322 research outputs found

    Socioeconophysics: Opinion Dynamics for number of transactions and price, a trader based model

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    Involving effects of media, opinion leader and other agents on the opinion of individuals of market society, a trader based model is developed and utilized to simulate price via supply and demand. Pronounced effects are considered with several weights and some personal differences between traders are taken into account. Resulting time series and probabilty distribution function involving a power law for price come out similar to the real ones.Comment: will be published in IJMPC 17 (2006

    Opinion dynamics driven by leaders, media, viruses and worms

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    A model on the effects of leader, media, viruses, and worms and other agents on the opinion of individuals is developed and utilized to simulate the formation of consensus in society and price in market via excess between supply and demand. Effects of some time varying drives, (harmonic and hyperbolic) are also investigated. Key words: Opinion; Leader; Media; Market; Buyers; Sellers; ExcessComment: 14 pages, 7 figures (14, total) Will be published in IJMP

    Open borders, closed minds: the discursive construction of national identity in North Cyprus

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    The article investigates the discursive construction of a Turkish Cypriot national identity by the newspapers in North Cyprus. It questions the representation and reconstruction processes of national identity within the press and examines the various practices employed to mobilize readers around certain national imaginings. Using Critical Discourse Analysis, the article analyses news reports of the opening of border crossings in Cyprus in 2003, based on their content, the strategies used in the production of national identity and the linguistic means employed in the process. In this way, the nationalist tendencies embedded in news discourses, as well as discriminatory and exclusive practices, are sought out

    Osteoporoz Hakkındaki Türkçe Videolarda Hangi Bilgiler Verilmektedir ve YouTube Güvenilir ve Kaliteli Bilgiler Sağlıyor mu: YouTube Videolarının Sistematik Bir Analizi

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    Objective: This study aims to evaluate what information is given in Turkish videos about osteoporosis on YouTube and to determine the quality and reliability of the videos. Materials and Methods: The first 50 Turkish videos about osteoporosis on YouTube were evaluated in terms of quality, reliability, and information level. Two searches were conducted for related content on YouTube and two orthopedics surgeons evaluated the videos simultaneously. The Global Quality score (GQS) (1-5) and DISCERN (15-75) scoring systems were used to assess the quality of the video content. With the Osteoporosis Specific scale (1-29), it was questioned what information specifically about osteoporosis was given in the videos while the accuracy of the video source information was evaluated with the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) score (1-4). Descriptive data regarding the number of views, comments, likes, dislikes were recorded, as well as the upload date to YouTube and the duration of the videos. The popularity of videos was evaluated with the video power index. Results: Considering the messages given in the videos, the most frequent information was “decrease in bone mass” with 41 videos. This was followed by “osteoporosis is a risk of fracture” and “there are risk factors for osteoporosis.” The Osteoporosis Specific score was low 8.92. The mean DISCERN score was 25.020 (15-75) and the mean GQS was 1.98 (0-5), indicating low quality. The JAMA score (1-4) for which the video source was questioned showed a low level of reliability of 1.66. Videos about osteoporosis prepared by people other than healthcare professionals were more popular (82.25 vs. 56.80) (cc=0.296, p=0.037). Conclusion: The content of the videos on YouTube osteoporosis is generally inadequate or inaccurate. Higher quality and informative videos based on international guidelines can contribute to patient compliance and increase public awareness of osteoporosis. ©Copyright 2022 by the Turkish Osteoporosis Society / Turkish Journal of Osteoporosis published by Galenos Publishing House

    Cytohesin-2/ARNO: a novel bridge between cell migration and immunoregulation in synovial fibroblasts

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    The guanine nucleotide exchange factor cytohesin-2 (ARNO) is a major activator of the small GTPase ARF6 that has been shown to play an important role(s) in cell adhesion, migration and cytoskeleton reorganization in various cell types and models of disease. Interestingly, dysregulated cell migration, in tandem with hyper-inflammatory responses, is one of the hallmarks associated with activated synovial fibroblasts (SFs) during chronic inflammatory joint diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis. The role of ARNO in this process has previously been unexplored but we hypothesized that the pro-inflammatory milieu of inflamed joints locally induces activation of ARNO-mediated pathways in SFs, promoting an invasive cell phenotype that ultimately leads to bone and cartilage damage. Thus, we used small interference RNA to investigate the impact of ARNO on the pathological migration and inflammatory responses of murine SFs, revealing a fully functional ARNO-ARF6 pathway which can be rapidly activated by IL-1β. Such signalling promotes cell migration and formation of focal adhesions. Unexpectedly, ARNO was also shown to modulate SF-inflammatory responses, dictating their precise cytokine and chemokine expression profile. Our results uncover a novel role for ARNO in SF-dependent inflammation, that potentially links pathogenic migration with initiation of local joint inflammation, offering new approaches for targeting the fibroblast compartment in chronic arthritis and joint disease

