with different resolutions, as presented in this paper, makes it possible to achieve continuous improvements in the accuracy of the quantification of momentum loss by representing turbine characteristics close to the scale of the turbine. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Flood vulnerability under sea level rise for a coastal community located in a backbarrier environment, Portugal

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    Sea level rise will be a major threat to coastal communities within the next century due to the intensity and severity of the floods it can cause. A new methodology considering water infiltration, slope, and hydraulic connectivity was developed to assess the potential inundation extension associated with different total water level and sea level rise scenarios on sandy coasts. This methodology was applied for the current conditions as well as 2050 and 2100 scenarios of storm surge and high tide levels with return periods of 1 year and 100 years. The study area is Culatra village, located on the lagoon side of a barrier island in southern Portugal. The effects of shoreline evolution after the construction of a harbor and associated beach nourishment were also evaluated within the inundation scenarios. The results show that, within the study area, total water level variations caused by sea level rise have a greater influence on the inundation extension than shoreline retreat. The village appears to be safe for the current and 2050 total water level scenarios with a 1-year return period but would be highly affected by 100-year return periods, especially from 2050 onwards. This novel approach represents an improvement on more common flood mapping methods such as the bathtub approach and can be easily applied to other backbarrier environments under sea level rise or facing coastal erosion.LA/P/0069/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Desarrollo de un modelo numérico para el estudio de la unidad vertebral funcional humana C4-C5 ante latigazo cervical

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    En este documento se recogen los resultados obtenidos tras el proceso de estudio, mediante un modelo numérico, de las reacciones producidas en la unidad estructural vertebral humana C4-C5 en movimientos de latigazo cervical para tres perfiles de persona diferentes; persona joven, persona mayor y persona mayor con osteoporosis. Se ha estudiado el comportamiento de los elementos que conforman esta unidad estructural (vértebras cervicales C4 y C5 y su disco intervertebral) variando sus propiedades mecánicas según el perfil de persona ensayado. Los tres perfiles ensayados se sometieron a cuatro aceleraciones de diferente magnitud y naturaleza. El trasfondo del trabajo son los accidentes de tráfico por alcance trasero y colisión frontal y las consecuencias que tienen estos sobre la columna cervical humana. La simulación por el Método de los Elementos Finitos (MEF) se realizó utilizando el software comercial Abaqus CAE®.This paper presents the results obtained after the process of studying, using a numerical model, the reactions in the human vertebral structure C4-C5 in movements of whiplash. Three types of profiles have been studied; young person, old person with disc degeneration and old person with disc degeneration and osteoporosis. The behaviour of the elements of this structural unit (C4 and C5 cervical vertebrae and its intervertebral disc) has been studied varying its mechanical properties to adapt the simulation to the profile of person tested. The three profiles tested were submitted to four different nature and magnitude of acceleration. The background of this study are the rear and frontal collisions in traffic accidents and their consequences in the human cervical spine. Finite Element Simulation (FEM) was carried out using the commercial software Abaqus CAE®.Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriale

    Técnica para la localización de fuentes basada en la perspectiva de reconstrucción de la señal

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    Son muchas las aplicaciones que utilizan arreglos de sensores para localizar fuentes de señal y, en la mayoría de los casos, buscan estimar la distancia a la que se encuentran esas fuentes. El número de métodos para la estimación de distancias es elevado, y centran su atención en el caso de señales de banda estrecha, es decir, aquellas en las que se puede aproximar el retardo temporal como un desplazamiento de fase. Esta tesis se enfoca en el uso de algoritmos de super-resolución para la estimación de distancias a fuentes de banda estrecha. En concreto se evalúa el rendimiento de los algoritmos de super-resolución más populares, aquellos que permiten reducir el tiempo de cómputo a la vez que aumentar la precisión y disminuir los requerimientos hardware. Todos estos parámetros, junto con la probabilidad de resolución, varían de forma importante entre ellos, lo que determina su utilización o descarte para aplicaciones en tiempo real. Los métodos de super-resolución utilizan el concepto de subespacio de señal. Para poder tratar con señales de banda ancha, se descomponen las señales recibidas en otras de banda estrecha por medio de un filtrado pasa banda, y se aplican luego los mismos algoritmos con algunas consideraciones específicas. Sintetizando, puede decirse que existen dos formas distintas de resolver las señales descompuestas. Los métodos incoherentes procesan, mediante un procedimiento determinado de banda estrecha, cada banda de forma independiente, para luego promediar los resultados. Los métodos coherentes modulan las señales en cada banda para que luego puedan combinarse de forma coherente. En esta tesis se compara el desempeño de los distintos algoritmos de super-resolución en términos de velocidad, precisión y necesidad de recursos. Se propone un nuevo método que hace uso de un solo sensor y exhibe una serie de características deseables para la mayoría de las aplicaciones en las que se trata con fuentes de banda estrecha. Los resultados de la aplicación de este método a los diferentes algoritmos de super-resolución son comparados entre sí y con los de otros métodos tradicionales

