59 research outputs found

    A Vueltas con la redacción del Pentateuco y el escrito deuteronomístico

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    La cuestión redaccional del Pentateuco hunde sus raíces iniciales en los albores del cristianismo, en el seno del judaísmo, y también en movimientos heréticos cristianos, amén de autores paganos de los primeros siglos de nuestra era. Habrá que esperar hasta la época del humanismo y su interés por el texto original bíblico para comprobar un distanciamiento frente a la autoría de Moisés. Tal puesta en tela de juicio va adquiriendo peso en el sucederse de los siglos, y, concretamente, en el s. XVIII cobra cuerpo la tesis que el Pentateuco se formó con cuatro fuentes debidamente escalonadas y ensambladas. Autores, como, J. Wellhausen, H. Gunkel, G. von Rad, M. Noth, R. Rendorft, etc., han focalizado sus estudios sobre los libros de la ley mosaica, a la vez que han aportado sus propuestas respecto a los documentos o fuentes, J, E, D, y P.             Actualmente se continúa debatiendo la incidencia de estas fuentes en la confección del Pentateuco, tiempos, dimensiones, límites de las mismas. Este estudio pretende ofrecer una historia de la investigación sobre esta cuestión, a la vez que perfilar las tendencias actuales que pululan incesantemente en el debate exegético. Dentro de este empeño la aportación se fija con más detenimiento en la corriente deuteronomística. El lector puede apreciar una síntesis de las investigaciones y los enfoques abiertos por los exegetas en nuestros días sobre la configuración canónica del Pentateuco. Abstract: The question of the Pentateuchal Redaction take his initial roots at the down of christian origins, in the bosom of the Judaism, and also in the heretic christian sects, as well as the pagan authors of the first centuries of the common era. It will necessary to wait for the humanistic age with his special attention to the original biblical text to check the disaffection facing to Moses authorship. This call into question become relevance throughout the centuries, and specifically in the XVIII century gained importance the theory of the four sources of the Pentateuch formation, properly arranged and assembled. Scholars as J. Wellhausen, H. Gunkel, G. Von Rad, M. Noth, R. Rendorft, and others, had focused their studies on the mosaic law books, at the same time they had contribute with their proposals regarding those documents or sources, J, E, D and P. At present, there is still a need, to discuss the effect of those sources in the production of the Pentateuch, time of composition, extent, bounds of such sources. This paper try to give a historical investigation on this question, at the same time to sketch out the current tendencies crowding around the exegetic discussion. Inside this effort the present paper pay attention more carefully to deuteronomistic literary source. The reader can evaluate a summary of recent research and the points of view opened by scholars of these days regarding the canonical formation of the Pentateuch

    Study of the brittle fracture of monocrystalline silicon wafers

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    There is a growing trend towards using thinner wafers in order to reduce the costs of solar energy. But the current tools employed during the solar cells production are not prepared to work with thinner wafers, decreasing the industrial yield due to the high number of wafers broken. To develop new tools, or modify existing ones, the mechanical properties have to be determined. This paper tackles an experimental study of the mechanical properties of wafers. First, the material characteristics are detailed and the process to obtain wafers is presented. Then, the complete test setup and the mechanical strength results interpreted by a described numerical model are shown

    Optimizing the Density of Holes of EWT Solar Cells Taking Into Consideration Mechanical Aspects

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    EWT solar cells start from drilled wafers with approximately 100 holes/cm2. These holes act as stress concentrators leading to a reduction in the mechanical strength of this type of wafers. The viability of cells with higher density of holes has been studied. To this end, sets of wafers with different density of holes have been characterized. The ring on ring test has been employed and FE models have been developed to simulate the test. The statistical evaluation permits to draw conclusions about the reduction of the strength depending on the density of holes. Moreover, the stress concentration around the holes has been studied by means of the FE method employing the sub-modeling technique. The maximum principal stress of EWT wafers with twice the density of holes of commercial ones is almost the same. However, the mutual interaction between the stress concentration effects around neighboring holes is only observed for wafers with a density of 200 holes/cm