    Existence of Hamiltonians for Some Singular Interactions on Manifolds

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    The existence of the Hamiltonians of the renormalized point interactions in two and three dimensional Riemannian manifolds and that of a relativistic extension of this model in two dimensions are proven. Although it is much more difficult, the proof of existence of the Hamiltonian for the renormalized resolvent for the non-relativistic Lee model can still be given. To accomplish these results directly from the resolvent formula, we employ some basic tools from the semigroup theory.Comment: 33 pages, no figure


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    Amaç: Kasık fıtığı çocukluk çağının en sık cerrahi hastalığıdır. Genel çocuk populasyonunda %3 (%0,8-%4,4) civarında görülmektedir. Processus vajinalis (PV), peritonun iç kasık halkasından kasık kanalının içine doğru ilerlemesiyle gestasyonun 3. ayında gelişmekte ve doğumdan birkaç ay sonra distalden proksimale doğru kapanmaktadır. PV %20 oranında hayat boyu belirti vermeden açık kalırken %3 oranında semptomatik hale gelerek kasık fıtığı olarak kendini gösterir. Herhangi bir nedenle laparoskopi yapılan hastalarda açık processus vaginalis (APV) insidansını Goldstein testi, laparoskopik gözlem ve APV derinlik ölçümü yöntemlerini kullanarak araştırmak amacı ile prospektif bir çalışma planlandı. Gereç ve yöntem: Ocak 2000'den Mayıs 2004'e kadar kasık fıtığı onarımı dışındaki nedenlerle laparoskopi yapılan 68 hasta (49 erkek, 19 kız) çalışmaya dahil edildi. CO2 insufilasyonu sonrası kasık bölgelerinde krepitasyon alınıp alınmadığına (Goldstein testi) ve bu sırada optik ile iç halka ağzında hava kabarcığı oluşup oluşmadığına bakıldı. Daha sonra optik ile iç halka açıklığı değerlendirildi. İç halka açık görülen hastaların patent processus vaginalislerinin uzunlukları bir sonda ile ölçüldü. Uzunluğu 1,5 cm ve üzerinde ölçülenler APV olarak kabul edildi ve bu hastalara ebeveynlerden aydınlatılmış onam alındıktan sonra inguinal eksplorasyon yapıldı. Bulgular: 68 hastanın 4'ünde (%5,7) Goldstein testi pozitifken, bir tanesinde laparoskopik olarak APV saptanmadı. Goldstein testi negatif olan 64 hastanın 1 tanesinde ise APV uzunluğu 1,5 cm'den uzun ölçüldü. Kasık kanalları eksplore edilen hastaların hepsinde APV saptandı. Goldstein testinin spesifitesi ve sensitivitesi sırasıyla %98,4 ve %75 ve laparoskopik gözlem ve PV uzunluğunun ölçülmesininki ise %100 ve %100 olarak bulundu. Sonuç: Kasık fıtığı onarımı sırasında pnömoperitonyum oluşturularak karşı tarafın Goldstein testi ile değerlendirilmesi yardımcı bir yöntemdir. Laparoskopi imkanı bulunmayan çocuk cerrahisi kliniklerinde kullanılabilir. Ancak tek taraflı fıtıklarda karşı taraf PV laparoskopik olarak değerlendirildiğinde ve derinliği ölçüldüğünde çok daha güvenilir sonuçlar alınmaktadır. Spesifitesi %100 ve sensitivitesi %100 olan bu yöntem, patent PV saptanmasında tercih edilecek yöntem olmalıdır. Patent PV varlığı bu hastalarda muhakkak fıtık gelişeceği anlamına gelmemekle birlikte, patent PV'in belirlenmesi ve bağlanması %10 oranında olan olası bir herni gelişimini engelleyerek %0'a indirecektir. Ayrıca kasık fıtığı dışında herhangi bir karın içi patolojisi için yapılan laparoskopide bu tetkikin yapılıp, gerektiğinde kesenin ayni seansta onarımı ise hastayı ortalama % 3 sıklıkta gözlenen herni için ayrı bir seansta yapılacak girişimden kurtaracaktır. Objective: A prospective study was planned to evaluate the incidence of patent processus vaginalis in patients who had undergone laparoscopy for intraabdominal pathologies other than inguinal hernia repair, by Goldstein test, direct visualization by laparoscopy and probing the patent processus vaginalis Material and method: During January 2000-May 2004, 68 patients (49 M, 19 F) who had undergone laparoscopy for pathologies other than inguinal hernia repair were included in the study. After insufflation of CO2, regions were palpated for crepitation (Goldstein test). With the scope, patency of the inguinal the internal ring is evaluated by direct vision and bubble formation during palpation. Than the depth of the processus vaginalis was measured with a scaled probe. Processus vaginalis deeper than 1.5 cm were accepted as patent and inguinal hernia repair was performed. Results: While Goldstein test was pozitive in 4 of the 68 patients, the laparoscopic findings did not support patent processus vaginalis in 1. Among the Goldstein test negative 64 patients, in one patient the depth of the processus vaginalis was found deeper than 1.5 cm. Processus vaginalis was found in all the patients who underwent inguinal exploration. The specifity and sensitivity of the Goldstein test was found 98.4% and 75% respectively while the laparoscopy with probing was found 100 % both. Conclusion: Although presence of patent processus vaginalis does not mean that an inguinal hernia will develop, identification and ligation of patent processus vaginalis will prevent a possible inguinal hernia development

