15 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pasta Ekstrak Daun Sukun (ArtocarpusAltilis) Terhadap Perubahan Sel Fibroblas Dan Jaringan Kolagen Pada Periodontitis

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    This Study aims to find out the effect of topical paste of daun sukun's extract towards Fibroblast cell and Collagen tissues. These have important roles in Periodontitis healing's process. This Study was laboratory experimental. The subjects were 12 Wistar mice which were made Periodontitis by injecting Aa bacteria 108 mg/ml on cervical 11 in three weeks. Devided into 2 groups, the first was given Sukun extracts topically and the second was given nothing. Serial decapitation on day 3,7,10 and 14 was administered on each group and their gingiva were examined with HE paint. The result showed paste of Sukun leaves extract impact signifficantly toward Fibroblast cell (Sig.0.032) but not on Collagen tissues (Sig. 0.837). The fibroblast cell were going up on the seventh day as well as the thickness of Collagen tissues. Periodontits healing is marked by the increase of fibroblast cell and the tickness of Collagen. It is suggested to make the product in gel


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    TITLEThe causative factors of dental caries in students of SD Sambiroto 02 SemarangABSTRACTTooth is part of the masticatory apparatus of the digestive system in the human body. Based on the preliminary study found 45% of students of Sambiroto 02 Elementary School have fixed dental caries, 15% had dental caries milk and 40% have bad oral hygiene. The main problem of oral health in students of Sambiroto 02 Elementary School is dental caries. Dental caries is an infectious disease caused by demineralization of enamel and dentine that is closely related to the consumption of cariogenic foods. Generally, children entering school age have a high risk of caries. This study aims to determine the factors that cause dental caries in students at Sambiroto 02 Elementary School Semarang.This type of research is quantitative descriptive case study method. Data retrieval is done by checking caries (DMF-T) OHIS, Plaque Index, pH Saliva, Viscosity Saliva, Saliva Hydration, as well as the questionnaire for behavioral variables (knowledge, attitudes, practices). Priority problems using odd ratio test showed that the factors causing the most dominant is the practice (p value = 65.0), OHIS (p value = 20.43), and plaque index (p value = 17.0).The results showed that the factor of the practice 50% of respondents with bad category, 62% of respondents with OHIS bad category, and 62% of respondents who had a plaque with bad category. The problem solving are a revitalization program UKGS, cariogenic diet control, brushing teeth together, topical application fluoride / CPP-ACP, dental health education, training of cadres, and filling cavities. Advices to students are expected to increase knowledge as a basis for understanding the attitude and behavior are good on prevent dental care that are not easily affected by caries, and suggestions presented to the teachers to always give motivation to students to always maintain dental health. Keywords : Caries, students Primary School Sambiroto


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    TITLEThe dental nurse responsible to appropriate and incompetent dental servicesABSTRACTAuthority possessed by a dental nurse to perform ministerial duties is the legal authority (rechtsbevoegheid). On the basis of this authority, a health worker is entitled to treatment in accordance with their competence. When the administrative requirements to carry out the profession have been met, then the dental nurse as a profession carrier has obtained the professional authority in the work. However, if a health worker do the job without authority, may be considered to violate one of the professional standards of health workers. The purpose of this study was to determine the responsibility of Dental Nurses implementation of the actions of dental health services in Bergas PHC, Duren PHC and Suruh PHC in district of Semarang. This research is a descriptive study that aims to describe systematically and accurately the facts and characteristics of the population or about a particular field. This study sought to describe a situation or event. The instrument used was the questionnaire.From the results of the study conducted by researchers in the field of the Dental Nurses at Duren PHC, Duren PHC and Suruh PHC in district of Semarang by interview can be seen and showed that the majority of Dental Nurses who work in clinics have been carrying out job responsibilities properly in accordance with the competence of Nurses teeth and is in conformity with the laws and regulations governing dental Nurses. But also the results obtained that a small portion Dental Nurses who perform actions beyond the competence stipulated in the legislation governing the dental nurse. Keywords : Responsibilities of Dental Nurses, Dental Health Care Measure


