38,035 research outputs found

    Patterns of infections in older patients acutely admitted to medical wards: data from the REPOSI register

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    11N/Apartially_openopenRossio, Raffaella; Ardoino, Ilaria; Franchi, Carlotta; Nobili, Alessandro; Mannuccio Mannucci, Pier; Peyvandi, Flora; Biolo, G.; Zanetti, M.; Guadagni, M; Zaccari, M.; Chiuch, M.Rossio, Raffaella; Ardoino, Ilaria; Franchi, Carlotta; Nobili, Alessandro; Mannuccio Mannucci, Pier; Peyvandi, Flora; Biolo, G.; Zanetti, M.; Guadagni, M; Zaccari, M.; Chiuch, M

    Mild malformations of cortical development in sleep-related hypermotor epilepsy due to KCNT1 mutations

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    open14siMutations in the sodium-activated potassium channel gene KCNT1 have been associated with nonlesional sleep-related hypermotor epilepsy (SHE). We report the co-occurrence of mild malformation of cortical development (mMCD) and KCNT1 mutations in four patients with SHE. Focal cortical dysplasia type I was neuropathologically diagnosed after epilepsy surgery in three unrelated MRI-negative patients, periventricular nodular heterotopia was detected in one patient by MRI. Our findings suggest that KCNT1 epileptogenicity may result not only from dysregulated excitability by controlling Na+K+ transport, but also from mMCD. Therefore, pathogenic variants in KCNT1 may encompass both lesional and nonlesional epilepsies.openRubboli G.; Plazzi G.; Picard F.; Nobili L.; Hirsch E.; Chelly J.; Prayson R.A.; Boutonnat J.; Bramerio M.; Kahane P.; Dibbens L.M.; Gardella E.; Baulac S.; Moller R.S.Rubboli, G.; Plazzi, G.; Picard, F.; Nobili, L.; Hirsch, E.; Chelly, J.; Prayson, R. A.; Boutonnat, J.; Bramerio, M.; Kahane, P.; Dibbens, L. M.; Gardella, E.; Baulac, S.; Moller, R. S

    Modeling the broadband persistent emission of magnetars

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    In this paper, we discuss our first attempts to model the broadband persistent emission of magnetars within a self consistent, physical scenario. We present the predictions of a synthetic model that we calculated with a new Monte Carlo 3-D radiative code. The basic idea is that soft thermal photons (e.g. emitted by the star surface) can experience resonant cyclotron upscattering by a population of relativistic electrons threated in the twisted magnetosphere. Our code is specifically tailored to work in the ultra-magnetized regime; polarization and QED effects are consistently accounted for, as well different configurations for the magnetosphere. We discuss the predicted spectral properties in the 0.1-1000 keV range, the polarization properties, and we present the model application to a sample of magnetars soft X-ray spectra.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Advances in Space Research. Proceedings of the conference "Frontieres of Space Astrophysics, Neutron Stars & Gamma Ray Bursts", Cairo/Alexandria, 30 March- 4 April 200

    The religious hermeneutics of Gerhard Oberhammer and the investigation of the philosophical traditions of India

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    Gerhard Oberhammer (1929-), austriacki indolog i filozof religii, stworzył systemowy wykład transcendentalnej hermeneutyki religii, służący dogłębnym analizom i interpretacjom tego zjawiska. Wypracowana przez Oberhammera sieć pojęć współtworzących teoretyczne podstawy hermeneutyki religii/religijności, służy fenomenologiczno-egzystencjalnym analizom tak zuniwersalizowanego fenomenu religijnego doświadczenia, jak i sposobu, w jaki się on "wydarza" w swoich konkretyzacjach w określonych tradycjach religijnych. W trzech częściach niniejszego artykułu znalazły się, odpowiednio: intelektualna biografia Oberhammera, zarys systemu transcendentalnej hermeneutyki religii oraz możliwe pola jej zastosowania w odniesieniu do filozoficznych tradycji Indii.Gerhard Oberhammer (1929-), the Austrian Indologist and philosopher of religion, developed the transcendental hermeneutics of religion as an in-depth analysis of the phenomenon of religiosity. One of its themes is a religious experience in a comparative perspective. In order to conduct the phenomenological-existential analysis of what religious experience is and how it happens, Oberhammer develops a network of notions, which jointly create a coherent system of religious hermeneutics. The notion of the “encounter” (Begegnung), interpreted as a universally essential dimension of religious experience, explains the event of experiencing transcendence by the subject and is pivotal to the system. The introductory part of the article is meant to sketch the intellectual biography of Gerhard Oberhammer, with the aim to provide concise information about the profile of the thinker. In the second part the outline of the system of the transcendental hermeneutics of religion will be introduced, in a wider context of possible affinities to other thinkers. Lastly, the applicability of the hermeneutics to philosophical traditions of India will be considered

    The use of ultrasound in clinical setting for children affected by NAFLD. is it safe and accurate?

