78 research outputs found

    La correspondĂšncia de CĂšsar Cui dirigida a Felip Pedrell (1893-1912)

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    La correspondĂšncia de CĂšsar Cui (1832-1918) dirigida a Felip Pedrell (1841-1922) Ă©s un conjunt de 52 documents epistolars (43 cartes i 9 targetes postals) conservats a la Biblioteca de Catalunya amb la signatura M 964; escrites en francĂšs, la seva cronologia abasta des del 8 de març de 1893 fins al 12 de febrer de 1912. En dues de les cartes CĂšsar Cui va ometre la data d'escriptura, perĂČ el seu contingut les situa dintre d'aquest interval cronolĂČgic. L'estudi d'aquesta correspondĂšncia mostra aspectes diversos de la relaciĂł d'amistat dels compositors esmenats: la seva mĂștua admiraciĂł i els seus intercanvis d'idees, opinions, composicions, escrits i articles; suposa tambĂ© un important retracte de la realitat social de la vida musical de finals del segle XIX, mitjançant els seus comentaris sobre aspectes personals, familiars i quotidians, sobre les dificultats per la representaciĂł de les seves obres, aixĂ­ com sobre altres personatges i institucions musicals de l'Ăšpoca.La correspondencia de CĂ©sar Cui (1835-1918) dirigida a Felip Pedrell (1841-1922) es un conjunto de 52 documentos epistolares (43 cartas y 9 tarjetas postales) conservados en la Biblioteca de Catalunya con la signatura M 964; escritas en francĂ©s, su cronologĂ­a abarca desde el 8 de marzo de 1893 al 12 de febrero de 1912. En dos de las cartas CĂ©sar Cui omitiĂł la fecha de escritura, pero su contenido las sitĂșa dentro de este intervalo cronolĂłgico. El estudio de esta correspondencia muestra diversos aspectos de la relaciĂłn de amistad entre ambos compositores: su mutua admiraciĂłn y los intercambios de ideas, opiniones, composiciones, escritos y artĂ­culos; supone tambiĂ©n un importante retrato de la realidad social de la vida musical de finales del siglo XIX, a travĂ©s de sus comentarios sobre aspectos personales, familiares y cotidianos, sobre las dificultades que ambos tenĂ­an para la representaciĂłn de sus obras, asĂ­ como sobre otros personajes e instituciones musicales de la Ă©poca.La correspondance de CĂ©sar Cui (1835-1918) adressĂ©e Ă  Felip Pedrell (1841-1922) est un ensemble de 52 documents Ă©pistolaires (43 lettres et 9 cartes postales) conservĂ©s Ă  la Biblioteca de Catalunya sous le signet M 964; Ă©crites en français, leur chronologie s'Ă©tend du 8 mars 1893 au 12 fĂ©vrier 1912. CĂ©sar Cui a omis la date d'Ă©criture dans deux lettres, mais leur contenu les situe Ă  l'intĂ©rieur de cet intervalle chronologique. L'Ă©tude de cette correspondance montre divers aspects de la relation d'amitiĂ© entre les deux compositeurs : leur admiration mutuelle et les Ă©changes d'idĂ©es, d'opinions, de compositions, d'Ă©crits et d'articles ; elle suppose aussi un portrait important de la rĂ©alitĂ© sociale de la vie musicale Ă  la fin du XIXe siĂšcle, Ă  travers leurs commentaires sur des aspects personnels, familiaux et quotidiens, sur les difficultĂ©s qu'ils rencontraient tous les deux pour la reprĂ©sentation de leurs oeuvres, ainsi que sur d'autres personnages et institutions musicales de l'Ă©poque.The correspondence of CĂ©sar Cui (1835-1918) addressed to Felip Pedrell (1841-1922) is a set of 52 epistolary documents (43 letters and 9 postcards) conserved in the Biblioteca de Catalunya with the signature M 964; written in French, their chronology covers the period from March 8, 1893 to February 12, 1912. CĂ©sar Cui omits the date when he wrote two of the letters, but their content situates them in this chronological period. A study of this correspondence reveals several aspects of the friendship between these two composers: their mutual admiration and exchanges of ideas, opinions, compositions, writings and articles; it is also an important portrait of the social reality of musical life in the late 19th century, through their comments about personal, family and everyday affairs, about the difficulties that they both faced to perform their works, and about other musical figures and institutions of the era.Die Korrespondenz, die CĂ©sar Cui (1835-1918) an Felip Pedrell (1841-1922) gerichtet hat, besteht aus insgesamt 52 Dokumenten (43 Briefe und 9 Postkarten), die in der Biblioteca de Catalunya unter der Signatur M 964 aufbewahrt werden. Die auf Französisch geschriebenen Schriftstücke umfassen die Zeit zwischen dem 8. MĂ€rz 1893 und dem 12. Februar 1912. Zwei Briefe sind nicht datiert, aber aus ihrem Inhalt geht hervor, dass sie innerhalb dieses Zeitraums geschrieben wurden. Das Studium dieser Korrespondenz legt verschiedene Aspekte der freundschaftlichen Beziehung zwischen beiden Komponisten an den Tag: ihre gegenseitige Bewunderung sowie der Austausch von Gedanken, Meinungen, Kompositionen, Texten und Artikeln. Ihre Kommentare über persönliche, familiĂ€re und alltĂ€gliche Aspekte, über die Schwierigkeiten, die beide zur Aufführung ihrer Werke zu überwinden hatten, sowie über andere Musiker und Institutionen der Musik ihrer Epoche, sind gleichzeitig ein wichtiges PortrĂ€t der sozialen Wirklichkeit der Welt der Musik um die Jahrhundertwende

