55 research outputs found

    Factors influencing the higher incidence of tuberculosis among migrants and ethnic minorities in the UK.

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    Migrants and ethnic minorities in the UK have higher rates of tuberculosis (TB) compared with the general population. Historically, much of the disparity in incidence between UK-born and migrant populations has been attributed to differential pathogen exposure, due to migration from high-incidence regions and the transnational connections maintained with TB endemic countries of birth or ethnic origin. However, focusing solely on exposure fails to address the relatively high rates of progression to active disease observed in some populations of latently infected individuals. A range of factors that disproportionately affect migrants and ethnic minorities, including genetic susceptibility, vitamin D deficiency and co-morbidities such as diabetes mellitus and HIV, also increase vulnerability to infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) or reactivation of latent infection. Furthermore, ethnic socio-economic disparities and the experience of migration itself may contribute to differences in TB incidence, as well as cultural and structural barriers to accessing healthcare. In this review, we discuss both biological and anthropological influences relating to risk of pathogen exposure, vulnerability to infection or development of active disease, and access to treatment for migrant and ethnic minorities in the UK

    Consumer ethnicity three decades after: a TCR agenda

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    Research into consumer ethnicity is a vital discipline that has substantially evolved in the past three decades. This conceptual article critically reviews its immense literature and examines the extent to which it has provided extensive contributions not only for the understanding of ethnicity in the marketplace but also for personal/collective well-being. We identify two gaps accounting for scant transformative contributions. First, today social transformations and conceptual sophistications require a revised vocabulary to provide adequate interpretive lenses. Second, extant work has mostly addressed the subjective level of ethnic identity projects but left untended the meso/macro forces affecting ethnicity (de)construction and personal/collective well-being. Our contribution stems from filling both gaps and providing a theory of ethnicity (de)construction that includes migrants as well as non-migrants

    Ultrastructural evaluation of the effect of endosulfan on mice kidney

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    In this study, the effect of the endosulfan on mice kidney was investigated at ultrastructural level. Moreover, biochemical analyses (G6PD, CAT, SOD, GSH and MDA) were determined in supernatant of kidney tissue. Endosulfan (13mg/kg/day body weight) was administered orally to mices via intragastric-during 10 days. The presence of mitochondrial degeneration in cytoplasm of proximal convoluted tubule cells were a striking feature. Furthermore, there was lipofuscin granules and membranous structures in some of proximal convoluted tubule cells. In some glomeruli, ultrastructural changes such as fusion in pedicels and focal thickening at glomerular basal membrane were seen. There were cytoplasmic bulges in some distal convoluted tubule cells. The biochemical results of the experimental group were significant when compared to the control. The effect of the endosulfan was mainly on the proximal convoluted tubule cells. Morever, the other parts of the nephron were effected. Thus, this degeneration in kidney may be thought that oxidative stress may play a role to the mediator in changing configuration of cell membrane and seem to account for the morphologic alteration of kidney

    Wind power engineering in the world and perspectives of its development in Turkey

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    The development of a world wind power for the last decade is reviewed. Leading positions are taken by Germany, Spain and USA. The rates of growth of this branch of power engineering exceed 39% annually. It seems that the wind power is esteemed in these countries as the most perspective branch of electric power industry. The great success achieved by Germany and Spain in last years in developing wind power industry served as an example for all countries that have wind energy potentials. Information describing growth of powers, single wind power turbines, dynamics of increments of power of WPT on separate countries are submitted. During the last 10 years, the cost of WPT construction decreased more than twice, and it seems that specific investment costs reached a stable point for about 10 years. Furthermore, it can be concluded from wind farm investment costs that the cost of a WPT is about 1.3 times the cost of wind turbine. The information on the sizes of large WPT are adduced.Renewable energy Wind energy Wind turbines Electricity production Economy of wind power Energy Policy Wind farms Turkey

    Effect of Topical and Intravenously Applied Tranexamic Acid Compared to Control Group on Bleeding in Primary Unilateral Total Knee Arthroplasty

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    We aimed to answer the following three questions in this study: (1) Does tranexamic acid (TA) reduce the amount of bleeding in total knee arthroplasty (TKA)? (2) Does TA reduce requirement for blood transfusion? (3) Is there any difference on reliability and efficacy between topical and intravenous (IV) applications of TA? Patients were allocated into three groups randomly by a software program as topical, IV, and control group. TA was applied as 20 mg/kg to the IV group and as 3 g/100 mL saline to the topical group. The hemoglobin values were recorded preoperatively and postoperatively on the same day and on day 1 and day 2. Removal of the drain postoperatively and length of hospital stay, as well as any complications such as pulmonary embolism or deep venous thrombosis, were also noted. The study comprised 40 patients in the IV group, 42 in the topical group, and 41 in the control group. The drain output values were similar in the IV and topical groups (p = 0.161), while those of the control group were significantly higher than both the IV and topical groups (p < 0.001 and < 0.001). Transfusion was applied to 19.5% of cases in the control group, 4.8% in the topical group, and 5.1% of the IV group (? 2 = 6.522; p = 0.038). The results of the study showed that 20 mg/kg single-dose IV bolus or 3 g topical TA application reduced blood loss and transfusion requirement without increasing the rate of thromboembolic complications in unilateral primary TKA. © Copyright 2017 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc
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