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has become over the last decade the most common form of chronic liver disease in children and adults. Thus, establishing the diagnosis of NAFLD is of utmost importance and represents a major challenge as the disease is generally silent and the current gold standard for diagnosis is an invasive liver biopsy, a procedure that is not suitable for screening purposes. Many non-invasive diagnostic tools have been evaluated so far. Recently the utility of ultrasonography for non-invasive diagnosis and estimation of hepatic steatosis has been demonstrated in a large prospective pediatric study

    Pediatric liver diseases: current challenges and future perspectives

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    Chronic liver diseases in children represent a rising problem with significant effects on public health. In fact, several pediatric liver diseases are precursors of adult chronic hepatopathies, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The prevalence of liver diseases in children is unknown. In the USA, every year, 15,000 children are hospitalized for liver diseases, but these disorders continue to be under-recognized or diagnosed late. The main reason is due to the frequent absence of symptoms in the vast majority of liver diseases, especially in the early stages. In the last few decades several advances have been made in understanding the pathogenesis of liver diseases, permitting the discovery of new therapeutic targets to treat liver diseases, thus improving the natural history of these disorders. In this article we discuss the most recent advances in the understanding of the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of the most frequent pediatric liver diseases

    Restframe I-band Hubble diagram for type Ia supernovae up to redshift z ~0.5

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    We present a novel technique for fitting restframe I-band light curves on a data set of 42 Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). Using the result of the fit, we construct a Hubble diagram with 26 SNe from the subset at 0.01< z<0.1. Adding two SNe at z~0.5 yields results consistent with a flat Lambda-dominated``concordance universe'' (ΩM,ΩΛ\Omega_M,\Omega_\Lambda)=(0.25,0.75). For one of these, SN 2000fr, new near infrared data are presented. The high redshift supernova NIR data are also used to test for systematic effects in the use of SNe Ia as distance estimators. A flat, Lambda=0, universe where the faintness of supernovae at z~0.5 is due to grey dust homogeneously distributed in the intergalactic medium is disfavoured based on the high-z Hubble diagram using this small data-set. However, the uncertainties are large and no firm conclusion may be drawn. We explore the possibility of setting limits on intergalactic dust based on B-I and B-V colour measurements, and conclude that about 20 well measured SNe are needed to give statistically significant results. We also show that the high redshift restframe I-band data points are better fit by light curve templates that show a prominent second peak, suggesting that they are not intrinsically underluminous.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (01/04/2005

    Relevance of the weak equivalence principle and experiments to test it: lessons from the past and improvements expected in space

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    Tests of the Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP) probe the foundations of physics. Ever since Galileo in the early 1600s, WEP tests have attracted some of the best experimentalists of any time. Progress has come in bursts, each stimulated by the introduction of a new technique: the torsion balance, signal modulation by Earth rotation, the rotating torsion balance. Tests for various materials in the field of the Earth and the Sun have found no violation to the level of about 1 part in 1e13. A different technique, Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR), has reached comparable precision. Today, both laboratory tests and LLR have reached a point when improving by a factor of 10 is extremely hard. The promise of another quantum leap in precision rests on experiments performed in low Earth orbit. The Microscope satellite, launched in April 2016 and currently taking data, aims to test WEP in the field of Earth to 1e-15, a 100-fold improvement possible thanks to a driving signal in orbit almost 500 times stronger than for torsion balances on ground. The `Galileo Galilei' (GG) experiment, by combining the advantages of space with those of the rotating torsion balance, aims at a WEP test 100 times more precise than Microscope, to 1e-17. A quantitative comparison of the key issues in the two experiments is presented, along with recent experimental measurements relevant for GG. Early results from Microscope, reported at a conference in March 2017, show measurement performance close to the expectations and confirm the key role of rotation with the advantage (unique to space) of rotating the whole spacecraft. Any non-null result from Microscope would be a major discovery and call for urgent confirmation; with 100 times better precision GG could settle the matter and provide a deeper probe of the foundations of physics.Comment: To appear: Physics Letters A, special issue in memory of Professor Vladimir Braginsky, 2017. Available online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physleta.2017.09.02

    SALT: a Spectral Adaptive Light curve Template for Type Ia Supernovae

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    We present a new method to parameterize Type Ia Supernovae (SN Ia) multi-color light curves. The method was developed in order to analyze the large number of SN Ia multi-color light curves measured in current high-redshift projects. The technique is based on empirically modeling SN Ia luminosity variations as a function of phase, wavelength, a shape parameter, and a color parameter. The model is trained with a sample of well measured nearby SN Ia and then tested with an independent set of supernovae by building an optimal luminosity distance estimator combining the supernova rest-frame luminosity, shape parameter and color reconstructed with the model. The distances we measure using B- and V-band data show a dispersion around the Hubble line comparable or lower than obtained with other methods. With this model, we are able to measure distances using U- and B-band data with a dispersion around the Hubble line of 0.16 +- 0.05.Comment: Accepted in A&A, June 23, 2005 (printer friendly replacement version, includes language corrections
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