    La mĂșsica para piano de Felip Pedrell

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    La mayor parte de la producciĂłn pianĂ­stica de Pedrell se concentra en los años 1862-1872, durante su juventud en Tortosa. Constituye un corpus importante de piezas que abarcan los gĂ©neros pianĂ­sticos propios de la Ă©poca: nocturnos, valses, baladas, impromptus, estudios, fantasĂ­as, sonatas, apuntes sinfĂłnicos, temas caracterĂ­sticos. El estudio de este repertorio revela su importancia cuantitativa y cualitativa dentro de la producciĂłn compositiva de Pedrell; en ellas encontramos elementos desarrollados mĂĄs tarde en obras de mayores dimensiones, junto a la clara influencia de la mĂșsica y de la estĂ©tica romĂĄnticas del momento. El lenguaje, claramente pianĂ­stico, evidencia un conocimiento prĂĄctico del instrumento; la estructura compositiva,especialmente en las obras de dimensiones medias, revela un gusto por el desarrollo motĂ­vico, las modulaciones audaces y el cromatismo, si bien en un contexto tonal. En algunas ocasiones sobrepasa las caracterĂ­sticas propias de la mĂșsica de salĂłn. Los diez Ășltimos años de intensa creaciĂłn pianĂ­stica cesan sĂșbitamente, abriendo el paso, desde 1873, hacia el Lied y la mĂșsica escĂ©nica, como asimismo, a la bĂșsqueda de un mayor desarrollo tĂ­mbrico.The main part of Pedrell’s pianistic production is centred on the years 1862-1871, during his youth in Tortosa. It makes up a considerable corpus of pieces that cover the pianistic genres of the time; nocturnes, waltzes, ballads, improvisations, studies, fantasies, sonnets, symphonic notes, characteristic topics. The study of this repertoire reveals its quantitative and qualitative importance in Pedrell’s production of compositions; in them we find features that were later developed in larger works, together with the clear influence of the romance music and aesthetic of the time. The language, clearly pianistic, shows a practical knowledge of the instrument; the composition structure, especially in the medium sized pieces, reveals a taste for motivic development, audacious modulations and chromatism, although in a tonal context. On some occasions the characteristics of ballroom music are exceeded. The last ten years of intense pianistic creation came to a sudden stop, making way for, from 1873, the Lied and stage music, and also for the search for better timbral development

    The correspondence of CĂ©sar Cui addressed to Felip Pedrell (1893-1912)

