12,948 research outputs found

    Sabatino de Ursis' Preface to the Taixi shuifa 泰西水法 (Hydromethods of the Great West; 1612): The 'Basic Discourse on Hydromethods' (Shuifa benlun 水法本論)

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    EnThis is the first complete translation into a Western language of Sabatino de Ursis' preface to the Taixi shuifa1. After a short summary of its contents and some remarks about the origin of this translation, the annotated text, accompanied by the Chinese transcription of the original, will be presented.ItQuesta è la prima traduzione completa in una lingua occidentale della prefazione di Sabatino de Ursis al Taixi shuifa1. Dopo un breve riassunto del suo contenuto e alcune osservazioni sull'origine di questa traduzione, viene presentato il testo annotato, accompagnato dalla trascrizione cinese dell'originale

    Nature-based solutions for climate change: OPERANDUM project

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    open1noProfessor Silvana Di Sabatino, tells us about the H2020 funded OPERANDUM project as a nature-based solution for climate change adaptationopenSilvana Di SabatinoSilvana Di Sabatin

    Photoemission Spectra from Reduced Density Matrices: the Band Gap in Strongly Correlated Systems

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    We present a method for the calculation of photoemission spectra in terms of reduced density matrices. We start from the spectral representation of the one-body Green's function G, whose imaginary part is related to photoemission spectra, and we introduce a frequency-dependent effective energy that accounts for all the poles of G. Simple approximations to this effective energy give accurate spectra in model systems in the weak as well as strong correlation regime. In real systems reduced density matrices can be obtained from reduced density-matrix functional theory. Here we use this approach to calculate the photoemission spectrum of bulk NiO: our method yields a qualitatively correct picture both in the antiferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases, contrary to mean-field methods, in which the paramagnet is a metal

    Reduced Density-Matrix Functional Theory: correlation and spectroscopy

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    In this work we explore the performance of approximations to electron correlation in reduced density-matrix functional theory (RDMFT) and of approximations to the observables calculated within this theory. Our analysis focuses on the calculation of total energies, occupation numbers, removal/addition energies, and spectral functions. We use the exactly solvable Hubbard molecule at 1/4 and 1/2 filling as test systems. This allows us to analyze the underlying physics and to elucidate the origin of the observed trends. For comparison we also report the results of the GWGW approximation, where the self-energy functional is approximated, but no further hypothesis are made concerning the approximations of the observables. In particular we focus on the atomic limit, where the two sites of the molecule are pulled apart and electrons localize on either site with equal probability, unless a small perturbation is present: this is the regime of strong electron correlation. In this limit, using the Hubbard molecule at 1/2 filling with or without a spin-symmetry-broken ground state, allows us to explore how degeneracies and spin-symmetry breaking are treated in RDMFT. We find that, within the used approximations, neither in RDMFT nor in GWGW the signature of strong correlation are present in the spin-singlet ground state, whereas both give the exact result for the spin-symmetry broken case. Moreover we show how the spectroscopic properties change from one spin structure to the other. Our findings can be generalized to other situations, which allows us to make connections to real materials and experiment

    From the Levant to Sardinia, via North Africa and Cyprus

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    Within the repertoire of the stone monuments erected in the Punic sanctuaries known as “Tophets”, the so-called “stepped altars” represent an absolute unicum since they were found only at Tharros (Sardinia). From a morphological point of view, their affiliation to the category of “thrones” at the time proposed by Sabatino Moscati can be considered an established fact. Still, their role within the ritual of the Tophet of Tharros remains unclear. This paper discusses the function of these stone monuments through a review of their archaeological context and an in-depth iconographic examination.Nel repertorio dei monumenti lapidei eretti nei santuari punici comunemente noti come “tofet”, i cosiddetti “altari a gradino”, rinvenuti solo a Tharros (Sardegna), rappresentano un unicum assoluto. Da un punto di vista morfologico, la proposta di una loro appartenenza alla categoria dei “troni” a suo tempo avanzata da Sabatino Moscati può essere considerata un dato acquisito. Tuttavia, il loro ruolo all’interno del rituale del tofet di Tharros rimane poco chiaro. Il presente lavoro discute la funzione di questi monumenti di pietra attraverso una revisione del loro contesto archeologico e un approfondito esame iconogra

    Anabatic flow along a uniformly heated slope studied through large-eddy simulation

