2,289 research outputs found

    XQOWL: An Extension of XQuery for OWL Querying and Reasoning

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    One of the main aims of the so-called Web of Data is to be able to handle heterogeneous resources where data can be expressed in either XML or RDF. The design of programming languages able to handle both XML and RDF data is a key target in this context. In this paper we present a framework called XQOWL that makes possible to handle XML and RDF/OWL data with XQuery. XQOWL can be considered as an extension of the XQuery language that connects XQuery with SPARQL and OWL reasoners. XQOWL embeds SPARQL queries (via Jena SPARQL engine) in XQuery and enables to make calls to OWL reasoners (HermiT, Pellet and FaCT++) from XQuery. It permits to combine queries against XML and RDF/OWL resources as well as to reason with RDF/OWL data. Therefore input data can be either XML or RDF/OWL and output data can be formatted in XML (also using RDF/OWL XML serialization).Comment: In Proceedings PROLE 2014, arXiv:1501.0169

    Promoting inclusion and equity in Latin America: making sense of the challenges

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    Finding ways of including all children in schools is a challenge facing education systems throughout the world (Ainscow, 2016). In economically poorer countries this is mainly about the millions of children who are not able to attend formal education (UNESCO, 2015). Meanwhile, in wealthier countries many young people leave school with no worthwhile qualifications, whilst others are placed in special provision away from mainstream education, and some choose to drop out since the lessons seem irrelevant (OECD, 2012). Faced with these challenges, there is evidence of an increased interest in the idea of making education more inclusive and equitable. However, the field remains confused as to the actions needed in order to move policy and practice forward. This paper uses evidence from our experiences in five Latin America countries (i.e. Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay and Uruguay) to address this agenda. In particular, we focus on the following questions: • What are the barriers that limit the participation and learning of some children in Latin American countries? • How can these barriers be best understood? • What does this mean for moving education systems forward? The analysis presented leads us to describe and reflect on the processes we have used to generate evidence in relation to these questions. As a result, we propose a framework that might be useful to those wishing to review the situation in other countries. We start, however, by outlining the contexts for our work.Organization of American States Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Analyzing the Tagging Quality of the Spanish OpenStreetMap

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    In this paper, a framework for the assessment of the quality of OpenStreetMap is presented, comprising a batch of methods to analyze the quality of entity tagging. The approach uses Taginfo as a reference base and analyses quality measures such as completeness, compliance, consistence, granularity, richness and trust . The framework has been used to analyze the quality of OpenStreetMap in Spain, comparing the main cities of Spain. Also a comparison between Spain and some major European cities has been carried out. Additionally, a Web tool has been also developed in order to facilitate the same kind of analysis in any area of the world

    Novel Aspects on the Preparation of Spirocyclic and Fused Unusual β-Lactams

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    Capítulo 1, pp 1-48β-Lactam antibiotics have occupied a central role in the fight against pathogenic bacteria and the subsequent rise in quality of life for the world population as a whole. However, the extensive use of common β-lactam antibiotics such as penicillins and cephalosporins in medicine has resulted in an increasing number of resistant strains of bacteria through mutation and β-lactamase gene transfer. The resistance of bacteria to the classical β-lactam antibiotics can be overcome, e.g., by using novel β-lactam moieties in drugs which show much higher stability towards these resistance bacteria. In addition, there are many important nonantibiotic uses of 2-azetidinones in fields ranging from enzyme inhibition to gene activation. These biological activities, combined with the use of these products as starting materials to prepare α- and β-amino acids, alkaloids, heterocycles, taxoids, and other types of compounds of biological and medicinal interest, provide the motivation to explore new methodologies for the synthesis of substances based on the β-lactam core. The aim of this chapter is to provide a survey of the types of reactions used to prepare non-conventional spirocyclic and fused β-lactams, concentrating on the advances that have been made in the last decade, and in particular in the last five years. We will draw special attention to radical cyclizations, cycloaddition reactions, and transition metal-catalyzed reactions.Peer reviewe

