1,095 research outputs found

    The comprehension of bodily movements in the area of corporal expression

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    El presente artículo pretende dar a conocer el resultado obtenido en una pequeña investigación realizada en torno a la interpretación e identificación de los gestos corporales por parte de niños y niñas con edades comprendidas entre los 7 y los 16 años. Este trabajo se muestra como elemento previo de investigación para la realización de una tesis doctoral cuyo objetivo primordial es intentar buscar la forma adecuada de enfocar los contenidos y los objetivos de expresión corporal que se incluyen dentro de este bloque de contenidos, propio del área de educación física, en las etapas educativas obligatorias: primaria y ESO. Y como trabajo de investigación se plantean los puntos necesarios para exponer el diseño y el procedimiento de dicho estudio, obteniendo, por tanto, unos resultados que nos permitirán plantear las razones de este estudio y vislumbrar posibles líneas de investigación posteriores.The present article explains the results obtained from a small research project carried out in relation to interpretation and identification, of body gestures by children between 7 to 16 years of age. The article is presented as part of pre doctoral research whose main aim is to try to find the adequate way of approaching the contents and objectives of corporal expression which are included in the block of contents belonging to the area of Physical Education in the compulsory stages of Primary and Compulsory Secondary Education. As a research project it puts forward the necessary points necessary to explain the design and procedure of this study, obtaining consequently results which allow us to question the need for this research and to outline some possible lines of later research

    Percepção dos estudantes sobre comportamento no ensino do professor e satisfação com a Educação Física: uma questão de gênero?

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    Este estudio analiza la satisfacción con la Educación Física (EF) y la percepción del comportamiento instructivo del profesor (CIP). Participaron 2.536 estudiantes (edad 13,7 ± 2,0). Se aplicaron dos escalas: a) escala de satisfacción con la EF; y b) escala de comportamientos instructivos del profesorado. Los resultados muestran una elevada satisfacción con la EF y la percepción de una buena frecuencia del CIP. Existen algunas diferencias significativas en función del género de los alumnos y profesores. No se produce empatía de género descrita en otros estudios: chicos y chicas perciben mayor frecuencia de comportamientos instructivos deseables cuando el profesor es mujer.Este trabalho analisa a satisfação com a educação física (EF) e a percepção do comportamento no ensino do professor. Participaram 2.536 estudantes (idade 13,77 ± 2,0). Foram aplicadas duas escalas: a) escala de satisfação com a educação física; y b) escala de comportamento no ensino dos professores. Os resultados demonstram uma alta satisfação com a EF, bem como a percepção de uma boa freqüência do comportamento no ensino do professor. Existem algumas diferenças significativas em função do gênero dos alunos e professores. Não há relação direta de simpatia de gênero encontrada em outros estudos: meninos e meninas percebem com mais frequência um comportamento no ensino do professor de maneira desejável, quando ele é uma mulher.The purposes of this study were to analyze the satisfaction with PE and the perception of the students about of the Teacher´ Instructional Behaviours. Participants were 2,536 students (13.7 ± 2.0 years old). Two scales were applied: a) the satisfaction with PE scale; and b) the scale of perception of the Teacher´ Instructional Behaviours. The results illustrate a high level of satisfaction with PE. Students perceive instructional desirable behaviours of their teachers occur frequently. The findings show some significant differences in gender. There is not empathy of gender: both boys and girls perceive more f requent instructional desirable behaviour when the teacher is female.Estudio financiado por el Ministerio Español de Ciencia y Tecnología (Proyecto código SEJ2007-67267/EDU

    Perceptions and Degree of Satisfaction with the Health Sciences University Educational Community Regarding the Measures Adopted for the Prevention of COVID-19 in the Academic Year 2020/2021

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    [EN] The COVID-19 pandemic caused the start of the academic year 2020/2021 to be conditioned by health and safety regulations. The present research was defined with the aim of analyzing the degree of satisfaction and perceptions on the establishment of bubble groups and pairs and on the use of audiovisual platforms for the development of theoretical and practical university teaching in three degrees of health sciences. A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out on a representative sample of students and teachers of health sciences in Ponferrada (n = 285). Specific questionnaires designed for this study were completed virtually during April and May 2021. The results indicate that that satisfaction was moderate–high. The perception of the influence of bubble pairs on the quality of teaching can be interpreted as very low. These results increase with the age and academic and professional experience of students and faculty members, respectively. However, the participants belonging to physiotherapy considered that the quality of teaching had worsened much more compared to their counterparts in nursing and podiatry.S

