2,564 research outputs found

    Avian tuberculosis in a Lady Amherst’s pheasant Chrysolophus amherstiae

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    We report a case of a Lady Amherst’s pheasant (Chrysolophus amherstiae) with diffuse granulomatous lesions in liver, spleen and intestine. Using histopathological and molecular diagnosis we detected Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium, etiological agent of avian tuberculosis. Further studies are needed to understand the role of wild birds in the persistence and transmission of thispathogen

    Defensive patterns of chestnut genotypes (Castanea spp.) against the gall wasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus

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    Plants draw from various genetically controlled defenses to protect against herbivores and pathogens. The efficacy of alternative defenses can vary with the biology and phylogeny of the enemy. Dryocosmus kuriphilus, an invasive gall maker native to China, has become one of the main pests of chestnut trees around the world. We studied genetic variation in resistance and susceptibility to D. kuriphilus within a replicated blocked planting of 12 chestnut genotypes established in Galicia, Spain in 2004. We found very high genetic variation in susceptibility to D. kuriphilus. We evaluated if the variation was due to host selection by the wasp, differential efficacy of inducible defenses in the trees, or variability in susceptibility of the plant to manipulation by the gallmaker. We assessed host selection by counting number of eggs laid by females in tree buds and comparing preferences with phytochemistry. We also measured inducible changes in phytochemistry within and around galls, gall physical characteristics, parasitism, and insect fitness. The effective defense mechanisms in resistant genotypes involved (1) hypersensitive reactions to eggs or neonates within buds and (2) early precise abscission of nascent galls from expanding leaves. Surprisingly, the genetic resistance to D. kuriphilus of the chestnut genotypes we tested was not related to phenols, terpenes, and primary nutritionSIThis work was supported by FEDER/Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Research Grant AGL2016-76262-R)

    Sobre «la impresión del grifo». El trasfondo de unos pasajes quevedianos

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    Repeatedley (up to four times), Francisco de Quevedo uses, somewhat enigmatically, the sentence «the impression of griffin». For example, he says that an old woman had «a face of the impression of the griffin»; also he wrote of a go-between that «she made a gesture of the impression of the griphon». This expression was rightly explained by Luisa López Grigera as a reference to the image of the griffin which appeared engraved on the title page of the books printed in Lyon by Sébastien Griphe, and whose face was similar in ugliness to the one of an old woman. This article carefully searches the trajectory of this sentence, which was close to becoming lexicalized in our language, and adds to the Quevedo’s examples others unknown.En varias ocasiones (hasta cuatro) utiliza Francisco de Quevedo, un tanto enigmáticamente, la frase «la impresión del grifo». Por ejemplo, dice de una vieja que tenía «una cara de la impresión del grifo»; de una alcahueta, que «hizo un gesto de la impresión del grifo», etcétera. La expresión ya fue acertadamente explicada por Luisa López Grigera como una referencia a la imagen de un grifo que aparecía grabada en las portadas de los libros salidos de la imprenta lionesa de Sébastien Griphe, y cuya cabeza resultaba equiparable por su fealdad a la de una mujer vieja. El presente estudio rastrea detenidamente la trayectoria de dicha frase, que estuvo próxima a lexicalizarse en nuestra lengua, y se añaden a los quevedianos otros testimonios no conocidos

    Evaluation of Tree Species for Biomass Energy Production in Northwest Spain

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    This work was funded by the TRIBIONOR Project (Reference CTQ2013-45155-R) and the coal mining company HUNOSA GROUP supported by the HUNOSA CHAIR at the University of Oviedo (Project Reference SV-17-HUNOSA-1). The authors acknowledge the helpful co-operation of Hunosa staff in this study. The TRIBIONOR Project (CTQ2013-45155-R) is funded by the National Program for Research, Development and Innovation in Society Challenges, within the framework of the National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2013–2016 from the State Research Agency (Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness), co-financed with FEDER Funds. The authors gratefully acknowledge the Government of the Principality of Asturias for supporting Ana Álvarez with a fellowship within the Severo Ochoa Program.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Reacciones adversas a la vacuna contra influenza A (H1N1) en trabajadores de salud de una institución pública peruana

