7,976 research outputs found

    Cost-benefit analysis and valuation uncertainty

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    This thesis addresses the economic trade-offs between hydropower and fish production, based on an empirical assessment of the costs and benefits of changing the water flow of the Ume/Vindel River in northern Sweden at a major hydropower plant in ways that would reduce its production of electricity but increase the number of wild salmon in the river. A theoretical framework for dynamic cost benefit analysis (CBA) is presented and applied to the salmon passage-hydropower production conflict. The approach has wider applicability than suggested here, and should be useful in other, similar contexts. To obtain estimates for the benefit of increasing the number of wild salmon the contingent valuation method (CVM) was applied. The CVM is a survey-based method developed for measuring values of non-market goods by using willingness to pay (WTP) questions. A new open-ended valuation question, the “classic and interval open-ended” (CIOE) question, was introduced to accommodate the fact that many people have an inability to state their preferences accurately. Interpretation of the resulting valuation uncertainty is more straightforward with this type of question than with other types of valuation question. There are other advantages as well. In addition, methods are introduced for: finding a WTP point estimate for the CIOE question; estimating lower and upper boundaries for the WTP; and for estimating confidence intervals for the total present benefit. An important element of the empirical analysis is that estimated changes in resource conditions are based on detailed river-specific data. The resource dynamic considerations were introduced into both the scenarios and the WTP questions, using an estimated salmon population model for the Vindel River as a base. A model predicting the effects of varying the water flows on the salmon’s migration behaviour was used to estimate the costs of increasing the number of salmon. A total of 1785 individuals received a questionnaire including the CIOE question; the response rate was 66%. Passive use (non-use) values are the major contributors to the benefit (96-517 MSEK) of increasing the wild salmon stock in the Vindel River. The sensitivity analysis suggests that the opportunity costs in terms of lost electricity are typically higher than the estimated benefits

    The development of subordinate clauses in German and Swedish as L2s: a theoretical and methodological comparison

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    In this article, we aim to contribute to the debate about the use of subordination as a measure of language proficiency. We compare two theories of SLA—specifically, processability theory (PT; Pienemann, 1998) and dynamic systems theory (de Bot, Lowie, & Verspoor, 2007)—and, more particularly, their addressing of the development of subordinate clauses. Although DST uses measures from the complexity, accuracy, and fluency (CAF) research tradition (see Housen & Kuiken, 2009), PT uses the emergence criterion to describe language development. We will focus on the development of subordinate clauses and compare how subordination as such is acquired and how the processing procedures related to a specific subordinate clause word order is acquired in the interlanguage (IL) of second language German and Swedish learners. The learners’ language use shows that the use of subordination (as measured by a subordination ratio) fluctuates extensively. From the beginning of data collection, all learners use subordinate clauses, but their use of subordinate clauses does not increase linearly over time, which is expected by DST. When focusing on processability and the emergence of subordinate clause word order, however, a clear linear developmental sequence can be observed, revealing a clear difference between the nonacquisition and the acquisition of the subordinate clause word order rules. Our learner data additionally reveal a different behavior regarding lexical and auxiliary or modal verbs

    Conducting polymer coated fabrics for potential applications in microwave frequencies : a study of electromagnetic properties

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    The microwave reflection, transmission and complex permittivity of paratoluene-2-sulfonic acid doped conducting polypyrrole (PPy/pTSA) coated Nylon-Lycra textiles in the 1-18 GHz frequency were investigated. The real part of permittivity increased with polymerization time and dopant concentration, reaching a plateau at certain dopant concentration and polymerization time. The imaginary part of permittivity showed a frequency dependent change throughout the tested range. All the samples had higher values of absorption than reflection. The total electromagnetic shielding effectiveness exceeded 80% for the highly pTSA doped samples coated for 3 hours


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    Bosnia and Herzegovina has experienced a turbulent post-independence transition. It can be argued that the level of trust is likely to have been negatively affected by this turbulence and that it is important to restore trust to achieve sustainable political and economic development. This paper looks at trust in Bosnia and Herzegovina and puts a special focus on the role of ethnicity. We find generalized trust to be low in Bosnia and Herzegovina and it seems to have declined in recent years. Moreover, generalized trust is negatively affected by the degree of ethnic heterogeneity in the region. However, a further and more detailed examination of trust reveals a more complex relationship between ethnicity and trust: people tend to show low levels of trust in all other people irrespective of their ethnic belongings. We argue that ethnic distribution might capture some other regional specific characteristics that also affect the level of trust. One possibility is that ethnically heterogeneous regions tended to be severely affected by the war and that this has negatively affected the level of trust towards all people outside of a person’s family.Trust; Social Capital; Ethnicity; Southeast Europe; Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Report of the National Law Student Conference on Legal Education: Availability of Legal Education and Placement of Law Graduates

