13 research outputs found

    Effect of rye bread breakfasts on subjective hunger and satiety: a randomized controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Several studies report that dietary fibre from different sources promotes the feeling of satiety and suppresses hunger. However, results for cereal fibre from rye are essentially lacking. The aim of the present study was to investigate subjective appetite during 8 h after intake of iso-caloric rye bread breakfasts varying in rye dietary fibre composition and content.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study was divided into two parts. The first part (n = 16) compared the satiating effect of iso-caloric bread breakfasts including different milling fractions of rye (bran, intermediate fraction (B4) and sifted flour). The second part (n = 16) investigated the dose-response effect of rye bran and intermediate rye fraction, each providing 5 or 8 g of dietary fibre per iso-caloric bread breakfast. Both study parts used a wheat bread breakfast as reference and a randomised, within-subject comparison design. Appetite (hunger, satiety and desire to eat) was rated regularly from just before breakfast at 08:00 until 16:00. Amount, type and timing of food and drink intake were standardised during the study period.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The Milling fractions study showed that each of the rye breakfasts resulted in a suppressed appetite during the time period before lunch (08:3012:00) compared with the wheat reference bread breakfast. At a comparison between the rye bread breakfasts the one with rye bran induced the strongest effect on satiety. In the afternoon the effect from all three rye bread breakfasts could still be seen as a decreased hunger and desire to eat compared to the wheat reference bread breakfast.</p> <p>In the Dose-response study both levels of rye bran and the lower level of intermediate rye fraction resulted in an increased satiety before lunch compared with the wheat reference bread breakfast. Neither the variation in composition between the milling fractions nor the different doses resulted in significant differences in any of the appetite ratings when compared with one another.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results show that rye bread can be used to decrease hunger feelings both before and after lunch when included in a breakfast meal. Rye bran induces a stronger effect on satiety than the other two rye fractions used when served in iso-caloric portions.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>Trial registration number NCT00876785</p

    Rye kernel breakfast increases satiety in the afternoon - an effect of food structure

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The structure of whole grain cereals is maintained to varying degrees during processing and preparation of foods. Food structure can influence metabolism, including perceived hunger and satiety. A diet that enhances satiety per calorie may help to prevent excessive calorie intake. The objective of this work was to compare subjective appetite ratings after consumption of intact and milled rye kernels.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Two studies were performed using a randomized, cross-over design. Ratings for appetite (hunger, satiety and desire to eat) were registered during an 8-h period after consumption of whole and milled rye kernels prepared as breads (study 1, n = 24) and porridges (study 2, n = 20). Sifted wheat bread was used as reference in both study parts and the products were eaten in iso-caloric portions with standardized additional breakfast foods. Breads and porridges were analyzed to determine whether structure (whole vs. milled kernels) effected dietary fibre content and composition after preparation of the products. Statistical evaluation of the appetite ratings after intake of the different breakfasts was done by paired t-tests for morning and afternoon ratings separately, with subjects as random effect and type of breakfast and time points as fixed effects.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All rye breakfasts resulted in higher satiety ratings in the morning and afternoon compared with the iso-caloric reference breakfast with sifted wheat bread. Rye bread with milled or whole kernels affected appetite equally, so no effect of structure was observed. In contrast, after consumption of the rye kernel breakfast, satiety was increased and hunger suppressed in the afternoon compared with the milled rye kernel porridge breakfast. This effect could be related to structural differences alone, because the products were equal in nutritional content including dietary fibre content and composition.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The study demonstrates that small changes in diet composition such as cereal grain structure have the potential to effect feelings of hunger and satiety.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01042418">NCT01042418</a>.</p

    Guide till sociala medier : Som tillämpning i marknadsföringsstrategin för Mentens AB