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    Introduction: In April 2009 an influenza outbreak caused by a new virus, influenza A (H1N1), started in the Mexican-American border. Later this outbreak became pandemic but not as severe as initially thought; immunization programs were developed, and vaccines used led to vaccine adverse events (VAE). Objectives: To assess a possible relationship between spontaneously reported VAE and influenza A H1N1 vaccination in an institute’s healthcare workers. Design: Prospective and descriptive study based on spontaneous notification. Setting: Instituto Nacional de Salud headquarters, Lima, Peru. Participants: Healthcare workers. Methods: Spontaneously notified VAE were recorded in specially designed sheets. An algorithm was used in order to assess a cause-effect relationship. Main outcome measures: Influenza A(H1N1) vaccination adverse events. Results: There were three spontaneous reports in 148 vaccinated healthcare workers (2%). Cause-effect relationship was deemed as ‘certain’ for cases presenting with fever and fatigue, and as ‘possible’ for cases presenting with respiratory involvement (acute pharyngitis, nasal catarrh, acute and catarrhal bronchitis). Conclusions: Among the few healthcare workers who developed VAE, respiratory involvement reported in three women and considered as having a ‘possible’ cause-effect relationship may be interpreted as women being more susceptible to this event compared to men. Fever and fatigue were considered as having ‘certain’ cause-effect relationship. The smaller number of elderly infected persons reported in this country and in others may be explained by the presence of ‘protective antibodies’ in these persons. Key words: Vaccine adverse event, influenza, pandemics, influenza A (H1N1) 2009, Peru.Introducción: En abril de 2009 se produjo un brote de influenza en la frontera de México y EE UU por el nuevo virus A(H1N1) 2009. La pandemia no fue severa y la vacuna aplicada en diversos países produjo diversas reacciones adversas a medicamentos (RAM). Objetivos: Evaluar la posible relación entre las RAM notificadas espontáneamente y la vacunación en trabajadores de salud de un instituto. Así mismo, identificar tópicos afines a las RAM por dicha vacuna. Diseño: Estudio prospectivo y descriptivo basado en la notificación espontánea. Institución: Local central del Instituto Nacional de Salud en Lima. Participantes: Trabajadores de salud. Metodología: Las RAM notificadas espontáneamente fueron registradas en Hojas RAM. Se aplicó un algoritmo para buscar una relación causa-efecto. Principales medidas de resultados: Reacciones adversas a la vacuna influenza A(H1N1). Resultados: Hubo tres notificaciones espontáneas entre 148 trabajadores de salud vacunados (2%) contra la influenza A(H1N1) 2009. La relación causa-efecto fue ‘cierta’ para fiebre y fatiga y ‘posible’ para afecciones respiratorias en tres mujeres (faringitis aguda, catarro nasal agudo, bronquitis catarral). Conclusiones: Entre los pocos trabajadores de salud que presentaron RAM, las afecciones respiratorias con una relación considerada ‘posible’ podría interpretarse que las mujeres serían más sensibles para esa RAM comparadas con los varones. Las RAM fiebre y fatiga alcanzaron una relación considerada ‘cierta’. La menor cantidad de infectados en personas de tercera edad en el país y en otros podría explicarse por la presencia de ‘anticuerpos protectores’ en ellos

    Changes in blood pressure and heart rate by ketamine with and without succinylcholine

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    presión arterial sistólica (PAS), diastólica (PAD) y frecuencia del pulso (FP) producidos por la ketamina, y la influencia de la succinilcolina. Diseño: Comparativo y de observación. Institución: Clínica Maison de Santé, Lima, Perú. Participantes: Pacientes que recibieron ketamina. Intervenciones: La ketamina fue empleada como anestésico general único y de inducción. Por cada modalidad, se consideró doce pacientes. Los doce primeros recibieron ketamina 2 mg/kg endovenosa, con medición de la PAS, PAD y FP antes y después de la anestesia. Los otros doce recibieron ketamina más succinilcolina, midiéndose los parámetros antes y después. Se comparó los cambios. Principales medidas de resultados: Variaciones en la PAS, PAD y FP. Resultados: En los primeros doce pacientes, la ketamina elevó la PAS 26 ± 3 mmHg, p < 0,001, la PAD 19 ± 3 mmHg, p < 0,001, y la FP 15 ± 3 por minuto, p < 0,001. En los otros doce, la ketamina más succinilcolina elevaron la PAS 28 ± 3 mmHg, p < 0,001, la PAD 18 ± 2 mmHg, p < 0,001 y la FP 13 ± 1 por minuto, p < 0,001. Comparándolos porcentualmente, la succinilcolina no afectó esos cambios. Conclusiones: El incremento de la presión arterial y pulso producidos por la ketamina no fueron afectados por la succinilcolina.Abstract Introduction: Ketamine is used as a general anesthetic as well as for anesthesia induction and analgesia. Objectives: To assess modifications in systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and heart rate (HR) caused by ketamine, and if there is any influence of succinylcholine. Design: Comparative and observational study. Setting: Maison de Santé Clinic, Lima, Peru. Participants: Patients receiving ketamine. Interventions: Ketamine was used as a single drug for general anesthesia and for induction. Twelve patients were considered for each modality. The twelve first patients received ketamine, 2 mg/kg IV, and SBP, DBP and HR were measured before and after administering the drug. The second group received ketamine plus succinylcholine, and same parameters were measured. Main outcome measures: SBP, DBP, and HR variations. Results: Following ketamine injection in the first twelve patients there were elevations in SBP 26 ± 3 mmHg, p < 0,001, DBP 19 ± 3 mmHg, p < 0,001, and HR 15 ± 3 per minute, p < 0,001. In the second group after ketamine plus succinylcholine administration there were increases in SBP 28 ± 3 mmHg, p < 0,001, DBP 18 ± 2 mmHg, p < 0,001, and HR 13 ± 1 per minute, p < 0,001. There were no statistically significant differences when comparing both groups, i.e. succinlycholine did not have any influence in modifying the aforementioned parameters. Conclusions: Increases in blood pressure and heart rate induced by ketamine were not affected by succinylcholine

