190 research outputs found

    Optimal motion control and vibration suppression of flexible systems with inaccessible outputs

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    This work addresses the optimal control problem of dynamical systems with inaccessible outputs. A case in which dynamical system outputs cannot be measured or inaccessible. This contradicts with the nature of the optimal controllers which can be considered without any loss of generality as state feedback control laws for systems with linear dynamics. Therefore, this work attempts to estimate dynamical system states through a novel state observer that does not require injecting the dynamical system outputs onto the observer structure during its design. A linear quadratic optimal control law is then realized based on the estimated states which allows controlling motion along with active vibration suppression of this class of dynamical systems with inaccessible outputs. Validity of the proposed control framework is evaluated experimentally

    Red Cell Distribution Width and Acute Complications of Diabetes

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    Context. Red cell distribution width (RDW) has been associated with type 2 diabetes (T2DM), however data in relation to diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperglycemic hyperosmolar non-ketotic acidosis (HONK) remains unclear. Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between RDW, MCV, and RDW/MVC values and acute complications in T2DM. Patients and Methods. RDW was measured in 90 T2DM patients (30 DKA, 30 HONK and 30 T2DM without acute complications). Clinical variables were analyzed by One -Way ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis and Pearson analysis with SPSS software. Diagnostic screening tests and ROC curve analysis determined the cut-off point of MCV,RDW and RDW/MCV values. Results. DKA patients had higher levels of plasma glucose (524.20 +/- 201.43mg/dL, p<0.001), HbA1c (10.73 +/- 2.29%, p<0.001), osmotic pressure (310.32 mosm/L, p<0.001), RDW (14.61 +/- 1.75g/L, p<0.01), and the RDW/MCV ratio (0.17 +/- 0.04%, p<0.01), compared to HONK patients. RDW/MCV cut-off value was 0.15 with 90% sensitivity 50% specifity these values for only MCV were 76.67%-70%, for only RDW were 76.67%-63.33% respectively. The area under curve values for the ability to reflect DKA for RDW and the RDW/MCV ratio were 0.708 and 0.766, respectively (p<0.001). Conclusions. RDW and RDW/MCV ratio were found associated with DKA and valuable in predicting DKA. However these parameters were not valuable in predicting HONK

    7-17 Yaş Arası Farklı Gelişimsel Özellikleri Olan Çocuklara Sahip Ailelerin Stresle Başa Çıkma Yöntemlerinin İncelenmesi

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    Zihinsel ve bedensel yetersizlik, hiperaktivite ve davranış bozuklukları ve ortopedik ve travmatolojik rahatsızlıklar sadece duruma maruz kalan bireyleri değil onların aile üyelerini de birçok açıdan (ekonomik, sosyal, duygusal vb.) etkilemektedir. Bu durum aile üyelerinde stres faktörünü artırıcı bir unsur olmaktadır. Stres başa çıkılması gereken ciddi bir sorundur. Aksi taktirde ebeveynlerin içinde bulundukları aşırı stres onların daha da yıpranmalarına ve daha ciddi sağlık problemleriyle karşılaşmalarına neden olabilmektedir. Bu bağlamda araştırmada, 7-17 yaş arası özel gereksinime ihtiyacı olan (Zihinsel ve bedensel yetersizlik/hiperaktivite ve davranış bozukluğu, ortopedik ve travmatolojik rahatsızlık tanısı almış) çocukları olan ailelerin psikolojik iyi olma ve başa çıkma yöntemlerinin incelenmesi ve bazı değişkenler açısından (çocuğun yaşı, engel türü, anne babanın cinsiyeti, eğitim düzeyi vb.) farklılaşmaların ortaya koyulması amaçlanmıştır. Katılımcılara ilk bölümünde, Katılımcıların ve çocuklarının demografik ve betimleyici özelliklerinin, ikinci bölümde ise ebeveynlerin başa çıkma yöntemlerinin ele alındığı bir anket uygulanmıştır. Toplanan verilerin analizi kapsamında betimleyici istatistikler ile ebeveynlerin stresle başa çıkma durumlarının bazı değişkenler açısından farklılıklarının tespitine yönelik ANOVA testinden yararlanılmıştır. Araştırma sonunda, ebeveynlerin sosyo-ekonomik, yaş, eğitim ve cinsiyet değişkenlerinin ve çocukların cinsiyet ve yaş değişkenlerinin ebeveynlerin stresle başa çıkma durumlarında etkili olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır

    Post-contrast FLAIR imaging in a patient with posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES).