    Health aspects of physical education in the Community of Madrid (Spain)

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    Casi el 50% del alumnado tiene alguna enfermedad crónica. El desarrollo corporal es normal, la adaptación cardiovascular no es mala pero mejorable. La actividad física resulta insuficiente, la valoración de la condición física es inadecuada. Las instalaciones deportivas escolares en los centros públicos son claramente deficientes desde el punto de vista de la salud. Por último, en ninguno de los centros, el profesorado había recogido estos datos antes de la elaboración de esta investigación, salvo adaptaciones curriculares concretas pedidas por el alumnado. Es necesario buscar nuevas metodologías que estén ajustadas a criterios de salud y coordinadas con los servicios de saludThe results of this study, note that almost 50 % of students claim to have a chronic disease, vision problems are the most predominant. On the other hand, we can see that the physical development is suited to the average population; cardiovascular adaptation of students is not bad but should be better. In addition, school physical activity is insufficient, the assessment of the physical condition is inadequate and in public schools, school sports facilities are clearly deficient from the point of view of health. Finally, it is noted that none of the schools, the teachers had collected this data before making this research, except specific curricular adaptations requested by the student. It is necessary that teachers look for new work methods that comply with health criteria and that are coordinated with health service

    Wastewater-Based Epidemiology as a New Tool for Estimating Population Exposure to Phthalate Plasticizers

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    This study proposes the monitoring of phthalate metabolites in wastewater as a nonintrusive and economic alternative to urine analysis for estimating human exposure to phthalates. To this end, a solid-phase extraction–liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry method was developed, allowing for the determination of eight phthalate metabolites in wastewater (limits of quantification between 0.5 and 32 ng L–1). The analysis of samples from the NW region of Spain showed that these substances occur in raw wastewater up to ca. 1.6 μg L–1 and in treated wastewater up to ca. 1 μg L–1. Concentrations in raw wastewater were converted into levels of exposure to six phthalate diesters. For two of them, these levels were always below the daily exposure thresholds recommended by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the European Food Safety Authority. For the other four, however, estimates of exposure surpassed such a threshold (especially the toddler threshold) in some cases, highlighting the significance of the exposure to phthalates in children. Finally, concentrations in wastewater were also used to estimate metabolite concentrations in urine, providing a reasonable concordance between our results and the data obtained in two previous biomonitoring studiesThis work was financed by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO; project no. CTM2014-56628-C3-2-R), Xunta de Galicia (GRC2013-020 and IGM postdoctoral contract “Plan Galego de Investigación, Innovación e Crecemento 2011–2015”) and FEDER/ERDFS

    Crítica de Libros.

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    Cándido POLO, Prensa, locura y sociedad, Madrid, AEN, 1999. Anacleto Ferrer. José M.ª ÁLVAREZ MARTÍNEZ, La invención de las enfermedades mentales, Madrid, DOR, 1999. Ramón Esteban Arnáiz W. MALTZ y S. BOSS, El mundo íntimo de las fantasías sexuales femeninas. Un viaje de pasión, placer y autodescubrimiento, Barcelona, Paidós, 1998. José Antonio Espina Barrio Edward SHORTER, Historia de la Psiquiatría, Barcelona, JC Ediciones Médicas, 1999. José María Álvarez. Ángeles EGIDO, Manuel Azaña. Entre el mito y la leyenda, Valladolid, Junta de Castilla y León, 1998. Mauricio Jalón Carlos GARCÍA GUAL, Sobre el descrédito de la literatura y otros avisos humanistas, Barcelona, Península, 1999. Mauricio Jalón Un diccionario de locos. Ramón Esteban Arnái

    Crítica de Libros.