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    I Saab Aerostructures tillverkning av flygplansdelar, anvÀnds icke strukturbundet material, det vill sÀga material som inte har en angiven kvantifierad förbrukning per tillverkad enhet eller material vars angivna kvantifierade förbrukning per tillverkad enhet inte stÀmmer överens med verklig förbrukning. Personal pÄ inköpsavdelningen vet i vissa fall inte var ett specifikt icke strukturbundet material förbrukas, alltsÄ vilka tillverkningsavdelningar eller flygplansdelar som förbrukar materialet. LikasÄ saknas övergripande och gemensamma rutiner för hur material som klassas som icke strukturbundet material planeras och lagerstyrs. För att identifiera problemomrÄden i materialförsörjningen genomfördes en flödeskartlÀggning för att identifiera vilka olika typer av icke strukturbundet material som anvÀnds i Saab Aerostructures produktion samt hur dessa lagerstyrs mellan lager och buffertlager i produktion. Under flödeskartlÀggningen definierades sex olika materialgrupper tillhörande icke strukturbundet material. För att lagerstyra de identifierade materialgrupperna av icke strukturbundet material anvÀnds idag Ätta stycken lagerstyrningsmetoder. Saab Aerostructures har anlitat tredjepartslogistiker för att sköta merparten av dagens lagerstyrning. Lagerstyrningsmetoderna skiljer sig Ät beroende pÄ tredjepartslogistiker och materialgrupp av icke strukturbundet material. Resultatet frÄn genomförd kartlÀggning och analys pÄvisar att det finns förbÀttringspotential i flera utav dessa lagerstyrningsmetoder, samt att det Àr möjligt att reducera antalet lagerstyrningsmetoder genom att anvÀnda samma lagerstyrningsmetod för snarlika materialgrupper av icke strukturbundet material. Genomförd analys pÄvisar Àven behovet av ett förbÀttrat informationsflöde mellan beredning, inköp och produktion, nÀr det gÀller hanteringen av icke strukturbundet material. Konkreta ÄtgÀrder i form av rekommendationer, för att förbÀttra lagerstyrningen av icke strukturbundet material, presenteras i slutet av denna rapport.

    Non-market valuation of the coastal environment - uniting political aims, ecological and economic knowledge

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    The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires coastal water quality to be classified according to ecological indicators. In this paper, contingent valuation is used to estimate the value of improving the water quality status according to this classification, investigating if this type of holistic political-ecological measure can be related to and valued in monetary terms by the general public. A web-based survey was conducted in two study areas on the Swedish East and West coast. The paper focuses on eutrophication effects, such as bad water clarity, a decrease of bladder wrack stands and algae mats. These water quality elements affect recreational use of coastal areas. Relating to recreational use, two other environmental attributes are addressed – algae blooms and protection of marine areas in terms of e.g. restrictions for boat traffic. The restrictions scenario is also holistic in terms of several imposed restrictions, as well as tightly linked with existing policy. Conducting valuation studies based on a policy-determined measure is beneficial for decisionmakers but also for research e.g. in terms of data availability. It is concluded that these politically defined measures seem to work well as a basis for economic valuation. The respondents are in general both able to understand and to put a monetary value to the measures. This is an important first step, paving the ground for further studies. The monthly mean household WTP between the years 2010 – 2029 ranges from 61 to 108 SEK for improved water quality, from 54 to 84 SEK for less algae blooms and from 32 to 50 SEK for less noise and littering. Regarding noise and littering in archipelago areas in Northern Europe, this is to our knowledge the first WTP estimate that has been presented. The respondents from the East coast region express relatively high mean WTP values compared to the respondents on the West coast for all scenarios. The differences in mean WTP values between the study areas, which are reflected in the transfer errors, indicate that even though the coasts are similar in terms of use and environmental problems, and the respondents have many similar characteristics, a point estimate benefit transfer between the two coasts is not recommended unless high transfer errors are acceptable. WTP is affected by gender, membership of an NGO, whether or not the respondent has children, whether or not the respondent has a foreign background, frequency of visiting the area and whether or not the respondent uses a boat with an engine effect of more than 10 hp while visiting the area.non-market valuation; choice experiments; water framework directive

    Electromagnetic interference shielding and radiation absorption in thin polypyrrole films

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    Results of permittivity measurements, electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness, and heat generation due to microwave absorption in conducting polymer coated textiles are reported and discussed. The intrinsically conducting polymer, polypyrrole, doped with anthraquinone-2-sulfonic acid (AQSA) or para-toluene-2-sulfonic acid (pTSA) was applied on textile substrates and the resulting materials were investigated in the frequency range 1&ndash;18 GHz. The 0.54 mm thick conducting textile/polypyrrole composites absorbed up to 49.5% of the incident 30&ndash;35 W microwave radiation. A thermography station was used to monitor the temperature of these composites during the irradiation process, where absorption was confirmed via visible heat losses. Samples with lower conductivity showed larger temperature increases caused by microwave absorption compared to samples with higher conductivity. A sample with an average sheet resistivity of 150 &Omega;/sq. showed a maximum temperature increase of 5.27 &deg;C, whilst a sample with a lower resistivity (105 &Omega;/sq.) rose by 3.85 &deg;C.<br /

    How do you Play with a Robotic Toy Animal? A long-term study of Pleo

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    Pleo is one of the more advanced interactive toys currently available for the home market, taking the form of a robotic dinosaur. We present an exploratory study of how it was interacted with and reflected upon in the homes of six families during 2 to 10 months. Our analysis emphasizes a discrepancy between the participants’ initial desires to borrow a Pleo and what they reported later on about their actual experiences. Further, the data suggests an apparent tension between participants expecting the robot to work as a ‘toy’ while making consistent comparisons with real pet animals. We end by discussing a series of implications for design of this category of toys, in order to better maintain interest and engagement over time
