28,560 research outputs found

    Presence and species identity of rumen flukes in cattle and sheep in the Netherlands

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    The purpose of the study was to gain knowledge about the prevalence and identity of rumen flukes (RF) in cattle and sheep in the Netherlands. Routine faecal examinations of diagnostic submissions between May 2009 and September 2014 showed a mean annual herd or flock RF prevalence of 15.8% for cattle and 8.0% for sheep. Prevalence in cattle was higher after 2012 than before, which may reflect a change in detection method as well as an increase in true prevalence. During November and December 2014, an abattoir survey was conducted to allow for scoring of rumen fluke burden and to obtain specimens for molecular species characterization. Over 8 visits to 5 abattoirs in areas deemed to pose a high risk for trematode infection, 116 cows and 41 sheep from 27 herds and 10 flocks were examined. Prevalence of RF was higher in beef cattle than in dairy cattle and higher in cattle than in sheep. Median fluke burden was >100 specimens per animal for most positive animals. Using a semi-quantitative RF density score as a gold standard, sensitivity and specificity of a modified quantitative Dorsman egg counting method were estimated at 82.6% and 83.3%, respectively. Of 14 collected adult rumen flukes, twelve (8 bovine and 4 ovine specimens) were identified as Calicophoron daubneyi. The other two, of bovine origin, were identified as Paramphistomum leydeni, which was unexpected as in other European countries all recently collected rumen flukes in both cattle and sheep were identified as C. daubneyi. The findings implicate that multiple rumen fluke species, intermediate host species and transmission cycles may play a role in rumen fluke infections in the Netherlands


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    Waste dumping and inadequate waste management efforts are having adverse impact on the environment and humans in Nigerian coastal cities. Nine of the 36 states in Nigeria border the Atlantic Ocean. Twenty-five percent of the Nigerian population is found in the coastal states. These states, with the exception of Lagos, Ogun and Ondo, are more prone to petrochemical wastes arising from petroleum exploration. Field investigations, surveys and literature searches were conducted in order to accomplish the task of this research. Field studies included testing for dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, nitrates, phosphate, total solids and pH

    Indicators of replicative damage in equine tendon fibroblast monolayers

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    <p>Background: Superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) injuries of horses usually follow cumulative matrix microdamage; it is not known why the reparative abilities of tendon fibroblasts are overwhelmed or subverted. Relevant in vitro studies of this process require fibroblasts not already responding to stresses caused by the cell culture protocols. We investigated indicators of replicative damage in SDFT fibroblast monolayers, effects of this on their reparative ability, and measures that can be taken to reduce it.</p> <p>Results: We found significant evidence of replicative stress, initially observing consistently large numbers of binucleate (BN) cells. A more variable but prominent feature was the presence of numerous gammaH2AX (Ī³H2AX) puncta in nuclei, this being a histone protein that is phosphorylated in response to DNA double-stranded breaks (DSBs). Enrichment for injury detection and cell cycle arrest factors (p53 (ser15) and p21) occurred most frequently in BN cells; however, their numbers did not correlate with DNA damage levels and it is likely that the two processes have different causative mechanisms. Such remarkable levels of injury and binucleation are usually associated with irradiation, or treatment with cytoskeletal-disrupting agents.</p> <p>Both DSBs and BN cells were greatest in subconfluent (replicating) monolayers. The DNA-damaged cells co-expressed the replication markers TPX2/repp86 and centromere protein F. Once damaged in the early stages of culture establishment, fibroblasts continued to express DNA breaks with each replicative cycle. However, significant levels of cell death were not measured, suggesting that DNA repair was occurring. Comet assays showed that DNA repair was delayed in proportion to levels of genotoxic stress.</p> <p>Conclusions: Researchers using tendon fibroblast monolayers should assess their ā€œhealthā€ using Ī³H2AX labelling. Continued use of early passage cultures expressing initially high levels of Ī³H2AX puncta should be avoided for mechanistic studies and ex-vivo therapeutic applications, as this will not be resolved with further replicative cycling. Low density cell culture should be avoided as it enriches for both DNA damage and mitotic defects (polyploidy). As monolayers differing only slightly in baseline DNA damage levels showed markedly variable responses to a further injury, studies of effects of various stressors on tendon cells must be very carefully controlled.</p&gt

    Effect of abattoir wastes on selected soil properties in Abakaliki and Ezzamgbo southeastern Nigeria

