1,096 research outputs found

    Persepsi Muhammadiyah dan NU Terhadap LGBT

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    ABSTRACT LBGT has now become a phenomenon and a big issue in discussion in various forums of social and religious organizations and has become a trending topic on various social media. Indonesia is a country that still upholds religious norms and eastern customs and is predominantly Muslim. On the other hand, Indonesia also continues to recognize human rights which generally respects and respects the freedom of human rights. These two things ultimately become the cause of the pros and cons of the existence and development of the LGBT group. This LGBT phenomenon and issue is interesting to study considering that the majority of the Indonesian population is Muslim and has many religious organizations. This study aims to determine the perceptions of Indonesia's two largest Islamic organizations towards LGBT, namely Muhammadiyah and Nahdhatul Ulama (NU). This study uses a qualitative methodology while the nature of the research is descriptive-analytical with main data taken from library research. The results show that Muhammadiyah and Nahdhatul Ulama have the same perception that people who adhere to LGBT ideas tend to deviate from behavior and are not by human nature and LGBT acts, namely same-sex relationships are haram and the perpetrators need to be rehabilitated. Keywords: LGBT, Perception, Muhammadiyah, NU ABSTRAK LBGT kini telah menjadi fenomena dan isu besar dalam diskusi di berbagai forum organisasi sosial dan keagamaan dan telah menjadi trending topic di berbagai media sosial. Indonesia adalah negara yang masih menjunjung tinggi norma-norma agama dan adat istiadat timur dengan mayoritas Muslim terbesar di dunia. Di sisi lain, Indonesia juga terus mengakui hak asasi manusia yang umumnya menghormati perbedaan dan menghormati kebebasan. Kedua hal ini akhirnya menjadi penyebab pro dan kontra dari keberadaan dan perkembangan kelompok LGBT. Fenomena dan isu LGBT ini menarik untuk dikaji mengingat mayoritas penduduk Indonesia beragama Islam dan memiliki banyak organisasi keagamaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi dua organisasi Islam terbesar di Indonesia terhadap LGBT, yaitu Muhammadiyah dan Nahdhatul Ulama (NU). Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif sedangkan sifat penelitian adalah deskriptif-analitis dengan data utama diambil dari penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa Muhammadiyah dan Nahdhatul Ulama memiliki persepsi yang sama bahwa orang yang menganut ide LGBT memiliki kecenderungan untuk menyimpang perilaku dan tidak sesuai dengan sifat manusia dan tindakan LGBT, yaitu hubungan sesama jenis adalah haram dan pelakunya perlu direhabilitasi.   Kata Kunci: LGBT, Presepsi, Muhammadiyah, N

    Pengaruh Reputasi Penjual Dan Kepercayaan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Online Di Forum Jual Beli Kaskus (Survei pada Anggota Forum Kaskus Regional Palembang)

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    This study discusses and examines the influence of the seller's reputation and confidence in online purchasing decisions on buying and selling forum Kaskus Kaskus Survey on members of the Forum Regional Palembang. This research uses a field study methods. The population in this study were all members of the forum Kaskus. Samples determined using census method. Research samples obtained as many as 119 people are members of the forum Kaskus based Regional Palembang. Researcher uses tools such as questionnaires in the process of deployment and data collection. After all the data is processed feasible, researchers used SPSS version 18 for processing the data. Testing begins with the validity and reliability of classical assumption test. Hypothesis testing is processed by using multiple linear regression. From the results of testing the hypothesis with a significance level of 5% can be concluded that the first hypothesis is accepted that the reputation of the seller influence on purchasing decisions with sig. of 0.008 and the second hypothesis is also accepted that belief influence on purchase decisions with sig. of 0.000


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    Chili production in Indonesia is increasing accumulatively, although the increase is not in such a large percentage. Generally, chili farming in Indonesia is a small-scale agricultural business on land use. The same applies to agricultural activities in Pakem Subdistrict of Sleman Regency. This research aimed to (1) determine the factors that affect chili production in Pakem Subdistrict of Sleman Regency, (2) determine the allocative efficiency of chili production factor in Pakem Subdistrict of Sleman Regency. The number of respondents selected in this study was 60 farmers. The research method uses Cobb-Douglas function analysis and allocative efficiency analysis. The results showed that land area factors and experience of farmers negatively affected the production of red chili. While the production factors of seeds, manure, insecticides, and labor positively affected chili production in Pakem Subdistrict. The allocative efficiency of the use of production factors indicates that the widespread use of land is inefficient while seeds, manure, insecticides, and labor are not yet efficient


