145 research outputs found

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamento de Nariño

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    tabla 1 encontrarán tres tipos de preguntas las cuales se pueden formular al entrevistado con la intencionalidad de recibir una respuesta acerca de las relaciones sobre el sistema familiar y dentro de la comunidad, posteriromente respuestas acerca de su propia auto-observación y autoevaluación de sus habilidades, capacidades, virtudes, destrezas etc y finalmente donde el entrevistado pueda dar una respuesta que el entrevistador quiera escuchar es decir, la pregunta incita a dar una respuesta. Tabla 2.Estrategias psicosociales con los pobladores de Peñas Coloradas.La historia de nuestro país ha estado envuelta por muchos hechos y fenómenos violentos, entre ellos los ocasionados por el conflicto armado, cuyas principales víctimas se podría decir han sido las comunidades vulnerables debido a la condición social, política y económica que las envuelve, dichas situaciones han dejado a su paso múltiples afectaciones a nivel físico emocional y mental, dejando marcas y huellas muy difíciles de olvidar. Relatos como el de Modesto Pacayá y el del Caso Peñas Coloradas sin duda alguna son historias marcadas por sucesos violentos que han generado algún tipo de trauma no solo en ellos sino también en aquellas personas que han formado parte de su cotidianidad, quienes han tenido que enfrentarse a diversas situaciones de las cuales muchas veces es imposible no sumergirse en un mundo de dolor y sufrimiento; situaciones psicosociales traumáticas como los son el desplazamiento, la pérdida de un ser querido, el reclutamiento forzado, todos estos a causa del conflicto armado, acontecimientos violentos que hacen parte de esa triste realidad que vive día a día nuestro país y que requieren urgentemente de una atención psicosocial en la cual se dé pautas de afrontamiento que contribuyan a minimizar ese sufrimiento; sufrimiento que al leer cada relato presentado nos deja ver claramente como las personas narran sus historias donde todos pierden algo, la violencia en todas sus presentaciones deja traumas y pérdidas irreparables en los individuos que la viven, es aquí donde se necesita contribuir a que las personas recuperen sus recursos y reorienten sus vidas.The history of our country has been involved in many violent events and phenomena, including those caused by the armed conflict, whose main victims could be said to have been vulnerable communities due to the social, political and economic condition that surrounds them, said situations they have left behind multiple affectations on a physical, emotional and mental level, leaving marks and traces that are very difficult to forget. Stories such as that of Modesto Pacayá and that of the Peñas Coloradas Case are undoubtedly stories marked by violent events that have generated some type of trauma not only in them but also in those people who have been part of their daily lives, who have had to face to various situations from which it is often impossible not to immerse yourself in a world of pain and suffering; traumatic psychosocial conditions such as displacement, the loss of a loved one, forced recruitment, all of these due to the armed conflict, violent events that are part of that sad reality that our country lives every day and that urgently requires situations of psychosocial in which coping guidelines are given that contribute to minimizing the attention to that suffering; suffering that when reading each story presented allows us to see clearly how people narrate their stories where everyone loses something, violence in all its presentations leaves traumas and irreparable losses in the individuals who experience it, this is where it is necessary to contribute so that people recover their resources and reorient their lives

    Delimitación del perfil de la trabajadora social de la Fundación Nazaret a partir de los lineamientos del programa Buen Comienzo del municipio de Medellín, centrado en el Jardín Infantil La Casita del barrio San Javier 2012.

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    El presente proyecto investigativo da cuenta de la delimitación del perfil de la trabajador(a) social de la fundación Nazaret a partir de los lineamientos del programa buen comienzo del municipio de Medellín, centrado en el jardín infantil la casita en el barrio san Javier, durante el año 2012. Es pertinente realizar esta investigación, debido a que el grupo interdisciplinar y la población con la cual se han desarrollado las estrategias para el trabajo con primera infancia, son quienes dan la evidencia y la retroalimentación de la necesidad de un profesional de trabajo social para la Fundación Nazaret y la falta de su perfil para ejercer desde la especificidad, desempeñando una labor integrada de conocimientos propios en la intervención de las problemáticas sociales y el conocimiento de otras disciplinas específicas como: la psicología y la pedagogía que aportan a la formación y acompañamiento de procesos educativos, nutricionales y psicosociales, de los niños y las niñas. La realización de este estudio investigativo se fundamentó en la práctica profesional y el voluntariado de las estudiantes de trabajo social de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, en la Fundación Nazaret, el amor a la profesión lleva a crear una aproximación posible de un perfil profesional de trabajo social con primera infancia, a partir, de las categorías planteadas para la investigación y su desarrollo metodológico con la toma de la muestra investigativa y las técnicas e instrumentos que se implementaron. Estos dan la evidencia de un análisis de categorías emergentes que posibilitan información para el desarrollo del objetivo de la investigación.Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dio