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    This research was conducted in 2015 and 2016 at Abakaliki and Ezzamgbo Southeasern Nigeria to evaluate the effect of abattoir wastes on soil properties in Abakaliki Southeastern Nigeria. Four replicate auger and core soil samples were collected as follwos: 1m-donkey = 1 m away from donkey abattoir waste dumpsite at Ezzamgbo; 10m-donkey = 10 m away from donkey abattoir waste dumpsite at Ezzamgbo; 1m-cow = 1 m away from cow abattoir waste dumpsite at Abakaliki and 10m-cow = 10 m away from donkey abattoir waste dumpsite at Abakaliki while non-dumpsite at Mile ā€“ 4, Ishieke was used as Control. The data obtained was analysed using analysis of variance based on CRD and difference between treatments means were dictated using F-LSD. The result obtained showed significant higher improvement in soil bulk density, total porosity, mean weight diameter, aggregate stability, pH, available P, total N, organic C, exchangeable bases & acidity, effective cation exchange capacity and base saturation in soil near abattoir sites than control. Generally, the order of improvement in soil properties studied was 1m-donkey > 1m-cow > 10m-donkey > 10m-cow. Also, the improvement of soil properties was higher in the second year of the study when compared to the first year of the study. From, the results we can understand that the improvement in soil properties is directly depended on the type of animal slaughter in an abattoir, that is why at distance of 1 m away from abattoir and 10 m away from abattoir, donkey abattoir showed higher improvement in soil properties when compared to cow abattoir.Therefore, the study recommended the use of abattoir wastes as soil amendment to increase soil productivity and as means of waste disposal and nutrient recycle.Keywords: Abattoir, Butcher, Improvement, Sanitation and Waste

    A quantitative assessment of the prion risk associated with wastewater from carcase-handling facilities

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    Wastewater from facilities processing livestock that may harbor transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) infectivity is permitted under license for application to land where susceptible livestock may have access. Several previous risk assessments have investigated the risk of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) associated with wastewater effluents; however, the risk of exposure to classical scrapie and atypical scrapie has not been assessed. With the prevalence of certain TSEs (BSE in cattle and classical scrapie in sheep) steadily in decline, and with considerable changes in the structure of carcase-processing industries in Great Britain, a reappraisal of the TSE risk posed by wastewater is required. Our results indicate that the predicted number of new TSE infections arising from the spreading of wastewater on pasture over one year would be low, with a mean of one infection every 1,000 years for BSE in cattle (769, 555,556), and one infection every 30 years (16, 2,500), and 33 years (16, 3,333) for classical and atypical scrapie, respectively. It is assumed that the values and assumptions used in this risk assessment remain constant. For BSE in cattle the main contributors are abattoir and rendering effluent, contributing 35% and 22% of the total number of new BSE infections. For TSEs in sheep, effluent from small incinerators and rendering plants are the major contributors (on average 32% and 31% of the total number of new classical scrapie and atypical scrapie infections). This is a reflection of the volume of carcase material and Category 1 material flow through such facilities

    Environmental and Public Health Issues of Animal Food Products Delivery System in Imo State, Nigeria

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    Information on livestock movement, animal food products processing facilities, meat inspection methods, official meat inspection records and distribution and marketing systems for processed products in Imo state, Nigeria needed for policy development interventions in the sector are not fully understood. The primary data generated with the aid of personal interviews, field observations and secondary data obtained from records accumulated by the department of veterinary services Imo state from 2001 to 2004 were used to investigate the environmental and public health issues of animal food products delivery system in state. Majority of trade animals supplied to the state originated from the northern states of the country and were brought in with trucks by road. Only two veterinary control posts served the whole state thus resulting in non-inspection and taxing of a large proportion of trade animals. Official record of trade animals supplied to the state from 2001 to 2004 ranged from 45000 ā€“ 144000 for cattle, 23000 ā€“ 96000 for goats and 11000 ā€“ 72000 for sheep per annum, with supplies increasing steadily across the years. Official slaughter points in the state were principally low-grade quality slaughter premises consisting of a thin concrete slab. Meat handling was very unhygienic with carcasses dressed beside refuse heaps of over 2 years standing. Carcasses were dragged on the ground and transported in taxi boots and open trucks. Meat inspection at these points was not thorough because of stiff resistance of butchers to carcass condemnation. Official meat inspection records for the state from 2001 to 2004 revealed that overall totals of 159,000 cattle, 101,000 goats and 67,000 sheep were slaughtered. This accounted for about 56, 57 and 57% shortfall of cattle, goat and sheep respectively supplied to the state and represents the volume of un-inspected animals during the study period. Fascioliasis and tuberculosis were the most common infections encountered in cattle and recorded percentage occurrences of 16.7 and 7.5 respectively, whereas mastitis was common in goats and sheep at percentage occurrences of 5.8 and 5.0 respectively. Overall prevalence rates of 4.4, 8.0, 3.2, 3.3 and 1.5% were recorded for tuberculosis, fascioliasis, streptotricosis, mastitis and worms respectively. Animal food products delivery in Imo state needs to be improved upon in order to safeguarded the health of consumer