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    Titel: Guide till sociala medier: Som tillämpning i marknadsföringsstrategin för Mentens AB Författare: Linda Söderholm, Hanna Åman Handledare: Finn Wiedersheim-Paul Kurs: Kandidatuppsats, 15 hp Ämne: Företagsekonomi Syfte: Syftet med studien är att hjälpa Mentens AB, ett litet B2B företag utan klar slutkonsument, att börja använda sociala medier och tillämpa dem på ett fördelaktigt sätt som ett verktyg i sin marknadsföringsstrategi. Metod: Studien är baserad på kvalitativ forskning genom en intervju med företaget Mentens AB, ett litet företag med önskemål om vägledning till sociala medier. Teorier: ”Varför sociala medier och vad företag bör beakta innan implementering”, ”Företagsbloggar som verktyg till att bygga relationer och stärka varumärket”, ”Att marknadsföra företagets kunskap genom YouTube”, ”Att ”skapa professionella nätverk med LinkedIn”, ”Dela kunskap genom SlideShare” och ”Hantering av rykten med hjälp av sociala medier”. Slutsatser: Företag idag har inte råd att undvika sociala medier utan måste tillämpa dem som ett verktyg i deras marknadsföringsstrategi. Mentens AB ska vara medvetna om fördelarna och nackdelarna med sociala medier. För att utvecklas måste de ta del av medierna och göra det rätt. Det är lämpligt att använda benchmarking för att hitta rätt sociala medier för företaget. Sociala medier är passande för B2B företag då de handlar om att nätverka och nå ut med sin kunskap. Det är viktigt att ha ett mål och en strategi hur företaget ska gå tillväga med sociala medier och bygga plattformar för att företaget ska kunna visa upp en ärlig bild av sig själva. Vår studie har visat att ryktesspridning sker vare sig företag har en aktiv närvaro på internet eller inte. De sociala medierna ger företaget möjligheten att genast kommentera rykten och annan skadlig information innan det urartar samt optimerar sökmotorerna genom att sprida positiv information om företaget. Nyckelord: Sociala medier, marknadsföring, företagsbloggar, YouTube, SlideShare, LinkedIn, småföretag, ryktesspridning, Business-to-Business, B2B, sökmotorsoptimering.Title: A guide to social media: As an additional tool in the marketing strategy for Mentens AB Authors: Linda Söderholm, Hanna Åman Advisor: Finn Wiedersheim-Paul Course: Bachelor Thesis, 15 ECTS Subject: Business administration Purpose: The purpose of this study is to help Mentens AB, a small business-to-business (B2B) company without a clear end consumer, to start using social media and implementing them as a tool in their marketing strategy. Theories: “Why social media and what businesses should consider before implementation”, “Corporate blogs as a tool to build relationships and strengthen the brand”, “ To market the businesses knowledge through YouTube”, “Creating a professional network with LinkedIn”, “Sharing knowledge through SlideShare” and “Dealing with rumors using social media”. Method: The study is based on qualitative research through interviews carried out with the company Mentens AB, a small company with a desire for guidance in social media. Conclusions: Companies need to be aware of the pros and the cons of social media. For Mentens AB to evolve they need implement them and use them right. It is suitable for companies to use benchmarking in order to find the appropriate social media. Social media is suitable for B2B companies as they are used for networking and the spreading of knowledge. It is important to have goals and a strategy for how to do this and build platforms in order for the company to show an honest image of themselves. Our study has shown that spreading of rumors will happen regardless of a company having an active presence online or not. Social media gives the company an opportunity to comment on rumors and other harmful information immediately before it escalates and optimizes the search engines through the spreading of positive information about the company. Companies today cannot afford to avoid social media and instead must implement them as a part if their social media strategy. Key words: Social media, marketing, business-to-business, B2B, YouTube, SlideShare, LinkedIn, small businesses, spreading of rumors, business blogs, search engine optimization

