21 research outputs found

    Application of different Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains in meor experiments

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    During the MEOR laboratory measurements we applied two different types of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The strains were able to synthesize of biosurfactant and biopolymer in varying degrees. The reserves conditions can be modelled properly in the MEOR device (T=37 °C, P=1 bar). The bacterial biopolymer solutions resulted in significantly more oil turnout, than the turnout of the conventional process using water. The MEOR activity of Ps. aeruginosa “785” was 21,20 % while Ps. aeruginosa “1604” 19,39 %. Although the MEOR activities were the same, significant difference between the distributions of oil recovery of the two bacteria strains was observed

    Production of CO-free H2 from formic acid: a comparative study of the catalytic behavior of Pt metals on a carbon support

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    I detta examensarbete har fokusen varit på att ta fram en design av en tidsaxel och implementera den. Tidsaxeln ska beskriva händelseförloppet av en berättelse som användaren av programmet skrivit. Tidsperioderna sätts på en berättelsenod, som användaren skapar i programmet. Programmet är ett program som är till för att skriva berättelser, som jag har skapat. Programmet kallar jag för tillfället MapMyStory. Genom att införa en tidsaxel är det tänkt att användaren ska få en bättre överblick av berättelsen. Och med hjälp utav tidsaxeln lättare förstå berättelsens händelseförlopp. Jag beskriver hur designen av tidsaxel tagits fram och hur implementationen är gjord, och hur algoritmen för utplaceringen av tidslinjerna fungerar. I rapporten beskriver jag hur jag har arbetat med en nerskalad variant av Scrum. Jag beskriver också hur jag har använt mig utav test driven utveckling för att bekräfta den kod som implementerats

    The application of ZVI based iron-gels in remediation techniques

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    Zero valent iron (ZVI) has been widely used to treat contaminants, like chlorinated hydrocarbons, and it was documented as effective degrading agent of other environmental pollutants. ZVI can reduce halogenated compounds through iron oxidation, however, this process is mainly influenced by the surface of the iron particles. Nano ZVI technology has been developed to maximize the reactive surface of the iron, however, the costs of a treatment process are still quite high and the increased reductive capacity can be toxic. In present work, the combination of the relatively low costs of the traditional ZVI technology and the increased reductive capacity of the nano ZVI technology, avoiding the toxic levels, was tried to be achieved by developing ZVI gels (ZVIG). In up-flow columns filled with the same amount iron (iron powder) in sand (ZVI-P), and gels (ZVIG-A, ZVIG-B), the differences of reduction capacities were determined through nitrate reduction. This process was chosen because of the manageability of nitrate and the fact that ZVI is able to reduce it to ammonia. The column filled with ZVIG-B showed 65 % nitrate reduction from the beginning and maintained this value for 60 days. After the 60th day, a continuous decrease was observed in the efficiency, which reached 10 % after the 160th day. However, ZVIG-A showed 33 % nitrate reduction capacity from the beginning, and the reduction capacity quickly decreased to less than 10 %. After the 15 th day, the effectiveness increased rapidly. The same phenomenon could be observed in the ZVI-P column. ZVIG-A could maintain this increased reduction capacity, but the iron powder could not. The nitrate reduction capacity of ZVI-P started to decrease after the 30th day, and it reached 20 % after the 55th day

    Inhibition of exopolysaccharide biopolymer and pyocyanin virulence factors produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1604 by salicylic compounds

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is able to form exopolysaccharide biopolymer in the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients, increasing viscoelasticity of sputum. In our studies, the viscosity of the biopolymer produced by P. aeruginosa 1604 was investigated in the presence of aspirin and sodium salicylate. The applied salicylic compounds in 0.3 % concentration decreased significantly the viscosity of the biopolymer during a five days period. The biopolymer of P. aeruginosa can harbour other virulence factors, such as pyocyanin. The applied salicylic compounds also decreased the pyocyanin production; however, according to our results P. aeruginosa 1604 was able to produce pyocyanin after 72 h in the presence of 0.1-0.2 % salicylic compounds. Consistent low pyocyanin production was caused only in the presence of 0.3 % or higher concentration of these compounds.Consequently, salycilic compounds decreased both the viscoelasticity of the biopolymer and the concentration of pyocyanin produced by P. aeruginosa 1604.e viscoelasticity of the biopolymer and the concentration of pyocyanin produced by P. aeruginosa 1604