    Tracking of Salmonella through the Pork Slaughter Process

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    End of project reportTo help address the problem of salmonellosis in the Republic of Ireland (RoI), a national Salmonella control programme was introduced in 1997 with a view to reducing the prevalence of Salmonella in pigs on the farm and on pig carcasses. The primary objective of this present study was to determine the correlation between the Salmonella serological and bacteriological status of pigs presented for slaughter and the Salmonella status of pork cuts following slaughter, dressing and chilling. Two additional studies investigated the prevalence and numbers of Salmonella spp. in the boning halls of four commercial pork abattoirs and at retail level in butcher shops and supermarkets in the RoI. The results indicated that categorisation of pig herds on the basis of a historical serological test for Salmonella was not a good predictor of the bacteriological Salmonella status of individual pigs at time of slaughter. However, it is acknowledged that serological testing does help in giving a rough estimate of the overall Salmonella status of a pig herd. There was a linear correlation between prevalence of Salmonella in caecal contents and on pork cuts at factory level; therefore, if the number of herds presented for slaughter with high levels of Salmonella (category 3) was reduced, there would be less potential for contamination of the lairage, equipment etc. and so less likelihood of Salmonella contamination on pork. The impact of crosscontamination during transport, lairage, processing and distribution cannot be ignored and measures to diminish this would significantly reduce the dissemination of Salmonella in the chain and the consequent risk posed. A key finding was the considerable variation in the incidence of Salmonella on different sampling days and in different slaughter plants.National Development Plan 2007-201

    Evidence for more cost-effective surveillance options for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (bse) and scrapie in Great Britain

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    Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are an important public health concern. Since the emergence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) during the 1980s and its link with human Creutzfeldt- Jakob disease, active surveillance has been a key element of the European Unionā€™s TSE control strategy. Success of this strategy means that now, very few cases are detected compared with the number of animals tested. Refining surveillance strategies would enable resources to be redirected towards other public health priorities. Cost-effectiveness analysis was performed on several alternative strategies involving reducing the number of animals tested for BSE and scrapie in Great Britain and, for scrapie, varying the ratio of sheep sampled in the abattoir to fallen stock (which died on the farm). The most cost-effective strategy modelled for BSE involved reducing the proportion of fallen stock tested from 100% to 75%, producing a cost saving of ca GBP 700,000 per annum. If 50% of fallen stock were tested, a saving of ca GBP 1.4 million per annum could be achieved. However, these reductions are predicted to increase the period before surveillance can detect an outbreak. For scrapie, reducing the proportion of abattoir samples was the most costeffective strategy modelled, with limited impact on surveillance effectiveness

    A quantitative assessment of the amount of prion diverted to category 1 materials and wastewater during processing

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    In this article the development and parameterization of a quantitative assessment is described that estimates the amount of TSE infectivity that is present in a whole animal carcass (bovine spongiform encephalopathy [BSE] for cattle and classical/atypical scrapie for sheep and lambs) and the amounts that subsequently fall to the floor during processing at facilities that handle specified risk material (SRM). BSE in cattle was found to contain the most oral doses, with a mean of 9864 BO ID50s (310, 38840) in a whole carcass compared to a mean of 1851 OO ID50s (600, 4070) and 614 OO ID50s (155, 1509) for a sheep infected with classical and atypical scrapie, respectively. Lambs contained the least infectivity with a mean of 251 OO ID50s (83, 548) for classical scrapie and 1 OO ID50s (0.2, 2) for atypical scrapie. The highest amounts of infectivity falling to the floor and entering the drains from slaughtering a whole carcass at SRM facilities were found to be from cattle infected with BSE at rendering and large incineration facilities with 7.4 BO ID50s (0.1, 29), intermediate plants and small incinerators with a mean of 4.5 BO ID50s (0.1, 18), and collection centers, 3.6 BO ID50s (0.1, 14). The lowest amounts entering drains are from lambs infected with classical and atypical scrapie at intermediate plants and atypical scrapie at collection centers with a mean of 3 Ɨ 10āˆ’7 OO ID50s (2 Ɨ 10āˆ’8, 1 Ɨ 10āˆ’6) per carcass. The results of this model provide key inputs for the model in the companion paper published here
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