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    We herein present a case of delayed enhancement of CSF on fluidattenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) imaging in a patient with posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES). In our case despite the settled clinical setting of PRES initial MR scan was negative and on repeated FLAIR imaging increased CSF signal intensity was more conspicuous than subtle cortical involvement

    ANKOS publisher application system and its impact on the e-resource evaluation process

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    The Publisher Application System (PAS) is a Web-based archiving and online evaluation system developed by the Database Evaluation Group (DEG), one of the working groups formed within the Anatolian University Libraries Consortium (ANKOS). The DEG was formed in 2008 to inquire and evaluate e-resources suited to the needs of the consortium; to follow up similar consortial activities worldwide as well as developments in connection with the scientific publishing industry; and to determine, implement, and improve pricing models in accordance with the prevailing economic, legal, and academic system. Development of the PAS was essential to ensure standardization and sustainability towards a more detailed and effective analysis of e-resources qualifying for evaluation by ANKOS. The PAS played an important part not only in establishing and defining the workflow of the DEG, but also in creating an archive of both the e-resources submitted to the consortium and the applicant publishers/agents submitting these resources. This article outlines the process that started with the foundation of the DEG through the formation of the PAS as well as the present setup of the system. It is also hoped that this case study will have a positive contribution to the processes being followed by the persons and the groups engaged in similar activities.pre-prin

    ANKOS publisher application system and its impact on the e-resource evaluation process

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    The Publisher Application System (PAS) is a Web-based archiving and online evaluation system developed by the Database Evaluation Group (DEG), one of the working groups formed within the Anatolian University Libraries Consortium (ANKOS). The DEG was formed in 2008 to inquire and evaluate e-resources suited to the needs of the consortium; to follow up similar consortial activities worldwide as well as developments in connection with the scientific publishing industry; and to determine, implement, and improve pricing models in accordance with the prevailing economic, legal, and academic system. Development of the PAS was essential to ensure standardization and sustainability towards a more detailed and effective analysis of e-resources qualifying for evaluation by ANKOS. The PAS played an important part not only in establishing and defining the workflow of the DEG, but also in creating an archive of both the e-resources submitted to the consortium and the applicant publishers/agents submitting these resources. This article outlines the process that started with the foundation of the DEG through the formation of the PAS as well as the present setup of the system. It is also hoped that this case study will have a positive contribution to the processes being followed by the persons and the groups engaged in similar activities.pre-prin

    A retrospective comparison of allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell and bone marrow transplantation results from a single center: A focus on the incidence of graft-vs.-host disease and relapse

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    To detect the effect of the stem cell source, allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantations (alloPBSCTs) performed between 1995 and 1997 from human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-identical siblings in 40 patients with acute and chronic hematological disorders were compared with a historical group of 40 patients with similar variables who had received allogeneic bone marrow transplants (alloBMTs) between 1993 and 1995. Patients in both groups were identical except that both the recipient and the donor ages were, on average, higher in the alloPBSCT group (26 vs. 36 [p = 0.005] and 27 vs. 32 [p = 0.024], respectively). Patients received similar therapy excluding posttransplant granulocyte colony-stimulating factor administration (97% in alloBMT vs. 12.5% in alloPBSCT). The median time to reach neutrophil counts &gt;0.5×109/L and platelet counts &gt;20×109/L was 13 and 14 days, respectively, in patients receiving alloPBSCTs compared with 19 and 27 days in patients receiving alloBMTs (p = 0.0014 and p = 0.0002). The alloPBSCT group required similar transfusions of red blood cells or platelets. The incidence of grade II-IV acute graft-vs.-host disease (aGVHD) was similar in both groups. However, chronic GVHD (cGVHD) of all grades developed in 78.1% of patients in the alloPBSCT group after a median follow-up period of 12.5 (range 0.5-34) months. In alloBMT recipients, cGVHD of all grades developed in 21.4% after a median follow-up period of 38 (range 0.5-62) months (p = 0.00001). Day 100 transplant-related mortality was also similar: 20% (8 of 40) in the alloBMT patients and 17.5% (7 of 40) in the alloPBSCT group. Although not statistically significant, a relatively higher relapse rate occurred in the alloBMT group (21.4 vs. 10.7%). The estimated disease-free survival in month 24 was 51.3% for alloBMT and 54.6% for alloPBSCT, and the estimated overall survival in month 24 was 56.1% for alloBMT and 64.6% for alloPBSCT. In conclusion, this retrospective comparison suggests that alloPBSCT from HLA-identical donors is associated with faster engraftment, fewer transfusions, and no greater incidence of aGVHD, but a high incidence of cGVHD