304 research outputs found

    Momento Económico (28)

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    Temas de hoy. 2/ Reconversión en la Siderurgia. ¿Modernidad o más vueltas de tuerca a los trabajadores?, Lucía Alvarez Mosso., 3/ La Industria Siderúrgica. Futuro Incierto. Carlos Jimenez., 6/ Empresas asociadas a la exportación o a la quiebra. Ma. Luisa González Marín,. 8/ Acero y Trabajadores. Isabel Rueda Peiro,. ll/ El Minero de Monclova. Una Entrevista. Ma. Luisa González Marín,. l3

    Glucocorticoid receptor changes its cellular location with breast cancer development.

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    Glucocorticoids play a major role in attenuation of the inflammatory response and they are useful in the primary combination chemotherapy of breast cancer, since in vitro studies have demonstrated an antiproliferative effect in human breast cancer cells. In contrast, it was recently shown that glucocorticoids protect against apoptotic signals evoked by cytokines, cAMP, tumour suppressors, and death genes in mammary gland epithelia. Their actions are mediated by intracellular receptor (GR) that functions as a hormone-dependent transcription factor; however, no previous studies have been focused on GR expression in different pathologies of the human breast, and the possible relationship with that of mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and COX-2. Also, the role of these proteins on tumoral breast epithelial cells remains unclear. Therefore, we examined GR, MR and COX-2 expression by immunohistochemistry and Western blot techniques in 142 samples of human breast obtained by total or partial mastectomy. We found that the percentage of positive patients presenting nuclear immunoreaction to GR decreased with tumor development, while all samples analyzed showed cytoplasmic immunoreactions to MR. All positive samples to COX-2 antibody showed cytoplasmic location, a higher immunoreaction being observed in benign breast diseases than in carcinomatous lesions. Thus, breast cancer progression is associated with the accumulation of GR in the cytoplasm of tumoral cells and the decrease of COX-2 expression

    Current Knowledge about the Effect of Nutritional Status, Supplemented Nutrition Diet, and Gut Microbiota on Hepatic Ischemia-Reperfusion and Regeneration in Liver Surgery

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    Ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury is an unresolved problem in liver resection and transplantation. The preexisting nutritional status related to the gut microbial profile might contribute to primary non-function after surgery. Clinical studies evaluating artificial nutrition in liver resection are limited. The optimal nutritional regimen to support regeneration has not yet been exactly defined. However, overnutrition and specific diet factors are crucial for the nonalcoholic or nonalcoholic steatohepatitis liver diseases. Gut-derived microbial products and the activation of innate immunity system and inflammatory response, leading to exacerbation of I/R injury or impaired regeneration after resection. This review summarizes the role of starvation, supplemented nutrition diet, nutritional status, and alterations in microbiota on hepatic I/R and regeneration. We discuss the most updated effects of nutritional interventions, their ability to alter microbiota, some of the controversies, and the suitability of these interventions as potential therapeutic strategies in hepatic resection and transplantation, overall highlighting the relevance of considering the extended criteria liver grafts in the translational liver surgery.This research was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (RTI2018-095114-B-I00) Madrid, Spain; European Union (Fondos Feder, “una manera de hacer Europa”); CERCA Program/Generalitat de Catalunya and Secretaria d’Universitats I Recerca del Departament d’Economia I Coneixement (2017 SGR-551) Barcelona, Spain

    The Balance of Payments and International Investment Position of Spain in 2022

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    Rationale The balance of payments and international investment position (IIP) are important because of the information they provide on economic relations with the rest of the world, which affect the national economy. Their analysis is of even greater interest in the light of recent events, such as the war in Ukraine and its impact on energy prices. Takeaways •In 2022 the Spanish economy’s net lending fell, owing largely to the deterioration in the energy trade balance. The services balance performed favourably, particularly in the case of travel services, which returned to pre-pandemic levels. •The negative net IIP continued to correct in 2022, standing at 60.5% of GDP, the lowest level in 18 years, thanks to GDP growth, the positive amount of financial transactions with the rest of the world and positive valuation effects. •Spain’s outward foreign direct investment and inward foreign investment in Spain recovered their pre-pandemic levels, with a notably strong performance by the non-financial corporations sector

    Perceived Benefits of Future Teachers on the Usefulness of Virtual and Augmented Reality in the Teaching-Learning Process

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    Abstract: Virtual and augmented reality technologies are increasingly being implemented in education and there is a growing body of evidence on their usefulness for training academic and non-academic skills among student with different education levels and diverse educational needs. To fully benefit from their use, teachers need to know the different existing tools and their potential, as well as be trained and motivated in their use. The current study aims to evaluate the factors that promote and hinder the use of virtual and augmented reality in future teaching professionals. Data were gathered by means of an online questionnaire from a total of 422 Spanish students from the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Spain). Instrumental analyses (Cronbach’s Alpha, and CFA) were performed, together with descriptive, correlational, and inferential tests (Manova, Anova, and Student’s T test) to contrast the hypotheses. Results indicate that participants show favorable attitudes towards these technologies, but have little knowledge of them. Age, year of study, and knowledge are associated with a higher perception of usefulness as tools for teaching and learning and for promoting inclusion. The results support the relevance of providing knowledge, and enhancing skills, thus fostering positive attitudes towards these technologies

    Anatomía comparada del aparato urinario de mamíferos domésticos. Herramienta de aprendizaje virtual para veterinarios, biólogos y médicos.