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    La correspondĂšncia de CĂšsar Cui (1832-1918) dirigida a Felip Pedrell (1841-1922) Ă©s un conjunt de 52 documents epistolars (43 cartes i 9 targetes postals) conservats a la Biblioteca de Catalunya amb la signatura M 964; escrites en francĂšs, la seva cronologia abasta des del 8 de març de 1893 fins al 12 de febrer de 1912. En dues de les cartes CĂšsar Cui va ometre la data d’escriptura, perĂČ el seu contingut les situa dintre d’aquest interval cronolĂČgic. L’estudi d’aquesta correspondĂšncia mostra aspectes diversos de la relaciĂł d’amistat dels compositors esmenats: la seva mĂștua admiraciĂł i els seus intercanvis d’idees, opinions, composicions, escrits i articles; suposa tambĂ© un important retracte de la realitat social de la vida musical de finals del segle xix, mitjançant els seus comentaris sobre aspectes personals, familiars i quotidians, sobre les dificultats per la representaciĂł de les seves obres, aixĂ­ com sobre altres personatges i institucions musicals de l’ùpoca.La correspondencia de CĂ©sar Cui (1835-1918) dirigida a Felip Pedrell (1841-1922) es un conjunto de 52 documentos epistolares (43 cartas y 9 tarjetas postales) conservados en la Biblioteca de Catalunya con la signatura M 964; escritas en francĂ©s, su cronologĂ­a abarca desde el 8 de marzo de 1893 al 12 de febrero de 1912. En dos de las cartas CĂ©sar Cui omitiĂł la fecha de escritura, pero su contenido las sitĂșa dentro de este intervalo cronolĂłgico. El estudio de esta correspondencia muestra diversos aspectos de la relaciĂłn de amistad entre ambos compositores: su mutua admiraciĂłn y los intercambios de ideas, opiniones, composiciones, escritos y artĂ­culos; supone tambiĂ©n un importante retrato de la realidad social de la vida musical de finales del siglo xix, a travĂ©s de sus comentarios sobre aspectos personales, familiares y cotidianos, sobre las dificultades que ambos tenĂ­an para la representaciĂłn de sus obras, asĂ­ como sobre otros personajes e instituciones musicales de la Ă©poca.The correspondence of CĂ©sar Cui (1835-1918) addressed to Felip Pedrell (1841-1922) is a set of 52 epistolary documents (43 letters and 9 postcards) conserved in the Biblioteca de Catalunya with the signature M 964; written in French, their chronology covers the period from March 8, 1893 to February 12, 1912. CĂ©sar Cui omits the date when he wrote two of the letters, but their content situates them in this chronological period. A study of this correspondence reveals several aspects of the friendship between these two composers: their mutual admiration and exchanges of ideas, opinions, compositions, writings and articles; it is also an important portrait of the social reality of musical life in the late 19th century, through their comments about personal, family and everyday affairs, about the difficulties that they both faced to perform their works, and about other musical figures and institutions of the era

    Graph based study of allergen cross-reactivity of plant lipid transfer proteins (LTPs) using microarray in a multicenter study.

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    The study of cross-reactivity in allergy is key to both understanding. the allergic response of many patients and providing them with a rational treatment In the present study, protein microarrays and a co-sensitization graph approach were used in conjunction with an allergen microarray immunoassay. This enabled us to include a wide number of proteins and a large number of patients, and to study sensitization profiles among members of the LTP family. Fourteen LTPs from the most frequent plant food-induced allergies in the geographical area studied were printed into a microarray specifically designed for this research. 212 patients with fruit allergy and 117 food-tolerant pollen allergic subjects were recruited from seven regions of Spain with different pollen profiles, and their sera were tested with allergen microarray. This approach has proven itself to be a good tool to study cross-reactivity between members of LTP family, and could become a useful strategy to analyze other families of allergens

    Escuela para madres y padres sobre bilingĂŒismo y aprendizaje del inglĂ©s

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    Memoria del proyecto de Aprendizaje y Servicio titulado Escuela para madres y padres sobre bilingĂŒismo y aprendizaje del inglĂ©s, dirigido por el Dr. D. Daniel MartĂ­n GonzĂĄlez y financiado por la Oficina de Aprendizaje y Servicio de la UCM en la Convocatoria de Proyectos de Aprendizaje y Servicio 2021-22

    Predictors of Loss of Functional Independence in Parkinson’s Disease: Results from the COPPADIS Cohort at 2-Year Follow-Up and Comparison with a Control Group