    Valoració de la necessitat del psicòleg a urgències

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    Curs 2014-2015La psicologia de les emergències i desastres, tot i ser un àmbit encara emergent en certa mesura, compta amb uns àmbits d'actuació concrets, un perfil del professional que hi treballa definit i unes funcions pròpies. Aquest treball té com objectiu investigar la importància i la necessitat de la figura del psicòleg de les emergències com a professional integrat del servei d'urgències dels hospitals generals, per tal de oferir una atenció assistencial integrada i prevenir possibles psicopatologies derivades de l'emergència. Els objectius d'aquesta recerca es centren en conèixer els protocols d'actuació en cas d'emergències, catàstrofes i desastres per tal d'entendre millor com es coordinen aquestes situacions; en establir la relació dels canvis fisiològics i psicològics que patim davant d'aquestes circumstàncies; destacar el paper de suport cap a víctimes i familiars; analitzar i descriure l'estat actual de l'atenció d'emergències tant al nostre país com a altres països i conèixer la prevalença i el tipus de patologies que se'n deriven amb més freqüència. Per tal d'investigar si la societat pensa que es troba la mancança d'un professional de la psicologia, s'ha creat un breu qüestionari online que han respost un total de 151 subjectes. L'anàlisi dels seus resultats ens ha ajudat a concloure que hi ha una demanda present de la societat cap a una intervenció psicològica en emergències i que la figura d'un psicòleg d'emergències a urgències es percep com essencial tant per a prevenir el desenvolupament de psicopatologies com per a pal·liar l'ansietat i el desconcert que aquestes situacions desencadenen.The psychology of emergencies and disasters, though it is still an emergent field in a certain extent, has some specific areas of action, a defined professional profile that works and particular functions. This research has the aim to investigate the importance and the need of the figure of the emergency psychologist as a integrated professional inside the emergency unit of the general hospitals, in order to provide integrated care and attention to prevent possible psychopathologies derived from the emergency itself. The goals of this research focus on knowing the action protocols in case of emergency, catastrophe and disaster in order to have a better understanding about how this situations are being coordinated; in establish the connection between the physiological and psychological changes that we suffer in this circumstances; highlight the support role towards the victims and the relatives; analyze and explain the current state of emergency care both in our country and others and knowing the prevalence and the type of pathologies which are most often derived. In order to research if the society believes that there is a lack of a psychology professional an online questionnaire has been created, with a total of 151 participants. The analysis of this results helped us to sum up that there is a current demand from the general population towards a psychological intervention within the emergency field and the figure of an emergency psychologist among emergency unit is perceived as an essential professional to prevent the development of psychopathologies and to palliate the anxiety and the bewilderment that this situations trigger

    "I open the coffin and here i am". Disability as oppression and iberating education in my brother's construction of identity

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    This paper presents a case study on my brother Rafael, a young musician. Research is based on 180 records made through interviews, focus groups, observations and documentary collection, involving 190 informants. The data analysis shows how the social system creates subordinated and stigmatized conditions of experience for people with disabilities, that lead to social exclusion and reification. This disability as oppression (which is the "coffin of the dead") can be combated by education understood as resistance to inequality, if we question the social order and power relationships, and strive to create the possibility of being subject. So, Rafael has been able to construct his identity in a relatively autonomous way, challenging social mandates that led him to exclusion and denied him as a subject. "I open the coffin and here I am": In 2012, Rafael received the World Down Syndrome Day Award for being the first student with Down syndrome in the Higher Degree of Music.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Residual effect of natural and synthetic zinc chelates on zinc in a soil solution of a waterlogged acidic soil. Evolution of the pH and redox potential.

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    Zinc chelates have been widely used to correct deficiencies in this micronutrient in different soil types and under different moisture conditions. The aging of the metal in soil could cause a change in its availability. Over time the most labile forms of Zn could decrease in activity and extractability and change to more stable forms. Various soil parameters, such as redox conditions, time, soil type and moisture conditions, affect the aging process and modify the solubility of the metal. In general, redox conditions influence pH and also the chemical forms dissolved in the soil solution. Soil pH also affects Zn solubility; at high pH values, most of the Zn is present in forms that are not bioavailable to plants. The objective of this study was to determine the changes in Zn over time in a soil solution in a waterlogged acidic soil to which synthetic and natural chelates were applie

    Mentores de jóvenes talentosos con síndrome de Down

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    Los acompañamientos educativos ofrecen la fuerza necesaria para seguir en empresas complejas como la que se presenta. Es el “apoyo humano” el que ofrece el mayor sentido para continuar en la lucha, y con ello, rebasar los límites de la lógica individualista que embarga la sociedad y la escuela. La colaboración es una de las mayores herramientas de que disponemos para atravesar fronteras, puesto que cuestiona las perspectivas basadas en la eficiencia, la eficacia y la productividad.Se asienta en el hecho de ensalzar la humanidad de las personas y de nuestras acciones, en la construcción del continuo proyecto que somos y que responde a nuestra naturaleza inacabada.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Disabled Bodies in Early Modern Spanish Literature

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    Disabled Bodies in Early Modern Spanish Literature examines the concepts and role of women in selected Spanish discourses and literary texts from the late fifteenth to seventeenth centuries from the perspective of feminist disability theories. It explores a wide range of Spanish medical, regulatory and moral discourses, illustrating how such texts inherit, reproduce and propagate an amalgam of Western traditional concepts of female embodiment. It goes on to examine concrete representations of deviant female characters, focusing on the figures of syphilitic prostitutes and physically decayed aged women in literary texts such as Celestina, Lozana andaluza and selected works by Cervantes and Quevedo. Finally, an analysis of the personal testimony of Teresa de Avila, a nun suffering neurological disorders, complements the discussion of early modern women’s disability