642 research outputs found

    H i constraints from the cross-correlation of eBOSS galaxies and Green Bank Telescope intensity maps

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    Artículo escrito por un elevado número de autores, solo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, los autores pertenecientes a la UAM y el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si lo hubiereWe present the joint analysis of Neutral Hydrogen (H I) Intensity Mapping observations with three galaxy samples: the Luminous Red Galaxy (LRG) and Emission Line Galaxy (ELG) samples from the eBOSS survey, and the WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey sample. The H I intensity maps are Green Bank Telescope observations of the redshifted 21cm21cm emission on 100deg2100deg2 covering the redshift range 0.6 < z < 1.0. We process the data by separating and removing the foregrounds present in the radio frequencies with FASTI ICA. We verify the quality of the foreground separation with mock realizations, and construct a transfer function to correct for the effects of foreground removal on the H I signal. We cross-correlate the cleaned H I data with the galaxy samples and study the overall amplitude as well as the scale dependence of the power spectrum. We also qualitatively compare our findings with the predictions by a semianalytical galaxy evolution simulation. The cross-correlations constrain the quantity ΩHIbHIrHI,optΩHIbHIrHI,opt at an effective scale keff, where ΩHIΩHI is the H  I density fraction, bHIbHI is the H I bias, and rHI,optrHI,opt the galaxy–hydrogen correlation coefficient, which is dependent on the H  I content of the optical galaxy sample. At keff=0.31hMpc−1keff=0.31hMpc−1 we find ΩHIbHIrHI,Wig=[0.58±0.09(stat)±0.05(sys)]×10−3ΩHIbHIrHI,Wig=[0.58±0.09(stat)±0.05(sys)]×10−3 for GBT-WiggleZ, ΩHIbHIrHI,ELG=[0.40±0.09(stat)±0.04(sys)]×10−3ΩHIbHIrHI,ELG=[0.40±0.09(stat)±0.04(sys)]×10−3 for GBT-ELG, and ΩHIbHIrHI,LRG=[0.35±0.08(stat)±0.03(sys)]×10−3ΩHIbHIrHI,LRG=[0.35±0.08(stat)±0.03(sys)]×10−3 for GBT-LRG, at z ≃ 0.8. We also report results at keff=0.24keff=0.24 and keff=0.48hMpc−1keff=0.48hMpc−1⁠. With little information on H I parameters beyond our local Universe, these are amongst the most precise constraints on neutral hydrogen density fluctuations in an underexplored redshift rang

    Just preservation, trusteeship and multispecies justice

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    We are grateful to all the commentators who engaged with our target article. Some commentators have offered important insights into our proposed design and methods for legally intervening on behalf of futurity. Others have focused on theoretical considerations central to our proposal for multispecies justice and trusteeship. All have inspired modifications and further elaboration of our initial proposal. In this Response, we engage with the commentaries, integrating their suggestions, striving for convergence and complementarity, but also discussing points of divergence with our proposed framework where necessary. There is substantial overlap in the points of view of the three co-authors, but there are also differences. Section 1 is more reflective of the views of AT and Section 2 is more reflective of the views of FJS-A and WL

    Legitimate expectations in international investment law : the notion under the frame of the fair and equitable treatment standard

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    69 páginasThe present research elaborates a brief examination of the legitimate expectations within lnternational lnvestment Law. lt identifies the legitimate expectations notion under the trame of the Fair and equitable treatment standard through a comparative analysis of the doctrine and investment case law. Besides, the study examines the legal nature and the origin of the legitimate expectations in the sources of international law. lt is comprised of three parts: first, where the preliminary concepts and remarks are made. Second, where the international law sources are analyzed in arder to locate the origin of the subject matter. Third, a complete exploration of the legitirnate expectations under the standard of investment law rnentioned above.Esta investigación se acerca de manera sucinta al tema de legitimas expectativas en Derecho Internacional de las inversiones. Realiza un análisis de casos hito en los que se ha elaborado el tema e identifica la noción de legitimas expectativas en el marco del estándar de trato justo y equitativo. Además, hace un claro planteamiento de la naturaleza legal y su origen en las fuentes de derecho internacional. Contiene tres partes, una primera en la que se desarrolla una noción de conceptos preliminar, una segunda en donde se estudian las fuentes de derecho internacional y el origen de las legitimas expectativas, y una tercera parte en donde se desarrolla el tema en el marco de estándar antes dicho. La bibliografía contiene tanto documentos relevantes que han desarrollado el tema, así como casos hito de arbitraje de inversión en los que se ha desarrollado el concepto de legitimas expectativas.Abogado(a)Pregrad

