175 research outputs found

    La importancia del cuidado medioambiental a través del reciclaje en Educación Infantil

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    Los problemas medioambientales actualmente siguen siendo visibles, incluso a medida que pasan los años, estos problemas van aumentando. Estos problemas nos afectan a todos y por ello somos responsables de evitarlos cuidando así el medio ambiente. Como docentes es importante que inculquemos los valores de la educación ambiental a los niños y a las niñas desde edades tempranas, por ello, nosotros podemos trabajar el reciclaje en Educación Infantil.Grado en Educación Infanti

    Importancia de la temperatura de la quimioterapia intraperitoneal intraoperatoria con paclitaxel en el tratamiento quirúrgico radical de la carcinomatosis peritoneal de origen ovárico. Hipertermia versus normotermia

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    El tratamiento estándar del carcinoma epitelial de ovario (EOC) avanzado, ya sea primario o recurrente, es la cirugía citorreductora (CRS) completa sin tumor residual seguida de quimioterapia adyuvante basada en taxanos y compuestos de platino1, 2 Debido a su historia natural, el EOC permanece en gran medida localizado en la cavidad abdominal. La quimioterapia intraperitoneal (IP) permite mayores concentraciones de quimioterapia en la cavidad peritoneal que la quimioterapia sistémica debido a su administración directa, mejorando la citotoxicidad y supervivencia de los pacientes así como minimizando los efectos adversos sistémicos3, 4. Sin embargo, este tipo de quimioterapia no ha sido totalmente aceptada porque no está exenta de complicaciones5. Para superar los inconvenientes de la quimioterapia IP, Sugarbaker propuso la quimioterapia IP intraoperatoria hipertérmica (HIPEC). El principal objetivo de la HIPEC es tratar la enfermedad microscópica residual tras la CRS, antes de la formación de adherencias a través de métodos físicos (térmicos) y químicos (quimioterápicos)6. Los mecanismos por los que la HIPEC aumenta la respuesta tumoral a los citostáticos son múltiples7: potencia el efecto citotóxico de algunos quimioterápicos y aumenta su penetración en los tejidos, además del efecto antitumoral directo del calor “per se”8. En aspectos fundamentales de la administración de la HIPEC existe una gran heterogeneidad, como son, el escenario clínico en el que está indicada, la definición de cirugía óptima (CC1 vs R1), el quimioterápico empleado y su dosis, la temperatura (37–46ºC) o el tiempo de perfusión9. Las razones por las cuales algunos autores10-18 (entre los que se encuentra nuestro grupo) usan taxanos en la HIPEC para el tratamiento de la carcinomatosis peritoneal (CP) ovárica son su alta eficacia observada en el tratamiento sistémico del EOC y su favorable farmacocinética tras su administración IP debido a su alto peso molecular y su metabolismo hepático19. La teoría sobre el aumento de la eficacia de los taxanos en su administración IP se apoya, por un lado en diferentes estudios clínicos20-23 en los que la respuesta a los taxanos parece probada que es dosis-dependiente y por otro lado, en estudios experimentales24, 25 que han demostrado que a pesar del corto tiempo de exposición de las células tumorales a altas concentraciones de taxanos durante la HIPEC, es suficiente para inducir en éstas la detención del crecimiento celular y la muerte celular por necrosis. En una actualización publicada por Sugarbaker26 se incluye que la hipertermia aumenta la actividad citotóxica de la mayoría de los citostáticos. Sin embargo, esta sinergia no está clara en los taxanos, de los que distintos estudios experimentales han proporcionado resultados contradictorios a este respecto27. Nuestro grupo lleva realizando CRS + HIPEC con paclitaxel (PTX) en el tratamiento de la CP ovárica desde 199710, 17, 18. Al principio no siempre fue posible utilizar la máquina de perfusión que permitía alcanzar hipertermia, por lo que la quimioterapia IP se administró en condiciones de normotermia. Se observó cómo estas pacientes presentaban unos resultados similares de supervivencia. Esta observación, sumada a los resultados contradictorios obtenidos sobre la interacción del calor con los taxanos27, nos hizo proyectar esta investigación. El objetivo del estudio fue analizar el efecto de la administración IP intraoperatoria de PTX en condiciones de hipertermia versus normotermia en la respuesta patológica, la muerte celular [necrosis y apoptosis (caspasa-3)], la proliferación celular (ki-67 y PCNA), las proteínas reguladoras del ciclo celular (p53, p21 y p27), su farmacocinética, morbi-mortalidad y supervivencia