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    Cándido POLO, Prensa, locura y sociedad, Madrid, AEN, 1999. Anacleto Ferrer. José M.ª ÁLVAREZ MARTÍNEZ, La invención de las enfermedades mentales, Madrid, DOR, 1999. Ramón Esteban Arnáiz W. MALTZ y S. BOSS, El mundo íntimo de las fantasías sexuales femeninas. Un viaje de pasión, placer y autodescubrimiento, Barcelona, Paidós, 1998. José Antonio Espina Barrio Edward SHORTER, Historia de la Psiquiatría, Barcelona, JC Ediciones Médicas, 1999. José María Álvarez. Ángeles EGIDO, Manuel Azaña. Entre el mito y la leyenda, Valladolid, Junta de Castilla y León, 1998. Mauricio Jalón Carlos GARCÍA GUAL, Sobre el descrédito de la literatura y otros avisos humanistas, Barcelona, Península, 1999. Mauricio Jalón Un diccionario de locos. Ramón Esteban Arnái

    Videopoesía, artivismo y defensa de los derechos medioambientales en la formación docente

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    This Arts-Based Educational Research has been developed from 2018 to 2022 at the Faculty of Educational Studies of the University of A Coruña. Participation has involved senior students in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education Degrees, as well as students in Master’s Degree in Research and Innovation in Specific Didactics for Infant and Primary Education and Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education Teachers specializing in Visual Arts. The main objective has been to work on environmental activism in teacher training in defence of ecojustice. To this end, the various problems arising from climate change and natural exploitation have been considered, as well as the challenges of the 2030 Agenda and its implications for education. To carry out this research we make use of a methodology typical of the arts (Arts-Based Educational Research). In this case, the artistic creation and the obtaining of visual data take place through video art and, more specifically, the video poem.Esta Investigación Educativa Basada en las Artes se ha desarrollado desde 2018 a 2022 en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de A Coruña. Su participación ha implicado al profesorado en formación de los grados de Educación Infantil y Educación Primaria, así como al alumnado del Máster de Investigación e Innovación en Didácticas Específicas y del Máster en Profesorado de ESO y BACH de la especialidad de Artes Plásticas y Visuales. El objetivo principal ha sido trabajar el activismo medioambiental en la formación docente en defensa de la ecojusticia. Para ello, se han tenido en cuenta las diversas problemáticas derivadas del cambio climático y la explotación natural, así como los retos de la Agenda 2030 y sus implicaciones para la educación. Para desarrollar nuestra investigación, empleamos la metodología propia de las artes (Arts-Based Educational Research). En este caso, la creación artística y de obtención de datos visuales tiene lugar a través del videoarte y, más concretamente, del videopoema

    Videopoetry, Artivism and Defense of Environmental Rights in Teacher Training

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    [Resumen] Esta Investigación Educativa Basada en las Artes se ha desarrollado desde 2018 a 2022 en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de A Coruña. Su participación ha implicado al profesorado en formación de los grados de Educación Infantil y Educación Primaria, así como al alumnado del Máster de Investigación e Innovación en Didácticas Específicas y del Máster en Profesorado de ESO y BACH de la especialidad de Artes Plásticas y Visuales. El objetivo principal ha sido trabajar el activismo medioambiental en la formación docente en defensa de la ecojusticia. Para ello, se han tenido en cuenta las diversas problemáticas derivadas del cambio climático y la explotación natural, así como los retos de la Agenda 2030 y sus implicaciones para la educación. Para desarrollar nuestra investigación, empleamos la metodología propia de las artes (Arts-Based Educational Research). En este caso, la creación artística y de obtención de datos visuales tiene lugar a través del videoarte y, más concretamente, del videopoema.[Abstract] This Arts-Based Educational Research has been developed from 2018 to 2022 at the Faculty of Educational Studies of the University of A Coruña. Participation has involved senior students in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education Degrees, as well as students in Master’s Degree in Research and Innovation in Specific Didactics for Infant and Primary Education and Master ́s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education Teachers specializing in Visual Arts. The main objective has been to work on environmental activism in teacher training in defence of ecojustice. To this end, the various problems arising from climate change and natural exploitation have been considered, as well as the challenges of the 2030 Agenda and its implications for education. To carry out this research we make use of a methodology typical of the arts (Arts-Based Educational Research). In this case, the artistic creation and the obtaining of visual data take place through video art and, more specifically, the video poem