    ALGADISK - introduction of a starting FP7 project

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    Microalgae could substitute crops in biofuel production due to their high biomass productivity and lipid content, although none of the existing systems has been enough cost-effective to compete fossil fuels or biodiesel produced from plants so far. Nowadays, microalgae production is usually carried out in open pond and closed photobioreactors; however, these technologies have some limiting factors including high water demand, contamination, large surface area requirements, self-shading and low productivity. ALGADISK project could provide a technology that gives solutions for these limiting factors of open pond and closed photobioreactors. The project includes the selection of microalgae species with high lipid content and examining and determining their ideal growth and operational conditions, construction an energetically efficient reactor system with automatic harvesting system, and a computer based tool in order to optimize operational conditions and estimate profitability, furthermore reducing water demand, reaching at least 2 0 g/l algal biomass

    Alkalmazkodási stratégiák a vidék gazdaságában = Adaptational strategies in rural economy

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    A hároméves, különböző jellegű vidéki települések alkalmazkodási stratégiáinak feltérképezésére irányuló kutatásunk négy megyében zajlott: dolgoztunk munkanélküliség által erősen sújtott, perifériális helyzetben lévő mezőgazdasági-, valamint volt-ipari térségben, továbbá nagyvárosok vonzáskörzetében jobb helyzetben levő mezőgazdasági és vállalkozó faluban is. Négy településen (Szatmárcseke, Borsodnádasd, Derecske és Tarján) mélyfúrás jellegű kutatás zajlott; nagyszámban készültek interjúk, Borsodnádasdon és Szatmárcsekén egyetemi diákok segítségével kérdőíves felmérés is zajlott. Mikrotérségi szintű vizsgálat folyt Derecske környékén (5 település) és a szatmári Tiszaháton (13 település). Az OTKA kutatás keretében összesen 858 kérdőív, 180 db. interjú készült, ami mellett térségi és helyi statisztikákat, és egyéb forrásokat is gyűjtöttünk. Emellett az Alapítvány 2007-ben Kétvölgyön a résztvevőkutatók számára műhelyvitát rendezett, majd a Magyar Művelődési Intézettel közösen decemberben konferenciát szervezett "Fiatal kutatók Márkus István nyomdokain: falukutatók Borsodnádasdon" címmel, amin a kutatók mellett a Debreceni Egyetem és az ELTE is képviseltették magát. A három év alatt az öt kutató 22 konferencia előadást tartott a témában, 8 tanulmányt publikált, további 4 a jelenleg Borsodnádasdról készülő kötetben jelenik meg 2008-ban. A résztvevő kutatók mindegyike doktorjelölt, és dolgozatához felhasználja az OTKA kutatás eredményeit. | The three years long research was executed in four counties: we have worked in peripheral agricultural and collapsed industrial villages, which were distressed very much by unemployment. Besides we have done research also in agricultural and 'entrepreneur' areas near to bigger cities, which are in better situation. There were deep research and many interviews were made in four settlements (Szatmárcseke, Borsodnádasd, Derecske, Tarján); in Borsodnádasd and Szatmárcseke there were quantitative surveys too which were carried out with university students. In five settlements (around Derecske) and in the Szatmár Tiszahát (10 villages) there were micro-regional researches. During the OTKA project we have made 858 questionnaires and 210 interviews, besides regional and local statistics and other information were collected. In 2007 the Foundation organized a workshop for the participant researchers in Kétvölgy and in December with the Hungarian Culture Institute organized a conference with the title of "Young researchers in the wake of Márkus István: researchers in Borsodnádasd" when out of the researchers the Debrecen University and ELTE were also represented themselves. During the three years the five participant researchers had 22 presentations on the subject, 8 studies were published and 4 are under edition in a book of Borsodnádasd. Being the participant researchers Ph.D candidates, writing their thesis they will use the OTKA results

    Vatta–Testhalom – Részekből egész

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    Dolgozatunkban Vatta-Testhalom, Vatta-Dobogó (Vatta 1. lh.) és Vatta-Telek-oldal dűlő (Vatta 3. lh.) lelőhelyek topográfiai, településszerkezeti és tájhasználati elemzésére vállalkozunk (1. kép). A lelőhely kutatása hosszú gyökerekre nyúlik vissza, mégis egy félreértelmezett információ alapján elpusztultként tekintett rá a kutatás. A Mátrai Erőmű Bükkábrányi Bánya munkálatai során szükségessé vált leletmentések és egy szerencsés talajviszonyok mellett történt légifelvétel sorozat, illetve a BORBAS projekt szisztematikus dél-borsodi felmérő munkája teljesen új megvilágításba helyezte a bronzkori lelőhelyről rendelkezésre álló eddigi ismereteinket. Ezt foglalja össze a publikáció