    Forest resource modelling combining satellite imagery and LiDAR data

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    El sector forestal tiene un papel relevante en la transición hacia una economía innovadora y eficiente en el consumo de sus recursos. Conocer la disponibilidad espacial de los recursos forestales y su evolución temporal es crítico en la gestión forestal, tanto de los recursos maderables como de los no maderables. El uso de información procedente de sensores remotos se está convirtiendo en una opción cada vez más rigurosa y asequible para el desarrollo de esta tarea. Así, el conocimiento que estas herramientas proporcionan sobre el estado de desarrollo de las masas forestales y la disponibilidad de sus recursos permite hacer frente a los diferentes escenarios futuros que plantea el actual contexto de cambio global. Esta tesis caracteriza y evalúa diferentes recursos forestales mediante la combinación de información continua procedente de imágenes de satélite y datos LiDAR, con diferentes niveles de resolución espacial y espectral. Estos datos, apoyados en trabajo de campo, han sido calibrados y validados, demostrando un gran potencial. Discriminar diferentes especies y tipos de masa, tanto a nivel de árbol individual como de objeto, son objetivos alcanzables mediante el uso adecuado de estas herramientas, disminuyendo la dependencia histórica del trabajo de campo e integrando el cambio de escala en los inventarios tradicionales. Esta tesis desarrolla herramientas robustas capaces de evaluar recursos forestales a gran escala mediante modelos mixtos lineales y técnicas de modelización basadas en aprendizaje automático.Forestry sector plays an important role in the transition towards a new economy, driven by efficient resource consumption. Understanding the spatial distribution of forest resources and its temporal evolution is critical in forest management, both for timber and non-timber resources. Remote sensing information is becoming an increasingly precise and affordable option for the accomplishment of this task. The knowledge provided by these tools regarding stand development and availability of resources enables predicting future global change scenarios. This Doctoral Thesis assesses different forest resources combining continuous information derived from satellite images and LiDAR data at different spatial and spectral resolution levels. This information, supported by field work, has been calibrated and validated, showing a great potential. Species and stand types discrimination, both at individual tree and object levels, can be accomplished with these tools, decreasing the historical dependence of field work and integrating the scale change in traditional inventories. This PhD work aims to develop robust tools able to evaluate large-scale forest resources, by means of linear mixed models and machine learning.Departamento de Producción Vegetal y Recursos ForestalesDoctorado en Conservación y Uso Sostenible de Sistemas Forestale

    Investigación sobre la frecuencia de deficiencia en G6PD y talasemia en varias provincias españolas

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    Memoria para optar al grado de doctor presentada por Ángela Casado Moragón.Peer reviewe

    Stand types discrimination comparing machine-learning algorithms in Monteverde, Canary Islands.

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    Aim of study: The main objective is to determine the best machine-learning algorithm to classify the stand types of Monteverde forests combining LiDAR, orthophotography, and Sentinel-2 data, thus providing an easy and cheap method to classify Monteverde stand types.Area of study: 1500 ha forest in Monteverde, North Tenerife, Canary Islands.Material and methods: RF, SVML, SVMR and ANN algorithms are used to classify the three Monteverde stand types.  Before training the model, feature selection of LiDAR, orthophotography, and Sentinel-2 data through VSURF was carried out.  Comparison of its accuracy was performed.Main results: Five LiDAR variables were found to be the most efficient for classifying each object, while only one Sentinel-2 index and one Sentinel-2 band was valuable.  Additionally, standard deviation and mean of the Red orthophotography colour band, and ratio between Red and Green bands were also found to be suitable.  SVML is confirmed as the most accurate algorithm (0.904, 0.041 SD) while ANN showed the lowest value of 0.891 (0.073 SD).  SVMR and RF obtain 0.902 (0.060 SD) and 0.904 (0.056 SD) respectively.  SVML was found to be the best method given its low standard deviation.Research highlights: The similar high accuracy values among models confirm the importance of taking into account diverse machine-learning methods for stand types classification purposes and different explanatory variables.  Although differences between errors may not seem relevant at a first glance, due to the limited size of the study area with only three plus two categories, such differences could be highly important when working at large scales with more stand types.ADDITIONAL KEY WORDSRF algorithm, SVML algorithm, SVMR algorithm, ANN algorithm, LiDAR, orthophotography, Sentinel-2ABBREVIATIONS USEDANN, artificial neural networks algorithm; Band04, Sentinel-2 band 04 image data; BR, brezal; DTHM, digital tree height model; DTHM-2016, digital tree height model based on 2016 LiDAR data; DTM, digital terrain model; DTM-2016, digital terrain model based on 2016 LiDAR data; FBA, fayal-brezal-acebiñal; FCC, canopy cover; HEIGHT-2009, maximum height based on 2009 LiDAR data; HGR, height growth based on 2009 and 2016 LiDAR data; LA, laurisilva; NDVI705, Sentinel-2 index image data; NMF, non-Monteverde forest; NMG, non-Monteverde ground; P95-2016, height percentile 95 based on 2016 LiDAR data; RATIO R/G, ratio between Red and Green bands orthophotograph data; RED, Red band orthophotograph data; Red-SD, standard deviation of the Red band orthophotograph data; RF, random forest algorithm; SVM, support vector machine algorithm; SVML, linear support vector machine algorithm; SVMR, radial support vector machine algorithm; VSURF, variable selection using random forest.

