629 research outputs found

    Recombining dependent data: an Order Statistics

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    This article discusses the problem of forming groups from previously split data. Algorithms for Cluster Analysis like SAR proposed by Peña, Rodriguez and Tiao (2004), divide the sample into small very homogeneous groups and then recombine them to form the definitive data configuration. This kind of splitting leads to dependent data in the sense that the groups are disjoint, so no traditional homogeneity of means or variances tests can be used. We propose an alternative by using Order Statistics. Studying the distribution and some moments of linear combination of Order Statistics it is possible to recombine disjoint data groups when they merge into a sample from the same population

    Recombining partitions via unimodality tests

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    In this article we propose a recombination procedure for previously split data. It is basedon the study of modes in the density of the data, since departing from unimodality canbe a sign of the presence of clusters. We develop an algorithm that integrates a splitting process inherited from the SAR algorithm (Peña et al., 2004) with unimodality tests such as the dip test proposed by Hartigan and Hartigan (1985), and finally, we use anetwork configuration to visualize the results. We show that this can be a useful tool to detect heterogeneity in the data, but limited to univariate data because of the nature of the dip test. In a second stage we discuss the use of multivariate mode detection tests to avoid dimensionality reduction techniques such as projecting multivariate data into one dimension. The results of the application of multivariate unimodality tests show that is possible to detect the cluster structure of the data, although more research can be oriented to estimate the proper fine-tuning of some parameters of the test for a given dataset or distribution.Work partially supported by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, research projects SEJ2007-64500 and ECO2012-3844

    Influencia de los modelos intuitivos en el aprendizaje de la transformación lineal en contexto geométrico

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    En este documento trataremos algunas consideraciones teóricas en que basamos un trabajo en proceso, un estudio comparativo acerca de las concepciones sobre la transformación lineal en contexto geométrico entre dos tipos de actores educativos (profesores y estudiantes de matemáticas de distintas zonas geográficas en México). Nuestra intención es discutir algunas ideas del marco teórico de la investigación, en relación a algunos modelos intuitivos relacionados con la transformación lineal en contexto geométrico, utilizando la teoría de Fischbein (1987, 1989) y el trabajo de Molina (2004)

    Procedimientos organizativos más utilizados en las clases de deporte

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    In the planning of the sport class plays an indispensable paper the organizational procedures. In the Sport Cocktail "Prince", county Havana deficiencies were detected in the methodological visits carried out to the classes: bad use of the organizational procedures, is not variety in the use of the same ones during the class. The objective is to carry out a wide study of the organizational procedures that you/they should be appealed to plan a class. The used methods are: the theoretical analyses and synthesis, historical-logical, inductive-deductive and the empiric methods the observation and documental revision.En la planificación de la clase de deporte juega un papel imprescindible los procedimientos organizativos. En el Combinado Deportivo “Príncipe”, provincia La Habana, se detectaron deficiencias en las visitas metodológicas realizadas a las clases: mala utilización de los procedimientos organizativos, no se encuentra variedad en la utilización de los mismos durante la clase. El objetivo es realizar un amplio estudio de los procedimientos organizativos que se deben recurrir para planificar una clase. Los métodos utilizados son los teóricos análisis y síntesis, histórico-lógico, inductivo-deductivo. De los métodos empíricos la observación y revisión documental

    Simple Strategic Analysis Tools at SMEs in Ecuador

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    This article explores the possible applications of Strategic Analysis Tools (SAT) in SMEs located in emerging countries such as Ecuador (where there are no formal studies on the subject). It is intended to analyze if whether or not it is feasible to effectively apply a set of proposed tools to guide mental map decisions of executives when decisions on strategy have to be made.Through an in-depth review of the state of the art in regards to SAT and interviews performed to main participants such as chambers and executives of different firms, it is shown the feasibility of their application. This analysis is complemented with specialists´ interviews to deepen our insights and obtaining valid conclusions. Our conclusion is that SMEs can smoothly develop and apply an appropriate set of SAT when opting for very relevant choices. However, there are some inconveniences to be solved which are connected with resources (such as peoples’ abilities and technology) and behavioral (cultural factors and methodological processes).Once these barriers are knocked down, it would be more likely to enrich current approaches to make strategic decisions even more effective.This is a qualitative investigation and the research design is not experimental (among them it is transversal as it relates to a specific moment in time)

    Analysis of scientific production in spanish implantology

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    The aim of the study was to quantify the scientific productivity of researchers, organizations, and regions in Spain that publish articles on implantology in dental journals indexed in Journal Citation Reports. A search was conducted among the core collection of Thomson Reuters? Web of Science database, on the basis of its broad thematic and geographic coverage of health sciences. The search identified original articles ? the main vehicle for the dissemination of research results. The search was conducted in July 2016, applying the truncated search term ?implant*? to locate original articles on implantology and its derivative forms. The search was conducted within the topic field (title, keywords and abstract) and two inclusion criteria were applied: documents denominated as articles were included; and articles categorized as Web of Science Medicine Dentistry and Oral Surgery. Finally only articles for which one of the participating organizations was located in Spain were selected. The final search identified a total of 774 records. The period 1988 to 2015 saw an exponential growth in scientific production, especially during the last 10 years. Clinical Oral Implants Research and Medicina Oral Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal (Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, and Oral Surgery) were the most productive journals. Collaborative networks among authors and among institutions increased and this increase was related to the improving quality of the publications. Bibliometric analysis revealed a significant growth in the quantity and quality of Spanish implantology literature. Most key bibliometric indicators demonstrated upward trends

    No More Bricks in the Wall: Adopting Healthy Lifestyles through Physical Education Classes

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    Despite the multiple benefits associated with practicing physical activity regularly, less than 20% of the population do it on a daily basis. Physical education classes could contribute, during childhood and adolescence, to consolidating adherence to healthy lifestyle habits. The present study involved 606 secondary school students between the ages of 13 and 19. We analysed the relationships between the perception of psychological control and support for autonomy, the satisfaction and frustration of psychological needs, mind-wandering and mindfulness, positive and negative emotions, motivation towards physical education classes, physical activity and the intention to be physically active—all through a structural equation model, which presented acceptable goodness-of-fit indices. The results showed that students who feel more autonomous see that their psychological needs are met and feel emotionally positive; this will result in the development of autonomous motivation towards physical education classes and physical activity that, in turn, could lead to a greater intention to be physically active

    Influence of Physical Education Teachers on Motivation, Embarrassment and the Intention of Being Physically Active During Adolescence

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    According to a WHO report (2018), more than 80% of adolescents do not do enough physical activity. Physical Education (PE) classes should be aimed at solving this problem. The present study aims to analyze the influence teachers have on motivation, embarrassment and intention to be physically active among their students. A total of 604 secondary school students participated in the study. Various statistical analyses were carried out to explain the causal relationships between the variables. The results revealed a positive relation between the autonomy support and the satisfaction of basic psychological needs (BPN), and a negative relation with the frustration of BPN. In contrast, perceived control revealed a positive relation with frustration of BPN, and a negative relation with the satisfaction of BPN. Satisfaction of BPN was negatively related to embarrassment and positively related to self-determined motivation. On the other hand, frustration of BPN was positively related to embarrassment and negatively with self-determined motivation. Embarrassment was negatively related to self-determined motivation, and the latter was positively related to intention to be physically active. Indeed, the study demonstrates the influence and the importance of PE teachers and of the motivational and emotional processes of adolescents during PE classes and the role they play in acquiring the habits of an active lifestyle


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