    Gate-Controlled Ionization and Screening of Cobalt Adatoms on a Graphene Surface

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    We describe scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) measurements performed on individual cobalt (Co) atoms deposited onto backgated graphene devices. We find that Co adatoms on graphene can be ionized by either the application of a global backgate voltage or by the application of a local electric field from a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) tip. Large screening clouds are observed to form around Co adatoms ionized in this way, and we observe that some intrinsic graphene defects display a similar behavior. Our results provide new insight into charged impurity scattering in graphene, as well as the possibility of using graphene devices as chemical sensors.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Behavioural patterns, spatial utilisation and landings composition of a small-scale fishery in the eastern Mediterranean

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    This is the final version. Available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record. Data Availability: Data will be made available on request.Small-scale fisheries (SSFs) are crucial for global food security and cultural heritage, however, information on their spatial distribution and practices are often lacking, precluding effective management and mitigation of ecological impacts. This is acutely the case in the eastern Mediterranean basin, where, despite concerns being raised regarding the magnitude of marine turtle bycatch in SSFs over two decades ago, a poor understanding of the fishery persists. To address this knowledge gap, we characterised the SSF fleet of Northern Cyprus through a combination of onboard observations, fisher self-reporting and vessel tracking to provide the first comprehensive overview of the fishery. Northern Cyprus had a fleet size, standardised by coastline length, ranked 14th of 23 Mediterranean fleets assessed, with an estimated 49542 and 57198 fishing days in total in 2020 and 2021, respectively. Vessels operated mainly over the continental shelf (< 200 m) and were predominantly active during the night (53.2%, n = 573378 locations). Clear crepuscular peaks in vessel activity and gear deployment raise concerns over spatiotemporal overlap with vulnerable species, even within MPAs previously established to protect them. Fishers (n = 1296 fishing operations) predominantly utilised static and demersal gear types including gill nets (35.0%), trammel nets (27.3%), trammel and gill nets combined (20.3%), demersal longlines (17.0%) and handlines (0.5%). Landings composition was highly diverse with a minimum of 238 different taxa identified, including, but not limited to, 123 species of bony fish, 22 elasmobranch species, 3 marine turtle species and 12 mollusc species of which 18.6% are considered threatened either at a Mediterranean or global scale. However, over 70.0% of total landing mass was comprised of only five species including bogue (Boops boops), picarel (Spicara smaris), blotched picarel (Spicara maena), greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili) and Mediterranean parrotfish (Sparisoma cretense). As the most up to date and detailed understanding of this fishery's operating behaviours, our research compares the results obtained from onboard observer and self-reporting fisher sampling methodologies and discusses the caveats of each and identifies potential opportunities to adapt existing practices and MPAs to improve long-term sustainability of the fishery, whilst maintaining its socio-economic benefits to the local community.Mava FoundationUniversity of ExeterUniversity of ExeterCERECON projec