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    COPPADIS Study Group.[Background and objective] The aim of this study was to compare the progression of independence in activities of daily living (ADL) in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients versus a control group, as well as to identify predictors of disability progression and functional dependency (FD).[Patients and Methods] PD patients and control subjects, who were recruited from 35 centers of Spain from the COPPADIS cohort between January 2016 and November 2017 (V0), were included. Patients and subjects were then evaluated again at the 2-year follow-up (V2). Disability was assessed with the Schwab & England Activities of Daily Living Scale (S&E-ADLS) at V0 and V2. FD was defined as an S&E-ADLS score less than 80%.[Results] In the PD group, a significant decrease in the S&E-ADLS score from V0 to V2 (N = 507; from 88.58 ± 10.19 to 84.26 ± 13.38; p < 0.0001; Cohen’s effect size = −0.519) was observed but not in controls (N = 124; from 98.87 ± 6.52 to 99.52 ± 2.15; p = 0.238). When only patients considered functional independent at baseline were included, 55 out of 463 (11.9%) converted to functional dependent at V2. To be a female (OR = 2.908; p = 0.009), have longer disease duration (OR = 1.152; p = 0.002), have a non-tremoric motor phenotype at baseline (OR = 3.574; p = 0.004), have a higher score at baseline in FOGQ (OR = 1.244; p < 0.0001) and BDI-II (OR = 1.080; p = 0.008), have a lower score at baseline in PD-CRS (OR = 0.963; p = 0.008), and have a greater increase in the score from V0 to V2 in UPDRS-IV (OR = 1.168; p = 0.0.29), FOGQ (OR = 1.348; p < 0.0001) and VAFS-Mental (OR = 1.177; p = 0.013) (adjusted R-squared 0.52; Hosmer and Lemeshow test = 0.94) were all found to be independent predictors of FD at V2.[Conclusions] In conclusion, autonomy for ADL worsens in PD patients compared to controls. Cognitive impairment, gait problems, fatigue, depressive symptoms, more advanced disease, and a non-tremor phenotype are independent predictors of FD in the short-term.FundaciĂłn Curemos el Parkinson (www.curemoselparkinson.org).Peer reviewe

    Graph based study of allergen cross-reactivity of plant lipid transfer proteins (LTPs) using microarray in a multicenter study.

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    The study of cross-reactivity in allergy is key to both understanding. the allergic response of many patients and providing them with a rational treatment In the present study, protein microarrays and a co-sensitization graph approach were used in conjunction with an allergen microarray immunoassay. This enabled us to include a wide number of proteins and a large number of patients, and to study sensitization profiles among members of the LTP family. Fourteen LTPs from the most frequent plant food-induced allergies in the geographical area studied were printed into a microarray specifically designed for this research. 212 patients with fruit allergy and 117 food-tolerant pollen allergic subjects were recruited from seven regions of Spain with different pollen profiles, and their sera were tested with allergen microarray. This approach has proven itself to be a good tool to study cross-reactivity between members of LTP family, and could become a useful strategy to analyze other families of allergens

    Predictors of clinically significant quality of life impairment in Parkinson’s disease

