202 research outputs found


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    El presente artículo es inédito, fruto de una investigación cualitativa con un enfoque teórico en el que se pretende abordar el cannabis desde sus antecedentes históricos nacionales e internacionales, para explicar los diferentes tipos de plantas que existen, las formas de consumo, los usos lúdicos, terapéuticos y espirituales que se pueden dar del mismo y el contexto legal, partiendo del estudio del bloque de constitucionalidad, incluyendo la normatividad internacional, y finalizando con la jurisprudencia reciente para determinar la legalidad o ilegalidad del porte, consumo y comercialización del cannabis

    Modelling the Leakage Current Behaviour of Polluted Ceramic Insulators by Using Acoustic Emissions and Relative Humidity

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    Understanding the behaviour of leakage current (LC) is not an easy task for engineers and new techniques are needed to identify the outage risk of some electrical circuits. Therefore, this paper presents a Generalized Linear Model (GLM) to characterise the LC variations in 230 kV ceramic insulators located in outdoor electrical substations subject to high pollution levels. The model uses data such as LC, acoustic emission (AE), and environmental variables (EVs). We found that the model represents the LC variation of electrical insulators of high voltage circuits. This model is useful for designing detection systems that represent the contamination levels and predict the behaviour of changes related to EV. With this model, we can determine the risk indicators for failure of electrical insulators in high-pollution areas

    Emisiones de compuestos orgánicos volátiles de origen biogénico y su contribución a la dinámica atmosférica

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    Biogenic volatile organic compounds emitted by vegetation play an important role in the chemical composition and physical characteristics of the atmosphere, due to the high chemical reactivity that can present most of these compounds when they interact with those found in high proportion in the atmosphere. One of the most obvious effects produced by these volatile organic compounds is the formation of Tropospheric Ozone, increasing the levels of photochemical pollution. This has led to interest in studies that aim to make the description of spatial and temporal behavior of biogenic emissions, quantifying the compounds produced by vegetation and their influence on atmospheric chemistry. It has encouraged the use of tools such as remote sensing satellite imagery and the application of mathematical models that have yielded approximate results of the contribution of volatile organic compounds that allow understanding the atmospheric dynamics and potential adverse effects in the human health, ecosystems and the environmentLos compuestos orgánicos volátiles de origen biogénico emitidos por la vegetación juegan un papel importante en la composición química y características físicas de la atmósfera, debido a la alta reactividad que pueden llegar a presentar la mayoría de estas sustancias cuando interactúan con aquellas que se encuentran en mayor proporción en la atmósfera. Uno de los efectos más evidentes producidos por los compuestos orgánicos volátiles corresponde a la formación de ozono troposférico, contribuyendo de esta forma a aumentar los niveles de contaminación fotoquímica. Esta situación ha despertado el interés por realizar estudios que se orienten a efectuar la descripción del comportamiento espacial y temporal de las emisiones biogénicas, cuantificando los principales compuestos producidos por la vegetación y su influencia en la química de la atmósfera. En consecuencia, se ha fomentado el uso de herramientas tales como la teledetección de imágenes satelitales y la aplicación de modelos matemáticos, que han permitido obtener resultados aproximados de los aportes de los compuestos orgánicos volátiles biogénicos, para obtener un conocimiento relacionado con su contribución en la dinámica atmosférica y los posibles efectos nocivos que puedan registrarse en la salud humana, los ecosistemas y el medio ambiente. 

    Determining the value contribution of emicizumab (Hemlibra®) for the prophylaxis of haemophilia A with inhibitors in Spain by multi-criteria decision analysis

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    Haemophilia A; Inhibitors; Drug valueHemofilia A; Inhibidores; Valores del medicamentoHemofília A; Inhibidors; Valors del medicamentPatients with moderate to severe haemophilia A are at a higher risk of developing FVIII inhibitors that require the use of more costly and less effective treatments. The objective of this study was to determine the value of emicizumab for the prophylaxis of haemophilia A with inhibitors compared to the current therapeutic alternatives, activated prothrombin complex concentrate and recombinant factor VIIa through reflective Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. The EVIDEM framework adapted to orphan drugs and weighted by a sample of 98 national and regional Spanish evaluators was used. Two structured evidence matrices were developed: emicizumab against activated prothrombin complex concentrate and emicizumab against recombinant factor VIIa. A multidisciplinary team of haemophilia experts rated each of the criteria. Mean and standard deviation were calculated by each criterion and discussed among all participants. Haemophilia A with inhibitors was perceived as a severe disease with high unmet needs. Emicizumab was rated with higher efficacy, therapeutic benefit and quality of life than comparators. When administered alone for the prevention of bleeding events, emicizumab had slightly better safety and tolerability profile than activated prothrombin complex concentrate and similar with recombinant factor VIIa. The inclusion of emicizumab in clinical practice guidelines was valued positively by the members of the panel. Overall, value of emicizumab was higher than activated prothrombin complex concentrate and recombinant factor VIIa, mostly because of efficacy and therapeutic benefit in reducing treated haemorrhages. Reflective Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis has proven to be a feasible method to determine the value contribution of comparative therapies in haemophilia.This work was supported by Hoffmann-La Roche

