40 research outputs found

    Policies and Measures for Speeding Up Labour Market Integration of Refugees in the Nordic Region: A Knowledge Overview

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    The employment gap between refugees and the native-born population in the Nordic countries has been highlighted by numerous studies, as has the large variety in the extent of the gap based on country of origin. Studies of earlier migrant cohorts show that the chance of being unemployed decreases over time and it takes on average 5-10 years for people to become fully employed. The integration process is slower for women, with low levels of education and family conditions, including child care, having a substantial impact. With respect to the most recent wave of refugees arriving in 2015, primarily from Syria and Afghanistan, research has yet to determine the effectiveness of the new measures which have been used in an attempt to close this gap in years to come. The fact that Sweden has the smallest share of low-qualified or simple jobs (5.2%) in the EU28 is a factor, together with labour market policies and regulations

    What is the content when nursing encounters technology?

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    I dagens sjukvård ökar den tekniska utvecklingen i snabb takt. Detta i kombination med en ofta hög arbetsbelastning, ställer krav på sjuksköterskans tekniska kompetens och kunnande. Det är därför viktigt för sjuksköterskan att känna till grunderna för den medicintekniska säkerheten. Utvecklingen av medicinsk teknik har skapat nya möjligheter för vård och behandling, men samtidigt lett till att allt högre krav ställs på arbetsgivaren att hålla sjuksköterskans kompetens aktuell. Det är även viktigt att sjuksköterskan har rätt utbildning för den verksamhet hon/han arbetar inom. Sjuksköterskan har ett personligt yrkesansvar att utföra sitt arbete i samklang med vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet samt att självständigt kunna delta i omvårdnadsprocessens olika delar. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka vad sjuksköterskor upplever sker i mötet mellan omvårdnad och teknisk utrustning samt hur de upplever att de blir kompetenta yrkesutövare i en teknisk vårdmiljö. Resultatet baserades på 10 vetenskapliga artiklar och en avhandling. Sökningen genomfördes i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL samt manuellt. Materialet analyserades induktivt. Under analysarbetet identifierades fem teman; Teknisk utrustning i vården; För- och nackdelar för professionen; För- och nackdelar för patienten; Vikten av kommunikation samt Vikten av kunskap. Det fanns en spänning mellan omvårdnad och teknik, men teknisk utrustning skulle inte ses som en motpol utan som en service i omvårdnaden. Både för- och nackdelar för professionen framkom. Sjuksköterskorna upplevde att den tekniska utrustningen framför allt medförde fördelar för patienten. Kommunikationen var en mycket viktig del i en teknisk vårdmiljö. Den tekniska utrustningen krävde utbildning. Lärandet var livslångt och påverkades av olika faktorer. Det fanns olika inlärningsmöjligheter för att sjuksköterskorna skulle kunna bli kompetenta yrkesutövare. Vårt resultat visade att sjuksköterskor från skilda kulturer upplevde tekniken olika och att det blev svårigheter att placera tekniken när man försökte särskilja omvårdnad från medicin. Kunskap från resultatet skulle kunna användas i sjuksköterskeutbildningen eller vid introduktion av nya sjuksköterskor

    Studies on extracellular matrix proteins in vascular disease

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    The composition of the vascular extracellular matrix (ECM) is altered during remodeling conditions such as atherosclerosis. The changed ECM regulates events that are important for the progression of disease including smooth muscle cell (SMC) behaviour and collagen fiber formation. The overall aim of this project was to relate changes in the composition of ECM in the arterial wall to processes during atherosclerosis. The first part includes a characterisation of ECM components in atherosclerotic arteries of ApoE/LDLr double deficient mice. The second part involves functional studies on individual ECM components with focus on osteopontin (OPN) as well as on versican and fibulin-2. Experiments have been performed both in vivo in an atherosclerotic mouse model and in vitro on cultured rat aortic smooth muscle cells (SMC). Paper I. This immunohistochemical study demonstrated presence of the cell and/or collagen binding ECM components OPN, COMP, decorin, PRELP and fibromodulin in atherosclerotic arteries of ApoE/LDLr deficient mice. Paper II. The importance of osteopontin during the atherosclerotic process was studied by crossing OPN deficient mice with ApoE/LDLr deficient mice (AL) generating a mouse which lacks expression of ApoE, LDLR and OPN (ALO). The results demonstrated that OPN deficiency reduced atherogenesis in atherosclerotic mice. Furthermore, the data indicated that OPN might be involved in the regulation of vascular remodeling, inflammation and lipid metabolism. Paper III. In an attempt to clarify the role of OPN during the atherosclerotic process, the effect of OPN on SMC functions was studied. Mutated forms of OPN were generated lacking two integrin binding sites and the cleavage site for thrombin. The effect of thrombin cleavage of OPN was also studied and cell culture experiments showed decreased adhesion of SMC to thrombin-cleaved OPN compared to intact OPN. Paper IV. The presence of versican and fibulin-2 was studied in atherosclerotic arteries of ApoE/LDLr deficient mice and in cultured SMC. Versican and fibulin-2 were present in lesions and fibulin-2 was upregulated in SMC during phenotypic modulation. Blocking the interaction between versican and fibulin-2 inhibited SMC migration. The results indicate that fibulin-2 is produced by SMC as a response to injury and participates in the ECM organisation during vessel wall repair

