8 research outputs found

    Portuguese teachers’ perceptions of grammar teaching

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    The teaching of grammar, as envisaged in the official curriculum, has been identified as challenging for many Portuguese teachers. In this paper, we present a study conducted with the aim of characterizing primary and middle school teachers’ perceptions about their own grammar teaching, utilizing Shulman’s model (1987) as adapted by Grossman (1990). We carried out a collective case study, using a questionnaire survey (n=200 teachers) to determine the importance teachers attach to teaching grammar, the degree of perceived adequacy of their knowledge and the difficulties they identify in this area of their teaching. The results reveal that teachers’ perceptions are shaped by multiple decisive factors including content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, knowledge of the curricula and general educational knowledge. Based on these findings, we advocate the need to rethink how teachers are trained and to (re) create awareness about the complexity of knowledge in grammar teaching and its role in effective student learning.This work benefited from financial support by national funds provided by Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT/MCTES-PT). The first author was funded by CIEC (Center for Research in Child Studies at the University of Minho) project UID/CED/00317/2019. The second author was funded by CIEd – Research Centre on Education, project UID/CED/01661/2019, Institute of Education, University of Minho. The third author was funded by the Centre of Linguistics of the University of Porto, FCT UID/LIN/022/2016.Cristina Vieira da Silva: [email protected]Íris Susana Pires Pereira: [email protected] Sebastião: [email protected] Vieira da Silva completed her PhD in Linguistics in 2003. She is currently a Coordinator Professor at the Higher School of Education of Paula Frassinetti in Porto and a member of CIEC (Research Centre on Child Studies) at the University of Minho. Her areas of research cover language teaching and learning, literacy education, reading, writing and grammar teaching.Íris Susana Pires Pereira is a member of the Research Center on Education (CIEd) at the Institute of Education, University of Minho, in Portugal, where she holds the position of Assistant Professor of language and literacy education. Her research focuses on language and literacy learning in the early years, with a particular interest in the specialised forms of the language of schooling, now including digital resources for meaning making. She also investigates the role of specialized language in teachers’ professional learning and development.Isabel Sebastião is a post-doc researcher at the Centre of Linguistics of the University of Porto (CLUP) funded by a grant from the Foundation for Science and Technology. She has developed research work in discourse analysis and teaching of Portuguese language as mother tongue and foreign language. Isabel Sebastião has been sharing her research findings in articles published in scientific journals and in conference presentations in Portugal and abroad.Cristina Vieira da Silva - ESEPF/Research Centre on Child Studies, University of Minho, PortugalÍris Susana Pires Pereira - Research Centre in Education, Institute of Education, University of Minho, PortugalIsabel Sebastião - Centre of Linguistics of the University of Porto, PortugalBoivin, M.-C. 2018. A review of the current empirical research on grammar instruction in the francophone regions. Contribution to the special issue Working on Grammar at School in L1- Education: Empirical Research across Linguistic Regions. L1 – Educational Studies in Language and Literature 17: 1–48.Boivin, M.-C., Fontich, X., Funke, R. Folgado, M.-J. & Myhill, D. 2018. Working on grammar at school in L1 education: Empirical research across linguistic regions. Introduction to the special issue Working on grammar at school in L1 education: Empirical research across linguistic regions. L1 – Educational Studies in Language and Literature 18: 1–6.Buescu, H. C., Morais, J., Rocha, M. R & Magalhães, V. F. 2015. Programa e metas curriculares de português do ensino básico [Programand Curriculum Goals for the Portuguese language]. Lisboa: Ministério da Educação e Ciência.https://www.dge.mec.pt/sites/default/files/Basico/Metas/Portugues/pmcpeb_julho_2015.pdf (15 January 2019).Buescu, H. C., Morais, J., Rocha, M. R. & Magalhães, V. F. 2012. Metas curriculares de português: ensino básico. 1.º, 2.º e 3.º ciclos.[Portuguese Language Curriculum Goals for1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles]. Lisboa: Ministério da Educação e Ciência.Chevallard, Y. 1985. La Transposition didactique: du savoir savant au savoir enseigné. Grenoble: La Pensée Sauvage.Costa, J. & Aguiar e Silva, V. (org.). (n.d.) Dicionário terminológico. [Terminological Dictionary] http://dt.dge.mec.pt/ (15 January 2019).Costa, J. 2007. Grammatical knowledge of the output of secondary education: current status and consequences in relation to reading, writing and speaking skills. In: C. Reis (org.) Proceedings of the CIEP. Lisboa: DGIDC – Ministério da Educação. 149–165.DEB. 2001. Currículo Nacional do Ensino Básico – Competências Essenciais. [Basic Education – Essential Skills]. Lisboa: Departamento da Educação Básica – Ministério da Educação. http://www.cfaematosinhos.eu/NPPEB_01_CN.pdf. (15 January 2019).DESPACHO n.º 17169/2011. 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Conceções e práticas dos professores de língua portuguesa em relação ao ensino e à aprendizagem da gramática: um estudo exploratório no 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico [Concepts and practices of Portuguese language teachers in relation to grammar teaching and learning: an exploratory study at Middle School level.] Lisboa: Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa: IPL. https://repositorio.ipl.pt/handle/10400.21/2321. (15 January 2019).Grossman, P. 1990. The Making of a Teacher: Teacher Knowledge and Teacher Education. New York: Teachers College Press.Milian, M. 2014. Working on grammar at school. In: T. Ribas, X. Fontich & O. Guasch (eds.), Grammar at School – Research on Metalinguistic Activity in Language Education, 43–74. Brussels: Peter Lang S.A.Myhill, D. 2018. Grammar as a meaning-making resource for improving writing. Contribution to a special issue Working on Grammar at School in L1-Education: Empirical Research across Linguistic Regions. L1 – Educational Studies in Language and Literature 18: 1–21. https://doi.org/10.17239/L1ESLL-2018.18.04.04 (15 January 2019).Nespor, J. 1987. The Role of Beliefs in the Practice of Teaching. Journal of Curriculum Studies 19: 317–328.Pereira, Í. , Viana, F. L. & Silva, C.V. 2015. Sobre a formação do professor alfabetizador. Contributos para a caracterização do conhecimento de base do professor alfabetizador. [On literacy teacher training. Contributing factors in the knowledge base of literacy teachers]. Revista Perspectiva 33 (1): 231–259.Reis, C. (coord.).2009. Programa de Português do Ensino Básico.[Program for Portuguese language teaching in Basic Education]. Lisboa: DGIDC - Ministério da Educação.http://www.dge.mec.pt/sites/default/files/Basico/Metas/Portugues/programa_portugues_revogado.pdf (15 January 2019).Roldão, M. do Céu. 2007. Função docente: natureza econstrução do conhecimento profissional. [Teaching: nature and construction of professional knowledge]. 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De Programa em Programa até às Metas Curriculares de Português: o desenho de percursos de aprendizagem na educação linguística. [From Programs to Curriculum Goals for the Portuguese language: learning pathway design for language teaching]. In: A. M. Ferreira, & M. F. Brasete (eds.), Pelos Mares da língua portuguesa 2. Aveiro: UA Editora, 283–294.Silva, C. V. & Pereira, I. 2014. Do conhecimento gramatical ao conhecimento didático no ensino da Gramática: perceções de docentes do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. [From grammatical knowledge to didactic knowledge in Grammar teaching: primary school teacher perceptions]. In: M.A. Flores, C. Coutinho & J. A. Lencastre (org.), Atas do congresso Formação e trabalho docente na sociedade da aprendizagem. Braga: CIEC, 657–667.Stake, R. 2000. Case Studies. In: N. K. Denzin, Lincoln, Yvonna S. (Ed.) Handbook of Qualitative Research, 134–164. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.Watson, A. 2015. The problem of grammar teaching: a case study of the relationship between a teacher’s beliefs and pedagogical practice. Language and Education 29 (4): 332–346.24 (1/2019)658