    Traffic jam driving with NMV avoidance

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    n recent years, the development of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) – mainly based on lidar and cameras – has considerably improved the safety of driving in urban environments. These systems provide warning signals for the driver in the case that any unexpected traffic circumstance is detected. The next step is to develop systems capable not only of warning the driver but also of taking over control of the car to avoid a potential collision. In the present communication, a system capable of autonomously avoiding collisions in traffic jam situations is presented. First, a perception system was developed for urban situations—in which not only vehicles have to be considered, but also pedestrians and other non-motor-vehicles (NMV). It comprises a differential global positioning system (DGPS) and wireless communication for vehicle detection, and an ultrasound sensor for NMV detection. Then, the vehicle's actuators – brake and throttle pedals – were modified to permit autonomous control. Finally, a fuzzy logic controller was implemented capable of analyzing the information provided by the perception system and of sending control commands to the vehicle's actuators so as to avoid accidents. The feasibility of the integrated system was tested by mounting it in a commercial vehicle, with the results being encouraging

    Arsenic distribution in a pasture area impacted by past mining activities

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    [EN]Former mine exploitations entail a serious threat to surrounding ecosystems as after closure of mining activities their unmanaged wastes can be a continuous source of toxic trace elements. Quite often these mine sites are found within agricultural farming areas, involving serious hazards as regards product (feed/food) quality. In this work a grazing land impacted by the abandoned mine exploitation of an arsenical deposit was studied so as to evaluate the fate of arsenic (As) and other trace elements and the potential risks involved. With this aim, profile soil samples (0–50 cm) and pasture plant species (Agrostis truncatula, Holcus annus and Leontodon longirostris) were collected at different distances (0–100 m) from the mine waste dump and analyzed for their trace element content and distribution. Likewise, plant trace element accumulation from impacted grazing soils and plant trace element translocation were assessed. The exposure of livestock grazing animals to As was also evaluated, establishing its acceptability regarding food safety and animal health. International soil guideline values for As in grazing land soils (50 mg kg−1) resulted greatly exceeded (up to about 20-fold) in the studied mining-affected soils. Moreover, As showed a high mobilization potential under circumstances such as phosphate application or establishment of reducing conditions. Arsenic exhibited relatively high translocation factor (TF) values (up to 0.32–0.89) in pasture plant species, reaching unsafe concentrations in their above-ground tissues (up to 32.9, 16.9 and 9.0 mg kg−1 in Agrostis truncatula, Leontodon longirostris and Holcus annus, respectively). Such concentrations represent an elevated risk of As transfer to the high trophic-chain levels as established by international legislation. The limited fraction of arsenite found in plant roots should play an important role in the relatively high As root-to-shoot translocation shown by these plant species. Both soil ingestion and pasture intake resulted important entrance pathways of As into livestock animals, showing quite close contribution levels. The cow acceptable daily intake (ADI) of As regarding food safety was surpassed in some locations of the study area when the species Agrostis truncatula was considered as the only pasture feed. Restrictions in the grazing use of lands with considerable As contents where this plant was the predominant pasture species should be established in order to preserve food quality. Therefore, the exposure of livestock animals to As via both soil ingestion and pasture consumption should be taken into account to establish the suitability of mining-impacted areas for gazing