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    Esta aplicación es una herramienta útil para estudiantes, profesores y profesionales de diferentes campos. Permitirá conocer y estudiar el aparato urinario, señalando gráficamente la estructura a memorizar, ver su contenido teórico y autoevaluarse

    Efectos del Covid-19 en la evolución del coste efectivo del servicio de transporte urbano colectivo en los grandes municipios españoles.

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    Desde el ejercicio 2014, en España todos los entes locales tienen obligación de calcular el coste efectivo de todos los servicios que prestan utilizando una metodología de cálculo común. Es evidente que la irrupción del Covid-19 en el año 2020 tuvo un gran impacto en la gestión de muchos de estos servicios. Pues bien, el objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis que nos permita cuantificar este impacto, a través del estudio de la evolución del coste efectivo en el periodo 2018-2021 en los grandes municipios españoles, permitiendo no solo realizar una comparativa espacial, sino también temporal del servicio de transporte colectivo urbano de viajeros, ya que se trata de uno de los servicios públicos en los que más incidencia tuvo el Covid-19 por las restricciones de movilidad que supuso.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The Relationship of Sediment and Intersitial Water Properties with Mangrove Health in a Subtropical Coastal Lagoon of Mexico

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    The aim of this study was to determine the influence of the physicochemical properties of interstitial water, sediment geochemistry and sediment grain size on the health of mangroves in three Basins (I, II and III) in Cuyutlán Lagoon, Mexico. Monthly sampling was conducted at eight stations from February to October 2014. The optimum reforestation conditions were observed at stations in Basin I (1A and 1B) and II (2C and 2D), where exchange of water between the ocean and lagoon predominates (Tepalcates and Ventanas Channels) and tidal influence induces water exchange that generates increased dissolved oxygen (3–4 mg/l) concentrations, low salinity (20–30) and greater coverage of healthy mangrove, with sufficient organic carbon (4–6%) for assimilation by the plants. By contrast, stations in Basin III were characterised by water stagnation resulting in increased salinity (40–50), depletion of the dissolved oxygen concentrations (0.1–2 mg/l) and low organic carbon (2%) in sediments, which contributed to low dwarf mangroves with low coverage most likely in response to environmental stress. Finally, the healthiest mangrove was found in areas where the dynamics favoured the deposition of organic carbon and medium sands in the sediment, which generated greater nutrient availability for fixation and assimilation by the roots

    Development of an assessment app for case reports from an international cooperation context

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    [EN] Case-based learning (CBL) is a methodology that involves the presentation of a well-designed clinical problem, through a case of a real patient. This system allows the student to acquire autonomy, manage and synthesize relevant information to implement individualized solutions for each case. Based on this, in the Occupational Therapy Degree we have developed an international cooperation project to collaborate with disability care centers in southern countries. We have created an assessment app that allows you to collect relevant patient data, receive it immediately from anywhere in the world. Teachers and students value them and propose treatments, interacting in real time with care centers or with the patients themselves. The students have very positively valued this learning system that brings them closer from the first years to the reality of professional performance and that the transversality in the study by involving several teaching subjects.[ES] El aprendizaje basado en casos (case-based learning o CBL) es una metodología que implica la presentación de un problema clínico bien diseñado, a través de un caso de un paciente real. Este sistema permite al estudiante adquirir autonomía, gestionar y sintetizar información relevante para implementar soluciones individualizadas a cada caso.En base a esto en el Grado de Terapia Ocupacional hemos desarrollado un proyecto de cooperación internacional para colaborar con centros asistenciales de discapacidad en países del sur. Hemos creado una app de valoración que permite recoger datos relevantes de pacientes, recibirlos de forma inmediata desde cualquier parte del mundo. Profesores y alumnos los valoran y proponer tratamientos, interactuando en tiempo real con centros asistenciales o con los propios pacientes.Los alumnos han valorado muy positivamente este sistema de aprendizaje que les acerca desde los primeros cursos a la realidad del desempeño profesional y que la transversalidad en el estudio al implicar varias materias docentes.Ruíz Fernández, ML.; Márquez Álvarez, L.; Fernández Méndez, I.; Jiménez Arberas, E. (2022). Desarrollo de una app de evaluación para casos clínicos en un contexto de cooperación internacional. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 761-772. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2022.2022.1580476177

    Evaluation of social support by means of the Scale ASSIS: description and results in a sample of mothers in situation of psychsocial risk

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    En el artículo presentamos algunos de los resultados obtenidos en un estudio realizado con madres en situación de riesgo psicosocial. En concreto, se describen diversas dimensiones del apoyo social de estas mujeres y las principales características de sus redes de apoyo. Asimismo, el artículo se ocupa de la escala utilizada para evaluar el apoyo social y, de manera específica, se analiza su utilidad como instrumento de evaluación para los profesionales de los Servicios Sociales.In this article we present some results obtained in a study carried out with mothers at psychosocial risk. Both several sizes of social support and main characteristics of their social networks are commented. In the article we also describe the instrument used in order to assess social support and discuss its utility for professionals that work in the context of Social Services