    The principle of situated practice in literacy learning: students’ perspectives

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    O artigo resulta de uma investigação realizada no âmbito de uma iniciativa governamental destinada a melhorar os níveis de literacia nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental em Portugal. A investigadora estudou as representações dos alunos sobre essa experiência por meio da realização de entrevistas em grupo. Este artigo analisa os dados referentes às representações dos alunos sobre uma das dimensões pedagógicas centrais da aprendizagem da literacia, nomeadamente a constituída pela prática situada. A análise qualitativa revela representações muito positivas sobre a prática que situou a aprendizagem, tendo os alunos expressado opiniões e sentimentos extremamente favoráveis sobre a prática de aprendizagem de literacia que experimentaram. A análise dos dados desvelou ainda que o contexto que situou a aprendizagem foi ativo, lúdico, colaborativo e mediado pelas TIC. Esses resultados fundamentam, do ponto de vista único dos próprios aprendentes, uma redefinição do entendimento atual do princípio da prática situada da literacia nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental, no sentido do reconhecimento da centralidade da ludicidade nessa aprendizagem.This article derives from research developed in the context of the implementation of a governmental initiative aimed to enhance literacy learning in primary education in Portugal. The researcher studied students’ representations about their learning experience through group interviews. This article focuses on data concerning students’ representations about one of the central pedagogical dimensions of literacy learning, namely situated practice. Qualitative analysis revealed students’ very positive representations about the practice which situated their learning, as they expressed extremely favourable opinions and feelings. Data analysis further unveiled that the context of learning was active, playful, collaborative, and mediated by ICT. Such results provide foundations for a theoretical redefinition of current conceptions of situated practice by evidencing the centrality of playfulness as learning practice in the education of the first grades of primary education. This is an original contribution made from the perspectives of learners themselves(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Meeting the Challenges of Designing Multimodal Texts to Promote Multiliteracies Pedagogy

