17 research outputs found

    ONTIC: A Knowledge Representation System for Mathematics

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    Ontic is an interactive system for developing and verifying mathematics. Ontic's verification mechanism is capable of automatically finding and applying information from a library containing hundreds of mathematical facts. Starting with only the axioms of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory, the Ontic system has been used to build a data base of definitions and lemmas leading to a proof of the Stone representation theorem for Boolean lattices. The Ontic system has been used to explore issues in knowledge representation, automated deduction, and the automatic use of large data bases

    On the notion of negation in certain non-classical propositional logics

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate some aspects of how negation functions in certain non-classical propositional logics. These include the intuitionistic system developed by Heyting, the minimal calculus proposed by Johansson, and various intermediate logics between the minimal and the classical systems. Part I contains the new results which can be grouped into two classes: extension-criteria results and infinite chain results. In the first group criteria are given for answering the question: when do formulae added to the axioms of the minimal calculus as extra axioms extend the minimal calculus to various known intermediate logics? One of the results in this group (THEOREM 1 in Chapter II, Section 1) is a generalization of a result of Jankov. In the second group certain intermediate logics are defined which form infinite chains between well-known logical systems. One of the results here (THEOREM 1 in Chapter II, Section 2) is a generalization of a result of McKay. In Part II the new results are discussed from the viewpoint of negation. It is rather difficult, however, to draw definite conclusions which are acceptable to all. For these depend on, and are closely bound up with, certain basic philosophical presuppositions which are neither provable, nor disprovable in a strict sense. Taking an essentially classical position, it is argued that the logics appearing in the defined infinite chains are such that they diverge only in the vicinity of negation, and the notions of negation in them are simply ordered in a sense which is specified during the discussion. In Appendix I a number of conjectures are formulated in connection with the new results.<p


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    The Topos-theoretical Approach to Quantum Physics

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    I oppgaven tas det sikte på å anvende begreper og metoder fra kategoriteori og især toposteori innen kvantefysikken. I den resulterende teorien, "toposfysikk", brukes toposteori (teorien om generaliserte mengdeuniverser og generaliserte rom) som et verktøy for å konstruere kvantefysikken ved å "lime sammen" klassiske perspektiver eller "snapshots". Første kapitel gir den nødvendige bakgrunn for å forstå den fysiske motivasjonen bak konstruksjonene i de påfølgende kapitler, med særlig oppmerksomhet viet emnene logikk, kvantisering og rom. I kapitel 2 presenteres først elementær teori om kategorier og topoi. Det gis deretter en gjennomgang av toposfysikkens sentrale trekk: konstruksjonen av et tilstandsrom for kvantemekanikken ved hjelp av (kovariante eller kontravariante) funktorer over en kategori av kommutative operatoralgebraer. To ulike tilnærmingsmåter, Andreas Döring og Chris Ishams "neorealisme" og Chris Heunen, Nicolas P. Landsmaan og Bas Spitters "Bohrifikasjon" presenteres i detalj. I kapitel 3 anvendes den sistnevnte tilnærmingen på teorien om "loop quantum gravity" (LQG). Kapitelet har derfor en kort oppsummering av hovedresultatene innen LQG. Det undersøkes hvordan LQG kan interpreteres innen toposfysikk ved å ta i bruk Christian Fleischhacks formulering av LQG som en Weylalgebra. De topologiske egenskapene til tilstandsrommet i LQG innen toposmodellen undersøkes, og det vises hvordan kravene til gauge- og diffeomorfiinvarians kan interpreteres i teorien. Endelig, ved hjelp av Ishams teknikk for å kvantisere generelle strukturer, utvides den toposfysiske modellen til å inkludere et bredere kategoriteoretisk rammeverk. Vi definerer en målteori for kategorier og undersøker teoriens byggesteiner, pilfeltene over en kategori, i kategorien av deres representasjoner. Vi antyder hvordan modellen kan anvendes innen Sorkins teori om kausale mengder, og som basis for en teori om kvantisert logikk

