572 research outputs found

    Sobre el tratamiento de la formación de palabras en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria: Análisis de algunos libros de texto.

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    El trabajo trata sobre las semejanzas y diferencias de los procesos de formación de palabras a lo largo de los cuatro cursos de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria en las editoriales Edebé, Edelvives y Oxford. Dichos procesos son: la derivación la composición y la parasíntesis.<br /

    Utilización de componentes neutros de construcción en Latinoamérica

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    Self-help construction is a popular and diverse practice in Latin America. In the case of low income housing, in some countries self-help construction loses its condition of exception to become the main form of housing production. Different technologies or adaptations of formal procedures are used when building these units. However, the authors of this research pose that there are more suitable techniques that could be adopted. Components and products cannot work independently from processes. The need for improvement of low-income housing explains the constant, growing and considerable demand for raw materials and neutral construction materials. Users themselves point out some of the requirements of these technologies: materials that are affordable, lightweight and easy to handle. Moreover, there is a large number of local microworkshops or small productive centers attempting to make a step forward. This may be the time to acknowledge contributions from entities or individual professionals which through neutral, tangible and affordable elements, and by means of simple assemblies, provide highly technical solutions with the potential to become cornerstone practices for the construction of low-income housing in Latin America.En Latinoamérica la autoconstrucción es un hecho de gran extensión y diversidad, que en el caso del hábitat popular pierde su carácter de excepción para pasar a ser en algunos países vía mayoritaria de producción del hábitat. En la ejecución de estos alojamientos se emplean tecnologías tradicionales o adaptaciones de métodos y sistemas formales. Sin embargo, en opinión de los autores, podrían utilizarse tecnologías aun más apropiadas para este ámbito. Los componentes y productos no pueden ser independientes de los procesos. Las necesidades de mejoramiento del hábitat popular explican el volumen constante, creciente y muy considerable de la demanda de materias primas y de componentes neutros de construcción. Los propios usuarios señalan algunos de los requerimientos de estas tecnologías: materiales asequibles de poco peso y manejables. Por otra parte, existe una pléyade de microtalleres o gérmenes industriales locales con experiencia adquirida y vocación de crecer. Quizás sea el momento de señalar aportes válidos de entidades o de profesionales que partiendo de componentes neutros, tangibles y asequibles, mediante acoples o ensambles sencillos aportan soluciones tecnificadas, capaces de convertirse en prácticas de referencia para la construcción del hábitat popular en el entorno latinoamericano

    Usage of neutral elements of construction in Latin America

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    En Latinoamérica la autoconstrucción es un hecho de gran extensión y diversidad, que en el caso del hábitat popular pierde su carácter de excepción para pasar a ser en algunos países vía mayoritaria de producción del hábitat. En la ejecución de estos alojamientos se emplean tecnologías tradicionales o adaptaciones de métodos y sistemas formales. Sin embargo, en opinión de los autores, podrían utilizarse tecnologías aún más apropiadas para este ámbito. Los componentes y productos no pueden ser independientes de los procesos.Las necesidades de mejoramiento del hábitat popular explican el volumen constante, creciente y muy considerable, de la demanda de materias primas y de componentes neutros de construcción. Los propios usuarios señalan algunos de los requerimientos de estas tecnologías: materiales asequibles de poco peso y manejables. Por otra parte, existen una pléyade de microtalleres o gérmenes industriales locales con experiencia adquirida y vocación de crecer. Quizás sea el momento de señalar aportes válidos de entidades o de profesionales que partiendo de componentes neutros, tangibles y asequibles, mediante acoples o ensambles sencillos aportan soluciones tecnificadas, capaces de convertirse en prácticas de referencia para la construcción del hábitat popular en el entorno latinoamericanoFil: Serrano, Julián Salas. Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya; EspañaFil: Ferrero, Aurelio Antonio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro Experimental de la Vivienda Económica; ArgentinaFil: Alonso, Patricia Lucas. Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja; Españ

    Neutropthil-to-lymphocyte ratio as a predictor of postsurgical intraabdominal abscess in children operated for acute appendicitis

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    Aimof the study: Postoperative intra-abdominal abscess (PIAA) is a frequent and severe complication of acute appendicitis (AA) with peritonitis. The neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) is an inflammatory marker that has been related to the development of peritonitis; however, its diagnostic role in predicting PIAA has not been evaluated. This is the first study that analyzes the usefulness of NLR as a predictor of PIAA in children operated for AA. Material and Methods: Retrospective observational study in children operated for AA in our institution during 2017–2018. Patients aged under 5 years or with incomplete laboratory determinations at hospital admission (blood count, C-reactive protein, and fibrinogen) were excluded. Demographic and laboratory parameters and the development of PIAA were analyzed. NLR was calculated by dividing the absolute number of neutrophils by the absolute number of lymphocytes. Bymeans of ROC curves, we determined the sensitivity and specificity of the different laboratory parameters to predict the development of PIAA. Results: A total of 388 patients aged 10.5 ± 2.9 year were included. Twenty (5.2%) developed PIAA. NLR presented an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.85, significantly higher than the determination of leukocytes (AUC 0.69, p < 0.001), neutrophils (AUC 0.74, p < 0.001), fibrinogen (AUC 0.68, p < 0.001) and C-reactive protein (AUC 0.73, p 10.5, with a sensitivity of 85% and a specificity of 75.2%. Conclusions: NLR is the laboratory parameter with the highest sensitivity and specificity for predicting the development of PIAA in children operated for AA. It can be useful as a predictor of worse postoperative course

    "Funciones del orientador educativo. Un estudio cualitativo"