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    This article aims to add to the understanding of the challenges involved in designing digital texts to promote multiliteracies pedagogy. A multiliteracies approach calls for multimodal meaning-making and cultural diversity to be integrated into new school curriculum content, and accordingly, we analyse an interactive children’s story app, named Mobeybou in Brazil. The research question addressed was: what can we learn about the design of multimodal texts aimed at promoting intercultural learning from the design of this story app? The app incorporates tangible and digital storytelling materials to promote intercultural skills among young children, focusing specifically on Brazil. Mobeybou in Brazil was studied to characterize the design of its multimodal representations of meaning, using categories from the grammar of storytelling and multimodal meaning-making, particularly those concerned with representing the experiential diversity and personal positioning of the app users. The findings provide evidence of the complexity involved in designing multimodal texts to meet the challenges of promoting multiliteracies pedagogy, highlighting the urgent need to narrow the interface between research undertaken in education, semiotics, and digital media design. The article concludes by identifying the study’s limitations and some future developments.Este artigo pretende contribuir para a compreensão dos desafios colocados pelo design de textos digitais especificamente destinados a promover a pedagogia das multiliteracias. Esta abordagem pedagógica defende que a compreensão e produção de significados multimodais e a diversidade cultural são conteúdos incontornáveis no novo currículo escolar. Apresentamos o estudo de uma story app multimodal interativa, intitulada Mobeybou no Brasil, desenvolvida para dar resposta à seguinte questão de investigação: o que se pode aprender sobre o design de textos multimodais destinados a promover a aprendizagem intercultural a partir do design desta story app? Na nossa análise, utilizamos categorias da gramática da narrativa e da representação multimodal incidentes na representação da diversidade experiencial e do posicionamento pessoal dos utilizadores. Os resultados sugerem a complexidade envolvida no design de textos multimodais que respondem aos desafios da pedagogia das multiliteracias, salientando a necessidade urgente do estreitamento da colaboração entre a investigação realizada nas áreas da educação, da semiótica e do design de média digitais. Por fim, identificamos as limitações do estudo, apontando alguns desenvolvimentos futuros

    Para a Caraterização do Ensino e da Aprendizagem da Gramática em Portugal: as Perceções dos Professores