    Success against all odds

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    Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka vilken betydelse yttre påverkan och inre drivkrafter har haft i fyra individers karriärutvecklingsprocess inom en hårt konkurrensutsatt bransch, samt hur dessa har hanterat denna. Datainsamlingen genomfördes med hjälp av semistrukturerade mailenkäter, och det insamlade materialet bearbetades med hjälp av deduktiv tematisk analys. De teman som ligger till grund för analysen är: studie- och yrkesvägledning, cooling down, empowerment, informationsteorier, forskningslitteratur samt karriärvalsteorin SCCT. Studien visar att samtliga respondenter har utsatts för dämpande påverkan, cooling down, under sin uppväxt, både från skolpersonal, och den egna familjen, men också att de erhållit empowerment från andra håll. Respondenterna har hanterat denna yttre negativa påverkan på olika sätt, men gemensamt för dem alla är att de visat på en inre drivkraft, som trots den nämnda negativa påverkan gjort att de nått framgång inom sitt gebit. Vi drar slutsatsen att respondenternas strävan att lyckas varit starkare än påverkansfaktorerna, samt att empowerment fungerat.Our aim in this essay was to examine what importance external influence and internal impulses have had in four individuals' career development process in a competitive sector, and how they have handled the situation. The gathering of facts was implemented with the use of semistructured mail-interviews, and processed, using a deductive thematic analysis. The themes were as follows: guidance counseling, cooling down, empowerment, theories of information, former research and SCCT. The study shows that all respondents have been the victims of downcooling effects in their youth, both from school personnel, and the immediate family, but that they also received empowerment from other sources. They have handled the negative impact in various ways, but they all possessed a strong internal desire to create a successful career, that has overcome the negative impact. Therefore we draw the conclusions that the endeavor to succeed has outlasted the downcooling, and that empowerment indeed works

    Measuring the extent of interdisciplinary research and creating a collaboration group structure at KTH

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    With interdisciplinary research being a possibility in modern research environ- ments, it is interesting to optimise collaborations between researchers in order to further develop the research environment. The scope of this thesis was therefore to develop a method to measure how widespread the interdisciplinary research is and to propose collaboration groups of researchers created by the use of graph theory. This problem was approached by studying the research at KTH by col- lecting research publications from the publication database DiVA using a web crawler. Then representing the authors of the publications as nodes and the collaborations between two authors as edges in a graph. A graph partitioning algorithm developed by Flake et al. was chosen after a literature study, then applied to the graph to produce the requested collaboration groups. The results showed that while interdisciplinary research is not the norm at KTH, 23% of the proposed collaboration groups consisted of two or more researchers from different schools at KTH. The original ratio of school associ- ation was retained through the partitioning of the graph. A measurement of collaboration per researcher in each collaboration group was suggested and the calculated values of these measurements was found to be largely in the same range, with the exception of one collaboration group. The results also high- lighted some inconsistencies in DiVA. The conclusions were that interdisciplinary research was not very widespread at KTH, however 77 groups were suggested which could be of use for researchers at KTH from now on and in the future. A conclusion was also that this method for finding suitable collaboration groups could be applied at other universities where perhaps interdisciplinary research is more frequent.

    Commercialization on the expense of children : A study in how children are positioned on social media.

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    Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur barn positioneras av sina föräldrar i kommersiella samarbeten på Youtube och Instagram, samt om logiken för respektive medie har betydelse för hur barnen blir positionerade. Studien har inspirerats av tidigare forskning kring fenomenet sharenting, där vi ville göra en djupdykning i ämnet. För att förstå hur föräldrarna väljer att framställa sina barn, men även barnens inställning till att medverka, har vi använt oss av en retorisk textanalys där vi analyserat tal och kroppsspråk. I analysen har vi undersökt hur tre svenska influencers positionerar sina barn med hjälp av retoriska verktyg. Studien visade bland annat att barn positioneras olika beroende på dess ålder och medvetenhet kring hur ett kommersiellt samarbete går till. Även mediernas logiker var avgörande för hur barnet positioneras då Instagram och Youtube har olika funktioner som främjar olika beteenden, dock finns det även likheter då största delen av de positioneringstyper vi identifierat förekom på båda plattformarna. Sökord: Instagram, Youtube, sociala medier, sharenting, positionering, kommersialisering, Influencers, barn, medialiserad barndom   Rubrik: Kommersialisering på barnens bekostnad - en studie om hur barn positioneras på sociala medier Författare: Emmy Åman &amp; Hanna Håkansson   Examensarbete i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, 15 hp Konst, kultur och kommunikation (K3) Fakulteten kultur och samhälle Malmö universitet Handledare: Ulrika Sjöberg Examinator: Tindra Thor Vårterminen 2021The aim of this study is to investigate how children are positioned by their parents in commercial collaborations on Youtube and Instagram, and if the media logics affects how the children are positioned. The study has been inspired by previous research on the sharenting phenomena, where we wanted to dig deeper into the subject. To achieve comprehension in how parents choose to present their children, but also understanding attitudes of the children who participate, we have approached a rhetorical analysis focused on speech and body language. In the analysis we examined how three Swedish influencers positions their children by using rhetorical implements. The results of the study showed how children can be positioned differently depending on their age and awareness of how a commercial collaboration takes place. The media logics were also decisive for how the children were positioned, depending on the functions of the platforms who promotes different behaviours. However, there are also similarities in the identified positions as they occurred on both platforms. Keywords: Instagram, Youtube, social media, sharenting, positioning, commercialization, influencers, children and medialized childhood.   Heading: Commercialization on the expense of children – A study in how children are positioned on social media. Author: Emmy Åman &amp; Hanna Håkansson   Final Exam Project in Media and Communication Studies School of Arts and Communication (K3) Faculty of Culture and Society Malmö University Supervisor: Ulrika Sjöberg Examiner: Tindra Thor Spring of 202