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    TITLETHE DIFFERENCE IMPACT of  INDEPENDENT UKGS BETWEEN SD ANTONIUS II AND SD PETRA SEMARANGABSTRACTOral Health Program for School Children (UKGS Program) has been implemented by Community Health Center since 1951 but the result isn’t satisfied yet. National research of Health 2013 has found that the dental caries prevalence among children in Indonesia has increased 13,7%. DMF-T index among 12 years old children has increased from 0.91 to 1.4. It means that there are 140 decays among 100 children nowadays. Due to this condition, Dental Nurse Department (JKG) Poltekkes Semarang had tried to implement improvized UKGS Program to a school independently. This study wanted to know the impact among students of SD Antonius and SD Petra which has implemented independent UKGS.This was quantitative descriptive research with cross sectional approach. The samples were 10% of total students of SD Antonius II and SD Petra – 38 students for each school – taken randomly from class I to VI. The data were analyzed by Mann Whitney and Independent T-test.The result showed that non clinically, there was no significant difference on students knowledge (p value 0.697 0.005) but not on Attitude and Action (pvalue 0.024 and 0.000 0.005). Clinically, the significant difference could be seen on OHI-S Index ( p value 0.046) but not on DMF-T and deft Index (p value 0.430 and 0.345). It’s suggested that this research had to be continued to find out the influence of Independent UKGS Program with students satitsfaction

    Pengaruh Pasta Ekstrak Daun Sukun (ArtocarpusAltilis) terhadap Perubahan Sel Fibroblas dan Jaringan Kolagen pada Periodontitis

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    This Study aims to find out the effect of topical paste of daun sukun’s extract towards Fibroblast cell and Collagen tissues. These have important roles in Periodontitis healing’s process. This Study was laboratory experimental. The subjects were 12 Wistar mice which were made Periodontitis by injecting Aa bacteria 108 mg/ml on cervical 11 in three weeks. Devided into 2 groups, the first was given Sukun extracts topically and the second was given nothing. Serial decapitation on day 3,7,10 and 14 was administered on each group and their gingiva were examined with HE paint. The result showed paste of Sukun leaves extract impact signifficantly toward Fibroblast cell (Sig.0.032) but not on Collagen tissues (Sig. 0.837). The fibroblast cell were going up on the seventh day as well as the thickness of Collagen tissues. Periodontits healing is marked by the increase of fibroblast cell and the tickness of Collagen. It is suggested to make the product in gel


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    TITLEInhibitory effect of young-avocado leaf against oral bacteria (Streptococcus mutans)ABSTRACTDental caries is one of the oral health problems that can cause pain and disrupt the activities. Bacteria plays an important role in the process of dental caries. The main bacterial cause of dental caries is Streptococcus mutans producing the glucosyltransferase enzyme. Streptococcus mutans produces a sticky extracellular polysaccharides of carbohydrate foods and able to ferment carbohydrates to acids. Streptococcus viridans is bacteria in the mucosa that synthesize large polysaccharides like dextran and levans of sucrose that are important factor in the formation of dental caries.This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of avocado leaf extract concentration of 60% and 80% to the inhibition of the growth of Streptococcus mutans.Method used was the method of diffusion wells using 2 samples in each treatment group. Sample consisted of 3 treatment groups  avocado young leaf extract concentration of 60%, 80%. This research data analysis method using quantitative descriptive.The results showed that the leaf extract of avocado at all concentrations have antibacterial activity against Streptococcus mutans. The lowest concentration of 60%,80% inhibition against the bacteria have a strong and increasingly stronger at higher concentrations. The conclusion of this study prove that avocado leaf extract has strong antibacterial activity against the growth of Streptococcus mutans. Key words : Avocado Young Leaf, Streptococcus Mutan