    Técnica para la localización de fuentes basada en la perspectiva de reconstrucción de la señal

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    Son muchas las aplicaciones que utilizan arreglos de sensores para localizar fuentes de señal y, en la mayoría de los casos, buscan estimar la distancia a la que se encuentran esas fuentes. El número de métodos para la estimación de distancias es elevado, y centran su atención en el caso de señales de banda estrecha, es decir, aquellas en las que se puede aproximar el retardo temporal como un desplazamiento de fase. Esta tesis se enfoca en el uso de algoritmos de super-resolución para la estimación de distancias a fuentes de banda estrecha. En concreto se evalúa el rendimiento de los algoritmos de super-resolución más populares, aquellos que permiten reducir el tiempo de cómputo a la vez que aumentar la precisión y disminuir los requerimientos hardware. Todos estos parámetros, junto con la probabilidad de resolución, varían de forma importante entre ellos, lo que determina su utilización o descarte para aplicaciones en tiempo real. Los métodos de super-resolución utilizan el concepto de subespacio de señal. Para poder tratar con señales de banda ancha, se descomponen las señales recibidas en otras de banda estrecha por medio de un filtrado pasa banda, y se aplican luego los mismos algoritmos con algunas consideraciones específicas. Sintetizando, puede decirse que existen dos formas distintas de resolver las señales descompuestas. Los métodos incoherentes procesan, mediante un procedimiento determinado de banda estrecha, cada banda de forma independiente, para luego promediar los resultados. Los métodos coherentes modulan las señales en cada banda para que luego puedan combinarse de forma coherente. En esta tesis se compara el desempeño de los distintos algoritmos de super-resolución en términos de velocidad, precisión y necesidad de recursos. Se propone un nuevo método que hace uso de un solo sensor y exhibe una serie de características deseables para la mayoría de las aplicaciones en las que se trata con fuentes de banda estrecha. Los resultados de la aplicación de este método a los diferentes algoritmos de super-resolución son comparados entre sí y con los de otros métodos tradicionales

    Role of shore platforms on coastal cliffs protection in Algarve (South Portugal): first approach

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    The complex interaction between morphogenetic processes acting on rocky coasts and substrate characteristics difficult the assessment of its evolution at different time scales. In opposition to other coastal environments such as beaches, where variations on substrate’s attributes are constrained to a few possibilities, rocky coasts expose substrates having large amount of variables, among them, lithology, mechanical and chemical strength, density and orientation of faults and joints and, rocks’ texture and structure (e.g., Trenhaile, 2003).Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology-FC

    Geoestadística aplicada a series de tiempo autorregresivas: un estudio de simulación

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    La geoestadística puede usarse como método de predicción de datos faltantes en series temporales. El procedimiento se basa en el estudio de la estructura de autocorrelación temporal de la serie de tiempo por medio de la función de variograma, que es estimada por mínimos cuadrados (geoestadística clásica) o por máxima verosimilitud (geoestadística basada en modelo), y en usar posteriormente Kriging para hacer predicción de los valores faltantes. En este trabajo se comparan a través de simulación las dos aproximaciones (geoestadística clásica y basada en modelo) en el contexto de series temporales autorregresivas. MSC2010: 60G15, 62M10, 62M20, 62M30, 86A32

