6,168 research outputs found

    A C0 interior penalty method for 4th order PDE's

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    Fourth order Partial Differential Equations (PDE's) arise in many different physic's fields. As an example, the research group for Mathematical and Computational Modeling at UPC LaCàN is studying flexoelectricity, a very promising field which aims to replace some of the uses of piezoelectric materials, and whose equations involve 4th order derivatives. This work provides a method to solve these 4th order PDE's using the Finite Element Method (FEM) with C0 elements, which provides many advantages with respect to other methods that involve using C1 elements or decoupling the equation. The method is developed over the equations of the deformation of a Kirchoff plate, which is also a 4th order PDE. This method is then successfully validated with numerical experiments, both physical and artificial. An analysis of the convergence as well as the method's sensitivity to a newly added parameter is also provided. Due to the success of the method, LaCàN group will use this method to solve flexoelectricity's PDE's

    Transitive Courant algebroids and double symplectic groupoids

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    In this work we extend the Lu-Weinstein construction of double symplectic groupoids to any Lie bialgebroid such that its associated Courant algebroid is transitive and its Atiyah algebroid integrable. We illustrate this result by showing how it generalises many of the examples of double symplectic groupoids that have appeared in the literature. As preliminary steps for this construction, we give a classification of exact twisted Courant algebroids over Lie groupoids (CA-groupoids for short) and we show the existence of a foliation by twisted Courant algebroids on the base of a twisted CA-groupoid.Comment: v3: introduction rewritte

    Supporting task creation inside FPGA devices

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    The most common model to use co-processors/accelerators is the master-slave model where the slaves (coprocessors/ accelerators) are driven by a general purpose cpu. This simplifies the management of the accelerators because they cannot actively interact with the runtime and they are just passive slaves that operate over the memory under demand. However, the master-slave model limits system possibilities and introduces synchronization overheads that could be avoided. To overcome those limitations and increase the possibilities of accelerators, we propose extending task based programming models (like OpenMP [1] or OmpSs) to support some runtime APIs inside the FPGA co-processor. As a proof-of-concept, we implemented our proposal over the OmpSs@FPGA environment [2] adding the needed infrastructure in the FPGA bitstream and modifying the existing tools to support creation of children tasks inside a task offloaded to an FPGA accelerator. In addition, we added support to synchronize the children tasks created by a FPGA task regardless they are executed in a SMP host thread or they also target another FPGA accelerator in the same co-processor

    Long and short-term effects of customisation on the service operations strategy.

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    This study has a twofold objectivc. First, we attempt to promote an understanding of the relationship between the design of Service Operations Strategics and their implementation, as they are driven by the customisation efforts. Seeond, we study the extent to which such service orientation may have two different forms, depending upon whether a company focuses on services that may have long-term or short-term effects on the customer nature. Consequently, a company aiming at raising its quality levels, and therefore its performance, should design and implement its Service Operations Strategy, mirroring the scrvicc oricntation of the firm. We suggest four dimensions (Time, Space, Scale and Scope), which contribute towards explaining the two mentioned approaches. This may address the process of implementation of the Serviee Operations Strategy.service operations; operations strategy; new service development process; marketing / operations interface; service-positioning matrix; customisation; service quality;

    Leaves of stacky Lie algebroids

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    We show that the leaves of an LA-groupoid which pass through the unit manifold are, modulo a connectedness issue, Lie groupoids. We illustrate this phenomenon by considering the cotangent Lie algebroids of Poisson groupoids thus obtaining an interesting class of symplectic groupoids coming from their symplectic foliations. In particular, we show that for a (strict) Lie 2-group the coadjoint orbits of the units in the dual of its Lie 2-algebra are symplectic groupoids, meaning that the classical Kostant-Kirillov-Souriau symplectic forms on these special coadjoint orbits are multiplicative.Comment: v3: title changed, exposition improve

