362 research outputs found

    Graditev partnerskega sodelovanja med ucitelji in starsi

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    This paper presents the goals of teacher-parent cooperation, various potential models for establishing mutual cooperation, and the conditions required to achieve quality interactive cooperation. The partnership model is highlighted as an optimal model of interactive cooperation between teachers and parents, as it includes the distribution of expertise and control with the purpose of ensuring optimal education for children. It enables the creation of an interactive working relationship in which all of those involved are respected and recognised in their efforts to achieve common goals. The second part presents the findings of an empirical study carried out on a representative sample of Slovene primary schools. Teachers (N = 467) and parents (N = 1,690) were asked to express their opinions about the need for mutual cooperation, their view of each other when fulfilling their respective roles, and where they perceive the main obstacles to mutual cooperation. It became evident that teachers and parents have doubts about each other’s competence. This does not form a solid base on which to establish and build the necessary partner relationship, and along with it mutual cooperation. Yet both groups to a large extent agree that teacher-parent cooperation is both necessary and useful. This gives rise to the question as to how to ensure that schools adopt policies pro¬moting opportunities for better understanding, for building quality mu¬tual relations and for parents to become more actively involved. (DIPF/Orig.

    Dynamic analysis of concrete gravity dam with RS-DAM

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    In the thesis there is a short summary about concrete gravity dams, earthquakes and the damage they caused on concrete dams around the world. Later on, a computer program RSDAM, that is designed to evaluate the transient response of a cracked section, is presented. This program is then also used to perform a dynamic analysis of a cracked dam, subjected to base accelerations from L'Aquilla earthquake, occurred in 2009 in Italy. The analysis is made for different crack locations and compared with the results of the similar analysis made with computer program CADAM. Geometry used in the analysis is the same as the geometry of\ud the Moste dam, located on river Sava in Slovenia


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    The ecological crisis, arising as a result of the highest aspirations of mankind for the production of goods, is getting wider and wider. The significance of the problem and a real threat to the environment, leads us to conclude, that today more than ever before, there is a need to develop environmental awareness and culture from the earliest period of life. This means that contemporary environmental issues should have a significant place and role in the organization of educational work in kindergartens. The need to start with environmental education at the preschool level results from the psychophysical characteristics of child development, and the fact that this is a period when the foundations for future personality are being formed. Taking into account the above listed requirements and findings, we intend to work on pointing out the importance of the environment studies in the course of institutional preschool education, and focus our attention on certain didactic-methodological assumptions and conditions, which should be respected, and to ensure the implementation of the environmental education in preschool period

    The Role of School Counsellors during the Cultural and Economic Crisis

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    In the article we focus on the role of school counselling services in solving the cultural and economic crisis. In the theoretical part we first define the tasks, roles and meaning of school counselling service or of school counsellors, and the meaning of the terms cultural and economic crisis. We see social responsibility as a way out of the crisis. In the empirical part we then present the results of a survey research carried out on this topic among school counsellors in Slovenian basic and secondary schools. The intention of the study was to determine in what ways the school counsellors perceive this crisis, what knowledge they had in the field of work and in what ways they estimate the importance of individual school professional in solving the problem