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    Marriage recording aims to realize marital order in society. It is an effort regulated by legislation, to protect the dignity and sanctity (mitsaq al-ghalidz) of marriage, and more particularly of women in domestic life. Through the marriage certificate proven by the marriage certificate, each of which the husband and wife shall obtain a copy, in the event of a dispute or quarreling between them, or one irresponsible, the other may make any legal remedy in order to retain or obtain the rights of the individual, respectively. Because by the deed, the husband and wife have authentic proof of their legal deeds. Among Islamic societies there are still two views on the existing legal or regulatory norms, especially marriage rules. Thus, when looking at the reality of Muslims in particular, there are still many cases of unregistered marriages. Thus there is a dichotomy between religious law and state law. The type of this research is library research (library research).Keywords: Nikah siri, Problem, Islamic La

    Problematics in Handling Criminal Offence on Poor Communities by Advocate (A Study on Gunung Sugih District Court)

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    The provision of legal aid to the poor is one of the actions of the noble profession of advocates and the moral movement that advocates for human rights, in fact, not all advocates are morally aware of their obligations. There are still many deviations found in the provision of legal aid for the poor. This condition is certainly contrary to the noble values of the advocate profession itself, in the presence of this matter, which shows still can be found deviations in practice. The problem examined in this study is why law enforcers such as judges and posbakum have not provided free legal assistance to the poor in Central Lampung Regency, a factor that has caused law enforcement agencies not to offer and provide free legal assistance to the poor and the pattern / model of handling criminal cases against the poor by advocates based on justice. The method used in this research is with socio-legal research approach that comes from collecting data obtained from primary data and secondary data, then analysed by qualitative analysis method.The results of this study ultimately provide an answer that Advocates who have not yet applied the value of justice in handling criminal cases involving the poor are due to legal substance, legal structure, and legal culture, Not yet applying the value of justice in handling criminal cases against the poor is like the emergence of mistrust of the law, besides the model of handling criminal cases against the poor by advocates based on the value of justice is the implementation of constructive strategies, such as: Legislation Planning, Policies and Activities Related to the Fulfilling Right to Legal Assistance. Suggestions from this research are to Advocates regarding Integrity, morality, idealism, and professionalism of law enforcement officers should be further enhanced, in addition to the restrictions on the provision of legal aid in LBH should also be reviewed to enforce the principle of providing legal assistance as widely and equality before the law

    The process capability model for governance of the Election Organizer Ethics Court system

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    The capability level assesment for governance of the Election Organizer Ethics Court Information System [SIPEPP] is necessary to ensure strategic planning allignment, value delivery, risk management, resources management and performance measurement. SIPEPP implementation has special problems in optimizing human resources and weak supervision management, so it is important to asess capability levels to provide solutions to these problems. The purpose of this paper is to assess the current and expected capability level conditions, gap analysis and recommendations for SIPEPP good governance. This research method uses the Process Assessment Model (PAM) from Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT 5) which consists of stages of initiation, planning the assessment, briefing, data collection, data validation, process attribute level, and result and recommendation. The results of this study indicate the level of optimization of resources and performance monitoring processes are level 2 (Managed Process) which means that the process has been recorded, measured and in accordance with the objectives. The process of managing human resources, assets and operations are at level 1 (Performed Process), meaning that both processes have been applied to SIPEPP governance. Recommendations related human resources are the selection of appropriate human resources by involving management, while related assets require a priority list of implementation systems, and related supervision requires detailed monitoring schedules. This study result can be taken into consideration for improving good governance of SIPEPP implementation

    Optimization of Embung Jinggring for Water Resources Development of the Sadar Watershed, Mojokerto, East Java

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    Embung is a small reservoir which can reserve water exceeds during the rainy season and utilize it on dry season. It is utilized for many purposes, such as providing water for agricultural purposes, fishery, and household needs. Jinggring Weir which is located at Mojokerto Regency, East Java Province is planned to enhance as embung to be able to provide higher water demand services. An appropriate method of water demand optimization study is important for reservoir water management operation to estimate water supply reliability both used for irrigation as well as domestic water. The Mock method was used to analyze water availability, while irrigation, and domestic water requirement, global water balance, simulation of the reservoir operation was analyzed based on Standard Operating Rule (SOR) method. The linear program method is used to determine an appropriate amount of water released to reach the optimum value of water supply reliability. The result of the simulation of target released using SOR method showed that the embung reliability for irrigation and domestic purpose increased from 81.55% to 100% and 80.09% to 100%, respectively