    Just preservation

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    We are failing to protect the biosphere. Novel views of conservation, preservation, and sustainability are surfacing in the wake of consensus about our failures to prevent extinction or slow climate change. We argue that the interests and well-being of non-humans, youth, and future generations of both human and non-human beings (futurity) have too long been ignored in consensus-based, anthropocentric conservation. Consensus-based stakeholder-driven processes disadvantage those absent or without a voice and allow current adult humans and narrow, exploitative interests to dominate decisions about the use of nature over its preservation for futurity of all life. We propose that authentically non-anthropocentric worldviews that incorporate multispecies justice are needed for a legitimate, deliberative, and truly democratic process of adjudication between competing interests in balancing the preservation and use of nature. Legitimate arenas for such adjudication would be courts that can defend intergenerational equity, which is envisioned by many nations\u27 constitutions, and can consider current and future generations of non-human life. We urge practitioners and scholars to disavow implicit anthropocentric value judgments in their work – or make these transparent and explicit – and embrace a more comprehensive worldview that grants future life on earth fair representation in humanity\u27s decisions and actions today

    Just preservation

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    We are failing to protect the biosphere. Novel views of conservation, preservation, and sustainability are surfacing in the wake of consensus about our failures to prevent extinction or slow climate change. We argue that the interests and well-being of non-humans, youth, and future generations of both human and non-human beings (futurity) have too long been ignored in consensus-based, anthropocentric conservation. Consensus-based stakeholder-driven processes disadvantage those absent or without a voice and allow current adult humans and narrow, exploitative interests to dominate decisions about the use of nature over its preservation for futurity of all life. We propose that authentically non-anthropocentric worldviews that incorporate multispecies justice are needed for a legitimate, deliberative, and truly democratic process of adjudication between competing interests in balancing the preservation and use of nature. Legitimate arenas for such adjudication would be courts that can defend intergenerational equity, which is envisioned by many nations\u27 constitutions, and can consider current and future generations of non-human life. We urge practitioners and scholars to disavow implicit anthropocentric value judgments in their work – or make these transparent and explicit – and embrace a more comprehensive worldview that grants future life on earth fair representation in humanity\u27s decisions and actions today

    Transferencia de materia en líquidos newtonianos y no newtonianos : burbujeo de gases en tanques agitados

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    Tesis-Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1.982.Depto. de Ingeniería Química y de MaterialesFac. de Ciencias QuímicasTRUEProQuestpu

    Caracterización de la miel de abeja en la provincia de Imbabura

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    Caracterizar la miel de abeja en la provincia de Imbabura.La miel de la abeja (Apis mellifera – Linneo 1758) es una sustancia de sabor dulce, viscosa, es un endulzante natural que tiene varios usos terapéuticos y medicinales. Las propiedades de las mieles dependen del origen botánico, geográfico, climático y de las condiciones de procesamiento y almacenamiento. Su calidad depende de sus características como: color, densidad, viscosidad, acidez, conductividad, cenizas, pH, hidroximetilfurfural, actividad diastásica, sólidos solubles e insolubles. Se recolectaron 18 muestras de miel en los 6 cantones de la provincia de Imbabura, los sectores estudiados fueron: Apuela, Imantag, Quiroga, Tangalí, La Rinconada, San Luis, El Tejar, Lita, Caranqui, Chaltura, Natabuela, Atuntaqui, Cahuasquí, Chachimbiro, Buenos Aires, El Empalme, Yuquín Alto y Mariano Acosta. En las cuales se evaluaron las propiedades fisicoquímicas y análisis palinológicos usando métodos oficiales e instrumentales. Las mieles registraron un origen polifloral y diferencias significativas (p < 0,05) para todos los parámetros determinados. El análisis multivariado por Componentes Principales y Clústers de los resultados, estableció seis componentes con una varianza total de 89,78%, donde las variables de color, acidez, actividad diastásica y conductividad presentaron la mayor variabilidad (41,51%). Las características analizadas y definen los atributos organolépticos de la miel. Humedad, sólidos solubles e insolubles, pH y conductividad, conforman las componentes dos y tres con una variabilidad del 25,67%, que a su vez definen aspectos de higiene y limpieza del producto

    La estructura a gran escala del Universo: Simulando las observaciones

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Física Teórica. Fecha de lectura: 14-06-201

    Transferencia de materia en líquidos newtonianos y no newtonianos : burbujeo de gases en tanques agitados

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    Tesis-Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1.982.Depto. de Ingeniería Química y de MaterialesFac. de Ciencias QuímicasTRUEProQuestpu