4,036 research outputs found

    Study on reproductive biology of "Dactylorhiza cantabrica" (Orchidaceae), endemic plant of Galician mountains

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    Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Bioloxía. Curso 2016/2017[Resumo] Dactylorhiza cantabrica é unha orquídea tetraploide, endémica da Serra do Courel, para a que se ten suxerido unha orixe híbrida polo cruzamento de D. insularis e D. sambucina. Neste traballo fixéronse cruzamentos intra e interespecíficos e interxenéricos para coñecer a estratexia reprodutiva de D. cantabrica. Así mesmo, fíxose unha análise comparativa do tamaño dos froitos e da viabilidade e tamaño das sementes obtidas tras os distintos cruzamentos, co gallo de detectar a existencia de diferenzas significativas. Por último, analizouse a utilidade do test do Tetrazolio para comprobar a vitalidade das sementes e realizamos un estudo piloto para coñecer os potenciais polinizadores de D. cantabrica. Non se observaron diferencias significativas na produción de sementes e froitos entre os distintos cruzamentos, polo que se plantexa a posibilidade de que na realidade esta orquídea sexa partenoxénica ó igual ca un dos seus posibles proxenitores. Apreciamos tamén que a maioría dos visitantes observados pertencían á familia Apidae, aínda que non se observaron polinias adheridas ós insectos.[Resumen] Dactylorhiza cantabrica es una orquídea endémica de la Serra do Courel, cuyo origen híbrido se produjo, según estudios recientes, por el cruce entre dos especies próximas, D. insularis y D. sambucina. En este trabajo se realizaron cruces intra e interespecíficos, además de intergenéricos, para conocer la estrategia reproductiva que sigue esta especie. Además, se hizo un análisis comparativo del tamaño de los frutos y de la viabilidad y tamaño de las semillas obtenidas de los cruzamientos, con el objetivo de detectar la existencia de diferencias significativas. Por último, se analizó la utilidad del test del Tetrazolio para comprobar la vitalidad de las semillas y se realizó un estudio piloto para conocer los potenciales polinizadores de D. cantabrica. Los resultados indican que no existen diferencias en la producción de semillas y frutos entre los distintos cruces, por lo que se plantea la posibilidad de que en realidad se trate de una orquídea partenogénica al igual que uno de sus progenitores. En cuanto a sus posibles polinizadores, la mayoría de los visitantes pertenecían a la F. Apidae, aunque en ningún caso se observaron polinias adheridas a los insectos.[Abstract] Dactylorhiza cantabrica is an endemic orchid from Serra do Courel. This tetraploid species putatively originated through the hybridisation beetwen two closely related species, D. insularis and D. sambucina. In this study, intra-, interespecific and intergeneric crosses were carried out in order to unravel its reproductive biology. A comparative morphometric analysis was performed on the seeds and fruits obtained after the crosses. In addition to this, an analysis of the differential viability of the seeds was conducted and the usefulness of the Tetrazolium method to assess seed viability was tested.. No significant differentiation was observed in seed production after the different crosses and we suggest that this orchid might be parthenogenetic, as is one of its progenitors. A pilot study was also carried out in order to find out the potential pollinators of D. cantabrica. Preliminary results indicate that flowers were mostly visited by insects of the F. Apidae, although no insect was observed carrying pollinia

    The economics of tidal stream energy: a spatial approach

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    So far, the economic assessments of tidal stream energy have been conducted from a sectorial, spatially dimensionless point of view; or in other words, on the basis of mean values obtained as representative of the average across the tidal industry. However, as this marine technology progresses, such assessments will need to be performed on a per-project basis, which inevitably requires the consideration of site-related variables: from the tidal resource to the local topography and accessibility. With this in view, this thesis develops a new methodology to include the spatial dimension into the economic analysis of tidal stream energy projects, and more specifically into the LCOE, in a continuous manner – thereby allowing for macro-micro linkages: impacts of a project over an entire region and vice versa. The methodology is materialised in the form of a new ad hoc tool and illustrated through a case study in the Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary (UK), a region with one of the greatest potentials for tidal power development in the world. As a result, spatial cost patterns over the study domain, together with environmental and socioeconomic constraints for project deployment are showed. They constitute the basis on which informed decisions on public and private funding allocation should be taken, for a further sustainable development of tidal stream energy hotspots and an integrated coastal management of the regions of interest

    Alethopteris and Neuralethopteris from the lower Westphalian (Middle Pennsylvanian) of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, Maritime Provinces, Canada

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    A systematic revision of Alethopteris and Neuralethopteris from upper Namurian and lower Westphalian (Middle Pennsylvanian) strata of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, eastern Canada, has demonstrated the presence of eight species: Alethopteris bertrandii, Alethopteris decurrens, Alethopteris cf. havlenae, Alethopteris urophylla, Alethopteris cf. valida, Neuralethopteris pocahontas, Neuralethopteris schlehanii and Neuralethopteris smithsii. Restudy of the Canadian material has led to new illustrations, observations and refined descriptions of these species. Detailed synonymies focus on records from Canada and the United States. As with other groups reviewed in earlier articles in this series, it is clear that insufficient attention has been paid to material reposited in Canadian institutions in the European literature. The present study emphasizes the similarity of the North American flora with that of western Europe, especially through the synonymies

    Recursos gemorfológicos: evolución morfológica de las marmitas de erosión en el río Miño

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    5 páginas, 4 figuras.-- VII Simpósio Ibérico sobre a Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Minho, Vilanova de Cerveira, 7-8 novembro 2014En el río Miño, que discurre en su mayor parte sobre granitos, se distinguen zonas en las que la corriente circula directamente sobre la roca madre con formas características de erosión fluvial. Una de las más comunes son las marmitas (potholes) que se van a generar en condiciones dependientes del régimen hídrico y la estacionalidad del flujo del río. Junto a otras formas, las marmitas son parte del patrimonio geomorfológico fluvial asociado al río Miño. En este estudio se presenta una secuenciación evolutiva diferenciada en cuatro fases, para las cuales se han establecido valores umbral que marcan cambios en la morfologíaPeer reviewe

    Growth of sculpted forms in bedrock channels (Miño River, northwest Spain)

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    7 páginas, 4 tablas, 6 figurasA total of 216 sculpted forms were registered on the granitic bedrock of the Miño River, northwest Iberian Peninsula. Analysis of in situ measurements (length, width and depth) revealed three general type-sets: incipient forms, longitudinal furrows and circular pot-holes. Maximum depth and upper radius (at the incision surface) were identified as key variables to mathematically determine the growth rate in each set. Three regression models are presented revealing that the development of the forms depends on a power law explaining their size and shape. Morphological and dimensional thresholds were established to better identify stages from incipient active growth) and inherited (stationary growth) formsM.A.A.V. is supported by the Xunta de Galicia through the Plan Galego de investigación, innovación e crecemento 2011-2015 (Plan I2C) in collaboration with the International Campus do Mar (Predoc ED481A-2015/410)Peer reviewe