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    Our main goal is to investigate, in the Portuguese educational context of the last two decades, marked by a rapid succession of curricular norms concerning language education, how grammar teaching is perceived by primary and middle school teachers, responsible for the frst six years of schooling.Based on the Educational Linguistics\u27 framework (SPOLSKY, 1999) and on grammar teaching in particular, we analyze and discuss the perceptions these teachers have about their professional knowledge involving grammar teaching, in the light of the model proposed by SHULMAN (1987) and adapted by GROSSMAN (1990). Te selected methodological framework was a collective case study. We present the results of a questionnaire survey, applied to 200 teachers, in order to identify (i) the importance given to and the frequency these teachers work with grammatical knowledge, (ii) the degree of appropriateness perceived as to their own content and pedagogical content knowledge involved in grammar teaching, as well as (iii) the difculties they perceive in grammar teaching and learning.Te results allow us to assume a complexity of factors involved in building these perceptions and potentially involved in grammar teaching: content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and also curricular knowledge. Based on these results, we problematize grammar teaching by emphasizing the need for a renewal of pedagogical practices training and the awareness as to the different dimensions involved, so that teachers can take more consistent pedagogical options regarding their implications. Terefore it seems to be necessary to rethink these teachers training, aiming to (re)create awareness among teachers about the complexity of the implied knowledge involved in grammar teaching and its effective role in the construction of students learning.O principal objetivo deste texto consiste em investigar de que forma, no contexto educativo português das últimas duas décadas, marcado por uma rápida sucessão de normativos curriculares relativos à educação linguística, o ensino gramatical é percecionado pelos professores do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, graus de ensino correspondentes aos primeiros seis anos de escolaridade (séries iniciais) do Ensino Fundamental.Situando-nos no quadro da Linguística Educacional (SPOLSKY, 1999) e no domínio do ensino da gramática na língua materna em particular, analisamos e discutimos as perceções que estes docentes têm sobre o seu conhecimento profissional implicado no ensino da gramática, à luz do modelo proposto por SHULMAN (1987) e adaptado por GROSSMAN (1990). A escolha do quadro metodológico de investigação recaiu sobre o estudo de caso coletivo. Apresentamos os resultados da análise de dados recolhidos através de um inquérito por questionário, aplicado a 200 docentes, visando identificar (i) a importância atribuída e a frequência com que estes docentes trabalham o conhecimento gramatical, (ii) o grau de adequação percecionado quanto ao seu conhecimento do conteúdo e conhecimento pedagógico, bem como (iii) as dificuldades percecionadas no ensino-aprendizagem da gramática.Os resultados permitem-nos assumir uma complexidade de fatores implicados na construção dessas perceções e potencialmente intervenientes no ensino da gramática: o conhecimento do conteúdo, o conhecimento pedagógico do conteúdo e também o conhecimento curricular. Com base nestes resultados, problematizamos o ensino da gramática sublinhando a necessidade de renovação da formação em práticas pedagógicas e de valorização das diferentes dimensões implicadas, de forma a que os docentes possam tomar opções pedagógicas mais consistentes quanto às suas implicações. Parece-nos, pois, necessário reequacionar a formação destes docentes, visando (re)consciencializar os professores da complexidade do conhecimento de base implicado no ensino gramatical e do seu efetivo papel na construção das aprendizagens dos alunos

    Guided portfolio writing as a scaffold for reflective learning in in-service contexts: A case study

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    Language is widely recognized as an inescapable mediating tool for professional learning, and with this text we want to contribute to a better understanding of the particular role that guided writing can play in in-service professional reflective learning. We analysed one pre-school teacher’s written portfolio, the construction of which was guided to scaffold deep thinking about (and the transference of theory into) practice during participation in an in-service program about language education. Our case study shows that the writing process sustained robust learning about professional knowing, doing and learning itself: The teacher elaborated an integrative ethical understanding of the discussed theory, fully experienced newly informed practices and assessed her own learning by using theory to confront her previous knowledge and practices. Throughout the portfolio, the learning stance revealed by her voice varied accordingly. The study illustrates the potential of guided writing to scaffold reflective learning in in-service contexts.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal. PEst-OE/CED/UI1661/2011] through CIEd (Centro de Estudos em Educação). PEst-OE/CED/UI0317/2014] through CIEC.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    (Re)construção do modelo curricular de uma educadora de infância à luz da abordagem multimodal

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    Este artigo procura contribuir para o entendimento dos processos de desenvolvimento profissional de educadores de infância. A investigação visou conhecer a relevância da abordagem teórica da multimodalidade na (re)construção do modelo curricular de uma educadora de infância e compreender o processo inerente a esse desenvolvimento profissional. A investigação assumiu a modalidade autossupervisiva, utilizando o auto-estudo como abordagem metodológica. Os dados recolhidos, de natureza qualitativa, foram submetidos a análise de conteúdo, que evidenciou não só as dimensões do modelo curricular reconstruídas à luz da abordagem teórica, como também aspetos destacados do processo dessa reconstrução. Estas conclusões, assim como as principais limitações do estudo, são discutidas

    Sobre a formação do professor alfabetizador: contributos para a caracterização do conhecimento de base do professor alfabetizador

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    Neste texto recuperamos o quadro teórico proposto por Lee S. Shulman para dar resposta à seguinte questão: Qual o conhecimento de base do professor alfabetizador? A partir desta questão, entende-se que o ensino da alfabetização implica a convocação e a operacionalização de conhecimentos de diferentes naturezas, alguns dos quais subinvestigados e, por isso mesmo, ainda dependentes das intuições e práticas não sistematizadas e dificilmente passíveis de aprendizagem nos contextos de formação académica. Argumenta-se que é pela mesma ordem de razões que a tarefa pedagógica de ensinar a ler se torna difícil de conceber para os jovens professores. Defende-se que o modelo do conhecimento do professor alfabetizador que apresentamos se configura como basilar na concepção da formação do professor alfabetizador no atual contexto formativo português, que também é brevemente caracterizado