    Delimitación del perfil de la trabajadora social de la Fundación Nazaret a partir de los lineamientos del programa Buen Comienzo del municipio de Medellín, centrado en el Jardín Infantil La Casita del barrio San Javier 2012.

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    El presente proyecto investigativo da cuenta de la delimitación del perfil de la trabajador(a) social de la fundación Nazaret a partir de los lineamientos del programa buen comienzo del municipio de Medellín, centrado en el jardín infantil la casita en el barrio san Javier, durante el año 2012. Es pertinente realizar esta investigación, debido a que el grupo interdisciplinar y la población con la cual se han desarrollado las estrategias para el trabajo con primera infancia, son quienes dan la evidencia y la retroalimentación de la necesidad de un profesional de trabajo social para la Fundación Nazaret y la falta de su perfil para ejercer desde la especificidad, desempeñando una labor integrada de conocimientos propios en la intervención de las problemáticas sociales y el conocimiento de otras disciplinas específicas como: la psicología y la pedagogía que aportan a la formación y acompañamiento de procesos educativos, nutricionales y psicosociales, de los niños y las niñas. La realización de este estudio investigativo se fundamentó en la práctica profesional y el voluntariado de las estudiantes de trabajo social de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, en la Fundación Nazaret, el amor a la profesión lleva a crear una aproximación posible de un perfil profesional de trabajo social con primera infancia, a partir, de las categorías planteadas para la investigación y su desarrollo metodológico con la toma de la muestra investigativa y las técnicas e instrumentos que se implementaron. Estos dan la evidencia de un análisis de categorías emergentes que posibilitan información para el desarrollo del objetivo de la investigación.Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dio

    When social movements fail or succeed: social psychological consequences of a collective action’s outcome

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    Collective actions occur all around the world and, in the last few years, even more frequently. Previous literature has mainly focused on the antecedents of collective actions, but less attention has been given to the consequences of participating in collective action. Moreover, it is still an open question how the consequences of collective action might differ, depending on whether the actions are perceived to succeed or fail. In two studies we seek to address this gap using innovative experimental studies. In Study 1 (N = 368) we manipulated the perceptions of success and failure of a collective action in the context of a real social movement, the Chilean student movement from last decade. In Study 2 (N = 169), in addition to manipulating the outcome, we manipulated actual participation, using a mock environmental organization aiming to create awareness in authorities, to test the causal effect of both participation and success/failure on empowerment, group efficacy, and intentions of future involvement in normative and non-normative collective actions. Results show that current and past participation predict overall participation in the future, however, in Study 2 the manipulated participation was associated with having less intentions of participating in the future. In both studies, perception of success increases group efficacy. In Study 1, we found that when facing failure, participants increase their willingness to participate more in the future as opposed to non-participants that actually decrease theirs. In Study 2, however, failure increases the perception of efficacy for those with a history of non-normative participation. Altogether these results highlight the moderating role of the outcome of collective action to understand the effect of participation on future participation. We discuss these results in light of the methodological innovation and the real world setting in which our studies were conducted

    When social movements fail or succeed: social psychological consequences of a collective action’s outcome

