29,201 research outputs found

    Innovation activities in Polish industry in 1998-2000: main results from the GUS 2001 innovation survey

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    The paper analyses results of GUS innovation survey in manufacturing for 1998-2000 and innovation survey in services for 1997-1999. Innovation activities in 1998-2000 reflect downturn in Polish economy of this period. A number of innovative enterprises fell from 37.6% (1994-96) to 16.9% (1998-2000). Also, innovation expenditures, which were continuously growing until 1999 have fallen for the first time. There is not significant difference in number of innovative firms between manufacturing and services. Innovation expenditures as percent of total turnover are still high when compared to the EU but they have also fallen significantly from 1999 to 2000. Objectives of innovation activities of Polish firms are similar as in the EU. Obstacles to innovation are also similar except very high importance of interest rate as an obstacle to innovation in Poland. One third of innovative firms cooperate in undertaking innovation activities but within this the share of small firms is very small. A share of sales due to technologically new and improved products has been continuously growing until 2000 when this share also dropped


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    The tradition of capture marriage in the West Sumba region continues to experience a shift in cultural values every year, this results in violence against women. Arrest marriage is a form of marriage carried out by a man, either through a marriage proposal or without a marriage proposal. This tradition can be categorized as a form of coercion in marriage, which can cause a woman to experience deep trauma. This research aims to understand the forms of deviation that occur in the capture marriage tradition and acts of violence against women in the name of the capture marriage tradition in West Sumba which reviewed from the perspective of criminal law in Indonesia. The method used in this writing is normative juridical with techniques for collecting library study materials and observation. The conclusion and suggestion from this writing is that with this research, we can find out that the tradition of marriage capture that has occurred in recent years is no longer in accordance with existing traditions or customs, there are deviations that occur, not in accordance with the conditions of marriage. legal in accordance with applicable regulations, and know the forms of violations that exist in the tradition of arrest marriage as seen from the perspective of criminal law in Indonesia

    Optical activity in the Drude helix model

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    An old classical one-particle helix model for optical activity, first proposed by Drude, is reconsidered here. The quantum Drude model is very instructive because the optical activity can be calculated analytically without further approximations apart from the Rosenfeld long wavelength approximation. While it was generally believed that this model, when treated correctly, is optically inactive, we show that it leads to optical activity when the motion of the particle is quantum mechanically treated. We also find that optical activity arises even in the classical regime at non-zero energy, while for zero energy the model is inactive, in accordance with previous results. The model is compared with other one-electron models and it is shown that its predicted optical activity is qualitatively different from those of other one-electron systems. The vanishing of optical activity in the classical zero-energy limit for the Drude model is due to the localization of the particle at the equilibrium position, whereas in the analogous model of a particle moving freely on a helix without a definite equilibrium position, optical activity does not vanish but the spectrum is rescaled. The model under study leads to interesting predictions about the optical properties of e. g. helicene derivatives

    Life satisfaction questionnaire (Lisat-9): reliability and validity for patients with acquired brain injury

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    The aim of this study was to determine the reliability and discriminant validity of the Dutch version of the life satisfaction questionnaire (Lisat-9 DV) to assess patients with an acquired brain injury. The reliability study used a test-retest design, and the validity study used a cross-sectional design. The setting was the general rehabilitation centre. There were 159 patients over 18 years of age, with an acquired brain injury, in the chronic phase. The main outcome measures were weighted kappa of test and retest data on the nine questions of the Lisat-9 DV and significance levels of differences between subgroups of patients who are expected to differ in terms of Lisat-9 scores, on the basis of other instruments. The results were as follows: the reliability was moderate, with the weighted kappa ranging from 0.41 to 0.64. In terms of validity, subgroups of patients who were expected to differ in terms of the Lisat-9 domains did indeed differ significantly, except for the difference in the Lisat score for 'contact with friends and acquaintances' between subgroups defined by higher or lower scores on the corresponding domain of the Frenchay Activities Index. As there was a plausible explanation for not finding a significant difference between subgroups defined by one of the Frenchay Activities Index domains and significant differences were found between the subgroups defined by other instruments corresponding to the same domain, we conclude that the discriminant validity is good. The reliability was not clearly affected by cognitive disorder or aphasia. The conclusions were that the reliability of the Lisat-9 DV for patients with an acquired brain injury was moderate; the discriminant validity was good

    Seductive Solutions, Inspiration, Easy-to-Remember Phrases, and Ambiguity: Why Is the Idea of Active Ageing so Successful?

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    The idea of active ageing has become one of the most influential perspectives in modern gerontology, social work, and social policy. This paper discusses factors that helped to establish active ageing as a successful theoretical concept that has significantly influenced contemporary social representations of ageing and has a practical impact on social work and policy. The perspective of the philosophy of social science is employed to explain what makes the idea of active ageing so attractive despite the remaining confusions concerning what “activity‘ and “ageing actively‘ means. The paper aims to answer the following question: What makes the concept of active ageing so successful? It draws upon the work of Murray Davis and her insight into the key aspects that make sociological theory “seductive.‘ The paper analyzes in what ways the concept of active ageing fulfills the specific features that, according to Davis, determine the success of social theories. Simultaneously, the paper critically evaluates the ways the idea of active ageing is translated into ageing policy. The case of Czech Republic is used to illustrate the problematic aspect of active ageing policies as well as the specific rhetoric that makes the idea of active ageing so attractive for a broad spectrum of disciplines as well as for social policy