    Redox-dependent and redox-independent functions of Caenorhabditis elegans thioredoxin 1

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    Thioredoxins (TRX) are traditionally considered as enzymes catalyzing redox reactions. However, redox-independent functions of thioredoxins have been described in different organisms, although the underlying molecular mechanisms are yet unknown. We report here the characterization of the first generated endogenous redox-inactive thioredoxin in an animal model, the TRX-1 in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. We find that TRX-1 dually regulates the formation of an endurance larval stage (dauer) by interacting with the insulin pathway in a redox-independent manner and the cGMP pathway in a redox-dependent manner. Moreover, the requirement of TRX-1 for the extended longevity of worms with compromised insulin signalling or under calorie restriction relies on TRX-1 redox activity. In contrast, the nuclear translocation of the SKN-1 transcription factor and increased LIPS-6 protein levels in the intestine upon trx-1 deficiency are strictly redox-independent. Finally, we identify a novel function of C. elegans TRX-1 in male food-leaving behaviour that is redox-dependent. Taken together, our results position C. elegans as an ideal model to gain mechanistic insight into the redox-independent functions of metazoan thioredoxins, overcoming the limitations imposed by the embryonic lethal phenotypes of thioredoxin mutants in higher organisms.NIH Office of Research Infrastructure P40 OD010440Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness BFU2015- 64408-PFondo Social Europeo BFU2015- 64408-PNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health R01AI07640

    Molecular control of winter dormancy in establishment in trees

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    Dormancy is an adaptive mechanism that enables woody plants to survive the freezing temperatures of winter. This complex process is characterized by the cessation of meristem activity, which is accompanied by winter bud set, extensive metabolic remodelling, an acquired high tolerance to cold and, in deciduous trees, by leaf senescence and abscission. The induction of dormancy occurs in response to seasonal environmental signals. In most woody plants, shortening of the photoperiod induces growth cessation, bud set, and some degree of cold acclimation. The subsequent drop in temperature then leads to a greater tolerance to cold and leaf fall. Experimental evidence indicates that the phytochrome system plays an important role as a day length sensor, and it has been recently reported that in poplar (Populus tremula x tremuloides), the photoperiodic control of dormancy induction is driven by a molecular mechanism that shares components with the mechanism of the photoperiodic control of flowering time in Arabidopsis. In contrast, the effects of low temperatures are less well understood. Nonetheless, it has been established that the chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) circadian molecular clock is disrupted both during winter and in response to cold, with presumable consequences on the general physiology of the plant. However, there is no direct evidence so far for its role in dormancy regulatio

    Analysis of directionality effects in magnetodielectric core-shell nanoparticles by means of polarimetric techniques

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    The influence of increasing the core size of a Ag-Si core-shell nanoparticle has been investigated by using the values of the linear polarization degree at right angle scattering configuration, PL(90º). Changes in dipolar resonances and Scattering Directionality Conditions as a function of the core radius (Rint) for a fixed shell size (Rext = 230 nm) have been analyzed. An empirical formula to obtain the ratio Rint/Rext by monitoring the influence of the magnetic dipolar resonance in PL(90º) has been found.This research was supported by MICINN (FIS2013-45854-P). Ángela I. Barreda and Y. Gutiérrez want to express their gratitude to the University of Cantabria for their FPU grant

    Celiac Immunogenic Potential of α-Gliadin Epitope Variants from Triticum and Aegilops Species

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    The high global demand of wheat and its subsequent consumption arise from the physicochemical properties of bread dough and its contribution to the protein intake in the human diet. Gluten is the main structural complex of wheat proteins and subjects affected by celiac disease (CD) cannot tolerate gluten protein. Within gluten proteins, α-gliadins constitute the most immunogenic fraction since they contain the main T-cell stimulating epitopes (DQ2.5-glia-α1, DQ2.5-glia-α2, and DQ2.5-glia-α3). In this work, the celiac immunotoxic potential of α-gliadins was studied within Triticeae: diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid species. The abundance and immunostimulatory capacity of CD canonical epitopes and variants (with one or two mismatches) in all α-gliadin sequences were determined. The results showed that the canonical epitopes DQ2.5-glia-α1 and DQ2.5-glia-α3 were more frequent than DQ2.5-glia-α2. A higher abundance of canonical DQ2.5-glia-α1 epitope was found to be associated with genomes of the BBAADD, AA, and DD types; however, the abundance of DQ2.5-glia-α3 epitope variants was very high in BBAADD and BBAA wheat despite their low abundance in the canonical epitope. The most abundant substitution was that of proline to serine, which was disposed mainly on the three canonical DQ2.5 domains on position 8. Interestingly, our results demonstrated that the natural introduction of Q to H at any position eliminates the toxicity of the three T-cell epitopes in the α-gliadins. The results provided a rational approach for the introduction of natural amino acid substitutions to eliminate the toxicity of three T-cell epitopes, while maintaining the technological properties of commercial wheats