346 research outputs found

    The extent of coaching behaviour and practices in supervision processes of PhD students

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    The extent to which coaching behaviour is practiced in PhD supervision is unknown. Supervision and elements of supervision have been studied extensively but not coaching and supervision. The aim of this study was to assess the extent to which coaching behaviours were practiced by supervisors while engaging with PhD students during supervision. A cross sectional survey using a self-administered structured questionnaire was used on an online platform (REDCap). Descriptive and correlational statistics were used to determine the extent to which each coaching and supervision phenomenon were practiced. Three hundred and eighty students registered for a PhD for longer than six months in a Faculty of Health Sciences were invited to participate in the study and 76 participated. Low to moderate levels in coaching behaviour and practice, personal support, supervisor availability and research academic support are reported. Personal support and the level of satisfaction with supervision were significant predictors of coaching behaviour and practice. This study established the extent of different supervisory behaviours and coaching behaviour and practice among supervisors. Coaching in this study was not practised largely with a third of the students interviewed experiencing coaching behaviour and practice

    Gadolinium contrast agents: dermal deposits and potential effects on epidermal small nerve fibers

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    Small fiber neuropathy (SFN) affects unmyelinated and thinly myelinated nerve fibers causing neuropathic pain with distal distribution and autonomic symptoms. In idiopathic SFN (iSFN), 30% of the cases, the underlying aetiology remains unknown. Gadolinium (Gd)-based contrast agents (GBCA) are widely used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, side-effects including musculoskeletal disorders and burning skin sensations were reported. We investigated if dermal Gd deposits are more prevalent in iSFN patients exposed to GBCAs, and if dermal nerve fiber density and clinical parameters are likewise affected. 28 patients (19 females) with confirmed or no GBCA exposure were recruited in three German neuromuscular centers. ISFN was confirmed by clinical, neurophysiological, laboratory and genetic investigations. Six volunteers (two females) served as controls. Distal leg skin biopsies were obtained according to European recommendations. In these samples Gd was quantified by elemental bioimaging and intraepidermal nerve fibers (IENF) density via immunofluorescence analysis. Pain phenotyping was performed in all patients, quantitative sensory testing (QST) only in a subset (15 patients; 54%). All patients reported neuropathic pain, described as burning (n = 17), jabbing (n = 16) and hot (n = 11) and five QST scores were significantly altered. Compared to an equal distribution significantly more patients reported GBCA exposures (82%), while 18% confirmed no exposures. Compared to unexposed patients/controls significantly increased Gd deposits and lower z-scores of the IENF density were confirmed in exposed patients. QST scores and pain characteristics were not affected. This study suggests that GBCA exposure might alter IENF density in iSFN patients. Our results pave the road for further studies investigating the possible role of GBCA in small fiber damage, but more investigations and larger samples are needed to draw firm conclusions

    Needs assessment to strengthen capacity in water and sanitation research in Africa:experiences of the African SNOWS consortium

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    Despite its contribution to global disease burden, diarrhoeal disease is still a relatively neglected area for research funding, especially in low-income country settings. The SNOWS consortium (Scientists Networked for Outcomes from Water and Sanitation) is funded by the Wellcome Trust under an initiative to build the necessary research skills in Africa. This paper focuses on the research training needs of the consortium as identified during the first three years of the project

    Global biogeography of mating system variation in seed plants

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    Latitudinal gradients in biotic interactions have been suggested as causes of global patterns of biodiversity and phenotypic variation. Plant biologists have long speculated that outcrossing mating systems are more common at low than high latitudes owing to a greater predictability of plant–pollinator interactions in the tropics; however, these ideas have not previously been tested. Here, we present the first global biogeographic analysis of plant mating systems based on 624 published studies from 492 taxa. We found a weak decline in outcrossing rate towards higher latitudes and among some biomes, but no biogeographic patterns in the frequency of self-incompatibility. Incorporating life history and growth form into biogeographic analyses reduced or eliminated the importance of latitude and biome in predicting outcrossing or self-incompatibility. Our results suggest that biogeographic patterns in mating system are more likely a reflection of the frequency of life forms across latitudes rather than the strength of plant–pollinator interactions

    Variabilidade genética para o crescimento de genótipos de Coffea canephora na Amazônia Ocidental.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento em altura de 25 clones com características híbridas das variedades botânicas Conilon e Robusta, aos 54 meses de crescimento em campo

    Analysis of sexual phenotype and prezygotic fertility in natural populations of Fucus spiralis, F. vesiculosus (Fucaceae, Phaeophyceae) and their putative hybrids

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    In the genus Fucus, the character dioecy/hermaphroditism has undergone multiple state changes and hybridization is possible between taxa with contrasting mating systems, e.g. between the dioecious Fucus vesiculosus and the hermaphrodite F. spiralis. In the context of mating system evolution, we evaluated the potential consequences of hybridization by studying the variation in sexual phenotype and prezygotic fertility. Firstly, as a result of hybridization between the two sexual systems, gender variation may arise depending on the relative importance of genes with large versus small phenotypic effects. We thus qualitatively examined the extent of gender variation within and among individual hybrids in comparison with both parental species. Secondly, if hybridization breaks up co-adapted gene complexes, hybrid fertility may be reduced in comparison with both parental species. Therefore, we also quantified male and female prezygotic fertility in parental species and their hybrids in order to test for reduction in hybrid fitness. A total of 89 sexually mature individuals (20 F. spiralis, 40 F. vesiculosus, 10 hermaphrodite hybrids and 19 dioecious hybrids) were sampled in two geographically distant regions (France and Portugal) and six conceptacles per individual were observed. Within-individual variation was very restricted qualitatively – only one hybrid carried a conceptacle with a different sexual phenotype from the five others – as well as quantitatively. This suggests a simple genetic system for sex determination involving a few genes with major effects. In addition, analyses showed no significant decrease in hybrid fertility compared with parental species. Moreover, hybrids exhibited all sexual phenotypes, suggesting several generations of hybridization and backcrossing and, therefore, that hybrids are reproductively successful. Finally, the occurrence of sterile paraphyses in female and hermaphrodite individuals was interpreted as a relic of male function and suggests that, as in higher plants, evolution from hermaphroditism to dioecy may be the most parsimonious pathway