    LDS - Labelled Deductive Systems: Volume 1 - Foundations

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    Traditional logics manipulate formulas. The message of this book is to manipulate pairs; formulas and labels. The labels annotate the formulas. This sounds very simple but it turned out to be a big step, which makes a serious difference, like the difference between using one hand only or allowing for the coordinated use of two hands. Of course the idea has to be made precise, and its advantages and limitations clearly demonstrated. `Precise' means a good mathematical definition and `advantages demonstrated' means case studies and applications in pure logic and in AI. To achieve that we need to address the following: \begin{enumerate} \item Define the notion of {\em LDS}, its proof theory and semantics and relate it to traditional logics. \item Explain what form the traditional concepts of cut elimination, deduction theorem, negation, inconsistency, update, etc.\ take in {\em LDS}. \item Formulate major known logics in {\em LDS}. For example, modal and temporal logics, substructural logics, default, nonmonotonic logics, etc. \item Show new results and solve long-standing problems using {\em LDS}. \item Demonstrate practical applications. \end{enumerate} This is what I am trying to do in this book. Part I of the book is an intuitive presentation of {\em LDS} in the context of traditional current views of monotonic and nonmonotonic logics. It is less oriented towards the pure logician and more towards the practical consumer of logic. It has two tasks, addressed in two chapters. These are: \begin{itemlist}{Chapter 1:} \item [Chapter1:] Formally motivate {\em LDS} by starting from the traditional notion of `What is a logical system' and slowly adding features to it until it becomes essentially an {\em LDS}. \item [Chapter 2:] Intuitively motivate {\em LDS} by showing many examples where labels are used, as well as some case studies of familiar logics (e.g.\ modal logic) formulated as an {\em LDS}. \end{itemlist} The second part of the book presents the formal theory of {\em LDS} for the formal logician. I have tried to avoid the style of definition-lemma-theorem and put in some explanations. What is basically needed here is the formulation of the mathematical machinery capable of doing the following. \begin{itemize} \item Define {\em LDS} algebra, proof theory and semantics. \item Show how an arbitrary (or fairly general) logic, presented traditionally, say as a Hilbert system or as a Gentzen system, can be turned into an {\em LDS} formulation. \item Show how to obtain a traditional formulations (e.g.\ Hilbert) for an arbitrary {\em LDS} presented logic. \item Define and study major logical concepts intrinsic to {\em LDS} formalisms. \item Give detailed study of the {\em LDS} formulation of some major known logics (e.g.\ modal logics, resource logics) and demonstrate its advantages. \item Translate {\em LDS} into classical logic (reduce the `new' to the `old'), and explain {\em LDS} in the context of classical logic (two sorted logic, metalevel aspects, etc). \end{itemize} \begin{itemlist}{Chapter 1:} \item [Chapter 3:] Give fairly general definitions of some basic concepts of {\em LDS} theory, mainly to cater for the needs of the practical consumer of logic who may wish to apply it, with a detailed study of the metabox system. The presentation of Chapter 3 is a bit tricky. It may be too formal for the intuitive reader, but not sufficiently clear and elegant for the mathematical logician. I would be very grateful for comments from the readers for the next draft. \item [Chapter 4:] Presents the basic notions of algebraic {\em LDS}. The reader may wonder how come we introduce algebraic {\em LDS} in chapter 3 and then again in chapter 4. Our aim in chapter 3 is to give a general definition and formal machinery for the applied consumer of logic. Chapter 4 on the other hand studies {\em LDS} as formal logics. It turns out that to formulate an arbitrary logic as an {\em LDS} one needs some specific labelling algebras and these need to be studied in detail (chapter 4). For general applications it is more convenient to have general labelling algebras and possibly mathematically redundant formulations (chapter 3). In a sense chapter 4 continues the topic of the second section of chapter 3. \item [Chapter 5:] Present the full theory of {\em LDS} where labels can be databases from possibly another {\em LDS}. It also presents Fibred Semantics for {\em LDS}. \item [Chapter 6:] Presents a theory of quantifers for {\em LDS}. The material for this chapter is still under research. \item [Chapter 7:] Studies structured consequence relations. These are logical system swhere the structure is not described through labels but through some geometry like lists, multisets, trees, etc. Thus the label of a wff AA is implicit, given by the place of AA in the structure. \item [Chapter 8:] Deals with metalevel features of {\em LDS} and its translation into two sorted classical logic. \end{itemlist} Parts 3 and 4 of the book deals in detail with some specific families of logics. Chapters 9--11 essentailly deal with substructural logics and their variants. \begin{itemlist}{Chapter10:} \item [Chapter 9:] Studies resource and substructural logics in general. \item [Chapter 10:] Develops detailed proof theory for some systems as well as studying particular features such as negation. \item [Chapter 11:] Deals with many valued logics. \item [Chapter 12:] Studies the Curry Howard formula as type view and how it compres with labelling. \item [Chapter 13:] Deals with modal and temporal logics. \end{itemlist} Part 5 of the book deals with {\em LDS} metatheory. \begin{itemlist}{Chapter15:} \item [Chapter 14:] Deals with labelled tableaux. \item [Chapter 15:] Deals with combining logics. \item [Chapter 16:] Deals with abduction. \end{itemlist

    From axiomatization to generalizatrion of set theory

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    The thesis examines the philosophical and foundational significance of Cohen's Independence results. A distinction is made between the mathematical and logical analyses of the "set" concept. It is argued that topos theory is the natural generalization of the mathematical theory of sets and is the appropriate foundational response to the problems raised by Cohen's results. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first is a discussion of the relationship between "informal" mathematical theories and their formal axiomatic realizations this relationship being singularly problematic in the case of set theory. The second part deals with the development of the set concept within the mathemtical approach. In particular Skolem's reformulation of Zermlelo's notion of "definite properties". In the third part an account is given of the emergence and development of topos theory. Then the considerations of the first two parts are applied to demonstrate that the shift to topos theory, specifically in its guise of LST (local set theory), is the appropriate next step in the evolution of the concept of set, within the mathematical approach, in the light of the significance of Cohen's Independence results

    Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum : Tomus 47. Fasc. 3-4.

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    Formal methods and digital systems validation for airborne systems

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    This report has been prepared to supplement a forthcoming chapter on formal methods in the FAA Digital Systems Validation Handbook. Its purpose is as follows: to outline the technical basis for formal methods in computer science; to explain the use of formal methods in the specification and verification of software and hardware requirements, designs, and implementations; to identify the benefits, weaknesses, and difficulties in applying these methods to digital systems used on board aircraft; and to suggest factors for consideration when formal methods are offered in support of certification. These latter factors assume the context for software development and assurance described in RTCA document DO-178B, 'Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification,' Dec. 1992