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    The subject of social work is the provision of the context in which people can solve their own – sometimes very complex – social problems in collaboration with social workers. Within social work, those who face such problems, i.e. the users of social work, are seen as “experts from experience” (Madsen, 2007; McLaughlin, 2009) – the ones that best know their own lives. In working on their problems, the users of social work as experts from experience collaborate with social workers as equals. With this in mind, my aim in this article is to present a participatory model of social work with creative media that I have developed in my practical and theoretical work in social work using creative media. I named this model the “Spiral Participatory Model of Research, Planning, Implementation and Evaluation of Creative Media”. This model is an upgrade of the so called “circular model of social and cultural activity” as developed by the researchers at Hogeschool Nijmegen in the Netherlands (Šugman Bohinc, 1994). In particular I enhanced the evaluation dimensions of this model using the theoretical concepts of the cybernetics of the first, second and third orders, group work, and methods of participatory research. I see the proposed spiral participatory model as enabling social workers, the users of their services and any other participants to work together, while using creative media, in order to create a context in which the voices of all participant parties can be heard, and which enables all participants to find their own effective solutions to their focal issues.Zadaća je socijalnog rada stvoriti uvjete u kojima ljudi u suradnji sa socijalnim radnicima mogu riješiti svoje osobne, ponekad vrlo složene, socijalne probleme. Osobe koje se suočavaju s takvim problemima, odnosno korisnici socijalnog rada, smatraju se “stručnjacima iz iskustva” (Madsen, 2007.; McLaughlin, 2009.), onima koji najbolje poznaju svoj život. Rješavajući svoje probleme, korisnici socijalnog rada kao stručnjaci iz iskustva ravnopravno surađuju sa socijalnim radnicima. S obzirom na to, cilj je ovoga rada predstaviti participativni model socijalnog rada koji uključuje kreativne alate koje sam razvila u svojem praktičnom i teorijskom radu u području socijalnog rada. Model sam nazvala “Spiralni participativni model istraživanja, planiranja, implementacije i evaluacije kreativnih alata.” On je nadogradnja tzv. “kružnog modela socijalne i kulturne aktivnosti”, koji su razvili istraživači s nizozemskog sveučilišta Hogeschool Nijmegen (Šugman Bohinc, 1994.). Osobito sam unaprijedila evaluacijsku dimenzija tog modela koristeći se teorijskim konceptima kibernetike prvog, drugog i trećeg reda, grupnim radom i metodama participativnog istraživanja. Smatram da predloženi spiralni participativni model socijalnim radnicima, korisnicima njihovih usluga i drugim sudionicima omogućuje da surađuju i uz pomoć kreativnih alata stvore uvjete u kojima se može čuti glas svih sudionika i u kojima svi sudionici mogu pronaći vlastita, djelotvorna rješenja za svoje glavne probleme


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    The economic crisis has contributed to an increasing number of families facing multiple challenges in Slovenia. This sets new tasks for social policy makers and social workers to respond to new challenges on macro and micro levels. The current issue of reorganising centres for social work in Slovenia also raises questions about what types of changes are required. We have developed a model of working with families facing multiple challenges and have studied the experiences with this form of help. The results confirm that in order to competently help families, it is necessary to provide qualified social workers who consistently practice the doctrine of a working relationship of co-creating in individual working projects of help (IWPH) in community and institutional contexts, which will provide support for professional social work.Gospodarska kriza pridonijela je porastu broja obitelji koje se suočavaju s višestrukim izazovima u Sloveniji. To postavlja nove zadatke za kreatore socijalnih politika i socijalne radnike da odgovore na nove izazove na makro i mikro razini. Aktualno pitanje reorganizacije centara za socijalnu skrb u Sloveniji također otvara pitanja o vrstama promjena koje su potrebne. Razvili smo model rada s obiteljima koje se suočavaju s višestrukim izazovima i proučavali iskustva s ovim oblikom pomoći. Rezultati potvrđuju da je za kompetentnu pomoć obiteljima nužno osigurati kvalificirane socijalne radnike koji dosljedno primjenjuju načelo su stvaranja u individualnim projektima pomoći u zajednici i institucionalnim kontekstima. To će pružiti podršku profesionalnom socijalnom radu

    Refleksivno praktično učenje kot priložnost za prihodnje kompetentno delo v praksi

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    The article presents an example of social work education, in which reflexive practice learning was used to help students work competently in professional practice. Within an action research project, new forms of mentoring support for students working with families facing multiple challenges were developed as part of their practice learning. This paper presents the results of a qualitative analysis of the students\u27 reflections on mentoring meetings. Content analysis was used for data analysis. The analysis shows that practice learning should be framed as a reflexive dialogue between mentors and students. Students need opportunities to share experiences and expand their knowledge with other students in small mentoring groups. The continuous and concrete support that the mentoring group provided to the students in practice enabled them to deal with the sense of uncertainty that often arises in collaborative processes of help. (DIPF/Orig.

    Reading and company: embodiment and social space in silent reading practices

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    Reading, even when silent and individual, is a social phenomenon and has often been studied as such. Complementary to this view, research has begun to explore how reading is embodied beyond simply being ‘wired’ in the brain. This article brings the social and embodied perspectives together in a very literal sense. Reporting a qualitative study of reading practices across student focus groups from six European countries, it identifies an underexplored factor in reading behaviour and experience. This factor is the sheer physical presence, and concurrent activity, of other people in the environment where one engages in individual silent reading. The primary goal of the study was to explore the role and possible associations of a number of variables (text type, purpose, device) in selecting generic (e.g. indoors vs outdoors) as well as specific (e.g. home vs library) reading environments. Across all six samples included in the study, participants spontaneously attested to varied, and partly surprising, forms of sensitivity to company and social space in their daily efforts to align body with mind for reading. The article reports these emergent trends and discusses their potential implications for research and practice