    Analysis of the perception and presence of design in the fruit and vegetable cluster: The case of southeast Spain

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    [EN] Companies must provide economic, environmental and social added value based on innovation strategies, design and creative thinking in a globalised and competitive world characterised by rapid change and constantly evolving technologies. In this context, this paper analyses the role of design practice in companies in the agri-food sector (i.e. what is the design component present like; what are its relevance and importance?) An exploratory, descriptive study was conducted with 30 companies in southeast (SE) Spain's fruit/vegetable sector. The findings reveal that all the surveyed companies make financial investments in design and positively value this (7.6 out of 10), which indicates they recognise its strategic and operative importance. However, integration, training and design promotion in the agri-food sector remains somewhat limited. Most companies lack an in-house design department or design professionals as staff members and perform mainly design activities limited to the visual and communication tasks related to marketing initiatives. These results unveil opportunities for enhancing design incorporation and appreciation in the agri-food sector, which could boost its competitiveness and differentiation in the market. Finally, this study can be considered a starting point for future development in line with the horticultural sector's theory, practice, and design management policies.We are grateful to the Junta de Andalucia for the Postdoctoral Contract (Ref. DOC_01126) of the second author, during which he spent a period at the Project Management, Innovation and Sustainability Research Center (PRINS) of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, of which this work is the result. We also thank the professors and researchers, Dr Fernando J. Aguilar Torres, Dr Manuel A. Aguilar Torres, Dr Emilio Galdeano Gomez, and Dr Laura Piedra Munoz, for their advice in the first phase of the research. We would also like to thank the Campus Agroalimentario de Excelencia Internacional ceiA3' (Miguel A. Dorado Perez) and the Servicio de Estudios Agroalimentarios de Cajamar-Caja Rural (David Ucles Aguilera). And, finally, to all the companies of the fruit and vegetable cluster of southeastern Spain that participated in the field study phase for their valuable contribution to the findings obtained.Arroyo Vázquez, M.; González-Yebra, Ó.; Pacheco-Blanco, B.; Artacho Ramírez, MÁ. (2023). Analysis of the perception and presence of design in the fruit and vegetable cluster: The case of southeast Spain. Agricultural Economics (Zemedelská ekonomika). 69(8):321-331. https://doi.org/10.17221/169/2023-AGRICECON32133169

    Comparing conventional and microwave-assisted heating in PET degradation mediated by imidazolium-based halometallate complexes

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    The catalytic activity of two halometallate complexes based on imidazolium cations, (dimim)[FeCl4] (1) and (dimim)2[Fe2Cl6(μ-O)] (2), was evaluated in the glycolysis of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), either under conventional heating or microwave-assisted conditions. The two procedures led to the formation of bis(2-hydroxyethyl)terephthalate (BHET) as the major product with high yields, also allowing the isolation and structural characterization of a new polymorph. The influence of the halometallate structure on the catalytic activity was investigated, and additional experimental studies proved the involvement of both the imidazolium cation and metal anion in the reaction mechanism. The comparison of both approaches showed the advantages of the microwave methodology in terms of efficiency and time saving. Indeed, the use of ground PET and microwave heating provided quantitative yields of BHET. Under conventional heating conditions, the dinuclear iron complex gave a slightly lower yield than (dimim)[FeCl4] (74% vs. 77% for post-consumer PET) after 24 h of reaction. However, the microwave-assisted process led to comparable results in remarkably shorter reaction times (2 h). Interestingly, complex 2, containing the dipolar [Fe2Cl6(μ-O)]2− moiety, provided higher yields than 1 with the non-dipolar [FeCl4]− anion (77% vs. 69%). This behaviour has been rationalized on the basis of dielectric heating mechanisms (polarization and conduction), and it suggests a new approach towards obtaining more efficient catalysts by tailoring the catalytic species to be active in both heating mechanisms.Financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Projects MAT2014-55049-C2-R and MAT2016-75883-C2-1-P), Universidad del País Vasco/EuskalHerrikoUnibertsitatea (GIU17/50 and PPG17/37). Universidad de Cantabria (Proyecto Puente convocatoria 2018 financed by SODERCAN-FEDER)