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    Collective actions occur all around the world and, in the last few years, even more frequently. Previous literature has mainly focused on the antecedents of collective actions, but less attention has been given to the consequences of participating in collective action. Moreover, it is still an open question how the consequences of collective action might differ, depending on whether the actions are perceived to succeed or fail. In two studies we seek to address this gap using innovative experimental studies. In Study 1 (N = 368) we manipulated the perceptions of success and failure of a collective action in the context of a real social movement, the Chilean student movement from last decade. In Study 2 (N = 169), in addition to manipulating the outcome, we manipulated actual participation, using a mock environmental organization aiming to create awareness in authorities, to test the causal effect of both participation and success/failure on empowerment, group efficacy, and intentions of future involvement in normative and non-normative collective actions. Results show that current and past participation predict overall participation in the future, however, in Study 2 the manipulated participation was associated with having less intentions of participating in the future. In both studies, perception of success increases group efficacy. In Study 1, we found that when facing failure, participants increase their willingness to participate more in the future as opposed to non-participants that actually decrease theirs. In Study 2, however, failure increases the perception of efficacy for those with a history of non-normative participation. Altogether these results highlight the moderating role of the outcome of collective action to understand the effect of participation on future participation. We discuss these results in light of the methodological innovation and the real world setting in which our studies were conducted

    Golimumab as rescue therapy for refractory immune-mediated uveitis: a three-center experience

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate, in three Spanish tertiary referral centres, the short-term safety and efficacy of golimumab (GLM) for treatment of immune-mediated uveitis resistant to previous immunosuppressive therapy. METHODS: Nonrandomized retrospective interventional case series. Thirteen patients with different types of uveitis that were resistant to treatment with at least 2 previous immunosuppressors were included in this study. All included patients were treated with GLM (50 mg every four weeks) during at least 6 months. Clinical evaluation and treatment-related side effects were assessed at least four times in all included patients. RESULTS: Eight men and 5 women (22 affected eyes) with a median age of 30 years (range 20-38) and active immune-mediated uveitides were studied. GLM was used in combination with conventional immunosuppressors in 7 patients (53.8%). GLM therapy achieved complete control of inflammation in 12/13 patients (92.3%) after six months of treatment. There was a statistically significant improvement in mean BCVA (0.60 versus 0.68, P = 0.009) and mean 1 mm central retinal thickness (317 versus 261.2 µ, P = 0.05) at the six-month endpoint when compared to basal values. No major systemic adverse effects associated with GLM therapy were observed. CONCLUSIONS: GLM is a new and promising therapeutic option for patients with severe and refractory uveitis

    Calcetín para plantalgias

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    [Resumen] La invención se refiere a un calcetín que presenta en la zona inferior dos capas de diámetro constante en toda su longitud. La capa más externa presenta una ranura longitudinal a nivel de la zona subdigital de los dedos que permite introducir una estructura de polímero de silicona a medida de diferentes grosores 2 mm, 4 mm, 6 mm. De este modo, se puede insertar la ortesis a medida de silicona, según la necesidad real que se tenga en las actividades diarias, con el objeto de sustituir la grasa plantar, aliviar las algias o las presiones que hacen los pies al caminar o al permanecer tiempo de pie

    Proceso de selección de personal para la empresa Minimarket y Farmacia Royal Express, con el fin de mejorar la retención de empleados y la productividad laboral para el año 2023

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    Apéndices A Preguntas para los colaboradores de la empresa, Apéndices B Manual de funcionesLa empresa Minimarket y Farmacia Royal Express, ha vendió presentados problemas en su proceso de selección de personal, este no se está desarrollando de la manera adecuado lo que ha dificultado que la búsqueda y contratación del personal idóneo se haya visto entorpecida, contratando personal que es improductivo y en consecuencia el clima organización se vaya deteriorando. En el siguiente trabajo de investigación se busca diseñar un proceso de selección para la empresa Mini Market y farmacia Royal Express que pretende lograr resultados eficientes. Es importante resaltar que toda empresa debe tener un proceso de selección que sea completo y en el cual se busque el éxito y mayores probabilidades de atraer buenos candidatos, que permita generar valor agregado a la empresa, debido a que las personas trabajan en conjunto con la organización para establecer mejoras continuas. Este proyecto tendrá un abordaje conceptual, teórico y metodológico con el fin de facilitar y tener una mayor compresión y apropiación del proceso de selección, en pro lograr una mejor búsqueda y realización del diseño del proceso de selección de Minimarket y Farmacia Royal ExpressThe company Minimarket and Royal Express Pharmacy, has presented problems in its personnel selection process, this is not being developed properly, which has made it difficult for the search and hiring of suitable personnel to be hindered, hiring personnel who are unproductive and consequently the organizational climate deteriorates. The following research work seeks to design a selection process for the company Mini Market and Royal Express pharmacy that aims to achieve efficient results. It is important to highlight that every company must have a selection process that is complete and in which success is sought and that it is more likely to attract good candidates, which allows the generation of added value to the company, since people work together with the company. organization to establish continuous improvements. This project will have a conceptual, theoretical and methodological approach in order to facilitate and have a greater understanding and appropriation of the selection process, in order to achieve a better search and design of the selection process of Minimarket and Royal Express Pharmac