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    Gigi merupakan bagian dari alat pengunyahan pada sistem pencernaan dalam tubuh manusia.Berdasarkan hasil studi pendahuluan didapatkan 45% siswa SDN Sambiroto 02 memiliki karies gigi tetap, 15%memiliki karies gigi susu dan 40% memiliki kebersihan gigi yang buruk. Masalah utama kesehatan gigi danmulut pada siswa SDN Sambiroto 02 ialah karies gigi. Karies gigi merupakan penyakit infeksi yang disebabkanoleh demineralisasi email dan dentin yang erat hubungannya dengan konsumsi makanan yang kariogenik.Umumnya anak-anak memasuki usia sekolah mempunyai resiko karies yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mengetahui faktor yang menyebabkan karies gigi pada siswa di SDN Sambiroto 02 Semarang.Jenis penelitian ini deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode penelitian studi kasus. Pengambilan datadilakukan dengan pemeriksaan karies (DMF-T) OHIS, Plak Indeks, pH Saliva, Viskositas Saliva, HidrasiSaliva, serta pengisian kuesioner untuk variabel perilaku (pengetahuan, sikap, praktik). Prioritas masalahmenggunakan Uji Odd Ratio didapatkan hasil bahwa faktor penyebab yang paling dominan adalah praktik (pvalue = 65,0), OHIS (p value = 20,43), dan plak indeks (p value = 17,0).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai faktor praktik 50% responden dengan kategori buruk, 62%responden dengan OHIS buruk, dan 62% responden yang memiliki plak dengan kategori buruk. Alternatifpemecahan masalah adalah revitalisasi program UKGS, kontrol diet kariogenik, menyikat gigi bersama, topikalaplikasi fluor / CPP-ACP, penyuluhan kesehatan gigi, pelatihan dokter kecil, dan penambalan gigi yangberlubang. Saran yang ditujukkan kepada siswa diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan sebagai dasarpemahaman untuk bersikap dan berperilaku yang baik dalam mencegah dan merawat gigi agar tidak mudahterkena karies, dan saran yang ditujukkan kepada guru untuk selalu memberikan motivasi kepada siswa untukmenjaga kesehatan gigi

    Faktor Penyebab Terjadinya Karies Gigi Pada Siswa SD Sambiroto 02 Semarang

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    Gigi merupakan bagian dari alat pengunyahan pada sistem pencernaan dalam tubuh manusia. Berdasarkan hasil studi pendahuluan didapatkan 45% siswa SDN Sambiroto 02 memiliki karies gigi tetap, 15% memiliki karies gigi susu dan 40% memiliki kebersihan gigi yang buruk. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian studi kasus

    The Guidance Book on Dental Check for Pregnant Women toward the Health Status of Periodontal Tissue and Treatment Need Index

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    Background: The presence of a dental checkbook can help preventive and promotive actions for pregnant women to create health of mother and fetus.The Objective: The purpose of this research is to identify the role of the companion book of dental check in pregnant women on the health status of periodontal tissue at Community Health Center of Banyumanik Subdistrict Semarang, Indonesia.Method: Type of research used is an experiment with pretest and posttest- as well as control group design. The sample is the 85 pregnant women who visited Community Health Center in Ngesrep and Padangsari Subdistrict Banyumanik Semarang City. 50 pregnant women given dental checkbook serve as the treatment group while 35 pregnant women without given the book are treated as the control group. The variables measured are changes in periodontal tissue status and Treatment Need index.Results: The result of this research is data of periodontal tissue in pregnant women group at Ngesrep Community Health Center and Padangsari Banyumanik Semarang Health Center, there were 35% with six unhealthy sextants, and only 7% have six healthy sextants. There is a change in the status of periodontal tissue of pregnant women, especially the condition of bleeding gums/gingivitis becoming healthy after being given dental health checkbook.Conclusion: Statistically, there is no difference in periodontal tissue status after being given the book of dental check checklist for a pregnant woman in Banyumanik Subdistrict Semarang City