302 research outputs found

    Pittori e musici nell\u2019Italia del Cinque e Seicento

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    Two paintings by G. A. Sirani show a close link between poetry, painting and music, as recognized in early modern Italy. The article explores the nature of the link between painting and music according to three levels: theory (pythagorean proportions and reflections on the craft of painting), composition (a term used both by painters and musicians), everyday life (painters playing and singing, musicians drawing and painting)

    Making metaethics work for AI: realism and anti-realism

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    Engineering an artificial intelligence to play an advisory role in morally charged decision making will inevitably introduce meta-ethical positions into the design. Some of these positions, by informing the design and operation of the AI, will introduce risks. This paper offers an analysis of these potential risks along the realism/anti-realism dimension in metaethics and reveals that realism poses greater risks, but, on the other hand, anti-realism undermines the motivation for engineering a moral AI in the first place

    Distribution of First Row Transition Elements in Eclogites

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    Surficial materials are recycled back into the deep Earth at subduction zones. The oxidation state of subducted materials affects the oxidation state of major geochemical reservoirs in the Earth, such as the mantle and the crust. First row transition elements (FRTEs), such as V and Sc, are highly redox sensitive and thus have the potential to track important redox processes in subduction zones. In this project, concentrations of FRTEs in garnet, omphacite, and rutile were determined for a global suite of oceanic eclogites, which represent exhumed subducted materials. Data were collected by LA-ICP-MS using an ESI NWR193UC laser ablation system coupled to an Agilent 8900 ICP-MS/MS. Ablation conditions were 12–20 μm spot size at a fluence of ~3 J/cm2 and a repetition rate of 5–8 Hz. Trace element concentrations in garnet and omphacite were determined relative to NIST SRM612, and relative to R10 for rutile. NIST SRM610, GSD-1G, GSE- 1G, and R19 were analyzed as quality control materials. Elements such as V and Cr are preferentially partitioned into rutile over the silicates, whereas Sc, Co, Zn, and Ge are predominantly found in omphacite and garnet. Scandium, Co, and Ga were below detection limit in rutile, and Ni and Ge were only measurable in omphacite and garnet, respectively. Scandium is more compatible in garnet than omphacite. Zinc and Ga are more compatible in omphacite than garnet. Omphacite/garnet partition coefficients for Co are close to one

    Moral Enhancement: A Comparison of Artificial Intelligence and Neurobiological Intervention

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    Tehes kokkuvõtet kogu bioloogilist parendamist ning sealhulgas eelkõige moraalset parendamist puudutavatest poolt- ja vastuargumentidest ning võrreldes kahte erinevat vahendit selle saavutamiseks, tundub, et meetodi valik mõjutab parendamise lubatavust oluliselt. Esiteks jäid kõrvale kõik liigset meditsiinilist sekkumist nõudvad võimalused (kirurgiline sekkumine vms), kuna juba ainuüksi meditsiinieetika kohaselt ei ole võimalik nende ohtust ja toimet uurida. Vähem invasiivsematest ja realistlikumatest vahenditest tundub olevat kerge eelis kahe meetodi ligikaudsel võrdlusel AI kasutamisel. Seda siiski vaid võrreldes artiklites kirjeldatud toimemehhanisme. Eelise annavad eelkõige meetodi pigem suunavad kui muutvad omadused (paindlikkus, tagasipööratavus, individuaalsuse arvestamine ning võimalikult vähene sekkumine inimese juba eksisteerivasse moraalinormi ehk olemusse), mitte niivõrd selle rakendamise vorm. Kuigi ka kirjeldatud neurobioloogiline sekkumine oli pigem toetav kui sekkuv, oli siiski oluline erinevus esiteks moraaliotsuse tekkes- AI puhul nõustamine iga kord vastavalt tekkinud olukorrale ja eelnevalt kasutaja poolt määratud väärtushinnangutele ning ravimite puhul ajukeemia mõjutamine ühekordselt õppeprotsessi käigus ja teiseks ning teiseks tagasipööratavuses- AI puhul on see ilmselgelt lihtsam ning teostatavam. Muidugi oleksid sama sobilikud ka mingid muud samasuguste omadustega tehnilised lahendused. Seega, kui arvata, et moraalne parandamine võiks olla vajalik ja võimalik, tuleks siiski kaaluda pigem võimalikult väheseid muudatusi esile kutsuvat, niiöelda nõrka varianti. Eraldi hinnagut vajaks aga küsimus, kas selline meetod on piisavalt efektiivne. Juhul, kui see osutub lihtsalt ressursi raiskamiseks, ei pruugi selle teostamine olla mõistlik.The aim of this study is to compare two methods of possible human moral bioenhancement: Artificial Intelligence (AI) as supportive method and mild neuroenhancement. As scientific developements have made it possible to consider and practice human physiological enhancement, in recent years the discussion has been concentrating on moral enhancement as well. By biological enhancement I mean biological interventions used to improve human capabilities and bodies beyond mere necessity of restoring or sustaining health. Moral bioenhancement is used as definition of improving human moral capabilities and standards by biological interventions, as opposed to traditional means as teaching and socializing. The aim of the study is not to express that moral bioenhancement is ethical but rather to find out that if this would be the case, which kind of means to achieve the goal would be more ethical and worth considering.http://www.ester.ee/record=b5143596*es

    Communication with www in Czech

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    summary:This paper describes UIO, a multi–domain question–answering system for the Czech language that looks for answers on the web. UIO exploits two fields, namely natural language interface to databases and question answering. In its current version, UIO can be used for asking questions about train and coach timetables, cinema and theatre performances, about currency exchange rates, name–days and on the Diderot Encyclopaedia. Much effort have been made into making addition of a new domain very easy. No limits concerning words or the form of a question need to be set in UIO. Users can ask syntactically correct as well as incorrect questions, or use keywords. A Czech morphological analyser and a bottom-up chart parser are employed for analysis of the question. The database of multiword expressions is automatically updated when a new item has been found on the web. For all domains UIO has an accuracy rate about 8

    Conception Of Innovated System For Waste Disposal

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    Every year wastes are becoming a bigger problem which every individual or government must take note and solve it on the fly. If certain energy standards are fulfilled, the waste recovery in incineration plants or similar technological devices is possible. This measure should lead to more efficient waste combustion and its energy recovery. In our conditions, this can be achieved so that the heat generated during combustion will be also used to generate electricity respectively thermal energy. For a more efficient and optimal waste treatment was proposed a three-stage combustion system concept


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    This article reviews the involvement of the mitochondrial systems, which maintain the balance of cell energy at different stress conditions. It is shown the functioning of the alternative oxidase, free fatty acids, uncoupling proteins, the rotenone-insensitive NAD(P)H dehydrogenases, the ADP/ATP-antiporter, the permeability transition pore and ATP-sensitive potassium channel (К+ATP). It is discussed data about physiological role of these systems in plant cell

    Mitochondrial uncoupling proteins in the central nervous system

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