    Tragedi Kecelakaan Kendaraan Sebagai Interpretasi Dalam Kehidupan

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    Abstrak Skrip karya ini merupakan deskripsi dan uraian tentang penciptaan senilukis dengan judul “Tragedi kecelakaan Kendaraan sebagai interpretasi dalam kehidupan”. Berangkat dari pengalaman pribadi pencipta hingga observasi langsung kelapangan tentang tragedi kecelakaan, di mana pencipta menemukan ketertarikan terhadap lekuk- lekuk besi pasca tabrakan dan warna-warna aneh yang muncul baik itu karat maupun noda yang memberikan kesan estetik di mata pencipta. Setelah melakukan beberapa kali observasi dan bereksperimen akhirnya pencipta menginterpretasikan tragedi kecelakaan tersebut ke dalam kehidupan manusia, agar bisa dikaitkan dengan fenomena- fenomena yang terjadi saat ini. Namun bagaimanakah menciptakan karya estetis dari objek yang mengalami tragedi kecelakaan kendaraan. Adapun tujuan dan manfaatnya untuk mencari dan mempresentasikan keindahan dari tragedi kecelakaan kendaraan, dan agar dapat membuka wawasan pencipta tentang suatu fenomena kehidupan yang terjadi baik itu bencana maupun berkah yang dikaitkan dengan tragedi kecelakaan kendaraan bermotor. Melalui paduan berolah estetik dengan aneka bahasa simbolis pencipta memadukan ide gagasan dan penyusunan elemen seni rupa hingga terwujud karya seperti “Tersudut”, “Tanda”, dan juga “Bantu Kami Keluar” adalah hasil dari eksplorasi panjang pemaknaan tentang tragedi kecelakaan sebagai subjek matternya dan terinspirasi dari fenomena- fenomena kehidupan saat ini sehingga karya yang diwujudkan memiliki makna yang ingin disampaikan. Pada akhirnya terwujudlah karya terkait dengan judul yang diangkat yaitu “Tragedi Kecelakaan Kendaraan Sebagai Interpretasi Dalam Kehidupan”, dan diharapkan dengan tercapainya karya ini dapat berguna bagi khalayak dan dapat memberikan kesadaran bagi kita tentang Tragedi kecelakaan dan fenomena Kehidupan. Kata Kunci : Seni Tragedi kecelakaan : Fenomena Kehidupan

    The Relationship Between Students’ Understanding Of The Unitary Republic Of Indonesia And The State Defense Attitude

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    Abstract: The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical data about the relationship between students' understanding of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia) and the state defense attitude at SMK Al-Bahri Bantar Gebang. This research was conducted on grade X students of Al-Bahri Bantar Gebang Vocational School. The research method used was quantitative descriptive method with correlation study approach. The sample in this study was taken randomly using the Proportional Random Sampling technique with a sample size of 40 respondents. The instrument used was a multiple choice test for variable X and a questionnaire with the type of attitude scale for variable Y. The reliability test results for variable X were 0.968 (0.968 0.444) and Y variable were 0.965 (0.965 0.444). Hypothesis testing is done using Pearson's product moment formula. Obtained r count 0.656 with r table 0.312 (0.656 0.312). Thus it can be concluded that there is a positive relationship between students' understanding of the Homeland with the attitude of defending the country.Keyword: Understanding, Unitary Republic of Indonesia, Defending the Nation  Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh data empiris tentang hubungan pemahaman peserta didik tentang NKRI (Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia) dengan sikap bela negara di SMK Al-Bahri Bantar Gebang. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada peserta didik kelas X SMK Al-Bahri Bantar Gebang, Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan studi korelasi. Untuk sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil secara acak menggunakan teknik Proporsional Random Sampling dengan jumlah sampel 40 responden. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah berupa tes pilihan ganda untuk variabel X dan angket dengan jenis skala sikap untuk variabel Y. Hasil uji realiabilitas variabel X sebesar 0,968 (0,968 0,444) dan variabel Y sebesar 0,965 (0,965 0,444). Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan menggunakan rumus product moment pearson. Diperoleh r hitung 0,656 dengan r tabel 0,312 (0,656 0,312). Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif antara pemahaman peserta didik tentang NKRI dengan sikap bela negara.Kata Kunci : Pemahaman, Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, Bela Negar


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    Tomato fruit that is harvested will retain its freshness for a maximum of 6-7 days, because during that time the fruit is still able to maintain metabolic activity by recycling the food reserves stored in the fruit. However, if it is more than that time, the quality of the fruit begins to decline, such as the fruit begins to wrinkle, is damaged and can even experience decay. Handling must be done immediately when the fruit is just harvested or before the fruit is 1 week old, so that the condition of the fruit can still be maintained. One way is to use an edible coating made from cassava starch. The content of tannins in cassava starch is able to kill bacteria. This study aims to test edible coatings made from cassava starch with different concentrations on the shelf life of fresh tomatoes. The research design used was descriptive quantitative in the form of a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 different concentrations, namely 0%, 3%, and 6%. Each treatment consisted of 5 replications. Thus, 15 experimental units were obtained. The tomatoes used are tomatoes purchased at the market and are 7 days old after harvest. Soaking taro starch edible coating was carried out for 24 hours and stored in an open space at room temperature. Parameters observed were weight loss and tomato fruit morphology. The results showed that the use of edible coating with cassava starch as the base material had a significant effect (P<0.05) on the weight loss of tomatoes. The most optimal concentration of edible coating is 6% because it has a longer resistance level in extending the shelf life of tomatoes. Likewise, the morphology of tomatoes is better at a concentration of 6%. Fresh tomatoes stored with edible coating treatment made from cassava starch with a concentration of 6% were able to last up to 14 days at room temperature compared to other concentrations
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