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    La orientación forma parte de la realidad de los centros educativos españoles desde hace décadas. La importancia que tiene la orientación a la hora de promover valores como la inclusión o la equidad es enorme. Sin embargo, sigue habiendo muchas dudas sobre cuáles son las funciones propias de un orientador educativo. El estudio que se presenta se ha efectuado siguiendo una metodología cualitativa en la que se han realizado entrevistas a docentes y orientadores de Aragón, Cantabria y Castilla y León, con el fin de comprobar sus conocimientos acerca de las funciones del orientador educativo. El proceso de categorización se lleva cabo en torno a cuatro grandes núcleos de interés: Prevención, Evaluación Psicopedagógica, Asesoramiento y Multitarea. Estas categorías se han establecido a partir de las referencias bibliográficas consultadas y de la información recogida durante el estudio. Tras el pertinente análisis de datos, se halla que los profesionales educativos entrevistados destacan en la orientación educativa las funciones de Asesoramiento, Multitarea y Evaluación Psicopedagógica, dejando en un segundo plano la Prevención. Además, expresaron limitaciones que tienen ellos o que sus compañeros manifiestan a la hora de llevar a cabo su labor orientadora, repitiéndose, especialmente, la falta de tiempo y el desconocimiento del resto del profesorado acerca de su labor. Por último, teniendo en cuenta la información obtenida, se desarrollan algunas propuestas de mejora sobre la orientación educativa actual, como dotar de más recursos personales a los centros, procurar una burocracia más efectiva o crear una cultura de la orientación sólida.<br /

    Experimental demonstration and pan-structurome prediction of climate-associated riboSNitches in Arabidopsis

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    BACKGROUND: Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) aim to correlate phenotypic changes with genotypic variation. Upon transcription, single nucleotide variants (SNVs) may alter mRNA structure, with potential impacts on transcript stability, macromolecular interactions, and translation. However, plant genomes have not been assessed for the presence of these structure-altering polymorphisms or "riboSNitches." RESULTS: We experimentally demonstrate the presence of riboSNitches in transcripts of two Arabidopsis genes, ZINC RIBBON 3 (ZR3) and COTTON GOLGI-RELATED 3 (CGR3), which are associated with continentality and temperature variation in the natural environment. These riboSNitches are also associated with differences in the abundance of their respective transcripts, implying a role in regulating the gene's expression in adaptation to local climate conditions. We then computationally predict riboSNitches transcriptome-wide in mRNAs of 879 naturally inbred Arabidopsis accessions. We characterize correlations between SNPs/riboSNitches in these accessions and 434 climate descriptors of their local environments, suggesting a role of these variants in local adaptation. We integrate this information in CLIMtools V2.0 and provide a new web resource, T-CLIM, that reveals associations between transcript abundance variation and local environmental variation. CONCLUSION: We functionally validate two plant riboSNitches and, for the first time, demonstrate riboSNitch conditionality dependent on temperature, coining the term "conditional riboSNitch." We provide the first pan-genome-wide prediction of riboSNitches in plants. We expand our previous CLIMtools web resource with riboSNitch information and with 1868 additional Arabidopsis genomes and 269 additional climate conditions, which will greatly facilitate in silico studies of natural genetic variation, its phenotypic consequences, and its role in local adaptation

    The stable isotope ecology of terrestrial plant succession

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    We review the relevance and use of stable isotopes for the study of plant community succession. Stable isotope measurements provide information on the origin of resources acquired by plants, the processes governing resource uptake and transformation, and the physiological and environmental conditions of plant growth. When combined with measurements of the stable isotope ratio values of soil microbial biomass, soil organic matter and plant litter, isotope measurements of plants can indicate effects of successional changes on ecosystem processes. However, their application to questions of plant succession and ecosystem change is limited by the degree to which the underlying assumptions are met in each study, and complementary measures may be required, depending upon the question of interest. First, we discuss the changes that occur in the stable isotope composition of plants and ecosystems with ontogeny and species replacements, as well as their potential evolutionary significance. Second, we discuss the imprints of plant competition and facilitation on leaf and wood tissue, as well as how stable isotopes can provide novel insights on the mechanisms underlying plant interactions. Finally, we discuss the capacity for stable isotope measurements to serve as a proxy record for past disturbances such as fire, logging and cyclones

    InterGEO: a digital platform for university education on geomorphological heritage

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    The project InterGEO was carried out with the objective to disseminate knowledge on geomorphological heritage by developing a digital learning platform. It aims at improving students' autonomy by the reduction of face-to-face teaching and increasing autonomous learning as well as promoting international interactions between students interested in geomorphological heritage. A completely free-access virtual course on geomorphosites was developed with the Learning Management System Moodle. The course is divided into 24 thematic chapters, each of them containing a short description, a list of references and selected publications, as well as other educational material (videos, virtual fieldtrips, etc.). In particular, several videos allow presenting in a dynamic way concepts and examples. The paper presents the tool and its use in academic programmes in six European universities, where it was tested, in various contexts (Bachelors' and Masters' programmes; students in geography or geology; general courses in geomorphology and specific courses on geoheritage and geoconservation), before discussing the advantages and challenges the tool is facing. The InterGEO platform is an easy-to-use and friendly educational tool, which allows developing blended learning activities; it is flexible and adaptable in various learning contexts.The coordination tasks (appointment of an assistant) and two workshops in Lausanne were financed by the University of Lausanne (Teaching Innovation Fund and Investment Fund of the Faculty of Geosciences and Environment, FGSE). The videos were designed and created with support of the universities of Lausanne (TIF) and Savoie Mont Blanc (IDEFI Promising and ReflexPro; LabEx ITEM)