    Análisis altmétrico de la investigación sobre trastornos en la calidad de sueño publicada en 2021

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    Introduction: sleep is a biological function of vital importance for most living beings. The number of published research articles related to sleep disturbances and sleep-wake rhythm is unprecedented and shows the intense efforts of the global research community to understand the different aspects of these pathologies and address them.Objective: to analyze the impact of research on sleep quality disorders published in 2021, based on the media, social and scientific attention received.Methods: an altmetric, observational, descriptive-retrospective and cross-sectional study was carried out, since the impact and use of research on effects on sleep quality published in 2021 on social and scientific platforms was analyzed through the use of altmetric indicators.     Results: of the 60 articles with the greatest altmetric attention, 50 were publications in journals, nine in preprint servers, and one monograph. Most of the online attention the posts received was on Twitter (1,685,152 total tweets). The journals that published the most influential articles related to the topic in question are classified in SJR Q3 with relatively high H indices.Conclusions: the research related to Sleep Quality Disorders that most predominated in this study were those published in scientific journals, with the most influential being those published in quartile three  journals. Most of the online attention received by these publications It was done on Twitter.Introducción: el sueño constituye una función biológica de vital importancia para la mayoría de los seres vivos. La cantidad de artículos de investigación publicados relacionados con las alteraciones del sueño y el ritmo sueño-vigilia, no tiene precedentes y muestra los intensos esfuerzos de la comunidad investigadora mundial para comprender los diferentes aspectos de estas patologías y abordarla.Objetivo: analizar el impacto de la investigación sobre trastornos en la calidad del sueño publicada en el año 2021, a partir de la atención mediática, social y científica recibida.Métodos: se realizó un estudio altmétrico, observacional de tipo descriptivo-retrospectivo y de corte transversal, pues se analizó el impacto y uso de investigación sobre afectaciones en la calidad de sueño publicada en 2021 en las plataformas sociales y científicas mediante el empleo de indicadores altmétricos.Resultados: de los 60 artículos con mayor atención altmétrica, 50 fueron publicaciones en revistas, nueve en servidores de preprint y una monografía. La mayor parte de la atención en línea que recibieron las publicaciones se realizó en Twitter (1,685,152 tweets en total). Las revistas que publicaron los artículos más influyentes relacionados con la temática en cuestión se encuentran clasificadas en el Q3 de SJR con índices H relativamente altos.Conclusiones: las investigaciones relacionadas con los Trastornos en la Calidad del Sueño que más predominaron en este estudio fueron aquellas publicadas en revistas científicas, siendo los más influyentes aquellos publicados en revistas de cuartil tres. La mayor parte de la atención en línea que recibieron estas publicaciones se realizó en Twitter

    A new computational tool for the development of advanced exergy analysis and LCA on single effect LiBr–H2O solar absorption refrigeration system

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    A single effect LiBr–H2O absorption refrigeration system coupled with a solar collector and a storage tank was studied to develop an assessment tool using the built-in App Designer in MATLAB®. The model is developed using balances of mass, energy, and species conservation in the components of the absorption cooling system, taking into account the effect of external streams through temperature and pressure drop. The whole system, coupled with the solar energy harvesting arrangement, is modeled for 24 h of operation with changes on an hourly basis based on ambient temperature, cooling system load demand, and hourly solar irradiation, which is measured and recorded by national weather institutes sources. Test through simulations and validation procedures are carried out with acknowledged scientific articles. These show 2.65% of maximum relative error on the energy analysis with respect to cited authors. The environmental conditions used in the study were evaluated in Barranquilla, Colombia, with datasets of the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM), considering multiannual average hourly basis solar irradiation. This allowed the authors to obtain the behavior of the surface temperature of the water in the tank, COP, and exergy efficiency of the system. The simulations also stated the generator as the biggest source of irreversibility with around 45.53% of total exergy destruction in the inner cycle without considering the solar array, in which case the solar array would present the most exergy destruction

    Functional polymorphisms in the CYP3A4, CYP3A5, and CYP21A2 genes in the risk for hypertension in pregnancy