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    open4noAnabatic flows are common phenomena in the presence of sloping terrains, which significantly affect the dynamics and the exchange of mass and momentum in the low-atmosphere. Despite this, very few studies in the literature have tackled this topic. The present contribution addresses this gap by utilising high-resolved large-eddy simulations for investigating an anabatic flow in a simplified configuration, commonly used in laboratory experiments. The purpose is to analyse the complex thermo-fluid dynamics and the turbulent structures arising from the anabatic flow near the slope. In such a flow, three main dynamic layers are identified and reported: the conductive layer close to the surface, the convective layer where the most energetic motion develops, and the outer region, which is almost unperturbed. The analysis of instantaneous fields reveals the presence of thermal plumes, which are stable turbulent structures enhancing vertical transport and mixing of momentum and temperature. Such structures are generated by thermal instabilities in the conductive layer that trigger the rise of the plumes above them. Their evolution along the slope is described, identifying three regions responsible for the plumes generation, stabilisation, and merging. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first numerical experiment describing the along-slope behaviour of the thermal plumes in the convective layer.openCintolesi C.; Di Santo D.; Barbano F.; Di Sabatino S.Cintolesi C.; Di Santo D.; Barbano F.; Di Sabatino S

    Japan, India, or China? The Uncertain Steps of Sabatino de Ursis's Mission to Asia

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    EnThis contribution presents an analysis of the texts and contexts (plus transcriptions) of two documents relating to the vocation, evaluation, and appointment of Sabatino de Ursis to the overseas missions. These documents reflect the flexible process behind the selection of de Ursis to travel east. At the same time, they illustrate a definite policy and practice on the part of several members of the Jesuit leadership in Italy to appoint a specific type of missionary to the region, characterised above all by intellectual capabilities, personal maturity, and spiritual strength. It will be shown, finally, how the system that resulted in sending Italians such as de Ursis to his eventual destination, China, shaped the mission in a number of ways, most notably, in giving form to the so-called policy of accommodatio.ItQuesto contributo presenta un'analisi dei testi e dei contesti (più le trascrizioni) di due documenti relativi alla vocazione, valutazione e nomina di Sabatino de Ursis alle missioni d'oltremare. Questi documenti riflettono il processo flessibile dietro la selezione di de Ursis per viaggiare in Oriente. Allo stesso tempo, illustrano una politica e una pratica ben definite, da parte di diversi membri della gerarchia gesuita in Italia, per nominare uno specifico tipo di missionario da inviare in Asia, caratterizzato soprattutto da determinate capacità intellettuali, maturità personale e forza spirituale. Viene illustrato, infine, come il sistema che ha portato all'invio di italiani come de Ursis verso la sua destinazione finale, la Cina, abbia plasmato la missione in molti modi, in particolare, nel dare forma alla cosiddetta politica di accommodatio

    Integrated agent-based microsimulation framework for examining impacts of mobility-oriented policies

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    open6siTravel demand management measures/policies are important to sustain positive changes among individuals’ travel behaviour. An integrated agent-based microsimulation platform provides a rich framework for examining such interventions to assess their impacts using indicators about demand as well as supply side. This paper presents an approach where individual schedules, derived from a lighter version of an activity-based model, are fed into a Multi-Agent Transport Simulation (MATSIM) framework. Simulations are performed for two European cities i.e. Hasselt (Belgium) and Bologna (Italy). After calibrating the modelling framework against aggregate traffic counts for the base case, the impacts of a few traffic management policies (restricting car access, increase in bus frequency) are examined. The results indicate that restricting car access is more effective in terms of reducing traffic from the network and also shifting car drivers/passengers to other modes of travel. The enhancement of bus infrastructure in relation to increase in frequency caused shifting of bicyclist towards public transport, which is an undesirable result of the policy if the objective is to improve sustainability and environment. In future research, the framework will be enhanced to integrate emission and air dispersion models to ascertain effects on air quality as a result of such interventions.embargoed_20210117Adnan, Muhammad; Outay, Fatma; Ahmed, Shiraz; Brattich, Erika; di Sabatino, Silvana; Janssens, DavyAdnan, Muhammad; Outay, Fatma; Ahmed, Shiraz; Brattich, Erika; di Sabatino, Silvana; Janssens, Dav

    Nonlinear current-voltage characteristics due to quantum tunneling of phase slips in superconducting Nb nanowire networks

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    We report on the transport properties of an array of N about 30 interconnected Nb nanowires, grown by sputtering on robust porous Si substrates. The analyzed system exhibits a broad resistive transition in zero magnetic field, H, and highly nonlinear V(I) characteristics as a function of H which can be both consistently described by quantum tunneling of phase slips.Comment: accepted for publication on Appl. Phys. Let