523 research outputs found

    Pembinaan Pelaporan Keuangan Sesuai Standar Akuntansi Keuangan

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    Perkembangan bisnis kecil menengah tak terbendung khususnya di Jawa timur. namun demikian tata kelola keuangan dari bisnis ini kurang professional. Para pengelola bisnis ini tidak tahu bagaimana mencatat keuangan dari bisnis nya. Yang mereka tahu adalah berapa sisa uang saat ini yang ada. Fungsi pencatatan keuangan penting bagi pemilik bisnis. Dari pencatatan tat kelola keuangan bias diketahui kekakayaan sebenarnya, bisa diketahui kewajiban yang harus dibayar, bias diketahui laba yang dimiliki dalam bisnis. Fungsi lapaoran keuangan ini juga bisa dijadikan dasar untuk pertanggungjawaban kepada para stake holders. Karena itulah pengabdian pembinaan ini dilakukan bersama mitra praktisi. Pembinaan terkait dengan bagaimana penyusunan laporan keuangan sesuai standar akuntansi keuangan yang berlaku. Dari pembinaan yang telah dilakukan, para pengelola bisnis ini baru memahami tahapan membuat laporan keuangan sesuai standar akuntansi keuangan relatif mudah dan sangat bermanfaat bagi pengambil keputusan


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    This study investigates association between accounting fundamentals and variations of stock prices using recursive simultaneous equation model. The accounting fundamentals consist of earnings yield, book value, profitability, growth opportunities and discount rate. The prior single relationships model has been investigated by Chen and Zhang (2007), Sumiyana (2011) and Sumiyana et al. (2010). They assume that all accounting fundamentals associate direct-linearly to the stock returns. This study assembles that all accounting fundamentals should associate recursively.This study reconstructs the model and found that only the first two factors could influence stock returns directly, while the three remaining factors should relate precedently to the earnings yield and book value. This study suggests that new reconstructed relationships among accounting fundamentals could decompose association degree between them and the movements of stock prices. Finally, this study concludes that this methodological refinement would improve the ability of predicting stock prices and reduce stock price deviations. It implies that accounting fundamentals actually have higher value relevance in the new recursive simultaneous equation model than that in single equation model. It also entails that relationship decompositions revitalize the integration of the adaptation and the recursion theories

    The Impact of Lean Practices and Process Innovation on the Performance of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: Mediating Role of Supply Chain management

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    The aim related to the present article is to investigate the impact of sustainability practices, lean practices and process innovation on the performance of SMEs in Indonesia. The aim also included the investigation of mediating role of supply chain management among the links of sustainability practices, lean practices, process innovation and performance of SMEs in Indonesia. The data of the study has been collected by using the questionnaires from the employees of SMES that related to the supply chain practices. The smart-PLS 3.0 has been employed for the purpose of the data analysis. The results revealed that lean practices and process innovation have positive association with performance of SMEs. The results also indicated that supply chain management positive along with significantly mediating among the links of sustainability practices, lean practices, process innovation and performance of SMEs in Indonesia. These findings are guided to the regulation making authorities that they should provide the focus on the supply chain and lean practices that enhance the performance of SMEs


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    ABSTRACTInternal Control is an important thing in an organization, this can be seen from the culture and capabilities of the organization in a businnes. The purpose of this study was to determine the procedure to improve internal control in solving the problem of cash receipts and disbrursements cycles at UMKM Otak Kopi at Tulungagug City. This research uses descriptive qualitive methods supported by documentation, observation, and interviews. The results of the analysis of this study still found problems related to recording the cash receipt and disbursement cycles used by UMKM manually, the division of duties and responsibilities of employees was not appropriate, and there was no journal-related recording in the cash receipts and disbursement cycles. To solve this problem, the researchers gave suggestions related to procedures for increasing internal control in the cycle of cash receipts and cash disbursements at UMKM Otak Kopi at Tulungagung City.Keywords: Internal Control, Cash Receipts, Cash Disbursements.ABSTRAKPengendalian internal merupakan hal penting yang ada dalam sebuah organisasi, hal ini bisa dilihat dari budaya dan kemampuan organisasi pada suatu bisnis usaha. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui prosedur meningkatkan pengendalian internal dalam menyelesaikan masalah siklus penerimaan dan pengeluaran kas pada UMKM Otak Kopi di Kota Tulungagung. Penelitian ini menggunkan metode kualitatif deskriptif didukung dengan dokumentansi, observasi, dan wawancara. Hasil analisis penelitian ini masih ditemukan masalah terkait pencatatan siklus penerimaan dan pengeluaran kas yang digunakan oleh  UMKM masih secara manual, pembagian tugas dan tanggungjawab karyawan belum sesuai, dan belum ada pencatatan terkait jurnal dalam siklus penerimaan dan pengeluaran kas. Untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut peneliti memberikan usulan terkait prosedur meningkat pengendalian internal dalam sikluspenerimaan kas dan pengeluaran kas pada UMKM Otak Kopi di Kota Tulungagung.Kata Kunci: Pengendalian Internal, Penerimaan Kas, Pengeluaran Ka


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    The article discusses development in accounting theory and research. Accounting theory was developed later than the practice of double entry bookkeeping. In the early part of the accounting theory development, accounting experts developed the normative theory. The development of positive accounting theory came later. Improvement of theory was performed through research in accounting. As was in the development of accounting theory, development in the accounting research was also started in very simple, non-formal investigation apprroach. The use of deductive and inductive approach resulted in the development of descriptive/positive accounting theory. Accounting theory and research was developed in many different areas, using different theories and concepts from different disciplines such as economics, finance, psychology, sociology etc. The use of those broad concepts as background improved the speed of accounting theory development in the later years. Now we could see that accounting theory is used to explain and predict different phenomena based on results of accounting research that employs concepts from many different disciplines