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    An intronic single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the CYP3A5 gene (CYP3A5*3; SNP rs776746) affects RNA splicing and enzymatic activity. The CYP3A5*3 frequency increased with distance from the equator and natural selection has been proposed to explain the worldwide distribution of this allele. CYP3A activity has been related with the risk for hypertension in pregnancy, a major cause of morbidity and mortality among women, and CYP3A5*3 could reduce the risk for this disease in populations from regions with high sodium and water availability. The CYP3A5 genotype was related with blood pressure in the general population, but the effect on the risk for hypertension in pregnancy has not been evaluated. We compared the allele and genotype frequencies of three functional SNPs in the CYP3A5 (rs776746), CYP3A4 (rs2740574), and CYP21A2 (rs6471) genes between pregnant women who developed hypertension (n=250) or who remained normotensive (control group, n=250). In addition, we sequenced the full CYP3A5 coding sequence in 40 women from the two groups to determine whether some gene variants could explain the risk for hypertensive pregnancies in our population. Allele and genotype frequencies did not differ between hypertensive and normotensive women for the three CYP variants. We did not find CYP3A5 nucleotide changes that could explain a higher risk for hypertension in pregnancy. Our data suggests that the variation in CYP3A5, CYP3A4, and CYP21A2 did not contribute to the risk for hypertension in pregnancy in our populationThe author´s work is supported by a grant from the Spanish Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias/Fondos FEDER European Union (ETS PI08/90008)

    Efecto de la calabaza fermentada (Cucúrbita pepo) en los parámetros productivos y de salud en cerdos en preceba

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    There were used 30 pre-fattening pigs of Yorkshire x Landrace hybrid, 7 kg average weight, during 42 days, coinciding between 33 to 76 days of the pigs´ age, with the objective of replacing the 0 (control); 15 and 30% of the conventional feed for the fermented pumpkin, according to completely randomized design with three treatments and ten repetitions, each baby was considered as a repetition. The concentration of yeasts in the pumpkin fermentation was determined, where an apparent stability in the concentration of these microorganisms was observed 21 days after the fermented was elaborated, while in the pigs the final live weight (27.30, 28.00 and 27.50 kg), the average daily gain (483, 502 and 488 g / day), the consumption of dry matter (30.37, 30.38 and 30.33 kg) and the conversion of dry matter (1.50, 1.44 and 1.48 kg DM / kg PV respectively) did not present a significant difference between the treatments evaluated; however, in the control treatment, there were more animals with diarrhea and mortality reached 10%; while in treatments that included fermented pumpkin, the rate of diarrhea was minimal and deaths were nil. It is concluded that pumpkin fermentation did not affect the productive indicators of pre-fattening pigs, while reducing the occurrence of diarrhea and avoiding deaths in this technological category.Se utilizaron 30 cerdos en preceba del hibrido Yorkshire x Landrace, de peso promedio 7 kg, durante 42 días, coincidiendo entre los 33 a los 76 días de edad de los cerdos, con el objetivo de sustituir el 0 (control); 15 y 30 % del pienso convencional por el fermentado de calabaza, según diseño completamente aleatorizado con tres tratamientos y diez repeticiones, cada cría se consideró como una repetición. Se determinó la concentración de levaduras en el fermentado de calabaza donde se observó una estabilidad aparente en la concentración de estos microorganismos a los 21 días de elaborado el fermentado, mientras que en los cerdos el peso vivo final (27.30; 28.00 y 27.50 kg), la ganancia media diaria (483; 502 y 488 g/día), el consumo de materia seca (30.37; 30.38 y 30.33 kg) y la conversión de la materia seca (1.50; 1.44 y 1.48 kg MS/kg PV respectivamente); no presentaron diferencia significativa entre los tratamientos evaluados, sin embargo en el tratamiento control hubo mayor cantidad de animales con diarreas y la mortalidad alcanzó el 10 %; mientras que en los tratamientos que incluyeron fermentado de calabaza el índice de diarrea fue mínimo y las muertes nula. Se concluyó que el fermentado de calabaza no afectó los indicadores productivos de los cerdos en preceba, al tiempo que reduce las ocurrencias de diarreas y evita las muertes en esta categoría tecnológica

    Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles decorated mesoporous silica nanosystem for combined antibiofilm therapy

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    A crucial challenge to face in the treatment of biofilm-associated infection is the ability of bacteria to develop resistance to traditional antimicrobial therapies based on the administration of antibiotics alone. This study aims to apply magnetic hyperthermia together with controlled antibiotic delivery from a unique magnetic-responsive nanocarrier for a combination therapy against biofilm. The design of the nanosystem is based on antibiotic-loaded mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) externally functionalized with a thermo-responsive polymer capping layer, and decorated in the outermost surface with superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs). The SPIONs are able to generate heat upon application of an alternating magnetic field (AMF), reaching the temperature needed to induce a change in the polymer conformation from linear to globular, therefore triggering pore uncapping and the antibiotic cargo release. The microbiological assays indicated that exposure of E. coli biofilms to 200 µg/mL of the nanosystem and the application of an AMF (202 kHz, 30 mT) decreased the number of viable bacteria by 4 log10 units compared with the control. The results of the present study show that combined hyperthermia and antibiotic treatment is a promising approach for the effective management of biofilm-associated infections.Depto. de Química en Ciencias FarmacéuticasFac. de FarmaciaTRUEpu