    The study of enzyme activities in compost

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá stanovením enzymových aktivit v kompostu a posuzuje jejich změny v průběhu kompostování. Změny aktivity jednotlivých enzymů slouží jako ukazatele činnosti mikroorganismů, které se v kompostu nacházejí. V praktické části práce byly stanoveny změny aktivity proteáz, celuláz, lipáz, dehydrogenáz a ureáz během 21 dnů kompostování za laboratorních podmínek. Sledována byla také změna pH. Změny hodnot pH a všech aktivit enzymů kromě ureáz vykazovaly v prvním týdnu stejný trend související s využíváním dostupných substrátů. Změny aktivit klíčových enzymů v kompostu za laboratorních podmínek byly srovnány se změnami aktivit v kompostu za reálných podmínek, což je ukazatelem rozdílného průběhu kompostování za daných podmínek.This thesis deals with the determination of enzyme activities in compost for consideration their changes during the composting. The changes in the activity of particular enzymes serve as the indicators of the activity of microorganisms, which are found in the compost. In the practical part of the work the changes in activity of proteases, cellulases, lipases, dehydrogenases and ureases within 21 days of composting under laboratory conditions were determined. The change in pH was observed as well. The changes in the pH-values and all enzyme activities except ureases present in the first week the same trend associated with the use of available substrates. The changes in the activities of the key enzymes in compost under laboratory conditions were compared with the changes in activities in compost under real conditions, which is the indicator of the different composting process under the given circumstances.

    SW Applications for Validate the Cognitive Functions

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá ověřením kognitivních funkcí s využitím softwarové aplikace a elektroencefalografie. Teoretická část přibližuje samotné kognitivní funkce, jejich důležitost a současné prostředky používané k jejich testování. Dále je zde rozebrán způsob měření elektrické aktivity mozku, zpracování naměřeného signálu pro tvorbu topografických map a propojení elektroencefalografie s kognitivními funkcemi. V praktické části se práce věnuje jak hardwarovým, tak softwarovým prostředkům použitým k měření EEG při kognitivním testování. Je zde popsán formát naměřených dat a jejich zpracování. K algoritmu je vytvořeno grafické uživatelské rozhraní. Vytvořená aplikace byla testována pomocí několika kognitivních testů, v průběhu kterých bylo snímáno EEG.This bachelor thesis deals with verification of cognitive functions using software application and electroencephalography. The theoretical part describes cognitive functions themselves, their importance and current means used for their testing. Furthermore, the method of measuring the electrical activity of the brain, the processing of the measured signal for the creation of topographic maps and the connection of electroencephalography with cognitive functions are discussed. In the practical part, the thesis deals with both hardware and software tools used to measure EEG in cognitive testing. It describes the format of the measured data and their processing. A graphical user interface is created for the algorithm. The application was tested by several cognitive tests, during which EEG was scanned.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn

    Automatische Duplikateliminierung in Aktivitätsdiagrammen von Fahrzeugfunktionen

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    The article may be also found at https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/1039.Die Spezifikation von Fahrzeugfunktionen ist eine komplexe Aufgabe. Zum Umgang mit dieser Komplexität werden zur Beschreibung der Funktionen grafische Modellierungssprachen wie UML verwendet. Bei der Modellierung können Duplikate entstehen, welche Ausgangspunkt für Fehler und Inkonsistenzen in der weiteren Entwicklung sind. Dieser Beitrag widmet sich der Eliminierung von Duplikaten, welche bei der Spezifikation von Fahrzeugfunktionen mittels UML Aktivitätsdiagrammen auftreten. Es wird dargestellt, wie in UML Aktivitätsdiagrammen identifizierte Duplikate automatisiert eliminiert werden, ohne die ursprüngliche Funktionalität zu verändern. Mehrfach auftretende Elemente werden zusammengefasst und durch das Einfügen von weiteren Elementen und Verbindungen zusammengesetzt

    Influence of elevated carbon dioxide concentration at Rubisco activity and its content in sunny and shaded leaves of beech

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá vlivem zvýšené koncentrace oxidu uhličitého na aktivitu a obsah enzymu Rubisco ve slunných a stinných listech buku lesního (Fagus sylvatica). U odebraných vzorků byla měřena počáteční a celková aktivita spektrofotometricky. Obsah enzymu Rubisco byl stanoven elektroforeticky metodou SDS-PAGE. U listů kultivovaných při zvýšené koncentraci oxidu uhličitého byla prokázána významně vyšší aktivita enzymu Rubisco v červnu, avšak nikoliv v září. Naopak, expozice listů (slunné/stinné) neměla významný vliv na aktivitu Rubisco v červnu, naproti tomu v září byla u stinných listů naměřena nižší aktivita Rubisco než u listů slunných a tyto rozdíly byly na hranici statistické významnosti. Obsah Rubisco byl statisticky významně nižší u listů kultivovaných při zvýšené koncentraci oxidu uhličitého (aklimační deprese), s výjimkou stinných listů v září. U stinných listů byl zjištěn významně nižší obsah Rubisco než u listů slunných jak v červnu, tak v září.This bachelor thesis focuses on influence of elevated carbon dioxide concentration at Rubisco activity and its content in sunny and shaded leaves of beech (Fagus sylvatica). The initial and total activities were measured spectrophotometrically, the content of Rubisco was determined by using SDS-PAGE method. It was observed statistically significant higher activity of Rubisco in leaves cultivated under elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide in June but not in September. In contrary, exposure of leaves (sunny/shaded) did not have significant influence on Rubisco activity in June, but in September was found lower activity of Rubisco in shaded leaves than in sunny leaves. The content of Rubisco was lower in leaves cultivated under elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide (acclimation), with the exception of shaded leaves in September. There was found significantly lower Rubisco content in shaded leaves than in sunny leaves both in June and in September.