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    COPPADIS Study Group.Quality of life (QOL) plays an important role in independent living in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients, being crucial to know what factors impact QoL throughout the course of the disease. Here we identified predictors of QoL impairment in PD patients from a Spanish cohort. PD patients recruited from 35 centers of Spain from the COPPADIS cohort from January 2016, to November 2017, were followed up during 2 years. Health-related QoL (HRQoL) and global QoL (GQoL) were assessed with the 39-item Parkinson’s disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39) and the EUROHIS-QOL 8-item index (EUROHIS-QOL8), respectively, at baseline (V0) and at 24 months ± 1 month (V2). Clinically significant QoL impairment was defined as presenting an increase (PDQ-39SI) or decrement (EUROHIS-QOL8) at V2 ≄ 10% of the score at baseline (V0). A comparison with a control group was conducted for GQoL. GQoL did not change significantly in PD patients (N = 507; p = 0.686) or in the control group (N = 119; p = 0.192). The mean PDQ-39SI was significantly increased in PD patients (62.7 ± 8.5 years old; 58.8% males; N = 500) by 21.6% (from 16.7 ± 13 to 20.3 ± 16.4; p < 0.0001) at V2. Ninety-three patients (18.6%) presented a clinically significant HRQoL impairment at V2. To be younger (OR = 0.896; 95% CI 0.829–0.968; p = 0.006), to be a female (OR = 4.181; 95% CI 1.422–12.290; p = 0.009), and to have a greater increase in BDI-II (Beck Depression Inventory-II) (OR = 1.139; 95% CI 1.053–1.231; p = 0.001) and NMSS (Non-Motor Symptoms Scale) (OR = 1.052; 95% CI 1.027–1.113; p < 0.0001) total scores from V0 to V2 were associated with clinically significant HRQoL impairment at the 2-year follow-up (Hosmer–Lemeshow test, p = 0.665; R 2 = 0.655). An increase in ≄5 and ≄10 points of BDI-II and NMSS total score at V2 multiplied the probability of presenting clinically significant HRQoL impairment by 5 (OR = 5.453; 95% CI 1.663–17.876; p = 0.005) and 8 (OR = 8.217; 95% CI, 2.975–22.696; p = 0.002), respectively. In conclusion, age, gender, mood, and non-motor impairment were associated with clinically significant HRQoL impairment after the 2-year follow-up in PD patients.Mir P. has received honoraria from AbbVie, Abbott, Allergan, Bial, Merz, UCB and Zambon and have received grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [PI16/01575] co-founded by ISCIII (SubdirecciĂłn General de EvaluaciĂłn y Fomento de la InvestigaciĂłn) and by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), the ConsejerĂ­a de EconomĂ­a, InnovaciĂłn, Ciencia y Empleo de la Junta de AndalucĂ­a [CVI-02526, CTS-7685], the ConsejerĂ­a de Salud y Bienestar Social de la Junta de AndalucĂ­a [PI-0437-2012, PI-0471-2013], the Sociedad Andaluza de NeurologĂ­a, the Jacques and Gloria Gossweiler Foundation, the FundaciĂłn Alicia Koplowitz, the FundaciĂłn Mutua Madrileña.Peer reviewe

    COVID-19 outbreaks in a transmission control scenario: challenges posed by social and leisure activities, and for workers in vulnerable conditions, Spain, early summer 2020

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 community-wide transmission declined in Spain by early May 2020, being replaced by outbreaks and sporadic cases. From mid-June to 2 August, excluding single household outbreaks, 673 outbreaks were notified nationally, 551 active (>6,200 cases) at the time. More than half of these outbreaks and cases coincided with: (i) social (family/friends’ gatherings or leisure venues) and (ii) occupational (mainly involving workers in vulnerable conditions) settings. Control measures were accordingly applied

    Staging Parkinson’s Disease According to the MNCD (Motor/Non-motor/Cognition/Dependency) Classification Correlates with Disease Severity and Quality of Life

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    Background: Recently, a novel simple classification called MNCD, based on 4 axes (Motor; Non-motor; Cognition; Dependency) and 5 stages, has been proposed to classify Parkinson's disease (PD). Objective: Our aim was to apply the MNCD classification in a cohort of PD patients for the first time and also to analyze the correlation with quality of life (QoL) and disease severity. Methods: Data from the baseline visit of PD patients recruited from 35 centers in Spain from the COPPADIS cohort from January 2016 to November 2017 were used to apply the MNCD classification. Three instruments were used to assess QoL: 1) the 39-item Parkinson's disease Questionnaire [PDQ-39]); PQ-10; the EUROHIS-QOL 8-item index (EUROHIS-QOL8). Results: Four hundred and thirty-nine PD patients (62.05 +/- 7.84 years old; 59% males) were included. MNCD stage was: stage 1, 8.4% (N = 37); stage 2, 62% (N = 272); stage 3, 28.2% (N = 124); stage 4-5, 1.4% (N = 6). A more advanced MNCD stage was associated with a higher score on the PDQ39SI (p < 0.0001) and a lower score on the PQ-10 (p < 0.0001) and EUROHIS-QOL8 (p < 0.0001). In many other aspects of the disease, such as disease duration, levodopa equivalent daily dose, motor symptoms, non-motor symptoms, and autonomy for activities of daily living, an association between the stage and severity was observed, with data indicating a progressive worsening related to disease progression throughout the proposed stages. Conclusion: Staging PD according to the MNCD classification correlated with QoL and disease severity. The MNCD could be a proper tool to monitor the progression of PD