    Measuring the extent of interdisciplinary research and creating a collaboration group structure at KTH

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    With interdisciplinary research being a possibility in modern research environ- ments, it is interesting to optimise collaborations between researchers in order to further develop the research environment. The scope of this thesis was therefore to develop a method to measure how widespread the interdisciplinary research is and to propose collaboration groups of researchers created by the use of graph theory. This problem was approached by studying the research at KTH by col- lecting research publications from the publication database DiVA using a web crawler. Then representing the authors of the publications as nodes and the collaborations between two authors as edges in a graph. A graph partitioning algorithm developed by Flake et al. was chosen after a literature study, then applied to the graph to produce the requested collaboration groups. The results showed that while interdisciplinary research is not the norm at KTH, 23% of the proposed collaboration groups consisted of two or more researchers from different schools at KTH. The original ratio of school associ- ation was retained through the partitioning of the graph. A measurement of collaboration per researcher in each collaboration group was suggested and the calculated values of these measurements was found to be largely in the same range, with the exception of one collaboration group. The results also high- lighted some inconsistencies in DiVA. The conclusions were that interdisciplinary research was not very widespread at KTH, however 77 groups were suggested which could be of use for researchers at KTH from now on and in the future. A conclusion was also that this method for finding suitable collaboration groups could be applied at other universities where perhaps interdisciplinary research is more frequent.

    Therapist-Guided Internet-Based Treatments for Loneliness : A Randomized Controlled Three-Arm Trial Comparing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Interpersonal Psychotherapy

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    Introduction: Chronic loneliness has been linked to many adverse outcomes, including mental health problems. Psychological treatment of loneliness can be effective, but the evidence base is limited. Objective: To investigate the efficacy of 2 internet-based interventions based on cognitive behavioral therapy (ICBT) and interpersonal psychotherapy (IIPT) relative to a wait-list control group and each other. Methods: A total of 170 participants were recruited and randomized to either 9 weeks of ICBT (n = 68), IIPT (n = 68), or a wait-list condition (n = 34). The primary outcome was loneliness, measured using the UCLA Loneliness Scale before, during, and after treatment. Secondary measures of psychiatric disorders and quality of life were administered before and after treatment. Follow-up was conducted 4 months after the treatment had ended. Primary outcome data were analyzed using growth curve modeling. Secondary outcomes were analyzed using robust regression models. The trial was preregistered (ClinicalTrials.gov ID: NCT03807154). Results: The ICBT condition had a significantly greater impact on loneliness compared to the wait-list and IIPT conditions. Effect sizes were moderate to large (Cohen d = 0.71) compared to the wait-list and moderate (d = 0.53) compared to IIPT. The IIPT condition did not differ significantly from the wait-list. Both active treatments led to significant increases in quality of life. Only the ICBT group had significantly lower symptoms of depression and generalized anxiety compared to the wait-list group. Treatment gains were maintained but not improved at follow-up. Conclusions: ICBT can be an efficacious option for alleviating loneliness. The IIPT intervention was not as effective.Funding Agencies|Linkoping University</p