    Transient Receptor Potential Channel Polymorphisms Are Associated with the Somatosensory Function in Neuropathic Pain Patients

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    Transient receptor potential channels are important mediators of thermal and mechanical stimuli and play an important role in neuropathic pain. The contribution of hereditary variants in the genes of transient receptor potential channels to neuropathic pain is unknown. We investigated the frequency of transient receptor potential ankyrin 1, transient receptor potential melastin 8 and transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 single nucleotide polymorphisms and their impact on somatosensory abnormalities in neuropathic pain patients. Within the German Research Network on Neuropathic Pain (Deutscher Forscbungsverbund Neuropathischer Schmerz) 371 neuropathic pain patients were phenotypically characterized using standardized quantitative sensory testing. Pyrosequencing was employed to determine a total of eleven single nucleotide polymorphisms in transient receptor potential channel genes of the neuropathic pain patients and a cohort of 253 German healthy volunteers. Associations of quantitative sensory testing parameters and single nucleotide polymorphisms between and within groups and subgroups, based on sensory phenotypes, were analyzed. Single nucleotide polymorphisms frequencies did not differ between both the cohorts. However, in neuropathic pain patients transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 710G>A (rs920829, E179K) was associated with the presence of paradoxical heat sensation (p = 0.03), and transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 1911A>G (rs8065080, I585V) with cold hypoalgesia (p = 0.0035). Two main subgroups characterized by preserved (1) and impaired (2) sensory function were identified. In subgroup 1 transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 1911A>G led to significantly less heat hyperalgesia, pinprick hyperalgesia and mechanical hypaesthesia (p = 0.006, p = 0.005 and p<0.001) and transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 1103C>G (rs222747, M315I) to cold hypaesthesia (p = 0.002), but there was absence of associations in subgroup 2. In this study we found no evidence that genetic variants of transient receptor potential channels are involved in the expression of neuropathic pain, but transient receptor potential channel polymorphisms contributed significantly to the somatosensory abnormalities of neuropathic pain patients

    Quantitative and Qualitative Responses to Topical Cold in Healthy Caucasians Show Variance between Individuals but High Test-Retest Reliability.

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    Increased sensitivity to cold may be a predictor of persistent pain, but cold pain threshold is often viewed as unreliable. This study aimed to determine the within-subject reliability and between-subject variance of cold response, measured comprehensively as cold pain threshold plus pain intensity and sensation quality at threshold. A test-retest design was used over three sessions, one day apart. Response to cold was assessed at four sites (thenar eminence, volar forearm, tibialis anterior, plantar foot). Cold pain threshold was measured using a Medoc thermode and standard method of limits. Intensity of pain at threshold was rated using a 10cm visual analogue scale. Quality of sensation at threshold was quantified with indices calculated from subjects' selection of descriptors from a standard McGill Pain Questionnaire. Within-subject reliability for each measure was calculated with intra-class correlation coefficients and between-subject variance was evaluated as group coefficient of variation percentage (CV%). Gender and site comparisons were also made. Forty-five healthy adults participated: 20 male, 25 female; mean age 29 (range 18-56) years. All measures at all four test sites showed high within-subject reliability: cold pain thresholds r = 0.92-0.95; pain rating r = 0.93-0.97; McGill pain quality indices r = 0.87-0.85. In contrast, all measures showed wide between-subject variance (CV% between 51.4% and 92.5%). Upper limb sites were consistently more sensitive than lower limb sites, but equally reliable. Females showed elevated cold pain thresholds, although similar pain intensity and quality to males. Females were also more reliable and showed lower variance for all measures. Thus, although there was clear population variation, response to cold for healthy individuals was found to be highly reliable, whether measured as pain threshold, pain intensity or sensation quality. A comprehensive approach to cold response testing therefore may add validity and improve acceptance of this potentially important pain measure.Thus, although there was clear population variation, response to cold for healthy individuals was found to be highly reliable, whether measured as pain threshold, pain intensity or sensation quality. A comprehensive approach to cold response testing therefore may add validity and improve acceptance of this potentially important pain measure

    Out of Sight but Not out of Mind: Alternative Means of Communication in Plants

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    Current knowledge suggests that the mechanisms by which plants communicate information take numerous forms. Previous studies have focussed their attention on communication via chemicals, contact and light; other methods of interaction between plants have remained speculative. In this study we tested the ability of young chilli plants to sense their neighbours and identify their relatives using alternative mechanism(s) to recognised plant communication pathways. We found that the presence of a neighbouring plant had a significant influence on seed germination even when all known sources of communication signals were blocked. Furthermore, despite the signalling restriction, seedlings allocated energy to their stem and root systems differently depending on the identity of the neighbour. These results provide clear experimental evidence for the existence of communication channels between plants beyond those that have been recognized and studied thus far