    Elevers uppfattning om sitt inflytande i matråd

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    Syftet med studien är att undersöka elever som sitter i matrådets uppfattning om sitt inflytande i matrådet. Elever och personal som arbetar med att förbättra mat och måltidsmiljön på en grundskola i södra Sverige har intervjuats. Totalt ingår 18 elever som sitter i matrådet, personal som var högst ansvarig för måltiderna på skolan samt en grupp vid namn Mat och måltidsmiljö, där lärare, måltidspersonal och rektor ingår. Studien är kvalitativ och intervjun med matrådet har genomförts i två fokusgrupper, årskurs 1-6 och 7-9. Resultatet visar att eleverna i matrådet kan påverka skolmåltiden till viss del. Eleverna i matrådet tycker att matrådet fungerar men uppsatsens slutsats visar att möjligheterna för eleverna att påverka är kraftigt begränsade

    Density for Water + Ethylenediamine at Temperatures between 283 and 353 K

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    The density for mixtures of ethylenediamine (EDA) and water at 0.2 MPa was measured with a vibrating tube densitometer in the temperature range of 283 K to 353 K at intervals of 10 K. The entire composition range was covered with intervals of molar fractions of 10 %. The excess volume has a minimum at a molar fraction of water of 59 %, corresponding to a maximum at 69 % in the departure from additivity in density. The variation with temperature in excess volume is small, but for density it is complex. The temperature dependence in density is well described by combining a Redlich-Kister model for excess volume without temperature dependent parameters with models for the pure component densities

    Fler flyktingar fortare i arbete : Åtgärder för snabbare etablering på arbetsmarknaden

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    Denna policy brief sammanfattar den kunskapsöversiktsom Nordregio tagit fram hösten 2017 på detta tema, för publicering i december 2017: Policies and measures to speed up labour market integration of refugees inthe Nordic region - A knowledge Overview, baserad på aktuell forskning och utvärderingar från samtliganordiska länder utom Island p.g.a. landets relativtsett begränsade flyktingmottagande. Läs mer på www.integrationnorden.or

    Towards multimodal boosting of motivation for fall-preventive physical activity in seniors : An iterative development evaluation study

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    Background: Many seniors need to increase their physical activity (PA) and participation in fall prevention exercise. Therefore, digital systems have been developed to support fall-preventive PA. Most of them lack video coaching and PA monitoring, two functionalities that may be relevant for increasing PA. Objective: To develop a prototype of a system to support seniors' fall-preventive PA, which includes also video coaching and PA monitoring, and to evaluate its feasibility and user experience. Methods: A system prototype was conceived by integrating applications for step-monitoring, behavioural change support, personal calendar, video-coaching and a cloud service for data management and co-ordination. Its feasibility and user experience were evaluated in three consecutive test periods combined with technical development. In total, 11 seniors tested the system at home for four weeks with video coaching from health care professionals. Results: Initially, the system's feasibility was non-satisfactory due to insufficient stability and usability. However, most problems could be addressed and amended. In the third (last) test period, both seniors and coaches experienced the system prototype to be fun, flexible and awareness-raising. Interestingly, the video coaching which made the system unique compared to similar systems was highly appreciated. Nonetheless, even the users in the last test period highlighted issues due to insufficient usability, stability and flexibility. Further improvements in these areas are needed. Conclusions: Video coaching in fall-preventive PA can be valuable for both seniors and health care professionals. High reliability, usability and flexibility of systems supporting seniors are essential