    Evaluasi Dampak Perlakuan Rugi Laba Penjabaran Laporan Keuangan

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    The development of international business in the last decade caused the emergence of multi-national companies around the world. This situation created the need of new accounting standards that rdlate to the consolidation of financial statements. The structure of multi-national companies, which owned many subsidiary companies, cause the need to consolidate their subsidiary\u27 financial statements into one consolidated statements. Further, because many of the subsidiaries are located in foreign countries, the consolidation proses requires considering the effects of exchange rates fluctuation. There are four different methods of translation available. The most widely used is the current rate method which translates balance sheet items using end of period exchange rate, and translates income statement items using tha average rate. The Indonesian accounting standards, which is based on the International Accounting Standards No.21, require the use of current rate method, and include translation gains or losses in the equity section of the balance sheet. One different approach that is mentioned in the Exposure Draft No.44 of the International Accounting Standards Comniittee requires that the translation gains or losses are to be included in determining net income. This study evaluates the effect of different treatments of translation gains or losses. Data were collected from financial statements of 58 companies for the periods of 1994 and 1995. Exchange rates data were collected from the report of B ank Indonesia. Two different tests, correlation and Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, were per formed. The results show that the amount of net income and ROI, before and after inclusion of translation gains or losses, were highly correlated. The non-parametric test shows that the two amounts are significantly different. The treatment of translation gains or losses as the element of income statement inflates the amount of both net income and ROL Key words: financial statementsIndonesiaInternational Accounting Standards Committeerc-tum on investmentWilcoxon Signed Rank Tes


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    The Indonesian Institute of Accountants published the Statement ofFinancial Accounting Standards No.Z "Cash Flow Statement" requires companies to publish the Cash Flow Statement starts in 1994. Similar requirement has also been required by the Financial Accounting Standards Board of the USA in 1989. The required Cash Flow Statement contains cash flow information, separated into Total Cash Flow, Cash Flow From Operations, Cash Flow From Investing Activities, and Cash Flow From Financing Activities. The financial statements issued periodically by companies now consist of a balance sheet, an incomestatement, a statement of retained earnings, and a cash flow statementCash Flow Statement could be prepared based on two differentapproaches, direct and indirect methods. The indirect method of preparing cash flow statement is performed by adjusting profit or loss amount in the income statement bynoncash transactions, investment and financing activities. By using this method, therefore, cash flow information logically will have relationships with income statement information, at least cash flow from operation with incomefrom operation. The problem is, publication of cash flow statement is expected to add value to the users of financial statements. If the new information is related to information that is already provided by the income statement, then, the objectives of issuing cash Sow statement would not be achieved. This study evaluates relationships and similarity of the two information (Le. income statement and cash Sow) using data from 62 public manufacturing companies. The results of conelation and Wilcoxon Signed Rank tests show that income statements information is highly conelated but do have significant differences with cash Bow information. Therefore, the conclusion is that there is additional value mat is obtained by users of financial statements. The accounting authority has conectly requires the publication of cash flow statement

    The effect of quality control system on audit quality: Professional skepticism as the moderator variable

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    The objective of this research id to assess the effect of Quality Control System elements. i.e. relevant ethical terms and independency, on audit quality and to identify the moderating role of professional skepticism on the effect of quality control system on audit quality. The population of this research auditor working in Indonesian Big Ten public accounting firms, from which 252 auditors were selected as the sample. Using PLS-based SEM in SmartPLS, this study finds that relevant ethical terms and independency affect audit quality and that professional skepticism moderates the effect of independence on audit quality, but it does not moderate the effect of relevant ethical terms on audit quality


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    The objectives of this quantitative study are to investigate the practice of earnings management which is proxied by Loan Loss Provision and Loan Loss Allowance and to assess the effect of bonuses on earnings management practices. Using purposive sampling, 102 banks were selected as the sample. The assessment includes one-sample t test and linear regression test. This study finds that banks commit earnings management practices by reducing LLA values and that bonuses negatively influence the practice of earnings management as proxied by LLP.&nbsp

    Effect of Competence, Independence, Time Pressure and Professionalism on Audit Quality (Inspeção Geral Do Estado in Timor Leste)

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    This study aims to analyze and explain: (1) competence has a positive effect on audit quality at the Inspeção Geral do Estado in Timor Leste; (2) independence has a positive effect on audit quality at the Inspeção Geral do Estado in Timor Leste; (3) time pressure negatively affects audit quality at the Inspeção Geral do Estado in Timor Leste; (4) professionalism has a positive effect on audit quality at the Inspeção Geral do Estado in Timor Leste. The population in this study was 30 internal auditors at the Inspeção Geral do Estado in Timor Leste, so the whole sample was taken. Thus the use of the entire population without having to draw the research sample as a unit of observation is called a census technique. The findings of this study are that competence has a positive effect on audit quality, indicating that the better the competence of the auditor, the higher the quality of the audit in an institution, or the lower the competence of auditors, the lower the probability of auditor quality in that institution, the independence has a positive effect on audit quality. The high independence of the auditor, such as a mental attitude that is free from influence, not controlled by other parties, it will improve audit quality in government agencies, time pressure has no significant negative effect on audit quality, indicating that the less time given to the auditor, the lower the audit quality, professionalism has no effect on audit quality, indicating that the better professionalism the auditor has, the lower the resulting audit quality