    Análisis de los modos de presencia escultórica

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    Esta tesis afronta la resolución del “por qué” y el “para qué” de la escultura como actividad humana a través del estudio de los modos de presencia, siendo la escultórica la de mayor rango intelectual. Ello permite una mejor comprensión de la importante función que desarrollan los escultores dentro de la colectividad humana, así como de los efectos que sus obras producen en los entornos natural y social. La escultura se muestra como una magia ancestral pero de extraordinaria vigencia, a través de la cual el ser humano adquiere fuerza y conocimiento, expresando a través de ella sus cuestiones existenciales más profundas. La investigación transcurre por dos vías paralelas que luego convergen en páginas comunes con un mismo lenguaje sincrético. La exploración intuitiva del ámbito intangible, y el análisis racional sobre lo tangible, nos muestran las dos caras de la moneda que avalora la práctica de este arte que nos ha legado los vestigios más antiguos de nuestra cultura, habiendo preservado nuestra memoria antropobiológica. Desde la compleja simbología de la sombra, esencial en la construcción del pensamiento humano, hasta el análisis exhaustivo de las relaciones posibles entre un objeto y un sujeto, tomando para ello como ejemplo el útil ladrillo, se investigan los distintos modos de presencia con los que nos enfrentamos a dos realidades, la externa física y la interna mental. El espectro analizado cubre tanto la manipulación matérica como las formas sutiles de la evocación o conjuración por medio de la ausencia. Los resultados de la exploración evidencian que el llamado pensamiento mágico, tenido como propio del estadio primitivo, es el que sigue articulando nuestra visión de la realidad, nuestra percepción del mundo. Dicho pensamiento, en el que la intuición es tan importante como la reflexión, que ha encontrado en el arte el medio ideal para su desarrollo y crecimiento, reclama la recuperación de la unidad perdida del conocimiento humano, de la magia que integró en su momento ciencia, arte y religión. En un mundo que naufraga culturalmente en procesos de exhaustiva especialización y de soberbia científica, y en el que las religiones han fracasado por interesada diferenciación, siendo la mayor causa de desentendimiento y la excusa perfecta para la barbarie, el arte ofrece la posibilidad de encuentro y de concordia..

    The Influence of Different Surface Treatments on the Mechanical Strength of Silicon Wafers

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    The implementation of photovoltaic solar energy based on silicon is being slowed down by the shortage of raw material. In this context, the use of thinner wafers arises as a solution reducing the amount of silicon in the photovoltaic modules. On the other hand, the manufacturing process with thinner wafers can become complicated with traditional tools. The high number of damaged wafers reduces the global yield. It’s known that edge and surface cracks and defects determine the mechanical strength of wafers. There are several ways of removing these defects e. g. subjecting wafers to a mechanical polishing or to a chemical etching. This paper shows a comparison between different surface treatments and their influence on the mechanical strength

    Study of the Edge and Surface Cracks Influence in the Mechanical Strength of Silicon Wafers

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    The objective of the present study is the estimation of the depth to which the wire sawing process causes damage to the wafer surfaces. Previous analyses were carried out by means of the four line bending test. The characteristic of this test implied that the failure could be due to surface cracks located in the central zone of the wafer or near the edges. In order to evaluate the influence of the edge or surface cracks a new study has been carried out using the ball/ring on ring test. Description and results of the tests are presented. The preliminary analysis of the failure stress using analytical methods confirms the expected results. A Finite Element model developed to get more information of the test results is also presented

    Comparison of Different Finite Element Models for the Simulation of the Ring-Ball on Ring Test

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    Monocrystalline silicon wafers are widely used in photovoltaic industry. The trend towards thinner wafers leads to higher breakage rates in the production process. In this context, the characterization of the mechanical strength becomes necessary. Different fracture tests as the ring/ball on ring are carried out. This paper presents different ways to simulate these tests. Analytical methods are applied in a first step. Simplified FE models (with shell elements and an axisymmetric model) that take into account non linearities existing in the test are presented and a 3d solid model is detailed. Results in terms of calculation time, stress distribution, adjustment to the tests and fitting to a Weibull distribution are compare

    Adiciones y revisiones al Atlas de la flora vascular silvestre de Burgos, VII

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    Se mencionan 73 táxones con citas y/o comentarios referidos a su existencia en la provincia de Burgos. De ellos 13 suponen una novedad para el catálogo provincial

    Endocarditis mitroaórtica complicada con aneurisma y perforación en velo anterior mitral

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    We present an 81-year-old male admitted for the study of fever associated with weight loss, asthenia, and decrease of appetite. The transoesophageal echocardiogram confirmed the existence of a complicated mitroaortic endocarditis with an aneurysm and perforation of the mitral anterior leaflet.Varón de 81 años que ingresa para estudio de un síndrome general y fiebre. En el ecocardiograma transesofágico se confirma la existencia de una endocarditis mitroaaortica complicada con un aneurisma y perforación del velo anterior mitral

    Crack origin and detection in thin cristallyne solar cells in a production line

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    In order to reduce cost and make up for the rising price of silicon, silicon wafers are sliced thinner and wider,eading to weaker wafers and increased breakage rates during fabrication process. In this work we have analysed different cracks origins and their effect on wafer’s mechanical strength. To enhance wafer’s strength some etching methods have been tested. Also, we have analysed wafers from different points of an entire standard production process. Mechanical strength of the wafers has been obtained via the four line bending test and detection of cracks has been tested with Resonance Ultrasonic Vibration (RUV) system, developed by the University of South Florida