    Role of Artificial Intelligence in Colonoscopy Detection of Advanced Neoplasias. A Randomized Trial.

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    Background: The role of computer-aided detection in identifying advanced colorectal neoplasia is unknown. Objective: To evaluate the contribution of computer-aided detection to colonoscopic detection of advanced colorectal neoplasias as well as adenomas, serrated polyps, and nonpolypoid and right-sided lesions. Design: Multicenter, parallel, randomized controlled trial. (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT04673136) Setting: Spanish colorectal cancer screening program. Participants: 3213 persons with a positive fecal immunochemical test. Intervention: Enrollees were randomly assigned to colonoscopy with or without computer-aided detection. Measurements: Advanced colorectal neoplasia was defined as advanced adenoma and/or advanced serrated polyp. Results: The 2 comparison groups showed no significant difference in advanced colorectal neoplasia detection rate (34.8% with intervention vs. 34.6% for controls; adjusted risk ratio [aRR], 1.01 [95% CI, 0.92 to 1.10]) or the mean number of advanced colorectal neoplasias detected per colonoscopy (0.54 [SD, 0.95] with intervention vs. 0.52 [SD, 0.95] for controls; adjusted rate ratio, 1.04 [99.9% CI, 0.88 to 1.22]). Adenoma detection rate also did not differ (64.2% with intervention vs. 62.0% for controls; aRR, 1.06 [99.9% CI, 0.91 to 1.23]). Computer-aided detection increased the mean number of nonpolypoid lesions (0.56 [SD, 1.25] vs. 0.47 [SD, 1.18] for controls; adjusted rate ratio, 1.19 [99.9% CI, 1.01 to 1.41]), proximal adenomas (0.94 [SD, 1.62] vs. 0.81 [SD, 1.52] for controls; adjusted rate ratio, 1.17 [99.9% CI, 1.03 to 1.33]), and lesions of 5 mm or smaller (polyps in general and adenomas and serrated lesions in particular) detected per colonoscopy. Limitations: The high adenoma detection rate in the control group may limit the generalizability of the findings to endoscopists with low detection rates. Conclusion: Computer-aided detection did not improve colonoscopic identification of advanced colorectal neoplasias. Primary Funding Source: Medtronic

    A Telehealth-Based Cognitive-Adaptive Training (e-OTCAT) to Prevent Cancer and Chemotherapy-Related Cognitive Impairment in Women with Breast Cancer: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Many women with breast cancer experience a great number of side effects, such as cognitive impairment, during and after chemotherapy that reduces their quality of life. Currently, research focusing on the use of non-pharmacological, and specifically telehealth interventions to prevent or mitigate them has been insufficient. Methods: This protocol describes a randomized controlled trial aimed at studying the preventive effects of a videoconferenced cognitive-adaptive training (e-OTCAT) program (ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04783402). A number of 98 eligible participants will be randomized to one of the following groups: (a) the experimental group receiving the e-OTCAT program during 12 consecutive weeks since the beginning of chemotherapy; and (b) the control group receiving and educational handbook and usual care. The primary outcome will be the cognitive function. Secondary measures will be psychological distress, fatigue, sleep disturbance, quality of life and occupational performance. The time-points for these measures will be placed at baseline, after 12 weeks and six months of post-randomization. Conclusion: This trial may support the inclusion of multidimensional interventions through a telehealth approach in a worldwide growing population suffering from breast cancer, emphasizing the prevention of cognitive impairment as one of the side effects of cancer and its treatments.Spanish Government FPU17/00939 FPU18/03575Instituto de Salud Carlos III FI19/0023