    Poisson groupoids and moduli spaces of flat bundles over surfaces

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    Let Σ\Sigma be a compact connected and oriented surface with nonempty boundary and let GG be a Lie group equipped with a bi-invariant pseudo-Riemannian metric. The moduli space of flat principal GG-bundles over Σ\Sigma which are trivialized at a finite subset of Σ\partial\Sigma carries a natural quasi-Hamiltonian structure which was introduced by Li-Bland and Severa. By a suitable restriction of the holonomy over Σ\partial \Sigma and of the gauge action, which is called a decoration of Σ\partial \Sigma, it is possible to obtain a number of interesting Poisson structures as subquotients of this family of quasi-Hamiltonian structures. In this work we use this quasi-Hamiltonian structure to construct Poisson and symplectic groupoids in a systematic fashion by means of two observations: (1) gluing two copies of the same decorated surface along suitable subspaces of their boundaries determines a groupoid structure on the moduli space associated to the new surface, this procedure can be iterated by gluing four copies of the same surface, thereby inducing a double Poisson groupoid structure; (2) on the other hand, we can suppose that GG is a Lie 2-group, then the groupoid structure on GG descends to a groupoid structure on the moduli space of flat GG-bundles over Σ\Sigma. These two observations can be combined to produce up to three distinct and compatible groupoid structures on the associated moduli spaces. We illustrate these methods by considering symplectic groupoids over Bruhat cells, twisted moduli spaces and Poisson 2-groups besides the classical examples

    Hypogravity research and educational parabolic flight activities conducted in Barcelona: a new Hub of innovation in Europe

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    We report on different research and educational activities related to parabolic flights conducted in Barcelona since 2008. We use a CAP10B single-engine aerobatic aircraft flying out of Sabadell Airport and operating in visual flight conditions providing up to 8 seconds of hypogravity for each parabola. Aside from biomedical experiments being conducted, different student teams have flown in parabolic flights in the framework of the international contest ‘Barcelona Zero-G Challenge’, and have published their results in relevant symposiums and scientific journals. The platform can certainly be a good testbed for a proof-of-concept before accessing other microgravity platforms, and has proved to be excellent for motivational student campaigns.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Current marketing practices and market orientation in the context of an emerging economy: the case of Uruguay

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    This research explores the link between contemporary marketing practices, market orientation and business performance in Uruguay, an emergent country that has recovered from an economic crisis. These approaches seem to be related, but there is no existing evidence to confirm this impression. Lessons can be learned from understanding how effective is the adoption of marketing practices under a crisis scenario. Using data from interviews with 143 micro and small enterprises’ managers, we identify three clusters dependant on the combination of marketing practices: a multi-marketing cluster, a medium-level relationship marketing cluster and a transactional cluster. A model relating market orientation components and various performance measures is tested for the three clusters, showing that the multi-marketing and transactional clusters are more effective in translating efforts and resources into business outcomes.Contemporary marketing practices, Market orientation, Performance, Clusters, Structural equation modeling, Uruguay

    A generalized Hilbert operator acting on conformally invariant spaces

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    If μ is a positive Borel measure on the interval [0,1), we let H_μ be the Hankel matrix with entries μ_{n,k}=μ_{n+k}, where μ_n denotes the moment of order n of the measure μ. This matrix formally induces an operator on the space of all analytic functions in the unit disk D. This is a natural generalization of the classical Hilbert operator. The action of the operators H_μ on Hardy spaces has been recently studied. This article is devoted to a study of the operators H_μ acting on certain conformally invariant spaces of analytic functions on the disk such as the Bloch space, the space BMOA, the analytic Besov spaces, and the Q_s-spaces.- Proyecto del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2014-52865-P. - Proyecto de la Junta de Andalucía FQM-210. - Ayuda FPU del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. FPU2013/01478

    Guía Didáctica del Contenido

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    3 ficheros. La Guía Didáctica (7 páginas) en formatos pdf, word, odt.El video educativo como recurso didáctico ofrece significativas ventajas: introduce variedad en el aula, permite trabajar elementos no verbales, desarrolla la comprensión aproximando la realidad, contextualiza aspectos lingüísticos o puede ilustrar un punto. Además de ser cada día más un soporte cercano para el estudiante. Como docentes nos encontramos con un reto, pero también con una magnífica oportunidad; estamos inmersos en un paradigma educativo con nuevos modelos emergiendo y en constante evolución de la mano de continuos avances tanto tecnológicos como socio-económicos, como el acceso global de la población a la banda ancha, que fabrica en tiempo real nuevos códigos de comunicación y donde los propios estudiantes (nativos digitales) se convierten en prosumers. Para adaptar la docencia y sacar partido a estas nuevas posibilidades, es imprescindible que como docentes se adquieran determinadas competencias técnicas, pero también se debe aprender a identificar esas nuevas tendencias educativas, y desarrollar habilidades para la creación de nuevos contenidos y estrategias adaptadas a esos nuevos espacios donde el video y sus correspondientes aplicaciones tienen una especial relevancia